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Vision of Love

Page 12

by S. Moose

  Tonight’s the gala and I still have to get ready and drop Emma off at Patricia and Dan’s. Slowly I make my way upstairs after giving Nicholas a kiss. I climb into bed and let out a quiet sigh. It’s been only a few days since I’ve been gone, but it seems to be forever. All the stress from Neil slowly leaves my body and exhaustion takes over. I set my alarm for noon and drift to sleep.

  By the time I wake up I feel like a whole new person. I stretch my arms over my head and feel my body relax. There’s something around my neck that wasn’t there before. I look down and see a beautiful heart pendant necklace. “Oh my gosh. Nicholas,” I gush. The diamonds shine in my hands as I look at the beautiful necklace around my neck. I have his heart. Looking around the room something seems different.

  “Holy shit! Nicholas!” I scream, opening the door and running down the stairs. “Emma, honey come on we have to go!” I run into the kitchen and see Nicholas at the table eating. “Baby! Where’s Emma?”

  “My parent’s house.”

  “Why? I was gonna take her!”

  He looks at me, “I know but I did. You needed sleep.” Nicholas gets up from his chair and walks to me. “The necklace looks beautiful on you baby. Happy Valentine’s Day.”

  “Happy Valentine’s Day,” I kiss his lips. “Your surprise is for later tonight.”

  “Oh woman don’t tease me or else I’ll take you right here. Right now.”

  “Stop,” I push him away. “What time is it anyways?”


  “Oh no,” I groan into his chest. “I missed my appointment with Alexis.”

  “No you didn’t!” I turn around and see Alexis walking in. Behind her are two other people and another woman bringing in a rack of dresses.


  He kisses me and turns me around so my back is against his chest. “Have fun getting ready. I’ll see you at five thirty.” He kisses my cheek, gives Alexis a hug and heads out the door.

  “Alright girlfriend let’s get ready!”

  * * * * *

  My emotions are all over the place. The makeup artists were able to hide the scar on my face and it’s like it never was there. The slim fitting satin, one shoulder dress fits perfectly hugging my curves and making my ass look amazing. Nicholas is going to die when he sees me. I decided to leave my hair down but curly. I can’t wait for Nicholas to see me and spend the night with him.

  “You look incredible, Karly!” Alexis says, hugging me.

  “You do too!” The red mermaid style dress she has on makes her look so good. “Larry’s gonna rip that dress off you!” We both end up laughing so hard we nearly fall. Larry finally admitted his feelings and they’re taking it slow. Her face lights up when she talks about him. There’s love in her eyes and on her face. I’m glad Alexis and Larry are together and want only the best for them.

  We take one last look in the mirror before heading down to the foyer to meet our dates for tonight. Taking one step at a time, Nicholas and Larry stand before us with their mouths slightly open. Nicholas stares at my body as I walk down to him. The butterflies in my stomach go crazy, like level ten crazy, when I see the man I love in a black fitted tux. Wait shit…Love? Do I love Nicholas?

  “Close your mouth Nicholas,” I wink. He takes me in his arms and whispers how sexy I look and how he can’t wait to get me out of the dress. I slap his arm and snuggle around his hard chest. My favorite place.

  “You’re beautiful. So beautiful.”

  We get to the party house and when Daniel opens the door for us my mouth drops. The entire building has red and clear lights all over with heart shaped balloons and lanterns of red and white fill the air.

  “Whoa! Y’all sure go all out,” I gasp taking it all in.

  “Gets better every year,” Larry answers, walking ahead of us with Alexis on his arm.

  The gala tonight is for the children’s hospital. All the proceeds are going to the hospital for medical research and funding for families who can’t afford to stay in hotels while their child is getting treatment. It’s an amazing foundation and I’m so excited to be part of this event. Nicholas and I are donating a million dollars tonight along with Larry and Alexis and Patricia and Dan. In my eyes we have everything so giving something back to help others out is in its own benefit.

  When we walk in everyone is dressed to impress. The mix of reds and blacks is nice. The ballroom is decorated with pictures of families who are benefiting from tonight’s gala. A few are here tonight to speak and say their thanks. My heart breaks reading some of the stories in the ballroom. The fight is moving. These kids are fighting every day for a tomorrow and are living each day with purpose. They’re not sitting around crying or asking ‘why me,’ they’re living. It warms my heart knowing that we’re helping so many people tonight.

  “You okay baby?”

  I wipe a tear from my eye, “yeah. It’s so sad though, these kids and their families. I wish we can do more.”

  “We probably can look into some volunteer programs. Maybe even include Emma? I’m sure she’ll love it. What do you think?”

  I love that Nicholas is asking me about Emma. Lately every decision he makes about Emma includes my opinion. I know I’m her nanny but I feel like I’m more.

  “I think it’s a great idea babe,” I reach over and kiss his cheek. “What a great idea.”

  Nicholas introduces me to people and the infamous Mr. Edward Peterson.

  “What a pleasure to meet you Ms. Erikson.”

  He leans in to kiss my cheek and I do the same. “Likewise Mr. Peterson. But please call me Karly.”

  “Then you’ll have to call me Ed. Not Eddie. Not Edward. Just Ed,” he says. “I hope you have a wonderful time this evening.”

  “You as well, Ed. I’m sure I’ll talk to you soon.”

  “I look forward to it. This is a good one Nicholas. Don’t let her go,” he looks over and gives me a wink.

  Nicholas takes my hand and loops it through his arm, “I don’t intend to.”

  Oh swoon. He’s so sweet.

  The rest of the night is nice. We’re at the table with Larry and Alexis listening to the families and Ed welcoming all of us. With tonight’s donations and event we’ve raised over ten million for the hospital. There’s loud applause and people standing and cheering.

  Nicholas and I finish our dinner and dance the night away. Our song, ‘Ready to Love Again,’ plays.

  “Did you have something to do with this Nicholas?”

  “Nope. It’s fate,” he kisses my forehead and then spins me around. I let out a laugh and all of my stress and worries leave.

  After a few hours, Daniel takes us home dropping Larry and Alexis off first.

  “Call me tomorrow! Let’s grab lunch.”

  I give her a hug and let her know I’ll call her and we’ll get together. I rest my head on Nicholas’ shoulder as he draws circles on my thigh. His fingers make their way to my hair, pushing it aside and running his lips over my shoulders.

  “You’re amazing,” he breathlessly says against my skin. “I honestly can stay like this forever with you and that’ll be enough.”

  “Nicholas,” I whisper, turning my head, meeting his lips with mine. “I can’t imagine being anywhere else except here with you.”

  He continues to kiss me leaving me breathless and my body on fire. I love this man and everything he represents. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for him and I know he’ll always be by my side.

  I let out soft moans with his lips traveling over my body. “Baby,” he utters, “We need to get home now. Tell me what you want me to do when we get home.” I shake my head I hate when he asks me these questions. “Come on baby tell me.”

  “I want you to fuck me senseless. I want your mouth everywhere on me. Licking me. Sucking me. Fucking me. I wanna ride your hard cock and feel you come.” My face is inches from his, “I just want you.”

  We finally make it home, well sort of. As soon as Nicholas closes the door he picks me u
p, slamming me against the door.

  “I need you tonight baby. I just need you,” he kisses me bringing me to the edge of never returning back to sanity. Soon clothes are flying around the house and we’re both wild and filled with desperation and urgency. I throw my head back giving him better access to my neck and breasts. I want his lips all over.

  “Baby,” he says between kisses, “Close your eyes and keep them closed until I tell you otherwise.”


  Nicholas brings me up the stairs and I can’t help but wonder what he has planned. He gently places me on our bed and there’s movement all around me. Without notice my arms are up above my head, oh shit. I feel something being tied around my wrists and I hear more movements.

  The anticipation is killing me and I can feel the wetness between my thighs. “Nicholas?”

  “Hold on baby.”

  There’s weight on the bed. Nicholas ties a blindfold around my eyes. I can’t see anything and it’s really killing me because this whole kinky side of Nicholas is new; not that I’m not completely turned on.

  Something cold hits my chest, going down to each nipple causing my body to shudder. The feeling is something I’ve never felt before. It thrills me. I let out a moan, saying Nicholas’ name over and over.

  “Shhhh baby just feel this.” His mouth goes over my nipple, sucking and teasing as the ice cube goes down around my pussy.

  “Oh shit. Oh shit!” His mouth moves to my other nipple treating it the same like he did moments ago. His fingers enter me as his thumb rubs my swollen bud.

  “Suck baby. Taste yourself.” I open my mouth as he slides his fingers in. I swirl my tongue around his fingers as he takes his other hand and brings me to the edge. My body explodes with pleasure.

  “Yes baby. Oh my god!” Nicholas quickly takes his fingers out of my mouth and slams into me. “Fuck Nicholas!” I come alive as he fucks me hard and fast. The restraint moves from my wrist and he flips me over bringing my ass up in the air. Shit is he…Oh shit…

  This is something new and different. His tongue licks my forbidden area and at first it’s weird but as he continues licking my ass I’m getting turned on even more. He gently bites my cheeks and pushes himself into me again.

  “Damn baby you feel good from behind. Push yourself against me.” I do as he says and hear him hiss. “Yeah baby just like that. Your ass is beyond sexy.” He kisses my back as he fucks me, taking me to a whole new level of pleasure. Sex with Nicholas is more than just fucking; it’s an intense and amazing feeling that I don’t want with anyone else except him.

  “Hold on baby I’m so close, fuck.”

  “Nicholas fuck me harder,” I scream ready to fall apart in his arms. Just a few more thrusts and we both find our release. I grip the pillow hard, screaming his name and hearing him yell out my name.

  He slowly pulls out of me, taking off my blindfold. The biggest smile’s on his face when I open my eyes and see the man I love.

  “You’re amazingly beautiful and sexy,” he kisses my cheek.

  “You’re not so bad yourself.” Nicholas gets up from the bed and comes back with a towel. As weird as it may seem I love that he takes care of me before, during and after our love making.

  “Time for bed my gorgeous vixen.” Within minutes I’m asleep in the arms of the man of my dreams.

  “I love you Nicholas,” I whisper in his chest.

  “I love you too Angel. Forever.”

  Chapter 15


  We just said ‘I love you.’ I hold her tight and smile, thinking about how she makes me feel. I love this girl who’s lying in my arms whispering her love to me. I never thought I’d love again, until Karly. My beautiful girl, the one who shows me the beauty of love and living. I fall asleep with a smile on my face, holding the girl I love in my arms and hoping she’ll never leave.

  The next morning I wake up with the sun shining through the windows. Karly’s still fast asleep. I turn on my side and run my hand on her back down to her sexy ass. Flashes of last night go through my head. My kinky girl likes what we did. I know I’m pushing her to the limits, but she knows to tell me to slow down if she needs to.

  Before I can have my way with her again my phone starts ringing. “Fuck,” I mutter. I get up from our bed and reach for my phone. It’s a FaceTime from Jamie. “Hey,” I answer.

  “Why hello there. Why do you look like that?” She cocks her head to the left and raises her eyebrows. “Oh. My. God! You’re with someone aren’t you?”

  “Yes,” I simply answer. “You haven’t emailed or called in weeks and now you wanna talk. What’s going on?”

  “Don’t be like that Nicky. I’m sorry ok? I’ve been so busy with this gig, but I’m always thinking of Emma. How is she?”


  “Okay Nicky I know you’re upset but I have some free time and I wanna talk to her.”

  I let out an annoyed breath. “She’s with my parents. There was a gala last night and I went with my girlfriend.”

  Jamie’s eyes nearly pop out of her head. “GIRLFRIEND?” She laughs covering her face and fist pumping. “I’m so happy for you!”

  “Yeah, yeah. Shut up.”

  “Oh Nicky! You’re in love. I know that look,” she says. “I really am happy for you. Tell me about her.” I tell her about Karly and how we met. I tell her that Emma’s happy and there’s a bit of sadness in her eyes.

  “Does Emma call Karly mom?” I shake my head. “I mean if she wants to I don’t wanna stop her. I know I haven’t been there, but I’m trying.”

  “I know you are. She knows. Listen I’m gonna get back to Karly, but call us later and I’m sure I’ll have Emma back.”

  “Okay sounds good, bye!”

  “See ya.” I disconnect the call and turn around. Karly’s standing with my shirt on, looking at me with question in her eyes. “Morning baby.”

  “Hi,” she says timidly.

  “Jamie called looking for Emma.”

  “I know. I heard.”

  She’s not upset. She can’t be. “You okay?”

  “I’m okay,” she says walking over to me and into my arms. “I know Jamie’s your past and she’s Emma’s mom. I’m not upset. I guess I never realized how pretty she is. You know since she’s a model and everything.”

  Her voice gets small and I feel bad. “Baby you’re the whole package. You’re sexy and beautiful. You’re the girl who can walk in a room and make everyone smile. That’s what’s special about you.” I kiss the side of her head and guide her back to our room. I sit her down on the bed and kneel down in front of her.

  “I’m glad we’re together. When you first met me, I was a mess. I’m sorry that I avoided you and kept my distance. I’m glad you can forgive me and we’re moving forward. Since you came in…I don’t know...I feel...Better. I’m happier.”

  “Me too, Nicholas.” I wipe her tears and kiss her hands.

  “I wanna make new memories with you. I just want to know you inside and out. I wanna be the only one in your heart.” Before she can respond my lips meet hers again. She lets out a soft whimper and I lift her in my arms. “I love you baby so much.”

  “I love you too Nicholas.”

  * * * * *

  February goes by in a hurry. Karly’s in California for a few days visiting Neil while I’m here working twelve-hour days. She keeps me updated with how he’s doing, but she doesn’t seem happy or believes he’s doing well. When she asks for my opinion I’m not sure how to answer. From what she’s telling me I don’t think rehabs working for him either, but I don’t want to give her more stress.

  “Daddy,” Emma says coming into my office.

  “Yeah sweetie.” I turn away from my report and pick her up.

  “Can we Skype Karly? I miss her.” Since she’s been gone Emma’s been sleeping in my bed. Her attachment to Karly is touching. They’re two peas in a pod and I love them both with my whole heart.

  I open the Skype applicatio
n and dial her number. Soon her face pops up on the screen and she’s smiling.

  “Hi to my two favorite people!”

  “Hi Karly!” Emma waves. “I miss you a lot. When are you coming home? Daddy doesn’t read the stories like you do.”

  “Awww Princess I’ll be home tomorrow night, okay? You’ll be in bed when I get home, but I promise I’ll come in and give you a kiss.”

  Emma and Karly carry on their conversation, leaving me in the background not getting a word in. After a few minutes they go back and forth with their ‘I love you’s’ leaving Emma laughing and telling Karly to hurry home.

  “Princess can you give me and daddy a minute?”

  “Okay! I’ll talk to you later Karly. I love you!”

  “I love you too sweetie.” Emma jumps off my lap and walks off to the living room.

  “Hey baby what’s up?”

  She starts crying and my heart breaks. I hate how far apart we are and I can’t do anything to make her feel better. I know the situation with Neil isn’t getting better. He’s throwing tantrums from the pain and can’t take anything stronger than Tylenol. Last night, from what Karly told me, he punched Doctor Prince and went into a full blown attack. He’s not supposed to have any visitors but Karly’s the only one who can calm him down.

  “Baby talk to me.” I put my hand on the screen letting her know I’m here for her.

  “I hate to ask you this, but I wanna bring Neil back to Wilmington and have him get care here where I’m closer. He’s not doing well at all and I don’t know what else to do.”

  “Bring him here then. I’ll make some calls and we’ll get him here soon, k?”

  “Thanks babe” she wipes her tears and blows her nose. “I miss you.”

  I let out a breath, “I miss you too. Daniel’s getting you up tomorrow. I can’t wait to see you.” She blows me a kiss and tells me she’ll call me later. When she disappears from my computer screen I’m not sure how I feel, but I know I don’t like it and hope it doesn’t come back to haunt us.


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