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Falling for the Enemy (Falling in Love)

Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  “What’s going on?” she asked, looking at the roses and then back at him.

  “I wanted to apologize for my behavior this morning and was wondering if I could make it up to you.”

  Several people entered the bakery, saw the roses and smiled. Heat filled her cheeks, and she felt it, hating the feeling instantly. It reminded her of high school. Staring at Trey all she saw was the hands pushing her books out of her grip and heard from his lips the names he called her. No, she wasn’t accepting any roses from him.

  Going around the counter, she grabbed his arm. June ignored the electricity she felt from his touch alone.

  “I need to talk to you,” she said, tugging him out the door. It was freezing for November, but she couldn’t feel anything past the initial pain.

  Moving out of sight of the town, she took him down the alley way. “What’s your problem?” she asked, letting him go.

  “There’s no problem. I’m giving you flowers to make up for my behavior earlier this morning.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t need roses. I don’t need you to make anything up to me. Whatever game you’re playing, I don’t want any part of it.” The roses were beautiful. If they were given to her by a man who didn’t share the history that she and Trey shared, she’d have gladly taken them.

  “I’m not playing any game.”

  “All you do is play games. I’m not going to be the butt of your jokes, Trey. High school ended, and I’m back making a go of it in this town because my parents wanted me to. I didn’t want to come back here at all. Keep your roses, and keep your apology.”

  She turned to leave, but Trey grabbed her arm, pulling her back.

  Her back was to the wall. “I want you to have the roses.”

  “I don’t want them.”

  June fought the tears. Her mind assailed by all the memories and wishes she’d once had. There was a time when she would have jumped for joy at Trey giving her roses. No more, he forced those feelings out of her.

  She refused to feel anything for him other than hate.

  “I’m not that asshole who hurt you, June.”

  “Prove it.” The words slipped out of her mouth before she could stop them. Looking up into Trey’s dark eyes she saw them dilate.


  In the next instant his lips were on hers, stopping all the fight she’d once had for him. The roses were dropped to the floor as his hands cupped her face. She felt him pull the band holding her ponytail in place. Her curls cascaded around her face, and his hands sank into the length.

  Moaning, June ran her hands up his arms and circled his neck. She pressed her body against him, relishing the touch of his lips on hers. His body trapped her against the hard wall. One of his hands left her hair to grip under her knee. He lifted her knee over his thigh and ground himself against her core.

  She felt the hot brand of his cock, pressing against her.

  Gasping, she let her head fall back, not caring as it hit the wall. His lips moved to her neck, kissing a path down to her breasts.

  Trey’s hand fisted in her hair, tightening the strands and making it hurt. She cried out, feeling an answering pulse between her thighs.

  Fuck, she couldn’t think, and she needed something more than a few hot kisses. Her body was on fire and ready to fuck. She was slick to the touch.

  “June, your mother is on the phone,” Molly said, interrupting the moment.

  She jerked, pushing Trey away from her. He was breathing heavily as well. Glancing down at his crotch she saw the evidence of his arousal.

  “I’m coming,” she said, cringing at the other meaning as well.

  Trey smirked.

  “That was a mistake. Don’t touch me again.” She didn’t wait around to hear him talk. Storming into the bakery she was aware of her hair all over the place. She ignored the customers and grabbed the phone from the cradle where it had been placed on hold.

  “What’s the matter, Mom?” she asked. Her hands were shaking, and her frustration level was at an all-time high. What was Trey’s game? She didn’t know what he hoped to achieve by doing what he’d just done. None of it made any sense to her.

  Shaking her head, she pushed all of her thoughts away and concentrated on her mother.

  “It’s Sunday, and your father and I would like to spend it with you. We know how busy you get, and we’re proud of you.”

  “You’re not setting me up with someone, are you?” she asked, groaning. Her parents were matchmakers. Both of them spent a great deal of time trying to get her with one man or another.

  “He’s a good man. A successful lawyer in the city and he’ll be making partner one day. He’s the son of one of your father’s friends.”

  “Mom, no. I’m not doing it.”

  “He’s handsome.”


  “Come on, dear. Please, I promised your father I’d get you here on Sunday.”

  She rubbed her temples, feeling the beginnings of a headache. “I thought you were divorcing him.”

  “I’m always divorcing your father, honey. You know I love him. There’s no way I could ever leave him.”

  “Do you know how crazy that sounds?” June asked.

  “Will you come on Sunday or not?”

  “Fine, I’ll come, but there had better be chocolate cake. My only day off spent in your place you better make me cake.”

  Lexie began chuckling. “I won’t disappoint you, baby.”

  Ringing off the phone, June wished she could just crawl upstairs and sleep for a lifetime.

  Fortunately, everything was sold by five, and she sent Molly home with her two children. She spent the afternoon cleaning up before heading up to her home above the bakery.

  Chapter Five

  Trey couldn’t get that kiss out of his mind. He was distracted for the rest of the day. The client he was working on at one had to be finished by Dale. He couldn’t get the feel of June’s curvy body out of his mind. She was so fucking soft and responsive.

  Her pussy had been hot to the touch. If he’d touched her naked heat, he knew she’d be dripping.

  Dale left to go at five to go and see if Max was still alive. Neither of them had heard from him since the previous night. The guy was a horn dog and didn’t care about the reputation either.

  Staring across the street, Trey saw June had already closed for the day. His cock was rock hard, and he needed to finish what they started. Grabbing his keys, he headed over to her building. Like his place, there was a stairwell along the side of the building to the other door.

  Taking the steps two at a time he knocked, loudly, on the door before he could turn around and go the other way. Whistling, he waited for her to answer the door.

  Seconds passed, and finally June answered the door. She started off smiling, but that soon disappeared once she saw it was him.

  “What do you want?” she asked. Her cheeks were flushed, and she was holding a wooden spoon coated in chocolate cake mix.

  “You know why I’ve come. I’m not leaving until you talk to me.”

  She stared at him for several minutes. Neither of them moved, and he refused to back down.

  “Fine.” She turned on her heel and left him to close the door. He shut and locked the door, following her through to her kitchen. The side was covered in flour, butter, and cracked eggs.

  “What are you doing?” he asked. In the oven he saw a cake baking.

  “I’m at my parents’ tomorrow. I always bake something.”

  She put the spoon into the bowl and stared at him. “If you’ve got something to say, then say it.”

  “I liked our kiss,” he said.

  He watched her eyes widen at his words. Trey made up his mind. He wasn’t running anymore. In the past he’d fucked up, but he was going to change her opinion on him whether she liked it or not.

  Stepping closer, he watched her mind working, giving him the time to get close to her.

  “It was just a kiss,” she said. “It doesn
’t mean anything.”

  “It was more than just a kiss, June. You felt it.”

  She shook her head, watching him.

  “I was rock hard, and you know there’s something going on between us.”

  “Nothing is going on between us.”

  He reached out and took her chin in his hand. She gasped but didn’t pull away.

  “Do you feel that?” he asked, stroking down to his neck.

  Her pulse raced against his fingers.

  She licked her lips, tilting her head back to look up at him.

  “You’re a bully.”

  “Not anymore.”

  “What’s your game?” she asked.

  “No game.” He took her hand, resting it against his hard cock. “This is the truth. I can’t fake that.”

  “Men get hard all the time.”

  “Not like this.”

  He closed the distance between them, bringing her body next to his. “There’s no denying what’s going on between us.”

  Dropping his hand from her neck, he pressed his palm against her rounded breast. Her breathing increased, and her nipple budded against his palm.

  “This, you can’t deny.”

  He stroked her nipple watching her eyes dilate.

  “I hate you,” she said.

  “I don’t care.”

  Thrusting his hips toward her, Trey was ready to explore whatever was going on between them.

  June remained frozen, staring up at him. Then it was like she flicked a switch as she went from frozen to hungry in an instant. Her hands wrapped around his neck pulling his head down to her lips.

  He slammed his lips on hers, feeling them open up to him. Plunging his tongue inside her mouth, he tore at her shirt. The buttons were too complicated for his hands. As he gripped the shirt open, buttons flew across the kitchen floor.

  She pulled at his shirt. He stepped back to tug the shirt off his body. Her hands ran up and down his body. Her touch turned him on. She wore a black lace bra, hiding her nipples from his view. He hated it on sight and reached behind to release the bra.

  Her tits fell out, heavy with large red nipples. He’d never seen such beauty before.

  While she worked on the buckle holding his jeans up, Trey leaned down sucking first one nipple and then the other between his lips. Her skin was soft.

  With his hands, he worked her trousers down her thighs. She stepped out of them at the same time as she got his jeans around his knees.

  He couldn’t wait any longer. Trey was desperate to get inside her. Lifting her onto the counter, he spread her legs wide, gripped his erection and plunged inside her tight, hot cunt. They cried out together. She was so fucking tight and hot. Pulling out of her grip, he slammed back inside feeling every pulse and ripple as he glided in deep.

  “What the fuck are we doing?” she asked, breathlessly. Her head fell back against the cupboard.

  Taking her nipples into his mouth, Trey ignored the question. For a long time he’d been imagining what it would feel like to be inside her, and he finally knew the answer. It was perfection. He’d never felt so much pleasure from being inside a woman.

  Most of the women he’d taken, he’d got inside and fucked until he’d orgasmed. When he was done, there would be no repeats, nothing. There was no real pleasure to be had, but at that moment, Trey felt little sparkles of sensation running over his entire body.

  “We’re fucking, and I don’t want to hear another sound from your lips other than to beg me to fuck you.”

  She cried out, and the grip on his arms tightened. Her nails sank into the flesh.

  Pulling out of her heat, he looked down and watched his cock, slick with her cream, appear. He gripped her hips and plunged back inside her cunt.

  Her hands dropped to his ass. “Faster,” she said, begging. “Please.”

  Moving her to the edge of the counter, he held her hips and plunged in her body over and over.

  Her cunt tightened around him, rippling with every single thrust. She cried out, screamed, moaned, and begged for release. Trey did not give it to her.

  He worked her body, watching her tits bounce with every thrust. There was no faking her response to him. Her nipples were tight hard buds, and her body so fucking soft. Trey had never been with a full woman, but from the feel of June, he knew he’d want her for a lifetime. All the other woman he’d taken, he’d imagined to be her, but none of them were even in the same league as she was.

  Pushing inside her, Trey felt the first stirrings of his orgasm. He wasn’t going to come before her. He refused to.


  What the hell was she doing?

  She shouldn’t be doing this at all. June hated him, and yet, she was burning up for him. His cock was hard and thick, slamming inside her. She was so close to orgasm, and she’d never felt the intensity burning inside her before. Trey was not the man for her. He was a bully, the guy who’d bullied her.

  “Touch your clit, June. I want to feel you come around my dick,” he said, slamming his lips down on hers.

  All of her ideals were thrust away from her in light of what was happening. Reaching between them she stroked her fingers across her clit. The stirrings sent her over the edge. She cried out, screaming his name as she found release.

  With three hard thrusts, Trey tensed, and she felt his seed pump into her body. She couldn’t think. Her body was covered in sweat, and she’d just fucked a man in her kitchen.

  The scent of chocolate cake surrounded them, and still, she’d fucked him.

  Trey released her hips and stared up at her. His hands cupped her face. She watched him kiss her, loving at her lips. June responded to him. What more could she do other than respond?

  He’s the enemy.

  I want him again.

  She was so confused.

  He pulled out of her body, and June became aware of their lack of protection. His seed was leaking out of her. It was gross and made her so damn angry.

  “You bastard.” She climbed off the side and shoved him hard.

  “What? You were right there with me.”

  “I’m probably going to die now because of you. I bet you’ve given me some sexually transmitted disease or infection.” She shoved him again, raised her hand and slapped him around the face.

  Trey didn’t react at all. He stood his ground, glaring at her. “Are you done?” he asked, rubbing his cheek.

  “You didn’t use any protection at all. I know your reputation, Trey. You sleep with everything that walks, you rat bastard.” She shoved him again, and stormed upstairs.

  June heard him follow her. There was no point in covering up her body. He’d seen enough of her naked already.

  Cursing her stupidity, she charged into the bathroom, removed her torn shirt and open bra.

  Trey crashed into the bathroom seconds later. His jeans were open, resting on his hips.

  “I’ve not got anything,” he said.

  “Whatever. I’ll get tested tomorrow.”

  She winced at the harshness of her voice.

  “What about pregnancy? Can you get pregnant?” he asked.

  “Yes, I can. Congratulations.”

  He gripped her arm, tugging her closer. “I’m being really patient with you,” he said. “I’ve not got anything wrong with me at all. I never sleep with a woman without a condom. I’m safe.”

  She snorted.

  “Fuck, I’m telling you the truth.”

  Before she could do anything more he pressed her against the glass of the shower. His body was covered in ink. In the rush of everything he’d not seen her ink. Her heart raced as his fingers skimmed her inner thighs.

  His semen was leaking down her leg. She was getting turned on by the second and was ready for round two.

  “I’ve never been with a girl without a rubber. You’re the first woman I’ve lost control with.” His fingers stroked through the fine hairs covering the lips of her pussy. “Get tested if you want. I don’t blame you for doubting me,
but I promise I’ve never been without a rubber before.”

  His fingers slid up inside her cunt, thrusting deep. Trey’s thumb smashed against her clit. Bowing her head back, June groaned, thrusting onto his fingers.

  “Now, do you want to do this with me, or do you want to keep pretending you’re not as hot for me as I am for you?” he asked.

  This was the line she should not cross. Trey was bad news, had always been bad news, and would always be bad news. Nothing good could come from him or from this.

  It’s been years.

  Years of not being touched or feeling attractive.

  “No one can know,” she said, holding herself still.


  “No one can know about this, about us. Not your friends, not my parents, only we can know.”

  He paused, staring into her eyes.

  “That’s fine by me.”

  She dropped to her knees before him, pushing his hand away from her. Tugging the jeans down his body, she forced him to step out of them. His hands rested against the glass, staring down at her. Licking her lips, she saw his flaccid cock getting hard once again.

  His hand cupped her cheek, forcing her to look at him. “Are you sure about this?” he asked.

  “No one can know, and I’m happy about that.”

  If others were to know they’d think he was giving her some kind of pity fuck, and that she couldn’t handle.

  Gripping his semi-erect flesh, she ran her tongue along the tip, licking up his pre-cum. She tasted their combined releases on his shaft. His cock thickened, getting harder with each lick and suck.

  “Fuck, June, your mouth feels so fucking good.”

  He pumped into her mouth, and she took him in deep to her throat. The line had been crossed. There was no going back from this. They were over the line.

  His fingers gripped her head, slamming into her mouth as he got hard.

  When he was hard, he tugged her up pressing his lips to hers. Closing her eyes, she accepted his tongue as his fingers teased her pussy.

  Trey pulled away first. “Turn around.”

  She faced the shower and heard him curse.

  “When did you get this?” he asked, pressing his thumbs along the base of her back.


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