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WindSwept Narrows: #21 Charlotte Bell & Natalie Templeton

Page 7

by Diroll-Nichols, Karen

  Charlotte was up almost absently to open the door when the knock came, her finger up for a holding pattern before zipping back to her desk chair and resuming the shooting pattern. She’d told them she had to leave soon and they were almost finished. Another five minutes and she let out a long sigh, chatting to her friends and telling them she was leaving for the night before she shut the game and computer down.

  She wasn’t sure how she managed to forget he’d come into the apartment. But when his mouth cruised along her shoulder, she jumped visibly and let out a little squeak.

  “I’ve watched the kids play that game but had no idea how involved it was,” Jesse murmured, his teeth firm on the exposed throat.

  The collection of scents ranged from flowery to the spices and sugar from her kitchen, all blending into an intoxicating mix that made up Charlotte in his mind.

  And body. He’d spent a lot of the day working but in the blank spaces he found himself arguing with the male portion of him that wanted to go back to the long night he’d spent with Charlotte and the hardened reaction it caused was something he hadn’t given a lot of thought to. Until now.

  Charlotte barely removed her headset when she groaned.

  “I’m glad you didn’t do that while I was fighting,” she murmured, wondering when she began melting. His head nudged hers to the side a little more, fingers scraping the long hair to the side for easy access seconds before the other palm rubbed over one breast, bringing the traitorous thing awake. “Jesse…”

  “I’ve discovered there’s a decided gap in my life, Charlotte and you fit neatly,” he told her, demonstrating by closing his fingers around the small, rounded breast, fingers toying with the nipple until it peaked painfully, demanding more attention.

  “You know I can’t think when you do that,” she complained at the same time her back arched slightly, thrusting herself more firmly into his palm.

  “You don’t seem to mind being exploited,” Jesse straightened up, adjusted his slacks and turned the chair she was in to face him, taking in the halter dress in a flowing bright gold and yellow jewel-tone. She was sitting barefoot and cross-legged on the large desk chair and he couldn’t help but grin. “I’ve never seen people sit in desk chairs like you and the kids before,” his head shook, one palm out and gliding over her shoulder until the long red hair filtered over his fingers. “Dinner?”

  Charlotte inhaled slowly, unfolding her legs and nodding. It wouldn’t have taken much to make her forget about dinner plans, amber eyes scanning the floor for the heels she had dropped there. She could feel the heat in her face, not to mention the taut, buzzing sensations he’d begun to arouse with his touch.

  “It would be easy to forget dinner,” Jesse agreed, as if reading her thoughts. He laughed when she looked up from adjusting her heels. He wore a casual shirt beneath his jacket, hands shoving the sides back and sunk into the pockets of his slacks.

  “I’m thinking it would be really easy to forget a whole week,” Charlotte admitted as she stood up and moved to stand in front of him, her palms taking his and guiding them to her hips.

  “You think we’d have it worked out of our system by then?” Jesse wasn’t sure if he was relieved she’d admitted the sharp attraction or not. He knew it would have been damned difficult to walk away if she didn’t. It took a lot of effort to hold the groan of need inside him when her palms pressed over his chest and onto his shoulders, soft fingers stroking over his throat and into the hair at the back of his head.

  There was no resistance when she pulled his mouth to hers, the full bow of her lips at once soothing and arousing. His hands tightened on her hips even as his body reacted, the groan dragged from deep inside him.

  “I don’t think a week would be long enough, Jesse,” Charlotte whispered against his mouth, taking a step back and meeting eyes that had darkened, his panting just as ragged as her own. “So we’d better go if we want dinner because I don’t have the resolve to fight it and if that’s what you’re betting on…you’re just too tempting, Jesse,” she let her cheeks puff slightly, a long breath pushed through her lips, her head shaking ruefully.

  “Eventually starvation would take over,” but he grinned and took her palm. “Dinner and dancing. That’s what you asked for tonight.”

  “I’m really flexible though,” she teased, leaning in for one more kiss.

  “Now who’s doing the tempting,” he growled, noticing the pack she had sitting at the side of the desk. “You’re bringing that?”

  “You invited me for a sleep over,” she reminded him. “Although, I’m seriously thinking we didn’t get much sleep last night.”

  “That’s why they make vitamins,” he bent and lifted the backpack, frowning.

  “Laptop, clothes, shoes…girl stuff,” she said to the unasked question. Her palm reached out and took a grip on the pack, her lower lip tugged between her teeth. She wasn’t surprised when he stopped her at the door, his hand leaving hers to tilt her face to his.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m just not sure this is a good idea. Maybe it would be better if you stayed here.”

  “Is it going to be uncomfortable for you, Charlotte?”

  “I don’t know,” she answered honestly, closing her eyes for a minute. “I don’t want to be but maybe we should talk to them first, Jesse. I…we give teenagers lectures about this kind of thing and here we’ve just met and…”

  “I’ve been thinking all day that it doesn’t feel like a just met situation,” he said quietly, uncertain about the words he wanted to explain something he hadn’t really found an answer for inside himself.

  “I know that,” she said quickly. “Believe me…this isn’t my normal behavior. I don’t know that I’d be able to explain to them how it’s different when I can’t explain it to myself. We…we fall into claiming we’re older and we know better, but…I just think we should wait before…before launching me into their morning. That’s all.”

  “It embarrasses you?” Jesse felt a slight surge of anger, dark eyes watching her pace out of his hold.

  “I…No! I don’t want to be. No, of course not, Jesse. I’m old enough to be past embarrassment,” she shot back with a frown. “Have you ever taken a woman around them? Has it always just been the three of you? Don’t you think they’ll have some kind of reaction if I just walk out of your bedroom in the morning?”

  “I’ve done nothing but think of them for the last fifteen years,” he stopped himself, the edge of his own voice dragging him back to reality. He’d always been very careful to keep his personal activities very personal. Why, then, was it so important that they know he wanted Charlotte part of his life? “Maybe we should invite them to dinner with us.”

  “I…” Charlotte felt every drop of moisture evaporate from her tongue. She’d been gaming with them for three months. Why was she nervous now? “I don’t know about that…it’s where…okay…alright…maybe that would be good…”

  “You’ve been talking to them for the last three months,” Jesse said carefully.

  “I know that. Me and them. Game. Shooting. Planning. Not sitting at dinner with their father!” She hissed like he was some reverent temple at the table. Charlotte let one hand fly through the air as she paced, struggling for balance. “I don’t have a game manual for this.”

  Jesse closed one eye and struggled with the logic.

  “And you think I do? I’ve worked hard to keep my personal needs out of their sight. I’ve worked hard to be a good father and build my business. I didn’t allow myself the…the…”

  “I’m sure parading women through their lives wouldn’t have been good for them.”

  “I don’t have a life filled with a parade of women,” he responded, teeth clenched, part of him wanting to burst out laughing at their conversation. “The few I have dated knew about the twins. Most bailed for that very reason and you know what? I didn’t feel a damn thing when they did,” Jesse took two long steps forward and gripped her shoulders. “But I d
on’t think I’d be able to say that if you bailed because I was the father of teenagers, Charlotte. And I don’t think you’re the kind of woman who would hesitate about our relationship because of the twins.”

  “You’re wrong,” came the low whisper. “If I thought it would hurt them, Jesse…if I thought it would hurt what you have with them…”

  “I have to have confidence in the kids I raised, Charlotte,” his palms slid along her shoulders to frame her face. “Let’s go to dinner. I’ll give them a call and invite them to join us. I’m not going to run from these feelings. Even when you make me want to swear in three languages…I like being with you,” his thumbs stroked over the curve of her smile.

  Charlotte drew in a slow breath and nodded, frowning the next instant when he lifted her pack in one hand.

  “You’re taking that? Why? I thought…it would be better…”

  “Just in case,” he said smoothly, taking her palm and waiting while she lifted a small purse from the table. He stood on the sturdy deck, watching her set the alarms before going to the waiting SUV.

  Charlotte forgot their discussion as she wandered down the stairs, trying to be casual as she scanned the streets around her shop. She checked the neighboring parking lots and knew she was holding her breath as well as his hand as he led her to the SUV.

  “Charlotte? Something wrong?” Jesse followed the path of her gaze, dark brows knit in thought.

  “Oh, no…no…just checking things,” she shrugged and smiled, squeezing his fingers. “I’m okay.” It would definitely put a crimp in the evening to bring up Jasmine Billings visit now.

  Tomorrow, she thought absently. She’d tell him tomorrow.

  Chapter Nine

  “For now?” Jesse teased, standing at the passenger side and lifting her to the seat. He pulled his phone out and tapped in one of the numbers he knew by heart. “Jaime…are you and Jenna at the resort?”

  “Just got in. That campus is huge,” his son breathed, excitement in his voice.

  “How about joining Charlotte and me for dinner? In the restaurant downstairs,” he paused and looked at the wide eyes and barely breathing woman. “The Italian one…Charlotte, breathe.”

  “Sure…I’ll talk to Jenna and meet you outside,” Jaime said easily, raising a brow at his sister’s interest and grinning. “A few minutes?”

  “Probably ten…maybe fifteen. See you in a bit,” he closed the phone and dropped it into his pocket. “Now…not so okay?”

  “Did we not have a conversation about not bringing it up just yet?” Charlotte gaped at him, wide eyed.

  “I’m pretty sure I was here and we agreed on dinner with them tonight,” Jesse decided to just close the door and stride around to the driver’s side, his head shaking. He played back the conversation of the last fifteen minutes and he was sure of the outcome.

  “I’m not usually like this,” Charlotte said quietly, snapping the belt into place. “I’m really usually not.”

  “If it helps, I’m pretty sure they already like you, Charlotte,” Jesse guided them onto the road, glancing at the silent woman now and then.

  “I’m good,” she nodded. “I can do this.”

  “Worse than meeting a guys’ parents?”

  “Probably. Didn’t meet that many parents,” she said, taking a deep breath as they entered the huge parking area of the resort.

  “Ever date a guy with a child?” Jesse hoped if he kept her talking she wouldn’t hyperventilate on him.

  “I didn’t date much. I went from vo-tech school into the police academy and stayed with them for a little over six years before I started my shop,” Charlotte felt her stomach clench when she caught sight of the twins standing outside in the sun. “Oh, god…”

  “Breathe…they’re kids and they game with you,” Jesse couldn’t stop the laughter, stepping onto the concrete and striding around to take her hand, leaning down and brushing her shoulder with his mouth. “It’s okay. I’m pretty sure I trained them not to bite.”

  “Stop that!” She hissed at him. You’ve got an attractive, sexy guy nibbling on you and you’re supposed to remain non-sexual around his teenagers. Yeah, and how’s that working for you? She groaned and hoped it was internal.

  Jesse laughed out loud when she shook her shoulder and straightened herself a little more on those sexy heels. He let her stride ahead of him, exhaling and enjoying the healthy twitch of her behind beneath the flowing fabric of her dress. He noticed a glimmer of the sun off her legs and realized she was wearing nylons. He thought those long extinct among modern women and decided he really liked the way they made those long, sexy legs look.

  “Hey, Charlie,” Jamie grinned at her and looked at his father.

  “Charlie!” Jenna hugged her and frowned at her father. “How’d you meet?”

  “She’s the vocal nosy one,” Jesse confided with a sigh. “Let’s get some food.”

  “No, seriously…” Jenna gripped her father’s free hand, throwing a teasing grin at her brother. “We were just gaming a little while ago.”

  “I was waiting for him to pick me up,” Charlotte answered. “He came in at the end of the game.”

  “You told us you had a date,” Jenna recalled. “You didn’t tell me it was with dad.”

  “Personal life,” Jesse said with a shake of his head.

  “I don’t usually talk about much but game stuff when we play,” Charlotte answered cautiously, finding having the twins in this role wasn’t quite the same.

  “That’s true,” Jamie decided watching his dad with a female wasn’t new, but with this female, he seemed different. Very different. Maybe it was a guy thing that he noticed, he wasn’t sure. But he knew it was a good feeling seeing his father happy. “We never even knew you were single until we met up with Faith and Jenna started asking questions about your type.”

  “You were quizzing Charlotte?” Jesse looked at his daughter and received the typical Jenna half shrug. He’d long learned it was the female equivalent of ‘nothing’ in answer to a question about what are you up to?

  Charlotte knew her stomach had felt better. She also knew that having Jesse’s palm resting on her hip was part of the issue. Didn’t he realize he was staking a claim in front of his children? She worked to keep a smile on her face while they were seated and handed menus, absently listening to the specials.

  “I could give you an answer to her thought processes on the whole thing, but it’ll mess up the night,” Jamie said with a little chuckle, dodging the palm his sister aimed at him.

  “How did you meet?” Jenna asked again when the waitress had left them water and bread sticks. She lifted a buttery stick and bit down with a little frown. “You said you were going to a coffee shop,” she looked at her father and then at Charlotte.

  “He stopped by…” Charlotte began with a casual shrug. “And invited me out for dinner.”

  “She took me to a BBQ place,” Jesse continued smoothly. “It was good. We’ll have to go there one night.”

  “You went to a coffee shop,” Jenna repeated thoughtfully, her head shaking slightly. “You’ve never go to coffee shops. You always said they were money pits.”

  Charlotte felt her eyes widen, her glare turned on Jesse. “Money pits?”

  Jamie sat back and decided to just watch.

  Jesse sighed. “I may have said something along those lines…”

  “My business is not a money pit,” Charlotte interrupted firmly.

  “He says it was more sense to make his own coffee at home,” Jenna declared with a wave of her hand. “So why did you go to a coffee shop?” She straightened in her chair, dark lashes wide. “Did you go hunting for her? Because of the game?” Her eyes flew from one to the other and saw the answer on both their faces. “Oh my god! You did!”

  Jamie straightened a little and winced at his sister’s tone, but he saw the answer on both the faces of the adults.

  “As your temporary legal advisor, I’d recommend you change the subject,” Jamie
leaned close to his father and spoke in a low voice.

  “You didn’t trust our judgment,” Jenna accused, her voice lowered when eyes looked in their direction. “You went hunting for Charlie because we met her online instead of in a class room or on campus.”

  Charlotte stared into her water glass, not sure what to say.

  “He did come into the shop, Jenna, but he wasn’t on a witch hunt.”

  “Then why isn’t he answering?”

  “Because my legal counsel advised I fall back on the genetics excuse,” Jesse said with a crooked grin at his daughter and a wink at the muffled giggle from Charlotte.

  “I think we’re ready to order,” Charlotte said when the waitress cautiously approached the table, her smile soft and easing the tension a little.

  Jenna leaned back in her seat and glared at her father as orders were placed, slender arms crossed over her chest.

  “So…have you got dad interested in joining the game?” Jamie grinned at his father and shook his head. “She’s going to sulk and be angry for a while. Just ignore her.”

  “We haven’t talked about the game much,” Charlotte admitted. “We’re just getting to know one another, I think.”

  “I invited her to dinner and some dancing,” Jesse said, recognizing the stubborn glare from his daughter and almost laughing. “And she didn’t want you to be surprised if she was in the suite in the morning.”

  Jamie looked from the hastily coughing Charlotte to his father.

  “She sleeping on the sofa?” Jamie jumped visibly, reaching for his shin and glaring at his sister. “Ow! What the hell was that for?” He demanded, his face clearing suddenly and then turning a little red. “Oh…OH.”

  “Oh,” Jenna closed her eyes and shook her head. “You are so thick sometimes. Where do you think he was last night?”

  “Oh, god,” Charlotte spoke the words and held up one finger when Jesse opened his mouth to speak. “What part of ease them into things were you not grasping?”


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