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If I Could Be With You

Page 3

by Hardesty, Mary Mamie

  He rubbed his fingers over her clit setting her on fire with need. She tore her mouth from his.

  “I want you. I want you deep inside of me. I’ve never wanted anyone the way I want you in this moment.” She pushed her body harder against his palm. “Put your fingers in me, now!” She gasped out a “please” as he pushed his long fingers into her waiting pussy. He moved them in and out while she circled against his hand and felt her shallow breathing quicken.

  “Oh God,” she screamed as she felt herself on the edge of coming, “Oh God, Charlie, don’t stop.” He moved his fingers deeper inside and kissed her harder. She bucked forward into his hand as the waves of her orgasm overtook her.

  “Charlie! Yes…yes…I’m coming.” She pressed into him one last time before he slowly brought his fingers out from between her thighs.

  “You are incredible,” he whispered as her kissed her gently. She looked into his blue eyes and saw nothing but desire. How did she get this lucky? She could still feel his swollen dick pressed against her thigh and she wanted nothing more than to make him come as hard as she had.

  She scooted over and pushed him under her, straddling him on the couch. She moved lower and unbuttoned his jeans. When she slid them from his hips, his cock sprung free and she was happy to see it was as impressive on sight as it had felt.

  She leaned forward taking him first in her hands, moving them slowly but firmly up and down his shaft. She heard his sharp intake of breath and knew that he was enjoying himself. When her lips slid over the tip of him she felt his hands in her hair and he spoke softly, “Oh yeah, baby, please. Please. Suck me harder, Hannah.” She let her tongue swirl beneath the head of his penis as she followed his directions.

  She was in control now. He wanted her and she had the power to give him this. Her hands moved in time with her mouth and she could feel him hot beneath her fingers, she could feel the desire straining to be set free as she continued to suck and flick. His hand tightened in her hair and she knew he was close.

  “Hannah. Oh God, you’re gonna make me come….ahhh.” She felt him pulse with release and tasted him in her mouth. She swallowed and pulled back. Their eyes met, and they both knew that the desires they had momentarily sated were only starting to be kindled.

  “I can’t believe this is happening,” she said as she slid up into his arms.

  “Believe it,” he said as he kissed her forehead.

  CHAPTER five

  Her eyes were closed but she was moving. No, wait. She was being carried. She opened her eyes and recognized the grey walls of Charlie’s room from her tour the day before. His strong arms put her gently on his bed.

  “Hi,” she whispered while he lowered himself next to her, never breaking eye contact.

  He let his hand trail from her cheek, down her neck, to her breast where he teased her nipple through the soft ribbed cotton.


  Hannah felt her body begin to respond again. The quiet of the room and the warm laziness of the afternoon mingled with the scent of him to create an atmosphere of seduction that made every cell in her body vibrate. She watched him watching her. His fingers tugged and caressed her nipple. She’d played with that same nipple while she imagined being with him just yesterday. Had this morning really happened? Did he really tell her his marriage was a sham?

  He lifted her shirt and ran his fingers inside of her bra pushing it out of the way just enough for him to lower his lips to the raised bud. His teeth softly scraped before his lips latched tightly around her and he alternated between sucking and licking. She reached beneath to undo her clasp and free herself for his kisses. He laughed and moved up to her neck snaking his tongue from her jaw to her ear.

  “I guess you’re up for round two?” he asked.

  She pushed her fingers through his hair and turned his face to hers.

  “I’m not sure we’ve completed the first round, Charlie.”

  She placed her lips on his and deepened her small kiss into one that left them both breathless. Leaning over she pushed his shoulder to the bed and threw her leg over his waist.

  “First things first. The pants need to come off.”

  Before she could reach any lower he had already shimmied his jeans to his ankles. She reached back and dropped them to the floor.

  “I’m liking the lack of underwear Mr. McMillan.”

  “Anything for you, Hannah.” He smiled and her heart melted. She was in trouble. “But,” he continued, “you have me at a disadvantage ma’am.”

  His hands unbuttoned her shorts and she rose up for him to pull them from her hips. She placed her hands on both sides of his head and lowered her lips to his neck as she rubbed her wet pussy over the length of his cock.

  “I don’t think so, not yet,” he said and flipped her onto her back in one smooth movement. He began sucking her nipple while letting his hand wander between her legs, moving his fingers lightly over her and making her hips arch in need.

  “You’re killing me, Charlie. I want you so much.”

  He lifted his head and brought his lips to hers while parting her legs with his knee to move himself between them. She felt the tip of his hard cock as it pressed against her and all she could think was what it would feel like to have him all the way inside of her, to be filled with him. She lifted her hips begging him to enter but he just raised himself and his eyes roamed her face.

  “If I’m never here again, I want to remember this moment,” he said.

  “Why wouldn’t we be here again, Charlie?”

  She raised her hands to his jaw and guided his mouth back to hers, muffling her moan of pleasure and relief while sinking into her. She could barely control herself and moved her hips in unison with his. Running her hands down his back she squeezed his firm, gorgeous ass and pushed him deeper inside until there was nowhere else for him to go. Delicious desire coursed through her body and threatened to take her to a place of oblivion. She was already beyond words.

  “You’re so wet and tight,” he gasped as he picked up his pacing and pressed his lips against hers.

  She breathed in his every exhale and rocked against him, each stroke deepening the yearning for release as it built in her core. She felt his body shift and he pulled her up.

  “Now, you can be on top,” he said.

  She stretched her body upwards and reached down taking his dick in her hands as she guided him into her.

  “Oh my God,” she groaned as the new angle of his thrust sent shivers up her spine. She raised and lowered her body again, squeezing her muscles around him as she moved. Each thrust hit her in exactly the right spot and she felt herself building to climax.

  “I want you to come,” he whispered.

  She threw back her head and rode him with no thought of what she looked like, no thought of what was happening between them, no care in the world except the pleasure that his body was giving her. When she felt his palm slide up against her clit she knew that coming was inevitable. She felt her body begin to shake and her hips jolted with each pulse of the orgasm that seemed to roll on and on.

  She collapsed onto his chest and he rolled her to the side, slowly moving inside of her again. She caught her breath and began to match the rhythm of his strokes. She heard his breathing get faster and she knew he was close. She pushed back into him, taking him deeper inside, and felt a small tug of satisfaction when he came with her name on his lips.


  "I can't believe I'm finally here." Hannah said as she admired the view of Central Park from on top the Metropolitan Museum of Fine Arts. "It looks so familiar, like I've seen it all so many times before."

  "You have. It’s in movies, the morning news shows, even from the plane when you flew over. It's crazy how something you have seen a million times before can be so new and overwhelming when you see it from a different perspective," he said.

  "Hmmm. Are we talking about my view of the park or my view of you, Charlie?"

  "Maybe both." He ran a hand over her
shoulder, down her arm and laced his fingers with hers. "Had enough culture for today?" he asked and led her back to the elevator and out of the museum.

  "Never! Isn't a Broadway show next on the list?"

  He frowned, "Slow down, Hannah. You'll have done the whole city in one week. What would we do with your other three?"

  She pulled him to a stop, stood on tiptoes and kissed him lightly on the lips.

  "I'm sure we wouldn't have a problem coming up with things."

  "Things could be good." He smiled and kissed her in return. "But," he pushed her backwards and turned to keep walking, "I have an honor bound duty as your tour guide to make sure you are exposed to as much of New York City as possible. My Queens apartment can't be your only stop."

  "You're the one who didn't want to see a show!" She stated flatly, stung by his rejection.

  "I just said slow down. I already have tickets for us to see a show next weekend. I was hoping to indulge in a little tourist action this evening and show you Times Square."

  "Oh, well, I guess that's OK then."

  "You guess?" He grabbed her hand and pulled her along the taxi-lined path that led into the park. Everywhere she looked people were lounging or playing. Couples walked holding hands. Children shrieked. Runners ran in large groups.

  A few yards to her right stood a man near a fountain waving something in the air. As they walked closer, she could see it was a giant wand that he used to create bubbles. Massive bubbles at least two feet in diameter danced on the breeze that drifted through the air.

  "That's so cool," she said and stopped to watch as children came forward to try.

  Hannah felt Charlie's eyes on her. His gaze made her skin tingle. How could it be that just yesterday she'd been so sure she would never touch this man and now she couldn't stand to be out of his reach? Of course, had he not confessed to marrying Nadia in name only, their experience today would be very different.

  "Charles?" she asked as they started to walk again. "Does Nadia know about me?"

  "Do you mean does she know who you are or does she know we're together?"

  Seeing his brows draw together made her nervous. She suddenly felt like she didn't know as much as she thought she did.

  "Both," she said glancing at his profile while he continued looking straight ahead.

  "Nadia had already left for Morocco by the time you invited yourself to stay with me," he teased. "So, no. She doesn't know you're here or that we're together, but she absolutely knows who you are."

  Hannah didn't know how to respond so she stayed thoughtfully quiet. It was understandable that she didn't know about her visit. Who knew how often they spoke? Perhaps it just hadn't come up in conversation. But surely, if Nadia knew who she was, then he would have mentioned her had they talked. If their marriage were truly one of convenience it wouldn't be any problem.

  "So you haven't talked to her since she left?" she asked.

  "No, I have."

  What was he holding back? Why didn't his wife and best friend know about her visit if she knew about her existence?

  "I don't understand. How could my month long visit not come up in discussion?"

  "Hannah," he ran his hand through his chocolate curls, slightly sweat dampened by the heat of the afternoon sun. "Nadia's a little sensitive when it comes to you. I didn't want to make her uncomfortable or insecure, especially since I really had no idea that any of the ‘things’ that happened between us would even happen." He smiled.

  "But," she started.

  "I wanted them, yes. I've always wanted them, but I never in my wildest dreams thought you would want me back."

  "You seemed so sure of yourself," she said.

  "Well, I'm a man," he laughed. "I'm always going to try and make you believe that I can do what I set out to do."

  Hannah looked down at their hands wrapped around each other. They fit. Years of holding hands with the wrong man made it feel that much more obvious when you found the right one, but the right one also happened to be wearing a wedding band. She decided to probe a little further.

  "Why is she so insecure? I thought you said you were best friends."

  "We are, but Nadia is used to being my only best friend. I've never really dated anyone seriously so she's never had to handle me having feelings for someone. The thought that someone might take her place in my life or that I might actually fall in love scares her a little. And," he looked Hannah straight in the eyes, "I get that and respect it."

  Hannah took a deep breath, "So, what you're really saying is that while you consider your marriage to Nadia helping a best friend out, she has unreciprocated feelings for you?"

  He stopped walking and pulled her down to sit next to him on a bench in the shade.

  "I don't want to confuse things between us, Hannah. Her feelings at this point aren't important. Do you even know how you feel about me? Have you considered if you want me in your life beyond a summer fling? I have a life here and Nadia's a part of that. I'm not going to make her needlessly insecure or bring up painful conversations only for you to decide you don't want a younger man or New York, and head back to Ohio."

  She leaned forward and put her hand to her forehead. How did she get herself into these situations? Why hadn't she brought all of these things up before she'd gone to bed with him? He had a point. Was he just a summer fling? Could she really see a future with hi, and if she couldn't, was it fair of her to mess up what he had going on with Nadia - even if it was only friendship on his side?

  She stood and held out her hand to him.

  "Too much to take in today, Charlie. I don’t have any answers for you.”

  “I’m not the one asking for answers...unless maybe it’s to the question, ‘Are you hungry?’”

  “Starving,” she said, and this time she was truly thinking about food.


  As they boarded the train back to Queens, Hannah leaned on Charlie’s shoulder and let the cool air engulf her. For a June evening, the city was particularly warm and the subway car offered a welcome respite. Charlie placed his chin on the top of her head as she played with the ring on his finger.

  “What would you say about taking this off? At least until I leave in a few weeks?” When he didn’t answer right away she continued. “I think I’d like to be able to consider how I feel about you and if this could be more than just a summer consummation of a teenage fantasy. It would help me to be in the same position as Nadia. I’d like to pretend she didn’t exist, just so I can deal with whether I have feelings for you apart from your marital status.”

  Charlie lifted his hand and slowly slipped the ring from his finger placing it in the pocket of his jeans. When he put his hand back down it was placed strategically high on her thigh.

  The train lurched to a stop and a few passengers exited. Except for a sleeping young woman in the back corner with a book covering her face, they were alone. Charlie lifted her chin with his free hand and gazed into her eyes before brushing his lips against hers. She angled her body so she could wrap her arms around his neck to draw him in closer. A quick glance behind her let her know the young woman was still dead to the world, so when his hand slipped up the leg of her shorts she thought, “What the hell?”

  It wasn’t like she could control the response of her body to his touch. His warm fingers swept feathery touches over her goosebumps from chilled subway car air.

  “Is this OK, Charlie?” She breathed in the clean scent of his aftershave and ran her fingers over the stubble already present again on his hard jawline. “I mean, aren’t there cameras or something?”

  He laughed, “I’d love to fuck you right here, Hannah, but the subway’s kind of dirty and I don’t mean that in a good way.” He wiggled an eyebrow at her. “I like your adventurous spirit, though.” He pulled her thigh towards him so her legs were spread open. His left hand was still under her shorts and his fingers splayed over her panties that were already wet with wanting.

  “Why are you doing this to me?” Sh
e pushed her forehead into his shoulder and closed her eyes as she reveled in the feeling of intense pleasure building deep inside of her.

  “Because I can.” He trailed light kisses from her ear to her collarbone. “And, I want to.” He slid a finger under her panties, pushing them to the side.

  A low moan escaped, despite pressing her mouth against his chest as she tried not to cry out.

  “Here’s our stop.”

  Hannah felt like crying as his fingers left her. He grabbed her elbow to help her stand up. Her knees buckled slightly but he caught her and helped her through the doors before they closed on top of them.

  The hot city air rushed over her again and she was acutely aware of the uncomfortable slickness between her legs. She felt self conscious and shy. What had she just let him do to her? And how could she be so under his spell that she would have fucked him right then and there on the subway, if only he’d let her?

  She laced her arm through his and pulled him closer to whisper into his ear, “You better be planning on finishing what you started Charlie. I like to play, but I like games that end with a pay off.”

  “All in good time, Hannah. Since you’re already in a mood,” he cocked an eyebrow in the direction of her chest where her nipples stood out in tiny hard buds, “we could stop off someplace interesting to indulge in a little more teasing.”

  “If it means hopping back on the subway, I think I’d rather save it for another night. I’d be just as happy to fuck you in the privacy of your own home.”

  He moved his hand from her shoulder to her ass, giving it a quick squeeze. She jumped in surprise. “That can definitely be arranged.”

  The rest of the walk from the station to Charles’ apartment was quiet. Hannah couldn’t help replaying the moments in the subway car over in her head, which led to her becoming more and more aroused. Charlie’s body pressed against her as they walked was an aphrodisiac in and of itself and she couldn’t move her feet fast enough to get back to his place.


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