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WindSwept Narrows: #21 Charlotte Bell & Natalie Templeton

Page 6

by Diroll-Nichols, Karen

  “You need a nice nothing movie to help you relax,” she declared and patted the sofa beside her as her other hand worked the remote. “Hang your jacket over the chair and come get comfy. It’ll make a nice date two,” she told him when he slowly followed her direction.

  But she wasn’t finished with him. She let him sit before taking his shoulders and turning them, repositioning him until his head was on her lap. He rolled to his side to see the TV, let his legs stretch out over the long sofa and sighed when she tugged a quilt from the back over him.

  “Is this an old family remedy?” Jesse asked easily, hitching himself a little higher and wrapped his arm beneath her thigh and under his head.

  “Yep. Got tons of them. Hmm…something peaceful but entertaining,” she mused aloud. A discussion over the titles she scrolled over took another half hour before they agreed on a film and settled down to laugh a little, be impressed by the graphics and even the story.

  “I’ll deny this if you repeat it, Charlotte, but this is much more relaxing than the party at the resort,” Jesse felt her palm resting against his head, her fingers idly brushing the hair behind his ear. He thought about the purchase he’d made on a whim and wondered if she realized how nice her fingers felt.

  “Social stuff fits with your career or maybe times with good friends for celebrations,” Charlotte settled down and decided it was nice. Very nice. She spent most of the day with an upset stomach because of their argument in the morning. Most of her understood his reaction now that they’d talked. “Thanksgiving through New Year is hectic and stressful for that reason. So this is nice and quiet.”

  Jesse leaned up on one elbow and took her hand from his head, tugging until he had her rearranged in front of him, beneath the blanket. One arm circled her shoulders, his head a little higher on the arm of the sofa and the other hand held hers. He felt whatever it was that had been theirs during their first date ease back around them and relaxed, listening to the laughter and even little sighs during the movie.

  Charlotte wasn’t sure when she fell asleep. But she knew when she turned, mumbling to herself and pressing her face into his shirt and snuggling down. Somehow her leg moved between his and she felt his cheek on top of her head, his breathing low and steady. It was a nice way to sleep, she decided drowsily.

  Jesse had a clear view of the watch on his wrist, the dial illuminated in the darkness that had captured the night. It was just after midnight when he felt her stir, small palms pressing over his chest and around his neck. She was warm, soft and staring at him.

  “It’s late.”

  Jesse liked the low husky sound and time wasn’t on his mind at the moment. His free palm began at her waist, fingers spread and pressing along her side.

  “The twins told me to stop hovering when they were sixteen. They said it didn’t make sense for me to teach them self-reliance when I didn’t allow them to be independent.”

  “It would be tacky to ask if you’ve ever spent the night away from home,” Charlotte swallowed hard but didn’t let her gaze move from the sparkling lights she could see reflected in his eyes.

  “Only on business and we have a housekeeper who fills in for me then,” he answered without hesitating. “Are you inviting me to spend the night?”

  “I don’t know,” she let her gaze lower to his mouth. The urge to kiss him rapidly taking over her brain. “If I say no, I have to give up this really warm spot.” She watched one corner of his mouth curl slightly. “If I say yes, I’m proving your belief that I prowl for guys in all sorts of places.”

  “It’s going to haunt me, isn’t it?”

  “For as long as it’s useful to me,” she admitted with a little laugh that was quickly swallowed when his mouth covered hers, taking the decision away from her and giving her the touch she wanted.

  She’d wondered about his taste and the feel of him and let herself slip into that sensual place when her body learned those answers. Long fingers gave in and speared the hair at the back of his head, one kiss flowing into another and into more, soft heated breathing the only sound breaking the night.

  Warmth increased as his hand found the hem of her sweater and slid beneath, stroking over the soft flesh, along the indent of her spine. Down to the edge of the cotton pants clinging to her hips and around the front, pulling on the string holding them taut around her.

  Jesse couldn’t remember the last time he had something so soft to touch or so sweet to taste. It was impossible to ignore the reaction of his body when his tongue swept against hers, stroking and caressing before a shudder wracked his body when she bit his lip.

  He didn’t taste blood but felt the sensual eruption repeated at the tiny hint as she kissed over his mouth. She let her tongue soothe where she bit and repeated the play.

  He pulled his head up with a low groan, the creamy expanse of her throat calling him. Now it was his turn to nip and nibble; bite down and soothe move onto another spot until he found the sensitive hollow between her throat and shoulder.

  A low, plaintive groan broke from her lips and her body arched against him, their hips pressing and legs twining to prevent either moving away. His palm rested in the hollow of her back and felt the sharp, hot shiver that raced through her when he bit down again.

  Charlotte hadn’t let herself feel so much in a very long time. His hand stroked over her side and found the hem of her sweater, slipping easily inside and gliding over her skin.

  She wasn’t sure which of them stopped first but suddenly found herself looking into his eyes when he raised his head, his palm still.

  “Bedroom?” He asked gruffly, losing himself in a pair of sparkling amber circles gazing at him. He watched her swallow and nod, carefully holding her in place as she slipped to the floor and took his palm. “Charlotte…” He pulled her against him, his palms gliding down to her behind and back to frame her face, his mouth covering hers, hot and hungry and seeking. Needing in a way he hadn’t allowed in his life for a very long time.

  She backed up slowly, taking both his hands and pulling him with her toward her bedroom. “Can you stay? I…”

  “My kids remind me over and over they’re almost eighteen,” he answered her softly, taking the hem of her sweater in his hands and pulling it over her head, dropping it behind them on the floor.

  She hadn’t bothered with a bra when she changed. He let the pert nipple scrape the center of his palm before trailing one finger around it.

  “I’ve never stayed out all night before. They’ll know, Charlotte and I don’t want that to be a problem for you.”

  She looked up from the buttons she had opened, her palms pressing inside and her sigh warm against is chest when she leaned in and began kissing, licking and nibbling her way higher, onto his throat and shoulder. She backed him to the bed and pushed, following him down quickly.

  “I don’t know if it’ll be a problem or not, Jesse. I…this…you…” she pushed a long breath between her lips before groaning softly against his mouth. “I wish I could say they’re in a whole separate compartment of my life but…”

  “I know,” he returned, gulping in a deep breath when her palm touched his belt and pressed lower, stroking over the fabric covered erection. He felt the buckle vanish and then the button on his slacks. He might have wanted to go slowly, romantically but their bodies wanted something else.

  Laughing and playing, the clothes vanished and he peered down into a pair of gorgeous eyes, their fingers clasp as he slid into her body. Long, slow strokes that had him grinding his teeth before sliding to the side and onto his back, taking her over on top of him. His hands moved to cup her breasts, teasing the nipples as she rotated her hips, pulling at him, urging him deeper.

  Charlotte groaned and let the wave rip through her. Pale red lashes closed and she watched the shimmer of the orgasm sweep through her, her body clenching, gripping and holding to his.

  His touch, his kiss the feel of him against her all built the wave that swept over her, pulling his name from her li
ps. She could feel his hands on her hips, pulling her down, holding her in place as he thrust again and again until he refused to allow her to move.

  Heat exploded when he dragged her mouth to his hungrily, the shout that threatened finally broke against her throat moments later.

  “Jesse…” Charlotte lay curled on her side when he came back to the bed. Blankets covered them and they lay facing one another.

  “It’s been a long time,” he suggested warmly, fingers up and tracing along her jaw, red-gold lashes blinking as she nodded slightly. “It’s funny…you don’t think of the time in between until…I don’t have a faulty memory. I’m thinking I owe the kids something for leading you into my life.”

  “Pretty sure I’m not a predator?” She teased, sighing when he eased her closer, the warmth of his mouth against hers dragging a low groan from deep inside. “I’ve never known anyone who got into my blood so fast…so good…”

  “I should have trusted my instincts about you instead of…of thinking of types,” Jesse felt his blood begin to heat up again and knew exactly what she was describing. “I haven’t known anything that ever felt this right, Charlotte. What time is wake up?”

  “Oh, god that feels so good…umm…Saturday…we open at seven so I go down about six-thirty and start things. I can promise you really good coffee and pastry for breakfast.”

  “I was thinking of you for breakfast…” He whispered against her lips. “What about Sunday?”

  “Closed,” she whispered against his throat, letting her teeth do the grazing and delighting in the shudder that struck him as she explored.

  “Have dinner with me Saturday and spend the night at the resort. Dress up or casual, I don’t care,” Jesse closed his eyes against the sensual onslaught when her kiss ranged down his chest, long hair trailing and teasing his heated flesh.

  Charlotte rested her head against his stomach, her fingers trailing up and down his inner thighs and the hard erection reacting boldly between. She liked the sharp inhale when she took him in her mouth, swirling her tongue around and up and down.

  She wasn’t sure which was more sexually intoxicating. The sensual overload of her senses was something she’d never allowed herself to indulge in but something about Jesse Hunter shoved all those restraints, all those controls far, far away. She savored the taste, the feel and the scents around them through the night, surprised and even a little amazed at her own reactions.

  Jesse had shrugged his shirt on shortly before six, his arm out and hand snagging her around the waist. He stepped forward, backing a damp Charlotte against the wall. Dark eyes cruised over the fire he saw flare in her eyes when he took both her palms in his and pulled them above her head, holding them in one of his hands before sliding a finger into the tightly wrapped towel. He watched it surrender and groaned softly against her throat.

  “I feel like a teenager, Charlotte Bell,” he whispered against her throat, licking the remnants of her shower along her throat.

  “I never let myself be a teenager, Jesse,” but she understood, wondering if or why she couldn’t get her hormones back under control.

  “Then maybe it’s time,” his mouth cruised over hers, their tongues stroking one another. He could feel the tiny tips of each nipple pressing against his chest and pulled himself up with a long breath. He’d just had her in the shower and it wasn’t enough!

  “I think it always frightened me,” she admitted, meeting the dark eyes. She slid one palm free of his, letting it stroke over the slowly drying dark hair, watching it sift through her fingers. “What if the other person thought I was strange?”

  Jesse let the corner of his mouth curl before dropping one final kiss on her too appealing mouth and stepping back with a deep breath of control.

  “I don’t think you’re strange, Charlotte. I think you’re perfect,” he bent and handed her the towel. “Imagine that…we both worry about the same thing.”

  “So…you’d tell me if I was too demanding,” she peeked up at him as she slid to the side and into the closet, quickly pulling things out and getting dressed. Today was a bright yellow tee with a blue tank over it and comfy jeans. She let her eyes wander over her dresses, wondering which one to wear tonight to make him squirm until they were alone. A giggle broke free against her control.

  “I’d mention it, I promise,” he said finishing buttoning his shirt and casting a curious look at her. “Funny?”

  “Oh…just a thought…I think I’d like dancing tonight, please…and perhaps dinner,” she told him with a smile, tucking shirts as she walked to where she’d left her sneakers.

  “I can make that happen,” he held his jacket, walking with her to the door and down the wide stairs. Jesse leaned against a counter, talking and watching her go through opening the store and starting fresh pots of various types of coffee. He caught her around the middle when she brought him a tall cup of coffee, his mouth down and cruising overs hers. “I’m going to let you work. I’ll be back about five-thirty for dinner and dancing.”

  “Okay…bye…” Charlotte felt her heart thumping when he grinned and turned to go, a soft whistle echoing in her head as she went back to work.

  Chapter Eight

  It was after one when Darlene came to her from cleaning up the dining area.

  “There’s a woman here who wants to speak to you. She didn’t ask for the manager, she asked for you by name,” the college student looked toward the dining area and gestured to the tall blonde standing by the counter looking bored and unimpressed.

  “Swell,” she applied her owner face and went in to the dining room. Thankfully, it was empty. Her regular customers knew she closed at three on Saturdays. “Good afternoon, Jasmine. Looking for some good coffee?” Nah, life couldn’t be that simple, she thought wistfully.

  “I saw his car here last night.”

  Charlotte held her breath. “Alright.”

  “Why do you want him? Is it money? I can give you money,” she said softly.

  “We’re friends, Jasmine. We watched a movie and fell asleep,” Charlotte wasn’t all that sure the woman was stable. “Do you live in Vancouver? Is there someone I can call for you?”

  “I don’t need your help and I know you didn’t just fall asleep,” she returned, a flash of anger in her eyes. “I saw you. Watched you with him.”

  “You don’t need my help, but perhaps your family. I could call them for you, if you like,” Charlotte made a move around the counter. She did not like being spied on by a stalker. “How about some tea? I made a lovely batch of iced tea and I knew we still have some. And a pastry?”

  “Why do you want him?”

  “Why do you want him? Who did you want before him, Jasmine?”

  “That is none of your business.”

  “I’m getting ready to close the shop, Jasmine. I don’t know what you want from me.”

  “I want you to stay away from him. He’s mine. Those kids will like me,” she nodded to herself, pale eyes going to the floor and back to Charlotte’s face. “He’ll never stay with you. You’re so plain. He’s used to the finest money can buy.”

  “He doesn’t want to buy you, Jasmine,” Charlotte should have seen the palm coming, her head snapping back and ears ringing. “Darlene, dial up the police, please. This woman just assaulted me and I want her arrested,” she spoke quietly, calmly. “Maybe some time in prison will get through to you.”

  Charlotte watched her spin on her expensive heels and leave the building, the slamming of a low sports car door next before the spinning wheels left the parking lot.

  Darlene handed her a towel filled with ice. “Your face…”

  “Thanks,” she sighed. “Crazy woman. Swell.”

  “Off her medication?”

  “Off her rocker,” Charlotte mumbled, shaking her head and locking the front door. “Let’s shut down early. It’s too nice and sunny out. People are at the beach having a good time. You go play for a while, too. I’ll see you on Monday.”

  “Thanks. I
have some summer courses to prep for,” Darlene gathered her backpack and checked for her keys, waving as she left.

  Charlotte wasn’t sure how to catalogue all the things going through her head at the moment. Her face had stopped stinging, that was a good thing. She checked the alarm before tiredly climbing the back stairs, her gaze drawn to the small windows and the parking lot.

  She paced the large open space. She rechecked the parking lot and the long stretch of roadway she could see from her second floor windows. Across from her was a gradual hillside leading to another flat space before the houses began dotting the area. But so far there was no sign of Jasmine Billings’ car. Charlotte pulled her phone out and tapped in a familiar number, making a text request with the reason to her friend at the dispatch desk.

  She breathed a long sigh when the answer returned. She’d been with the police for almost six years and knew it was a formality that was part of the steps necessary when being stalked and threatened. And watching her windows to catch a sight of Jesse and her was a little creepy, she decided, standing in the opening to her closet and glancing down her choices.

  Even running her fingers along the sides of several dresses and thinking of Jesse didn’t take the edge off the sensation she felt because of the woman who’d come to her shop. The look in her eyes had been unnerving. As if no matter what was said, her vision, her version of events would never come to close to what was the truth. She scarcely glanced at the clock as she sat on the vanity seat smoothing a light lotion along both legs and onto her arms before letting the simple halter dress over her head.

  She added a sexy finishing touch, adjusting the lace on her hips. A pair of black heels fell next to her desk before she turned the computer on and checked the time. She was more than a little ahead of schedule, she realized with a little laugh, signing into her game and shortly before four and meeting up with some friends for an impromptu couple missions.


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