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Captured Heart (Historical Christian Romance)

Page 13

by Barbara Goss

  “I won’t try to hide anything from you. Luke’s in a serious condition.”

  Margaret glanced down at her hands briefly, then as if forcing herself, held her head high and spoke calmly: “Exactly what is my son’s condition?”

  Replacing his glasses and pocketing his handkerchief, he spoke with authority: “There’s hardly a place on his body that isn’t bruised or lacerated. Luckily, Luke was in good physical shape, and none of these injuries have me worried. There doesn’t seem to be any internal bleeding or damage.” He rubbed his forehead and studied each face carefully before adding, “It’s the head wound that concerns me.”

  “He’s not conscious then?” asked Edward.

  “No. He may never come out of it.”

  “When will you know?” Edward asked.

  “That’s hard to say. I’ll be able to tell more tomorrow. A great deal depends on whether his brain was injured, and if so, how seriously. He may never regain consciousness again, or he may surface briefly.” Doc Hawley hesitated, studying his audience carefully. “Then, even if he does come out of it, I can’t guarantee he’ll be....” Doc looked down at his hands, where he toyed with his gold ring.

  “Normal?” Edward finished.

  Doc nodded. “Yes. The injury is in a dangerous place.”

  “We understand. May we see him?” Margaret asked.

  “No reason why you can’t. He isn’t going to see or hear anything for some time. Can’t hurt.”

  “Thank you, Doctor,” Margaret said. “Aaron, will you show Doc to a room for the night?”

  When Aaron returned, Edward stood before the family. “We will take turns seeing Luke, but I want Amanda to be the one sitting up with him, at least for now, if that’s all right with everyone. She has a special prayer that needs to be answered, and I know if we give God the opportunity, it will be.”

  “It’s fine with me, “said Robert, “He’d rather wake up to her anyway. He’ll know she’s there. That will bring him out of it faster,” he winked at Amanda.

  “Love is a strong emotion,” said Margaret, “and I believe it can do wonders, especially when accompanied by prayer.”

  “What about the girls?” asked Jared. “Shouldn’t one of us ride and get them?”

  “Oh, dear!” Margaret’s hands flew to her face. “Sarah’s due any day. Must we?”

  “Sarah’s tough, like you, Mother,” said Aaron. “She can handle it.”

  “All right, but she must be told tactfully. You’ll do it, Aaron? I know you’ll handle it well.”

  “Yes, Mother. I’ll get Elvira and Emily, too.”

  “Then,” Edward said, standing, “you go in and see Luke first.”

  When Aaron came out of Luke’s room, Stewart walked with him. He somberly and silently took Margaret’s arm and escorted her into the darkened room.

  Amanda’s heart lurched. This was the first time she’d seen Stewart Sterling enter a room without it shaking with his loud laughter and jovial charm. Yet she wondered at the courage of this amazing family. Would she ever have the faith in God and the acceptance of His Will that they possessed?

  When Amanda’s turn came, Stewart escorted her into Luke’s room. Sensing his reluctance to leave, she put her hand out to stop him when he turned away.

  “Please stay with me,” she whispered.

  He smiled and nodded. “But you’re to sit at his side. I’ve heard why, and I approve whole-heartedly.” He hugged her lightly. “I’m pleased. I knew you loved him!”

  “Pray I get to tell him, and he understands,” Amanda whispered sitting beside Luke.

  Stewart Sterling sat at the foot of the bed, with his head bowed in prayer.

  Amanda slowly raised her eyes to look upon Luke, and then winced. Doc hadn’t exaggerated. There was barely an inch that wasn’t bruised or cut. She touched his cheek gently. His nose no longer appeared too long. His outdoorsy looks no longer seemed too rugged. Luke was handsome! Even bruised and battered, he was the handsomest man in the world, in her eyes.

  Remembering his boyish grin and twinkling mischievous eyes, this time it was she who scooped the hair from his forehead.

  “I love you, Luke Sterling,” she said positively. Amanda repeated those words over and over throughout the night.


  Stewart snored lightly as he sat upright, with his head cocked at an angle, almost resting on his shoulder. Amanda smiled. It had been a long night. She watched the first light of dawn peek into the window. Squeezing Luke’s hand, as she had every few moments, she repeated the words she’d spoken all night. “I love you, Luke Sterling.”

  She looked at Stewart for his usual response to her words. He sat up straight, smiled at her, blinked his weary eyes several times, and dozed off again.

  There was never a response. Only once Amanda had thought she’d seen his eyelids flutter briefly. Then she wondered if they had really moved, or was she merely tired and imagining things?

  With her free hand she touched his cheek lightly. “I love you, Luke Sterling.”

  No matter how many times she’d kissed his cheek in the past hours, the desire remained stronger than ever. She touched her lips to his cheek. Something was different! She drew back quickly and touched her lips to be sure. They were wet! She touched his cheek. It was wet! She looked at the ceiling, though she knew not why, for it wasn’t raining, and the wetness was too warm to be a leaky roof! She examined his cheek closely. There was a path running from his eye to the wet spot. A tear! Her heart raced frantically. Was that a good sign?

  “I love you, Luke Sterling.” She spoke louder than she had before. When Stewart jerked awake, she caught his attention before he fell asleep again. “Mr. Sterling, look! A tear! Luke can hear me, I know he can!”

  Stewart raced to the bedside and touched the cheek closest to Amanda, then examined the other side.

  “Look, this side is wet, too!” he exclaimed.

  “That’s a good sign, isn’t it?” she asked.

  “I think so.” Stewart beamed at her. “Keep talking to him. I think he can hear us.” He put his mouth near his son’s ear, “I love you, Son. Please come back to us!”

  The room was now flooded with early-morning sunlight. With his hands still beneath hers, Amanda continued talking to Luke. “I love you, Luke Sterling. I have for a long time. I didn’t recognize it and then couldn’t admit it.” She kissed his cheek. “I love you. I don’t want to go to San Francisco. I never want to leave you or this family. I love you, Luke.” When Margaret tiptoed in, Stewart and Amanda told her about Luke’s tears. She hugged them both and thanked God. She sent them both out to the dining room for breakfast, while she sat and talked to Luke.

  Elvira, Sarah, and Emily arrived with Aaron. Amanda felt awkward meeting Sarah under such adverse conditions, but was amazed at how like Margaret she was. Even heavy with child, she held herself with confidence, courage, and undoubting faith in God.

  Elvira also appeared strong; only Emily cried and whimpered as Amanda had wanted to. Edward comforted her.

  When Doc Hawley came in for breakfast, Stewart immediately relayed the news of Luke’s tears.

  “Is it a good sign, Doc?” Stewart asked.

  Doc scratched his head and looked thoughtful. “Hm m-m. It certainly isn’t a negative one! I can’t promise it means he’ll recover, mind you. It depends on why the tears fell. Did he respond to Amanda’s words? Or is his body merely functioning automatically?”

  “What do you mean, Doc?” Luke’s father asked.

  “I mean his physical body is operating normally. A tear or two could just fall on its own without meaning he produced it by brain action.”

  “You mean,” Stewart asked, “that if it were warm in his room, he’d perspire. If his bladder were full, he’d excrete, and so forth?”

  The doctor nodded, pouring himself coffee. “However, it is possible he is responding. I just don’t want you to build false hope.”

  “Thank you, Doc,” Stewart said, slapping him
lightly on the back.

  “I think, young lady,” Doc looked at Amanda’s tired face, “that you need some sleep.”

  “B-but Luke...,” she started.

  “I’m going in to examine him, we’ll change his bedding, and see to his needs. I want you to get some rest. Doctor’s orders.” He bent close so only she could hear his words. “It’s all right, he’ll be fine until you return. Just between you and me, I think he heard you and responded in the only way he could. Your message has been received.”

  Amanda smiled and hugged the elderly doctor. She followed his orders and slept for most of the day.

  That evening she again sat beside Luke, holding his hand and talking to him. The rest of the family took turns sitting at the foot of his bed, watching Amanda love Luke back to awareness.

  “I love you, Luke Sterling,” Amanda stated with as much feeling as she had the first time. “I love you.” She was about to squeeze his hand when a slight movement stopped her. Had he moved his fingers? Had he tried to squeeze her hand? Again she felt the slight pressure on her hand. She looked at Robert, who was sitting at the foot of the bed, gazing idly out the window.

  “Robert, he’s trying to squeeze my hand,” she cried.

  Robert sprang to her side. Amanda put Robert’s hand where hers had been.

  “He did! I felt it!” Robert exclaimed. “It felt weak, but wonderful.” He patted his brother’s arm. “You’re going to make it. I know you are!”

  For three days, on and off, the family felt Luke’s weak hand movements. On the fourth day after the accident, Amanda was called from her daytime sleep to Luke’s side. “Come quickly, Amanda,” Margaret shook her shoulder to wake her.

  “Luke is calling your name!”

  While Amanda hastily dressed, Margaret filled in the details. “First, he opened his eyes,” she said excitedly. “Then he looked around the room, closed them again, and fell back asleep. An hour or so later he opened them again and called for you. Doc thought it wise to send for you as soon as possible.”

  Although the day was sunny, the room was dim, for someone had closed the curtains. Amanda took her usual place beside Luke, while Mr. and Mrs. Sterling, Doc Hawley, Robert, and Aaron looked on from the foot of Luke’s bed.

  Picking up Luke’s hand, Amanda brought it to her lips and kissed it. “I love you, Luke Sterling.” There was no response. With a worried look, Amanda turned to Doc Hawley.

  Doc smiled. “He’s fallen asleep. Don’t worry, he’ll come around again.” He winked. “This time you’ll be there for him.”

  Amanda returned his smile and made herself comfortable in the chair beside Luke. Leaning over, she kissed his cheek gently. As she pulled away, she saw his eyelids flicker. She squeezed his hand. She gasped slightly when both his eyes opened and focused on her.

  “Amanda?” he asked weakly.

  “Yes! I’m here, Luke,” she cried softly. “I love you,” she said clearly and boldly. If he never heard another word on earth, she knew he’d heard those three important ones, for he smiled slightly and squeezed her hand weakly.

  He wet his lips with his tongue, and then whispered, “And I love you.”

  “Oh, Luke!” she cried, hugging him. “Please don’t die! I need you!”

  He smiled weakly and moved his eyes toward the foot of the bed. He smiled at his father. “I’m keeping her,” he whispered.

  Slowly, Luke began his mending, with the help of Amanda and his family.

  Thanksgiving was a gala affair at the Sterling ranch, especially this year. They had much to be thankful for. Not only was Luke recovering rapidly, but also Sarah’s baby girl had made her debut, healthy and robust. The house filled with sweet smells of home cooking, and the true spirit of love and happiness. Each person seated at the long dining table had a turn giving his or her personal thankfulness to God. When Amanda’s tum came, she thanked God for giving her such a wonderful family to help her get over the loss of her own.

  After Thanksgiving the Sterling family began preparing for Christmas with zest and exuberance. Amanda couldn’t help but get caught up in the excitement and festivities. Luke was up and about, but still not able to carry out his usual chores. He and Amanda had, since the day he regained consciousness, enjoyed a loving relationship. Though there had been no more talk of love or the future, they spoke with hand squeezes, smiles, and special looks.

  Amanda smiled at her reflection in the large oval mirror in Celia’s bedroom, which was now her room. The emerald taffeta brought out the green in her eyes beautifully.

  Margaret knocked and peeked in. “Oh, Amanda! Didn’t I tell you that dress would be perfect?” Closing the door silently, she stood gazing at her in awe.

  “Are you sure the neckline isn’t too low?” Amanda asked.

  Margaret shook her head. “Not in the least. Turn around let me see the back.”

  Amanda spun around gracefully.

  Margaret held Amanda at arm’s length. “Will you let me put just a dab of powder on the end of your nose?”

  “It is shiny, isn’t it?” Amanda sat before the dressing table and allowed Luke’s mother to powder her nose. “Will you put my hair up the same way you did for Thanksgiving?” she asked.

  “Oh, no!” Margaret’s eyes twinkled. “Christmas Eve calls for something even more spectacular.” Margaret brushed Amanda’s thick wavy hair briskly. “I can’t wait for Luke to see you.”

  Margaret noticed Amanda’s smile fade. “What’s wrong? Is there a problem between you two?”

  Amanda bit her lip. “We seem to still have difficulty communicating. I found it so easy to tell him I loved him when I thought he might die. Now that he’s recovered; I find myself tongue-tied again.”

  “But you seem so much closer.”

  “Yes, we are. We can convey our feelings, but not with words.”

  “I suppose, “Margaret spoke with several hairpins in her mouth, “it would be easier if there weren’t always family around. We haven’t been too considerate. We should have left you two alone more. How thoughtless! I’ll arrange more privacy for you and Luke.”

  Amanda spoke to Margaret’s reflection in the mirror. “Has he said anything more to you about sending me on that ship to California?” Amanda thought Luke’s mother paled somewhat at her question. Why do they all look so guilty whenever I mention my trip to San Francisco? Why do none of them ever ask me not to go?

  After several moments’ hesitation Margaret answered her. “He hasn’t mentioned it lately. But let’s not even talk about it until after Christmas. This is Christmas Eve! I want you to forget about the trip and enjoy your first Christmas at the S.O.S Ranch.” Margaret stood back and exclaimed, “A masterpiece!”

  Amanda picked up the hand mirror and looked at her hairdo. Margaret had pulled the thick curls back and up to cascade down her back and shoulders with a bounce, leaving just a few wisps of hair at her cheeks. “It’s lovely, Margaret. Thank you!”

  “Your hair is a joy to work with.” Margaret walked to the door and opened it. “Now, let’s join the others. I can’t wait to see Luke’s face when he sees you.” In a whisper, she added, “And I’ll see that you two get more time alone.”

  Luke’s eyes lit up brighter than the candles on the Christmas tree when Amanda walked into the living room with Margaret. His mother escorted her to Luke’s side, where she released Amanda’s arm and tucked it securely under Luke’s.

  After telling Amanda how beautiful she looked, Luke was silent. Yet his eyes continued speaking loudly and clearly. Amanda’s eyes answered with a loving twinkle.

  When the Christmas Eve dinner was over and Edward had conducted devotions, they returned to the living room for coffee. Seated at the upright piano, Elvira played one Christmas song after another, while the large, decorated pine tree blinked and winked at them all from its stand in the corner.

  True to her word, Margaret found a way to give Amanda and Luke a few moments alone. She suggested they all go into the kitchen and present Annie
with her gift tonight, since she would be spending Christmas Day with family in Laredo. When Luke and Amanda stood to join them, Margaret waved them back down and winked meaningfully.

  Blushing at Margaret’s obviousness, Amanda smiled shyly at Luke.

  Luke smiled with a twinkle in his eyes. “We usually open our gifts on Christmas morning, but I’d like to make an exception this year and give you one gift now, while we’re alone. Is that all right with you?”

  Amanda nodded. She felt her cheeks burn with excitement.

  Luke drew an envelope from his breast pocket. He gave her his best boyish grin before kissing her lips gently, then firmly with feeling. Amanda’s arms went around his neck automatically as she returned his kiss. To Amanda the kiss felt like coming home after a long absence.

  Luke ended the kiss reluctantly. He smiled again. “Well, actually two gifts tonight if you want to count that one!”

  Amanda rubbed his cheek with her hand. “Your recovery was my gift.”

  “Merry Christmas, Sweetheart,” he said, handing her a large white envelope

  Amanda carefully opened the envelope and pulled out a thick parchment-like paper Unfolding it, she scanned the writing hurriedly. She saw the words passage, ship, and San Francisco and gasped, dropping the paper into her lap. Tears overflowed from her eyes and ran down her cheeks.

  “Oh! Luke! How could you?”

  “Amanda, you look disappointed with your gift.” Luke’s face was serious, yet his eyes twinkled mischievously “You do still want to go, don’t you?”

  She searched his eyes for the meaning of the situation, but found nothing she could identify. How can he send me away? she thought, sobbing. He doesn’t even seem to care!

  “Don’t you?” he asked again. “Isn’t Aunt Hattie waiting for you?”

  Amanda nodded tearfully.

  “Are those tears of joy or remorse?” Luke tilted her chin up so that their eyes met.

  “Oh, Luke!” she cried, wrapping her arms around his neck. “I don’t want to go anymore. Didn’t you hear me tell you that when you were hurt? Didn’t you hear me say I loved you, and no longer cared about San Francisco? I can’t bear to leave you!”


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