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Falling for the Enemy (Falling in Love)

Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  Fingering the buttons of her shirt, he started to remove them, opening the shirt to reveal her creamy pale flesh.

  She moaned, wrapping her arms around his neck. “I want you, too,” she said, sinking her tongue into his mouth.

  He walked her backwards, crashing against the wall and the drawer unit she kept by the door.

  By the time he made it through to the sitting room they were laughing and giggling.

  “Bend over the couch.” He grabbed a condom from his pocket, unbuckled his jeans and began to slide the latex over his cock.

  June did as he asked without argument.

  Lifting the skirt over her ass, Trey caressed her rounded cheeks. Raising his palm he spanked one cheek and then the other, watching the way they flushed under his hand.

  “I’ve been waiting for you to get home all day. You’re not making me wait a moment longer.” He peeled the string from her ass and stared at her creamy wet flesh.

  Her musky scent permeated the room between them.

  Running his cock along her slit, he spread the lips of her sex wide. Trey kept his gaze on her at all times. Moving his cock to her entrance he watched as her tight little hole slowly expanded around his hard flesh. Grunting, he couldn’t tear his gaze away as she took him deep.

  When he could no longer stand it, he slammed the last way in. The sound of his flesh hitting her flesh echoed around the room. Trey grabbed her hair, wrapping it around his fist.

  “Yes, please, make it burn. Make it hard, please,” she said, begging him.

  “What are you begging for, baby?”

  “You to fuck me. To pull on my hair and to make it hurt just a little.”

  She was a fucking angel sent down for him. Shaking his head, he pulled out of her, tugging on her hair and slapped her ass. She yelped and cried out. Her pussy creamed around his cock. There was no mistaking the feel of her cream even through the thin wall of latex. She grew slick, and it was a lot easier to penetrate her.

  “I can make it burn a hell of a lot.”

  He looked down at her tattoo along the base of her back. Trey could do so much work with it. Her entire back could be a painting of his ink.

  With his free hand he traced the curve of her spine. His gaze travelled to her ass. The puckered entrance glinted up at him, testing him to take, to own and to fuck.

  “I love your ink,” he said.


  “I want to add more.”

  She moaned as he slapped the side of her thigh, fucking her at the same time. He would have never thought June could lose control, but the way she was acting, it looked like she was on the verge of doing just that.

  In high school she’d been the shy little virgin whereas now she was this seductress who wanted to get fucked by the bad boy.

  Licking his fingers, he pressed them to her anus. She gasped but didn’t pull away.

  “You ever been fucked in the ass?” he asked.


  “Will you let me do the honors?”

  “That depends,” she said.

  He looked up to see her watching him over her shoulder.

  “On what?”

  “On how badly you want to take it.” She squeezed her cunt around his shaft. He moaned and tugged on her hair.

  “Don’t test me.”

  “I’m not, baby. If you want my ass take it.”

  What had happened to her? She was not the woman he imagined. He expected to keep part of himself locked away in case of scaring her. Trey really thought June would be the kind of woman who wanted to make love under the moonlight and stars.

  Picking up the pace he rammed inside her, loving the little screams she made with each hard, deep thrust.

  He wasn’t disappointed in this side of June. Trey fucking relished it. There was so much dirty stuff he wanted to do with her.

  Trey pushed his finger into her ass, feeling the tightness of her. He’d fuck her there soon, and she’d love it every second he was inside her.

  The beginning of his orgasm started to build. He felt it.

  Cursing, he ordered her to finger her clit. He felt her fingers sliding through her slit, touching him as she played with her pussy.

  He needed to gain control before he lost it and came right now. Holding himself inside her, he took several deep breaths before opening his eyes and waiting.

  June’s pants grew louder. The fluttering in her pussy quickened. She was so close to orgasm.

  “Come on, baby. Come for me. Let me feel your cream.”

  Adding a second finger to her ass, Trey fucked her hard than ever before. It sent her over the edge. Her orgasm was torn out of her. The screams echoed off the walls. Her pussy and ass contracted around his cock and finger. There was no stopping her reaction. She was so far gone, and he was loving it.

  As she started to come down from her orgasm, Trey let go, releasing into the condom and fucking her hard.

  He growled, holding tight to her hair.

  “Fuck.” He shouted out the curse, feeling little tingles of sensation all over his skin.

  June drained everything from him and didn’t leave anything for him to complain about.

  “I really needed that,” she said, sighing.

  Pulling out of her tight heat, he grabbed some tissues from the container. He cleaned his fingers and removed the condom.

  All the time he watched as June wiggled out of her clothes. She stood before him naked. He did the same, ridding the clothes from his body.

  “You look hot,” she said.

  “So do you.”

  She smiled, taking his hand and leading him around to the sofa. “I’ve got to go to bed soon. I’m going to be up early.”

  June pushed him down to the sofa and climbed on top, straddling his lap. They were both naked, and he loved how relaxed she was.

  “What happened to you, June?” he asked.


  “What do you mean?” June ran her hands up and down his body. His muscles were hard and decorated in ink. He was so sexy, and she was ready for round two.

  “You know what I mean. You were once this shy girl, and now you’re a sex kitten.”

  She felt the smile on her face down into her soul.

  “A sex kitten? You think I’m a sex kitten?”

  His hands lay on her butt, stroking the cheeks. She loved the way he felt inside her body. The sinful way he’d fucked her ass with his fingers. She wanted it again.

  “You’re my sex kitten. Tell me what happened to the shy girl?” He pushed the hair over her shoulder.

  June didn’t growl or fight with him. Looking into his eyes, she saw he only wanted answers to the truth.

  “The shy girl got out of town away from all the bullies.” She felt him tense, but she continued on. He’d been the one to bring it up, not her. “She went away to college and got noticed by a wonderful guy. He was older than she was, loved fuller women, and then spent the next three years showing her the wonders of her body. The sex was awesome, and the way he made me feel was awesome.”

  “Yet you parted ways with this man?” Trey asked, harshly.

  “Trey Hunt, are you jealous?” She rubbed her nose against his. “We parted ways because we weren’t in love. He wanted something more, and I couldn’t give it to him. It was fun while it lasted, and I do love him but not in the all-consuming, I need to see him and love him kind of way.”

  She loved sex and was not going to hide her needs away. Trey had come to her. Their agreement was solid between them. She liked the freedom of not having her parents’ approval or disapproval over her choice of man.

  “Do you want the shy girl back?” she asked. “Because if you do then you’re about to lose out on a whole lot of fun.”

  “I liked the shy girl. She was part of you. I like this woman a hell of a lot more.” He cupped her breast, bringing it in closer.

  Leaning into him, she watched his tongue circle her nipple before biting down on the bud.

  She moaned,
cupping the back of his neck, trying to bring him in closer.

  “Is this what you want?” he asked. “Fucking?”

  “Talking is fun as well. Your texts got me through dinner. I would never have gotten through it.”

  “With the lemon chicken? I’ve never had lemon chicken.”

  Chuckling, she cupped his face in her hands. “Then maybe one day I’ll make you some. You can eat it all by yourself.”

  “Is it ‘cause your mom is a bad cook?”

  “Nope, she’s an amazing cook. The best cook. She should write her own cookbook or something she’s that good of a cook.”

  She pressed her lips to his, needing his mouth on her.

  “I’ll hold you to the lemon chicken. What else was boring about the dinner?”

  June groaned. “Mom and Dad were trying to set me up again. It sucks when your parents think you’re alone all the time and need help getting a date.”

  “Do I know the guy?” Trey asked. “I could stake my claim if you want.”

  Shaking her head, June smiled. “No, no one is supposed to know about us. Besides, the guy’s name is Martin. He’s an asshole and only trying to get in good with my parents because he needs to.”

  “Well, you’re mine.”

  “Oh, crap, I forgot to tell you. He asked me on a date on Friday. The parents were watching, and I didn’t have much choice. I accepted.”

  “What?” he asked. The smile left his face. “You’re mine. We’re not fucking other people. Only each other.”

  “I know that. I tried to cancel on the way out, but he was pretty insistent. Don’t sweat it, Trey. I’m not going to end up in bed with him. I can’t stand the guy.” She sank her fingers into his hair, playing with the strands.

  She couldn’t believe how natural it was being around him. The sex was amazing. Even better than she imagined and now they were talking. She was talking and fucking the enemy. The guy who used to bully her, her enemy, and it was fun.

  “You’ve got a wicked look to your face.”

  “I’m just thinking how this is so wrong, fucking the guy who used to bully me and now I’ve had his cock so deep inside me—”

  “Don’t forget the fingers in your ass.”

  “And your fingers in my ass and I’m excited about it.”

  “I never thought you’d be so wicked and tempting.”

  She started laughing. “It’s all you. You make me wicked and tempting.”

  Trey’s fingers found her pussy. She felt his fingers slide in deep. “You took two fingers without any problems. Let’s see how you take three.” He added another finger, stretching her.

  “You’re not playing fair at all.”

  “All day I could have been fucking you. Instead I got the football and my hand for company.” She giggled. “Then I find out you’re going to be on a date, Friday. I had every intention of fucking you every night this week. This bastard has messed with my plans. I don’t like him, and I don’t like him being alone with you.”

  “I can’t change what happened.” She reached between them, fisting his erection. “But I can change your need. Have you got a condom?” she asked, sliding her finger through the tip of his cock. He was slick from the last time. “You know what, keep the condom.”

  Climbing off his lap, she sank to the floor, covering the head with her mouth.

  He growled, leaning back against the sofa. “You’re not the woman I thought you were.”

  “I’m better?” she asked, coming off. His salty essence coated her mouth. She licked her lips, looking up at him.

  “You’re way better than I imagined.”

  Taking him back into her mouth, June ran her tongue along the tip, licking up his cum. He moaned. His hands slid up and down her arms in synch.

  She kept her gave on him at all times enjoying the way he moaned or shuddered under her touch.

  June loved keeping him on his toes. She also loved the fact she wasn’t keeping herself in check all the time. Trey was getting the true woman she was, not the person she put on show for the rest of the world. She loved her sex hard, rough, and dirty. The way Trey fucked was the way she liked it.

  “Fuck, your mouth feel so good.”

  She hummed around his shaft watching him moan. He thrust up to meet her, pushing his way to the back of her throat. June took what he did, swallowing him down and trying to hold off her gag reflex.

  “So fucking perfect.”

  Bobbing her head, she sucked in her cheeks and heard him curse.

  “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.”

  That was a lot of fucks.

  “I’m going to come, baby.”

  She moaned, taking him deep. His cock jerked in her mouth, and seconds later the first spurt of his cum coated the back of her throat. She swallowed him down and drank every drop until he pulled on her hair.

  Trey didn’t leave it at that. He arranged her spread out on the sofa, her legs splayed open wide. In the next breath he dived between her thighs, licking and sucking at her.

  June cried out as his nibbled and sucked on her clit. His fingers penetrated her pussy and ass. She was so turned on from what he was doing. His tongue focused on her clit as two fingers reamed her ass and another two fucked her cunt.

  She held onto the back of the sofa, trying to keep herself grounded from all the pleasure.

  Within moments she was climaxing, gripping both of his hands, and he hurtled her over the finish line and into bliss.

  When she opened her eyes again, she saw Trey wiping his fingers on tissue but licking his chin.

  “We’re even,” he said.

  “I didn’t think we were keeping count.”

  “We’re not, but I love to show my girl my oral skills. Especially after she swallows.” Her cheeks heated, but the answering pulse between her thighs made her moan.

  “I’m always happy to give my man what he wants.” She reached up, taking his head in her hands and tasted herself on his lips. “But now you’ve got to leave. I’ve got work in the morning, and you’ll keep me awake all night. I don’t want to be awake all night.”

  Chapter Eight

  The following day Trey was tattooing a cobra around a man’s arm. The muscled biker had been in the chair for half an hour. Glancing toward the waiting room he saw all of the guy’s friends waiting for him. Several women were muttering to themselves, flashing their own tats and stroking each other. The scene would be every guy’s fantasy, but Trey couldn’t get past the image of June on her knees before him, sucking his cock.

  “Are you all right? Are my people distracting you? I can get them all the fuck out,” the biker said.

  “No, I’m good.”

  “One of my bitches would be happy to suck your cock or fuck you if you need to take the edge off.”

  Trey laughed. “No, I’ve got one of my own bitches, and she’d kick my ass if I let another woman’s lips around the crown jewels.”

  “You’ve got a woman now? I remember a time when Trey Hunt didn’t fuck just one pussy,” the guy said.

  He searched through his mind trying to get the man’s name to pop into his head. Paul, yeah, it was Paul.

  “Guys change. I’ve changed. There was a time I’d have taken you up on the offer, but I’m good. I’ve got a good thing going, and I don’t want to risk it for a little light relief.”

  “I can see that. Is this girl good?” Paul asked.

  Sitting back, Trey tried to find the right words to describe her. “You better not take the piss, or I’ll make this cobra look like a giant dick,” Trey said.

  Paul started laughing. “Whatever, just tell me. I’m fucking bored, and you won’t have one of the women working my cock. I may as well talk with you.”

  “The woman I’m seeing doesn’t want it to be known we’re together.”

  “Is the bitch ashamed of you?” Paul asked. “You don’t go sticking your dick in places like that. It only ends badly.”

  “I used to bully her back in high school. I made
her life horrible. It’s something I regret, and no, I’m not giving her a pity fuck or anything like that. I like her, Paul. I more than like her.”

  “Are you in love?”

  “I don’t know.”

  He looked up at the man expecting something like mockery. Paul was looking through the glass.

  “You see that blonde at the back?” Paul asked.

  Looking through the partition Trey noticed a blonde, with lots of ink, in a short mini skirt and tight top.


  “She’s mine. None of the guys know it. They all make a play for her, but she turns them down. I’m the only guy been between those sweet thighs, and let me tell you, man, her pussy is fucking sweet.”

  Trey chuckled.

  “I know all about feelings. If this woman feels the same way then snatch her up.”

  “And if she doesn’t?” Trey asked.

  “You let her know you’re the man for her. You don’t give her a chance to see another man.”

  Paul was older than he was, wiser. Going back to the ink, Trey did the curvature of the snake.

  “Her parents have fixed my girl up with another man, on a date for this Friday,” Trey said. He’d never opened up to a customer like this.

  The biker looked at him. “She told you?”

  “No one knows about us, but we’re exclusive,” Trey said.

  “That’s good she told you. It means she’s not trying to have the best of both worlds. What are you going to do about it?”

  “What can I do? She’s going to be on a date, and there’s nothing I can do but wait until she gets home.”

  Paul laughed. “Yeah, you could be a pussy and wait for this man to prove he’s the better option than you, or…”

  “Or what?”

  “Or you can fight for your woman. If you’re serious about this and you don’t want any other guy to have her, then prove it to her. Be the man she wants and needs without anyone else getting in the way.”

  “Is that what you’d do?”

  “It’s what I did.” Paul looked through the glass. The blonde looked at him, and Trey saw the love shining in her eyes. The love and the lust were glowing back for Paul.

  Trey had witnessed the lust and the contempt along with a mixture of hatred but never love from June.


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