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Daddy's Game

Page 11

by Alleman, Normandie

  He held his arms out to her and she laid her head against his chest. “I’m sorry, baby. I should have realized. Guess I got so wrapped up in all this stuff with my leg that I… I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay.”

  “No, it’s not. You know, I wouldn’t have thought you’d have wanted to be all in the middle of all this… mess. I like to be able to take care of you, not the other way around.” He kissed the top of her head.

  “Natron, of course I want to take care of you. You’re my daddy, and I want to make things better for you, the way you have for me. But there’s no room in all this for me. Your mom has pretty much taken over.”

  He nodded. “She likes to feel needed. You know she doesn’t have anybody else.”

  Carmen snorted. “She needs a boyfriend.”

  “Hey, that’s not a bad idea.”

  “See if you can get her on an online dating service.”

  He laughed. “You’re really ready to get rid of her, aren’t you?”

  “It’s just that I thought it was going to be you and me. And instead it’s you and her.”

  “I’m sorry, baby. I’ll see what I can do to fix that. You want to move in for a while?” he asked hopefully.

  He’d been trying to get her to move in with him for months and the idea was becoming more appealing, but Carmen wasn’t ready to give up her place or her freedom. “Not yet,” she hedged.

  “Then I’m going to need my mom around to help me until I can get around better by myself.”

  She grimaced. “Don’t you have servants for that?”

  “You are not yourself, girl. I think you’re jealous,” he teased.

  She pounded a fist on the bed and whined, “Yes, I am jealous. It all just sucks.”

  “True that. Look, I’ll talk to Mamma and get her to take some days off to go do other things. I’ll send her shopping. She’ll love that. And you can come over and spend the days with me. How does that sound?”

  “Good. That would be great, actually.”

  “All right. Then we’ll work up to some nights.” He winked at her.

  “You know, Daddy, it doesn’t have to be night…” she said innocently.

  “Oh, I see. Now I know what my girl’s been needin’. Go lock that door and take your clothes off.”

  Her concern about his mother returning was overshadowed by her desire to obey him, so she pressed in the lock button on the door handle and disrobed.

  “First, I think you need a spanking for not telling me about your feelings earlier,” Natron said.

  “But…” she began to protest.

  “But nothin’.” He raised himself to a more seated position, propped up by a slew of pillows. “Come here and lie over my lap.”

  She was tentative in her movements. “I’m afraid I’m going to hurt you.”

  “I’m tougher than I look,” he said. “You’re not going to lie on my knee. I’ll be fine.”

  “If you say so,” she said, draping herself across his crotch. “If I hurt you, please tell me.”

  “Girl, for someone who’s about to get a spanking, you sure are talking a lot. I’ll be fine, now hush.”

  Carmen pursed her lips together. It had been a long time since she’d had a spanking. The delicious anticipation rising inside her made her realize she’d missed it.

  She heard him rustling papers and shifting slightly underneath her, but instead of turning to look, she closed her eyes and waited. To her surprise, something bulky and slick came down on her ass.

  He hit her with it again. It smarted, and this time she turned to see what he was using.

  In his hand he wielded a rolled-up Sports Illustrated magazine. She made a face. He was essentially hitting her with a rolled-up newspaper—like a dog that had peed in the wrong spot.

  With the next swat she let out a groan, as much protesting as she would do. Hell, if she complained he’d just do it longer. Or harder.

  She tried not to wiggle, not only because it would increase her punishment, but also because she didn’t want to accidentally bump his knee. He smacked her ass until she thought she might explode, and she had to remind herself to breathe.

  Underneath her, his cock grew harder and she could feel it throbbing against her pelvis. The more he struck her, the more firm and swollen he became. The thought of taking him in her mouth made her salivate and she bit her lip in frustration.

  Heat had begun to rise on her posterior. Just when it felt like flames might erupt from her skin, he stopped and rubbed his cool palm across her fleshy globes.

  “Mmm, I’ve missed this ass, all cherry-red and hot like this,” he crooned.

  “Mmmhmm,” she responded.

  After caressing her skin for a few minutes, he went back to swatting.

  She let go of all the tension she’d felt over the situation with his mother and a peace began to wash over her with each thwack of the magazine.

  When he was finished, she said, “Thank you, Daddy.”

  “You’re welcome, love. I have missed you. Now climb on top of Daddy and fuck my brains out.”

  Carmen giggled. “Really? I’m scared I’ll hurt you,” she said, though she had been craving skin-on-skin contact with him.

  Natron lifted his shirt over his head and gingerly pulled down his shorts, revealing his huge, pulsing erection. “I’m not gonna tell you to do anything that will hurt me. Now hop on and get busy.”

  Slowly, she set one thigh on either side of his hips, careful not to bump his knee. Lowering her hips, she rubbed her aching pussy against the length of his hardened shaft. Relief flooded her consciousness, and the experience of being with him again overwhelmed her. She felt like she’d been deprived of water for days and was finally now able to drink.

  He reached up and fondled her breasts as they swung in front of his face. She moaned when he pinched and twisted her nipples just the way she liked. Leaning over, she touched her lips to his. He smelled of Irish Spring soap and his favorite deodorant as he captured her tongue hungrily between his lips and sucked on it.

  Their hips gyrated against each other, desperately increasing the need building inside her. Unable to wait any longer, Carmen sat up and buried his cock inside her slick, wet channel. After luxuriating in the joy of being filled, she began to move up and down, and the friction between their bodies kicked her senses into high gear.

  Soon the look on Natron’s face changed from that of bliss to one of discomfort.

  “Daddy, what’s wrong, am I hurting you?” Carmen fretted.

  “It’s this angle. And it’s hard not to want to pump into you from underneath, but that hurts my knee too much. Let’s try something else.”

  She dismounted and sat beside him on the bed, concerned. “Maybe we just stop.”

  He shook his head vehemently. “No way you’re getting me this worked up and we’re not finishing this. Here, I’m going to lie flat and you climb on top of me 69 style. Suck my cock, girl, and drop your pussy over my face.”

  She hesitated, feeling incredibly self-conscious about having her pussy hovering over his face. It made her feel terribly exposed and vulnerable, and she had managed to avoid doing that with Natron. Until now.

  It didn’t bother her when she was lying on her back and he went down on her. Perhaps this felt too dominant. Whatever it was she didn’t like it. But she wanted to please him, and it had been so long since they’d been together. Disobeying him now wasn’t an option.

  Awkwardly, she positioned her body over his as he’d requested, her desire was replaced by anxiety. Going to her elbows, she used one hand to jerk his cock and she ran her tongue around the head. She’d kept her ass high in the air, but Natron wasn’t having that. He slapped her buttocks and dragged her pussy toward his eager mouth.

  Carmen moaned and forced his cock to the back of her throat. Her mouth slid up and down, as she rolled her tongue along his shaft, then pushed it back as far as she could take him. Natron’s hips pressed into her, but then he stilled and his tong
ue entered her pussy.

  Modesty told her to resist, but her arousal disavowed any ideas of propriety she might have entertained. His lips sucked in her outer lips, then he moved on to her plumped clit. Licking all around it, he teased her before flicking his tongue across the swollen center of her sex. He fucked her with his fingers, all the while licking her from perineum to her throbbing hot button.

  The more excited she became, the more zealously she sucked his cock. They’d established a rhythm of oral pleasuring, a dance of lustful abandon with their mouths that spun Carmen into a frenzy of spasms. Every one of the zillions of nerve endings in her clit felt like it exploded in ecstasy.

  As she climaxed, he shot his load down her throat. She shook with her ongoing orgasm and continued to suckle him until the waves subsided for both of them. Swallowing the last droplets of his cum, she fell over to the empty side of the bed.

  There was a knock at the door.

  “Natron? Natron, why is this door locked?” Veronique’s irritated voice came from the other side.

  Carmen jumped up like she’d been stung, and flew off the bed to retrieve her clothes.

  Natron chuckled, “Hang on, Mom,” and pulled up his shorts.

  “I feel like we’re in high school,” Carmen hissed as she dressed.

  “I know, right?” he said, amused by the whole thing.

  “It’s not funny. She’s going to think badly about me,” Carmen said.

  Natron waved his hand as if to say, “Who cares?”

  Carmen shot him a dirty look and straightened her shirt before opening the door. “Veronique, we didn’t hear you come in.”

  Veronique raised a disapproving perfectly penciled eyebrow at Carmen and breezed past her. “Natron, honey, I hope these are the ones you wanted. They had two different kinds. I texted you, but you didn’t answer me,” she said, handing him a bag of chips.

  Natron turned on the charm. “Oh, I’m sorry, Mamma. Carmen and I got to visitin’ and I must not have heard it.”

  “Uh-huh,” Veronique responded, clearly not buying it. “Well, I’m going to see that dinner is on schedule. Can I get you anything? Do you need another ice pack?”

  “No, thanks,” Natron said, tearing into the bag of pita chips.

  “Do you need any help with anything, Veronique?” Carmen asked.

  “No, thanks, dear. Just don’t tire Natron out. He’s supposed to be resting, you know, keeping his knee immobilized.” With that, she marched off, leaving the door wide open.

  Once she was out of earshot, Carmen said in a low voice, “I really don’t think your mom likes me.”

  “That’s not true. She’s just being protective. Don’t take it personally, babygirl,” Natron said.

  “If you say so,” Carmen said, completely unconvinced. Something told her it would be a long time before things got back to the way they used to be with Natron. If that was even possible.

  * * *

  Natron threw the Sports Illustrated across the room.

  Everything was turning to shit.

  It had only been a couple of hours since Carmen had left, and he missed her already. He hated not spending time at her loft watching her work. That was his down time. The time for the two of them. But since he broke his knee he hadn’t wanted to be a burden to her.

  He hated not being able to fuck his girl this afternoon. How sad was that? Of course that was temporary, but telling himself that didn’t make it better. His relationship with Carmen was suffering, and his mamma was driving him insane—always hovering over him, treating him like a baby.

  But dammit, he needed someone to bring him things, carry things for him, and empty the plastic urinal next to his bed. He took a deep breath and tried to ease his intensifying anxiety. When he’d seen Carmen, he had purposely not told her what a setback this injury was to his career.

  The Vipers had put him on injured reserve, which basically meant he was off the team until he was healed and ready to play. There were only a handful of players who had kept in touch with him after he’d been deactivated, and one of them was his fellow wide receiver Marvin Stalcup.

  For the past two weeks, Natron had watched Marvin light up the opposing defense and rise to the top of the leader list in yards returned. His friendship with Marvin had always been characterized by good-natured ribbing and friendly competition. Having Marvin on his team made him a better player, and vice versa.

  To save face, Natron pretended to be happy for Marvin’s success, but in reality he was envious as hell. It ate him up inside that Marvin’s success had come at his expense. That him being out for the season cleared the way for his friend to basically replace him on the Vipers’ team.

  Isolated from his team, unable to compete, reduced to an invalid, and now his wallet was being affected. He hadn’t told Carmen that his endorsements had all but dried up since news broke that he’d be out for the year. According to his agent, most of the companies had put their deal ‘on hold,’ while a few had unceremoniously dumped him as their spokesman.

  The toothpaste deal was the only one still in play, at least his agent had confirmation of that. His salary with the Vipers ought to cover his bills, but he was taking a hit from this injury on every front.

  Rummaging on the bedside table, he found a pain pill, popped it in his mouth, and swallowed.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Carmen turned the key in her front door, and opened it to find Natron leaning on his crutches with a ‘you-caught-me-with-my-hand-in-the-cookie-jar’ look on his face.

  It had been a month and a half since his surgery and though he still wasn’t able to put weight on his bad leg, he got around amazingly well on his crutches. Only an athlete like him could maneuver crutches in a way that helped him move faster than he did when he was able-bodied. In fact, he wore out the rubber tips of them every other day. They’d cleaned out every drugstore in the Greater Dallas–Fort Worth area, and they were about to have to start ordering the tips online.

  “Hey, Natron, what are you up to?” Carmen greeted him. She hadn’t expected him to be at her place, but it was a nice surprise. He was able to drive now, and spent more time with her these days, much to his mother’s dismay.

  “I’ve got a new game for us to play,” he said with a wink.

  “You do, huh?” She set her bags from the drugstore down on the counter.

  “I do.” He hopped over to her and hugged her to him. His new way of moving was to basically hop on one leg and use the crutches as a supportive aid as he catapulted himself forward. It was truly amazing to watch. Most people Carmen had seen using crutches sort of hobbled around, while Natron practically flew.

  “That sounds fun. Should I pour us a beer first?”

  “Oh, you’re definitely going to want a beer for this one.”

  She knit her brows together. What was he up to now?

  Sidling over to the refrigerator, she opened two bottles of light beer. She drank light because of the lower calories, and Natron wasn’t usually picky.

  Handing him the bottle, she said, “Okay. Tell me about this game you’ve come up with.”

  He had already maneuvered himself into one of the comfortable chairs he’d bought for her place. “Alright, but you’re gonna want to sit down for this one.”

  She sat on the chair opposite him.

  “Have you ever heard of pony play?” he asked, barely containing the excitement in his voice.

  She considered this. “Yes, but I’m not sure I really know what it is.”

  “Well, I’ve been researching it. Gonna show you some pics on my phone.”

  She nodded, unsure what to say.

  “Apparently some people do this without the sex, like they have their partner dress up like a horse and pull them around in a cart,” he explained, looking perplexed. “I can’t really see doin’ it without the sex, but then everything about you makes me think of sex, so…”

  Carmen eyed him skeptically. “Let me see these pictures.” Natron had always been adv
enturous when it came to sex, but this was beyond anything he’d ever talked with her about before. Was this a long-held fantasy of his?

  Natron pulled out his phone, opened a window, and handed it to her. “You can scroll through and see what I’m talkin’ about.”

  The first picture showed a sexy-looking girl with a head-gear on that had ears and what looked like blinders on the side. She was naked except for a leather harness with some straps (none of which covered her naughty bits) and a pair of boots. One of her heels was kicked back so you could see that the bottom of the footwear was made in a horseshoe pattern.

  Scrolling to the next picture, this one showed a sub with a black bit in her mouth. Her hands were bound above her head and her dom was swatting her with a riding crop. Carmen felt a bit of heat surge to her crotch.

  The next picture showed a guy with an erection about to fuck a girl who was on all fours, her front arms sheathed in black leather ‘legs’ of some sort. The girl was wearing a butt plug with a tail hanging from it similar to a horse’s, and a black hood covered her head. While she didn’t care for the hood, the rest of the scene seemed kinda hot. Weird, but hot.

  Carmen’s eyes met Natron’s. “Really?” she asked.

  “Yeah, babygirl. It’s just fun. I want you to be my little fuck-pony. I got all the stuff.”

  “You what? What stuff?” Her heart beat faster, and she reminded herself it was good to get out of her comfort zone sometimes. She could always say ‘safeword’ if she needed to.

  “In the bag over there,” he pointed, and she got up to retrieve a large black duffel bag he’d brought.

  She unzipped the bag and the first thing she pulled out was a stainless steel butt plug with a dark tail that felt stiff like horsehair, similar to the one in the picture. Then she found some cuffs with chains attached to them, the use of which was unclear. The bag also contained a short, purple, glittery crop, a leather headpiece, and a rubber bit.

  Natron looked tremendously pleased with himself. He could scarcely sit still, he was so excited. “What do you think?”


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