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Falling for the Enemy (Falling in Love)

Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  “In college.” The tattoo was a set of black thorns woven together. She loved it but didn’t intend to add to it.

  “It’s hot, but I could make it better.”

  “I told you, you’re not touching my skin.”

  “I’m about to fuck your body.”

  “That’s different.”

  He thrust into her from behind. June held her breath trying to get accustomed to his hard cock penetrating her.

  Their quick burst downstairs hadn’t prepared her enough to receive his cock.

  “We’re going to make some ground rules,” he said, holding himself steady.

  She closed her eyes, licking her lips as the pleasure gathered and spiraled into intensity. “After, ground rules after.”

  “You’ve got a smart mouth. I don’t want to fight you after. You’ll listen now or I stop and you don’t get fucked until I say so.”

  June whimpered but kept her mouth closed. She wanted sex more than she wanted to get her point across.

  “There will be no other men. You want to be fucked, licked, or played with, you come to me. I don’t care what time of the day it is. I’m the one you come to.”

  It wasn’t an unreasonable request.

  “You get on the pill. I’ll buy the rubbers, but you’ve got to get the pill. If you feel you need to be tested then get it done. I’m promising you that I’m clean.”

  He pulled out of her only to slam back inside her.

  “The same rule applies to me. When I want a fuck, I’ll come to you. I’ll text you, but you’ll answer me and you’ll fuck me when I want.”

  She moaned, tightening her cunt around him.

  “Any more rules?” she asked.

  “Yes, you got any fantasy, you tell me. We won’t keep anything from each other.”

  “I can handle those terms.”

  “Good.” Trey pulled out of her and then slammed back inside. His thrusts were hard, punishing, and so fucking good.

  She’d not been fucked hard like this at all. His terms were easy, and part of her actually looked forward to it.

  Chapter Six

  “I need you to get out,” June said, shoving at him.

  Trey opened his eyes to see it was morning out and June was partly dressed in a skirt and a white lacy bra. Her breasts were large, and an image of her riding him last night came to mind.

  He never did make it home, and it was entirely her fault. “It’s Sunday. I don’t work. Stop fighting me,” he said, rolling over, grabbing her pillow and snuggling down deep.

  “Get your lazy ass out of my bed.”

  She climbed on the bed and shoved him. Trey laughed and then gasped as he fell to the floor. Her head popped over the side. Reaching up, he pulled her down on top of him. He caressed her full ass, loving the weight of her on top of him.

  “You’re not working today. Spend the day with me,” he said.

  “Can’t and that wasn’t part of your rules.”

  June wriggled on top of him. He slapped her ass to keep her still.

  “What do you mean you can’t?” he asked, getting annoyed.

  “Parents are trying to set me up. I’ve got a dinner to attend, and this was set up before we fucked.”

  He got angry. She had a dinner date, and the guy clearly was in with her parents.

  Trey let her go, watching her wriggle to her feet. Fuck, he still wanted her. Standing up, he advanced on her.

  Her black hair was tumbling all around her. “You’re not going to dinner.”

  “I’m going to dinner, Trey.”

  “Fine, you’re going to dinner thinking about me.” Pushing her against the wall, he lifted her skirt.

  “You think fingering me is going to do it?” she asked, chuckling.

  “What happened to the shy girl I used to know?”

  It was the wrong thing to say. Trey was stronger than she was, so even though she tried to fight him to get away, he held her still.

  “I learned how to speak up for what I want. I’m not afraid of you.”

  “Good, because I’m not going to finger you.” He lifted her skirt up, feeling the lace of her pants. Pushing the pants aside, he stroked a finger through her wet heat. “I’m going to fuck you, and you’re not going to wash me away.”

  Her breath came in short pants.

  He pushed the skirt to her waist, lifted her up, and sank deep into her warm, wet pussy. She was still tight even after the night of fucking he’d given her.

  When she was sitting at her parents’ expensive dinner table, eating with the prick they’d chosen for her, he would be happier to know she couldn’t think of anyone but him.

  Slamming deep, he claimed her lips, sinking his fingers into her hair. She wouldn’t leave until he was happy.

  “This is not right,” she said, moaning between each kiss.

  “I don’t give a fuck. Until we say otherwise, you’re mine.”

  He fucked her hard against the wall bringing her to orgasm twice before finding his own release.

  They were both gasping for breath.

  “I’m going to be late.”

  “I don’t care.”

  Trey left her body, reaching for his jeans. He tugged them on, watching her. She grabbed a brush ready to tame those black luscious curls.

  “No,” he said. “Keep your hair down. I like seeing it around you like this.”

  “You’re bossy.”

  “Tough. I’ve got the cock you agreed to having.”

  She threw the brush at his head. Trey caught it and glared at her.

  “That’s all you’ve got, a cock.”

  He admired her ass as she bent down grabbing a pair of heels.

  “You look like you’re going to a business meeting,” he said.

  “This is how I deal with Mom and Dad’s matchmaking. He’s a lawyer. I bet he’s handsome.”

  “Mine, remember that.”

  “I’ll remember what I like. We’re not an item, Trey. I don’t like you.”

  He glared at her, watching how those heels made her ass and thighs look. Smiling, Trey would remember how those legs felt wrapped around his waist as his cock was buried in her cunt.

  Going behind her, he gripped her ass and cupped her pussy through the skirt. “Remember what I do to you.” He kissed the side of her neck and left the room.

  Grabbing his shirt, he headed for the door.

  June was hot on his heels, but she wasn’t following him. She held her bag and coat. He watched her lock the door.

  Pressing his lips to hers, Trey smiled as she moaned, submitting to him. “See you soon.”

  Without waiting for her to speak, he turned and headed back to his own place. When he was out of sight, he watched her leave, hating it. He knew she was going to someone else, someone who her father would want to do business with.

  Jealousy was an ugly emotion.

  Slamming the door closed, Trey headed straight for the bathroom. Staring at his reflection in the mirror, he saw the difference staring back at him. There was a happiness in his eyes.

  Closing his eyes, he saw her lying on her bed, her thighs wide open waiting for his lips to suck on her pussy.

  “She’s not yours.”

  The sound of the phone ringing pulled him out of his thoughts. Running back downstairs, he answered the call, turning on the television.

  “Hello,” he said.

  “Hey, man. I tried to call earlier. Where were you?” Dale asked.

  It was on the tip of his tongue to tell him the truth. Dale wouldn’t go squealing to anyone, but it was the one thing June had requested.

  “I was sleeping. I only just got up. I told you I was old,” he said, chuckling.

  “You’re not old.”

  “Any luck with you and Molly?”

  “No. She let me inside her house yesterday. I saw Sasha and Luke, but she wouldn’t let me tell them the truth.”

  “You’ve got to keep going, man. If Molly’s the one then you’ve got to fight for her

  Silence met his words.

  “What about you and June? Any new developments?”

  “None at all. She won’t give me the time of day.”

  “Do you want me to get Molly to talk to her?”

  “No. I can do this on my own.” Trey listened to Dale speak.

  When the call ended, Trey sat back, watching the football game. He was going to play their relationship by June’s rules, and slowly he intended to add his own rules to the mix.

  They were not in high school. June was not getting away from him that easy.

  He saw his cell phone on the coffee table and grabbed it.

  Trey had her number. He’d gotten it last night while she’d been in the shower. The piece of paper he’d slipped into his pocket was still there.

  Pulling the paper out, he looked at the number and typed it in.

  He wondered how dinner was going. What would be wrong with him sending a little message?


  June was so fucking bored. She kept looking at the clock above the fireplace. Her body was humming with sexual awareness. Trey and what had taken place last night kept invading her mind.

  Crap, she couldn’t follow their conversation.

  “June, honey,” Lexie said.

  Martin smiled at her. His father and mother were sat together on the far sofa. They looked nothing like the happy couple her own parents presented.

  “Sorry, what?” she asked.

  “I was just asking your thoughts on marriage in this day and age?” Martin asked.

  “Martin’s a divorce lawyer, sweetheart.” Her father tapped her hand, smiling.

  “You don’t want to know my thoughts.” She sipped at her ice tea hoping they’d keep her out of the conversation.

  “I really would. I’ve seen what makes a bad marriage. I know what makes a good one.”

  Martin sat forward, smiling at her. He was a handsome man, but she saw through his act. What he was doing was an act, and she wasn’t interested in an act.

  “I don’t believe in marriage, and I’ll never be getting married,” she said.

  “June!” Her mother snapped her name sharply.

  “What? He asked.”

  “It’s okay, Mrs. Armstrong. Why don’t you want to get married?” he asked.

  You’re a smarmy bastard. Do you really think I don’t see through your act?

  At least Trey doesn’t hide the real him.

  “I own a bakery. I wake from four in the morning and start my day at four-thirty. Do you really think a man would accept that?”

  “Well, of course you’d have to consider handing over the running—”

  “Not going to happen,” she said, cutting him off.

  “June, help me get another round of drinks,” Lexie said, tugging her into the kitchen. She heard her father apologize.

  Rolling her eyes, she followed her mother. The instant they were in the kitchen her mother turned on her. “Why are you being so difficult?”

  “The guy’s a loser and a fake. You can’t tell me that you don’t see it?”

  Lexie huffed. “He’s interested in you.”

  “He’s interested in investing in a better and bigger family. I met his kind before at college. They’re all the same.”

  “When did you get so cynical?”

  She stood watching her mother move around the kitchen. The roast lemon chicken smelt amazing. June couldn’t bring herself to remind her mother she hated lemon chicken. Lemon was a citrus fruit, a fruit, not a savory.

  Dinner was going to be a long affair.

  “I’m not cynical, Mom. I’m a realist. I don’t like him and don’t expect me to fall for him.”

  Lexie growled. “Your father and I make it work.”

  “You were a love match. Besides, you’re divorcing him soon.”

  She chuckled as her mother growled once again. It was fun to wind her mother up.

  Following her back into the sitting room, she heard her cell phone ring.

  Excusing herself, she went into the hallway.

  Grabbing her phone from the bag, she opened the text.

  Trey: How’s the shit dinner?

  Chuckling, June felt her heart leap at the text.

  June: Not good. Guy is a prick. Also, mom made lemon chicken. GROSS!

  She stood in the hallway, waiting for a reply.

  Trey: Note 2 self, no lemon chicken. How is ur pussy?

  June: u shouldn’t ask those questions.

  Trey: I’m waiting 4 an answer.

  “Are you okay?” Martin asked, startling her.

  Closing the message she turned toward him. “Yes, everything is fine.” Keeping a grip on the phone she went to walk past him.

  He caught her arm. His grip was light and not threatening. Glancing at where his hand touched her, June looked up at him. “Let me go.”

  “Your family likes me, June.”

  “Good for you.”

  “I was wondering if you’d be interested in a date.”

  She stared at him and counted to three.

  “No, I don’t want a date.”

  “Are you seeing someone?” he asked.


  He reached up to touch her hair, and she stepped back. June didn’t want his touch, and he was being far too familiar.

  “I’d like to get to know you,” he said.

  “I don’t want to get to know you. It’s nothing personal, but I see past it all. You can drop the act. I’m not buying it. Your dad put you up to this.”

  She watched the wall crash down as he stared at her. His lip curled in distaste as he looked at the door.

  “I’ve been ordered to make this work. You’re the one they want for my wife.” He looked down the length of her body. “And I wouldn’t mind making it work.”

  “I would mind.”

  Lexie peeked around the corner, smiling at them. “Dinner is served.”

  Martin turned into the nice young man he portrayed.

  Her mother left them alone again.

  “They like me,” he said.

  “I don’t care. You’re not the first person who they’ve tried to set me up with, and you won’t be the last.”

  She left him alone, heading to the table.

  Martin pressed a hand to her back. His touch repulsed her.

  This is how it should be with Trey.

  Instead she got hot for her old bully.

  Stupid, stupid.

  June accepted the lemon chicken doing her best not to wince at the scent. From the smell it looked like her mother had covered it in garlic as well.

  Her mother’s cooking was the best. There were just a few recipes June couldn’t stomach. At least there were greens and potatoes.

  Elliot pulled Martin into a conversation asking what he looked for in a woman. Martin was predictable and described her. Asshole.

  She sent a quick text telling Trey what was happening.

  At college she’d learned the skill of texting under the table without anyone knowing.

  The phone was on silent.

  Trey: Tell the bastard to eat shit! Ur taken.

  It took every ounce of control not to spit her food across the table laughing. Trey was certainly coarse and spoke his mind. She liked him a tiny bit more. Maybe he was useful for more than his cock.

  Trey: R u wet 4 me?

  June: Maybe.

  Trey: Fucking tease.

  June: R u hard 4 me?

  She didn’t laugh or smile. Picking around the lemon chicken she tried to draw herself back into the conversation her parents were having. Martin appeared to be happy at being the center of attention. Every now and then his gaze would wander over to hers. She was not interested in this man at all.

  Trey: I want u home so I can fuck you. I want to lick the cream from ur pussy and fuck u until u scream my name.


  Glancing up she saw her mother glaring at her.

  “What is it, Mother?” she asked, feel
ing guilty. Her pussy was on fire. She couldn’t think past the need beating inside. Walking out on the dinner was not an option.

  “You’re being rude to our guest.”

  She looked at Martin. “I’m sorry. Will you repeat your question?” Tightening her hand around the phone, she waited for him to say something. The infuriating man was driving her insane.

  “I was wondering if you’d like to go to dinner with me Friday night?”

  His question irritated her. He knew she wasn’t interested, and instead of leaving it all alone he’d asked her in front of their parents.

  “I work on Saturday.”

  “June, you can fit in one date on Friday. I refuse to let you even try to cancel on this nice young man.”

  Gritting her teeth, she smiled and agreed to go with him. She’d have to tell Trey about everything that happened. Growing up, she hadn’t been good at lying, and she wasn’t very good at it now.

  The dinner went by a little smoother after that. When she was alone with Martin she cursed him and promised him a date he’d never forget. There was no way she was being used in a battle of wills. Martin liked the challenge. She didn’t care what he liked. This was one challenge the guy wasn’t going to win.

  Chapter Seven

  Trey saw the minute she got home. The light went on, and his cock thickened back to life. He’d turned into the guy who looked for the woman to come home. When had he become that guy?

  In the last twenty-four hours when you took the girl of your dreams and fucked her brains out.

  Clutching the curtain he watched as June pulled her curtains together. She looked so sexy in her tight black skirt and white blouse. Her black hair cascading around her gave such an air of beauty that she took his breath away.

  Go to her.

  Grabbing his keys, he closed his place up behind him and headed straight over the road to where she lived.

  He knocked on the door, and she opened it after the third knock.

  “Wow, you gave me all of three minutes since I came home,” she said, looking down at the watch on her arm.

  Stepping over the threshold he slammed the door shut. Cupping the back of her neck he brought her in close.

  Before she got another word out, he pressed his lips against hers.

  “I want you,” he said, kissing down to her neck then back up to claim her lips.


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