Daddy's Game
Page 12
“Um, I think that I love you and I’ll try anything once,” she said, forcing a smile.
“Aww, babygirl. Tell you what. I promise Daddy’s gonna make it worth your while if you let me dress you up like a pony and fuck the shit out of you.”
Her smile began to feel more real. Even if it wasn’t her kink, she could at least try it for him. He was her dominant, after all. That meant not only that she should obey him, but also that he often knew what was best for her.
“Can you do whatever you have planned with your knee?” she asked. Until now they had mostly been having sex in the missionary position. He managed it by supporting all his weight on his good knee. It took a lot of strength to do it that way, and he always worked up a sweat, but he claimed it was a great way for him to be able to get some cardio work in.
“Pppshh! Don’t you worry ‘bout my knee, girl. You’re gonna have enough to worry about. Go ahead on up those stairs and get naked. I’ll be right behind you.”
Carmen downed the rest of her beer. “I’ll bring the bag.”
“That’s a good girl,” he said, finishing his.
Natron scooted up the stairs on his butt the way kids do when they’re playing. He immobilized his bad knee as he bumped up the stairs holding onto his crutches, a move he’d perfected in the last couple of weeks. He laid the crutches on the floor and sat on the edge of the bed. “Bring me that bag,” he said in a hoarse voice.
She did, and he spent a few minutes attaching the rubber bit to the leather head-piece. Then he handed it to her and told her to go put in on in front of a mirror and come back for him to buckle it.
In the bathroom, Carmen took off her clothes, put on the head-piece, and stood before the mirror. She was surprised at how attractive she looked in the thing. A leather strap dipped to a pleasing ‘v’ shape upon her forehead. She slid the bit into her mouth and admired the interesting angles of the blinders on each side. Overall, she looked quite fetching, even to her own mind.
When she reappeared, Natron made an exuberant horsey, “Neigh!”
Carmen giggled. “It is cuter than I expected.”
“See? My girl is one hot filly!” He winked at her. “Now put these on, around your biceps.” He handed her the cuffs with the chains.
Slipping them on, a light switch went off in her brain and she realized what the chains were for.
“Get up on the bed.”
She complied, and he fastened the headgear behind her head. Then he caught a nipple in his mouth. A ripple of pleasure pulsed through her as he licked and sucked her until the flesh hardened into a tight knot of arousal. He moved to the other one and she moaned with ecstasy. Her breasts felt super sensitive today and his attentions made her swoon.
He opened his mouth, releasing her and commanded, “On all fours.”
She dropped her hands to the comforter and faced him at the edge of the bed.
He ran his fingers to the end of a chain attached to the cuff on her right arm. “Hold still,” he said.
Cold metal touched her right nipple right before a zip of pain shot up her breast into her brain like a flash of hot lightning. She heard herself gurgle her discomfort, but before she had a chance to vocalize a protest, the same sensation gripped her left nipple.
She heard rather than saw his wicked grin as he ordered her, “Crawl.”
With a whimper she slowly moved her right arm forward, followed by her left knee. As she moved her arm, the chain yanked on her nipple, stretching it; the feeling was a delicious, dark combination of pleasure and pain.
“That’s it, pony.” His voice was smooth as liquid chocolate, and she continued circling the bed on her hands and knees slowly, sensuously, her bottom on display for his pleasure.
So lost in the world of her own sensations she hadn’t seen him get out the crop. The sound of its flat head meeting her ass cheek startled her. It took her brain a second to acknowledge the blow. It felt like more of a slap, almost like being hit by a strong flyswatter.
As she crawled around receiving smacks to her rear, she began to feel more like an animal, somehow less human. Rather than disturbing her, there was a part of the experience that was enjoyable. Giving up one’s ‘personhood’ to become more of an object came with an element of freedom not unlike the freedom she felt when bound by her daddy. Surrendering control was a heady experience, and though she felt slightly silly acting like a pony, there was a certain aspect of it that appealed to her.
“Stop,” Natron said, and she did. “Now I’m going to redden that ass of yours, pony girl.”
Carmen made a strange noise, a cross between a whimper and a pony’s snicker.
Short, staccato strikes lit up her behind as he worked her entire backside over with the crop. The pain was bearable, almost welcome and she could tell by how thoroughly he spanked her that the crop was quickly becoming a favorite tool of his.
The hot little bursts on her tender derriere ignited a lust inside her and she prayed he would soon decide to mount his little pony. The thwacks of the crop now resulted in breathy, wanton moans escaping her throat, and she couldn’t help but say, “Ride me, Daddy. Please ride me.”
He laughed. “Oh, you like being a pony, do you, girl?”
She nodded, the harness around her head jangling.
“I didn’t hear you,” he chastised.
“Yes, sir. I love being your pony.”
“That’s a good thing,” he said and landed a few blows along the backs of her thighs for good measure.
Suddenly something cold slid into her bottom hole. His finger, slick with lube, moved in and out, softening the tight ring of muscle that gripped him so tightly. What started out as discomfort began to feel good and when he withdrew his finger, she wished for more of the unfamiliar sensation.
As if reading her thoughts, an object she could only guess was the horsehair butt plug entered her tiny hole. She clenched her muscles down around it and Natron told her to relax. Taking a deep breath, she tried to loosen up and release the tension back there. After a moment or two, her ass accepted the intrusion and she smiled as Natron swished the horsey tail across the backs of her thighs.
“Now this is something special. I’ve never fucked a girl with a tail before.” He laughed and the bed heaved as he climbed on behind her, his weight on his good knee.
He curled his body over the top of her back and he clipped what looked like black leather dog leashes onto the sides of her harness. Oh, dear God, reins. He truly was going to ride her.
She felt the pressure at the back of the sides of her mouth as the bit pulled at the corners of her jaw. Damn, he wasn’t kidding with this thing. The more firmly he held her reins, the more she had to hold her head high, or in whatever position he wanted.
His erect cock pressed insistently against her dripping pussy and it was all she could do not to lean back and rub her throbbing cunt into him. He dragged his hips across hers a few times, teasing a frustrated groan from her lips.
“Damn, that’s a horny pony. Frisky. I think that’s what I’ll call you, pony girl—Frisky.”
Carmen gurgled a response, not bothering to form words. Another freeing aspect of pony play—she wasn’t expected to form coherent sentences. Grunts and squeaks worked just as well in her current condition.
He moved her tail to the side and slapped her pussy with his rock-hard cock, quick strikes in rapid succession. The beating of his flesh on her swollen clit was almost enough to make her come. Just when she was about to, he drove inside her welcoming cunt.
She was so wet that he was able to bury himself inside her completely with the first thrust. Having both her holes filled was a new and intense sensation. She felt as though she might burst with ecstasy. Her vaginal walls clenched him tightly, and with the next pulse of his cock, her muscles reverberated with a climax. Ignoring her shaking body, Natron pulled back her reins and continued to fuck her, her pussy quivering with a prolonged orgasm.
Dazed, Carmen tried her best to remain on a
ll fours as he plundered her pussy all the while holding her head up. The position was less than comfortable, but the pleasure ripping through her made up for the awkward posture she was forced to hold.
The bit in her mouth held it open so much that she realized she had drooled all over the bedspread. While it was slightly embarrassing, at the same time there was nothing she could do about it, so she surrendered herself to the experience. She was being taken like an animal, and she loved it. Reduced to carnal, animal urges and instead of being mortified, she wanted more.
Natron dropped her reins and without warning plucked the butt plug from her ass and tossed it on the floor. “Damn thing’s in the way,” he growled, grabbing her hips and slamming harder into her cunt. She dropped her head as he picked up the pace and braced herself for the hardcore fucking. The more his balls smashed against her clit, the closer she came, until finally the world exploded again into another climax. She groaned a loud guttural noise as the insanely divine feeling started in her pussy and radiated out into the rest of her body, leaving a bliss-filled tingle in its path.
Her vaginal muscles clenched around his cock, but to her surprise he pulled out. Reaching onto the floor for something, Natron picked up a shallow bowl and jacked his load into it.
Exhausted, Carmen collapsed onto the bed.
“Frisky, did I say you could do that?”
Too tired to make a sound, she shook her head.
He unbuckled her harness and removed the bit.
Instinctively she wiped her arm across her mouth to dry her wet mouth, forgetting that her arm was attached to her nipple. She screeched in pain, and she could tell Natron was trying not to laugh.
“Here, let me unclip you,” he said sympathetically. As he unclipped each one, the blood rushing back into her nipples made her yowl in pain.
“Aaaaggg! Daddy, that’s the worst part.”
“I know, I know.” He patted her head and set the bowl of cum on the bed in front of her. “Now, Frisky, drink this up for Daddy.”
She felt her eyes widen. “Are you serious?”
The look on his face said it all. “Hands behind your back, pony girl. I want to see you lap it all up.”
She clasped her hands behind her back and he held the dish up to her face. Tilting her head down, she stuck out her tongue and touched it to the viscous white pool at the bottom of the dish.
“Good girl,” he said, stroking her hair.
His praise washed over her like a verbal embrace, pulling her heart closer to his and she reached her tongue in for more.
“Such a good pony,” he crooned as she dipped her head enthusiastically and lapped up the rest.
Chapter Sixteen
A month after Natron’s surgery, the site where his staples had been healed up and Natron’s trainer, Jack Thomas, put him to work swimming laps. When he started it was awkward, dragging his broken leg and kicking with the other one. But it allowed him to keep up his cardiovascular workouts. Natron was surprised at how out of shape he was when he first started swimming in his pool. Jack told him his stamina would be the first thing to drop off, and that it would do so significantly. As much as he hated to admit it, Jack had been right.
Jack turned out to be right with regards to everything involving training and athletics. He was the most highly regarded personal trainer in the business for helping athletes come back from an injury. Hell, this was the guy that helped running back Deshawn Thomas come back in nine months after a blown-out knee. That was enough testimony for Natron, and he’d hired Jack as soon as he woke up from surgery.
At the beginning Jack gave him instructions via Skype and e-mail, because he was based in California, but now that Natron was able to do more, he’d moved into Natron’s place where he could take an active role in the training on a daily basis.
Today Natron floated in the pool, the water heated to a comfortable eighty-six degrees, while Jack barked instructions at him.
Stopping in chest-high water, Natron switched from swimming to jogging in place. It was important to keep his running motion going and if he did it underwater, he wouldn’t be putting any pressure on the bad knee. At the same time he could work his range of motion in both legs.
While Natron ran in place, Jack walked around the pool and threw the football to him. Natron was supposed to catch it in one hand.
“Natron,” Jack was saying as he tossed him the ball, “if you want to come back from this injury this season, you’re going to have to prepare yourself for several things.”
Natron snatched the wet, slippery ball out of the air with his palm, his fingers curling onto it and gripping it tightly. “What’s that?” Natron asked good-naturedly.
“When you first come back, you won’t have that top-end speed you used to have, and you won’t have that burst of speed that usually allows you to break away from the defenders.”
“If I can’t break away from the defenders, then what good am I on the field?” Natron scoffed.
“Well, if you’re lacking in elite speed, you’re going to have to make up with it in other areas.”
“What other areas?” Natron slowed his jogging.
“You’re going to have to change the way you play wide receiver.” Jack said with a burst of enthusiasm.
Natron slapped the water, splashing Jack’s legs. “Come on, dog. I can’t be learnin’ a new way to play the game.”
“Then you’re gonna get beat. You’re gonna slide down that slippery slope into mediocrity and in a couple of years no one will remember your name.” Jack crossed his arms over his chest.
“Damn, Jack, you’re killin’ me. What do I gotta do?” Natron hated change, but he hated the idea of falling into obscurity more.
“We’re gonna have to counter your lack of speed, lack of explosiveness with good old-fashioned brute force. You know how I’ve been pushing you to work your upper body, your core? That’s because when you’ve got more strength in your chest, in your arms, in your center, you’ll be able to outmuscle most of the defenders,” Jack said as he tossed another ball two feet over Natron’s head.
Rising out of the water, Natron pulled it in and threw it back.
Jack continued. “We’re gonna make those arms and shoulders like hydraulic cylinders that can’t be moved off their location. You’ll have to get used to defenders playing tight coverage on you. That means pulling on your arms when you go up to catch a ball. That means getting bumped around much more than you’re accustomed to. There will be times when you and the defensive back will both have your hands on the ball. You’re gonna have to out-muscle them to come down with it. And with more strength, you’ll be able to do that. You are gonna have to fight them for the ball on every single catch.”
“Dog, that sounds depressing.” Natron said, his energy level sinking.
“Don’t let it depress you. Let it motivate you. Envision yourself being successful.”
Natron shrugged, unconvinced.
Jack moved on. “You will also have to work on your catching ability. Your hands.”
Natron bared his set of million dollar choppers. “Whatchu talkin’ bout, Jack? You know I got elite hands. Nobody in the business has got better hands than me.”
“Elite, yes. But you’re going to have to be better than elite. You’ve got to be invincible, Natron. That’s what I’m talkin’ about. Invincible!”
Natron chilled. “Okay, I like invincible.”
“You’ll have to catch passes that aren’t put in great positions. Passes the defender might catch first, and you’re gonna have to somehow find a way to take the ball away from him. In other words, if you want Clay Davis to throw that ball to you, he’s gonna have to throw it out of the reach of the defender in most cases. So you’re gonna have to show him that you can make catches that are impossible to catch. And you have to make them every time. No matter what!”
Jack was asking him to do the impossible. Natron nodded. Umhmm. Now that was something to strive for. “Whatchu doin’ just jawin�
� then, Jack? Let’s get to work.”
Jack started throwing the ball to Natron while he swam freestyle without a foot planted on any surface of the pool. When Natron missed some of the first few balls, he complained. “This is stupid, Jack. Why would anyone practice like this? You’re nuts, man.”
Jack just smiled. “Keep after it, Natron. You’ll get it.”
Natron sucked it up and pushed himself. Soon he and Jack progressed to where he swam laps and he was able to pull the ball out of the air as soon as Jack yelled ‘ball.’ Natron had developed the core strength and honed his coordination to where he could catch the football mid-stride without having to push off on anything in the pool to make the elevation necessary. He also had to turn his head with ultra-quick speed and locate the fast-approaching ball.
Sometimes to make the catch, he had to reach his arms up out of the water using his core strength to twist and contort his body like never before to leap for that football. Then he had to find a way to catch that slippery sucker with one hand.
To say it was a challenge would be an understatement, but it was a challenge Natron accepted, reminding himself that if anyone could get him back to playing shape this year, it was Jack; the man was a fifteen-year veteran of the NFL and the best trainer in the biz. He’d put himself in Jack’s hands and he trusted him.
Natron was just finishing up his post-workout stretches when Veronique walked out toward the pool. Jack excused himself and headed inside to go check on their lunch. He’d gotten Natron’s chef preparing only healthy foods.
I’d kill for a pizza right now, Natron thought as he waved to his mother. She was frowning at Jack’s retreating form.
Veronique and Jack didn’t see eye to eye on most things, and not only was the house getting too crowded, but the daily conflict was hardly conducive to his recuperation. It was time he and his mamma had a talk.
Veronique brought him a Powerade and a pitcher full of iced water. “I brought you something to drink, baby. Gotta stay hydrated, you know.”
“Oh, I know, Mamma. Thanks.”