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WindSwept Narrows: #21 Charlotte Bell & Natalie Templeton

Page 8

by Diroll-Nichols, Karen

  “Charlotte…” Jesse reached for her palm.

  “Excuse me, please,” she was up and crossing the restaurant before anyone could speak.

  “Not exactly your smoothest move,” Jamie said with a sigh. “You wouldn’t bring her to the suite if it wasn’t serious.”

  “She’s terrified of coming between me and you two,” Jesse looked from one to the other, laughing at the puzzled expressions on both their faces.

  “She doesn’t know that side of us, but I suppose I can see why.” Jenna said softly. Step-mothers don’t have a good reputation, but she decided to keep that comment to herself for the moment. She looked from one to the other. “We truly didn’t talk about our personal lives or…or how we felt about things. You didn’t raise us to be dumb, dad.”

  “I have never thought you were dumb. You have sweet, generous hearts, both of you. I worry. I guess I’ll always worry. It’s difficult to realize you’re not my little kids anymore,” Jesse admitted with a deep breath, his gaze sweeping toward Charlotte’s exit. “Should I…”

  “Maybe you’re not so thick after all,” Jenna teased, leaning up and reaching for bread and her salad. “You hunted her down,” she repeated in disbelief.

  “Can you forget that part?” Jesse demanded with a low growl. “I don’t get this social gaming and media thing, alright. I admit it and I was wrong.”

  “Progress,” Jenna laughed.

  “We blame male genetics,” Jamie tossed back.

  “I’m going to make sure Charlie’s okay,” Jenna dropped her napkin to the table and went in search of the restroom, the door easing open cautiously. The smile tilting her lips was natural as she watched the mother and small girl finish washing up their hands before she spoke to the woman leaning heavily against the sink. “He didn’t mean to embarrass you.”

  “I know that,” Charlotte exhaled slowly. “I know that.”

  “Did you know who he was when you went out to dinner with him?” Jenna plopped into the cushioned chair in the large powder room, jean covered legs stretched out before her.

  “When he asked me out…no,” Charlotte admitted. Meeting the younger woman’s eyes through the mirror. “Then he told me his name and it took a few…a little conversation…before I realized the names were the same. He said he was feeling old and that,” she sighed. “He was new to the area and didn’t want to dine alone and he asked me to have dinner with him. He’d come into the shop looking for someone but he couldn’t recall the name right off,” she sighed and turned, leaning against the counter and meeting the younger woman’s eyes. “So I offered him coffee and we just began talking.”

  “You didn’t want to come over.”

  “I don’t know, Jenna. We share the game. I didn’t…I don’t know,” she shoved her hands against the counter and paced, heels clicking on the tiles. “I don’t want either relationship messed up. I like gaming. I like the team we’ve put together and I won’t mess that up,” she said firmly. “But I like your father, too. We talk. We laugh.”

  “Why do you think it would? Dad doesn’t play the game but he’s watched me and Jamie play for over a year now,” she shrugged. “He doesn’t care if we game. You like him a little…”

  “We’ve had some nice talks,” Charlotte said quietly, sighing. “And we need to go have dinner. I’m starving.”

  “He’s never brought anyone home before,” Jenna said softly. “We’ve met women he’s dated at company picnics and stuff, but he never brought anyone home for the night. He always came home at night. Sometimes he asked when we withdrew. He’d ask why. And we were honest.” Her lips pursed, head tilted a little to the side. “They weren’t right for him. You could see it in their eyes…and in his.”

  “What do you see in his eyes tonight?” Charlotte wasn’t sure she was ready for the answer but had to ask.

  “He’s happy. He’s relaxed and he hasn’t been that relaxed for a long time. I think a lot of tension came because of us going off to college,” Jenna smiled at her. “And yes, I was asking about your type because I wondered…you’re two nice people.” She shrugged when Charlotte gaped at her. “I thought you’d make a good fit together.”

  “Should I ask how I stack up with the others he’s dated?” She asked, her head next to Jenna’s as they walked across the restaurant, arms linked together.

  “Way above his other choices,” Jenna assured her with a chuckle. “Way above.”

  “It’s because I game, isn’t it?” Charlotte said with a laugh.

  But Jenna only laughed and took her seat, deciding she was not only happy but hungry.

  “It’s more because you’re real.” She looked around with a crooked frown, trying to find examples.

  “Real what?” Jesse looked from one to the other, relieved Charlotte didn’t run. He’d seen that possibility in her eyes. Not that he thought she was weak, but he knew she wouldn’t stay if his children didn’t accept her. It was then he realized just how grown-up his children had become.

  “I was telling her that compared to your other dates, she’s real.”

  “My other…” Jesse choked on a forkful of salad, a low chuckle from his son making him frown. He hadn’t brought a woman around them in a few years. He’d been too busy creating his business to do more than the functionary dates over business details. It surprised him they recalled any of them because he was having a damned hard time after spending time with Charlotte.

  “Aw, c'mon, dad, I saw this one coming in the parking lot. They’re girls. They talk about everything,” Jamie assured him, grinning at his sister. “How many’d you come up with?”

  Jenna considered this. “Five. Starting when we were eleven, I think.”

  “Five?” Jamie’s puzzled face remained when his sister leaned over and began whispering. “Right…Tina…got it, Marlene…oh, yeah, Gerry…and we were nine, I remember now.”

  The twins looked up to see their father glaring at them and Charlotte trying hard not the laugh.

  “Did you have a favorite?” Jamie asked casually.

  “If by favorite you mean…oh my god, I thought my father had better taste than this…” Jenna laughed brightly, her head shaking. “There was the hair tossing Mindy,” she recalled, dramatically tossing her head to the side, dark lashes fluttering and eyes rolling.

  Charlotte laughed, seriously having to work to chew and swallow without choking herself.

  “I remember Carol. She thought nine year olds liked having their cheeks pinched,” Jamie recalled with a shudder.

  Charlotte cleared her throat. “I think he gets the picture.”

  “I think I stopped grounding them too soon,” Jesse returned, glancing grimly from one to the other. “So we’re back to private life.”

  “Oh, but once you introduce them to a date, that takes it out of the realm of private,” Charlotte told him, ignoring the laughs from the twins and the open glare from Jesse. “Hey, that’s just the way it is. Once you invite people into your private life, it doesn’t exist anymore.”

  “You’re not helping.”

  “So…” Charlotte took a drink of the wine he’d bought for them. “I don’t pinch cheeks and I’m not a hair tosser.”

  “You kick ass in the game and speak to us like we’re people,” Jamie commended with a nod of approval.

  “And you don’t look at my dad like he’s a walking piggy bank,” Jenna said, quickly reaching over and pounding her father on the back.

  Charlotte poured more ice water for him, genuinely concerned. “You okay?”

  “A piggy bank?” Jesse croaked out, raised brows and wide eyes scanning the twins.

  “Marlene,” Jamie said with a glance of agreement from his sister.

  “Sometimes men are a little on the naïve side,” Charlotte said, sinking back to her seat and working on her pasta. “I live simple and enjoy it. I think I’ve been saving forever for my shop and six years ago, made it happen. I love going on buying trips and seminars about new techniques and blends.” />
  “Yeah but you hardly ever drink the stuff,” Jenna said with a laugh.

  “Not true,” Jamie cast a sideways glance in her direction. “Faith spilled. Charlie likes the cold, frosty drinks.”

  “That blonde traitor,” Charlotte mumbled, playing along and finding it not difficult at all to get them on other topics. “A girl’s weaknesses should not be exploited.”

  “She says you had to sell coffee to afford the Frappuccino’s,” Jenna grinned around a taste of her vegetables.

  “Since I know we share that, I won’t comment,” Charlotte laughed.

  “It’s quite a change from police to coffee shop,” Jesse relaxed, watching them all talk about everything over the past hour had been fun. He had kids who could fit into any social situation and it only just dawned on him that those skills were because of him.

  “Not really,” Charlotte leaned back, aware of his palm along the back of her seat. The plates were being cleared away and she held the half empty glass of water between her fingers. “It was what I needed for a time after culinary training. I had school to pay back and wanted something where I could help…maybe. Most of the people I met there had an idea we could make things better. Even if it’s just one little thing at a time,” she shrugged and took a long drink. “I saved up enough to start the shop and take a few courses in blending and spices. Specialty courses.”

  “I met some kids at campus that get coffee there just to try and figure out the spices you use,” Jenna told her. “And they live on coffee. Lots of kids in high school did, too, though.”

  “The decaf is just as yummy, or so I’m told,” Charlotte assured her. “Teas are just as much fun to blend and we have a lot of people buying the blends and making it at home. Designing the bags was almost as much fun as making the tea or coffee.”

  “We’re going to the arcade,” Jamie announced, tossing his napkin down and standing up. “Don’t keep him out too late. He has a curfew,” he teased and waited for his sister to join him.

  “Get out of here,” Jesse laughed, his head shaking as the pair of them strolled close together, heads bent and chattering away as they’d been doing since he first saw them fifteen years ago. “Those two are something else.”

  “You managed to survive,” Charlotte teased, twirling the wine glass by its stem. “I was a little concerned there when they started telling me about your past dates.”

  “Don’t go there,” he advised, attempting for stern and falling short. He had his wallet out, dropping cash on the check and standing up, offering his palm. “Some dancing, Ms. Bell?”

  “Did you ever dance in your bedroom?” Charlotte took his palm and stood very close, her mouth on his softly. She felt his reaction and chuckled. “Hmm…maybe a few spins around the dance floor would cool things down.”

  “I don’t see things cooling down in the middle of January,” he growled low against her ear, guiding her from the restaurant. He didn’t understand the magic in the laughter that bubbled from her, her palm sliding down to wrap around his hand.

  “That’s an interesting statement,” Charlotte wanted him close. She wanted him. And he returned the desire with a hunger that matched hers. When she reached for him in the night, he woke slowly to her caress, the fire between them alive and hot.

  “Interesting or frightening?” Jesse led her through the wide, open and glittering entry way to the massive resort and casino, quiet music reaching them as they moved along the corridor to the lounge.

  “I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little unnerved, Jesse,” Charlotte gestured to a corner table empty and clean but he led her to the dance floor. Her head tipped slightly, her smile soft as his hands positioned themselves and guided her to the slow song.

  Three songs later, she was laughing and lost to the feelings he brought to life between them. He’d swung her to the light reggae song, dipped her over his arm and spun her tightly clenched to his body.

  “I think I need a drink,” Jessie laughed with her, leading her to an empty chair and sinking down at her side, his lips brushing her shoulder. “I was afraid I’d forgotten all that stuff.”

  “Where did you learn to dance?”

  “Dance theater in college,” he confessed, his head shaking. “Between my folks and the child care centers at the college, I was pretty lucky that way. You are a very good partner, easy to lead on the floor.”

  “You seemed to know what you were doing and I was along for the ride,” she leaned back into his chest. “I love dancing, though. One of those secret things you keep to yourself. I was planning to take lessons someday. One of those things on a list to do.”

  “I can keep secrets and volunteer as an instructor,” he assured her, lifting her palm and carrying her fingers to his lips. “I haven’t felt this good, this young…in years, Charlotte.”

  “I know,” the words shook a little, her eyes closed as the warmth spread through her. How do you not be afraid, she asked herself.

  “Will you stay with me tonight? We can do whatever you want tomorrow.”

  Chapter Ten

  “I can take you for a drive. Show you a bit of the area you’re moving to,” she told him, sighing when his arms came around her to hold her against his chest. Tomorrow was a day off work for them both. Nothing wanted to be inside her head at the moment but how simple and easy it felt being with him. Her body swayed slightly to the music, her fingers twined with his and she could feel his smile against her temple. And it was enough, she realized with a soft sigh.

  “One more dance,” Jesse breathed against her cheek, his nose against her ear and teeth moving to bite down with just enough edge to make her sup in a short burst of air. “My room is on the other end of the suite from the twins. So if I make you scream, they shouldn’t hear much.”

  “And if I make you shout…well, they’ll know you’re still alive,” she countered with a grin, twisting to the side and standing up, extending her palm to him. She could see the hunger in his eyes. Eyes he kept on her as he drained the vodka and soda he’d ordered and slipped his palm into hers.

  “I think bypassing the dance would be a good thing,” Jesse felt each nerve ending throbbing when she touched him. No matter where. No matter how innocent.

  “Oh, no. You promised me dancing and I like dancing with you,” Charlotte led him to the floor, his hands moving into place for the seductive love song. “Besides, there’s something I wanted to talk to you about.”

  “I think I can handle dancing and talking, Charlotte. What are we discussing?”

  “What’s beneath my dress,” she said smoothly, almost laughing aloud when he missed a step.

  “I was going to ask but thought it a little forward,” Jesse felt his body continue to tighten and throb.

  “And what was your observation?”

  His palm slid to her waist, fingers gently prodding.

  “No band. No…” he stopped when her hand moved to his, guiding it to her hip and the three inch wide expanse of what felt like a lace band riding low on her hip. He almost asked how it was being held in place.

  “It’s elastic and lacy,” she said as if reading his mind or maybe reading his body’s reaction to what it was discovering. Charlotte leaned closer, her breath tickling his ear. “I’m not wearing panties.”

  Jesse closed his eyes, fingers moving to follow the wide strip of lace. They stopped when they came to the thin strap heading down over her ass.

  “A garter?” The word caught in his throat and he had to clear it a few times to make his voice higher than a mouse squeak.

  “Something has to hold up my stockings. I think they’re sexy,” she commented as if casually discussing the weather.

  Jesse groaned softly, his palm moving to the indent of her waist, his brain trying to figure out where they were in the song and how long it would be until it was finished. Then her hand went over his again, guiding it carefully to her side.

  He felt the edge of something just above her waist. Something with long, thin st
iff stays. His cock jumped to alert just before she spoke the words.

  “It’s a bustier,” she whispered hotly against his jaw, kissing the pulse pounding there. She took advantage of the dazed look on his face and pushed her hips hard against him. “I see part of you is enjoying the image. It’s white and lacey.”

  Jesse knew he’d never have made it through dinner if she’d told him this before. He also had a surge of excitement that she waited on purpose to let him in on the foundation pieces clinging to her skin. He had a woman who liked games.

  “You realize you’re totally messing up my rhythm.”

  “I’m a gamer,” she said as if he hadn’t spoken, pale lashes blinking as she stared into his eyes. “I love role playing. I love dress up. I need to know if you’ve the stamina to keep up with me, Jesse. I didn’t want to scare you off.”

  “Does it feel like I’m scared off?” His voice was low and rough, the picture she painted in his head mixed with images he created on his own. He knew they were lost in their own private world, the sound of the music made it inside but the rest of the population vanished around them.

  Until he felt the tap on his shoulder.

  He frowned. He was sure it was the second time someone had tapped on his shoulder. His eyes focused a little better and he saw Charlotte motion with her eyes to his side.

  “Good evening, Rory,” she found a smile somewhere.

  “My turn to cut in for a dance,” Rory cast a casual glance at Jesse before focusing on the low V at the front of her halter. “How are you, Charlie?”

  “I’m fine, thanks, but I’ve promised my evening to Jesse. I’m sure there are more than a few women here who would love your companionship,” Charlotte wrapped her arms around Jesse’s neck, her face pressed against his throat, inhaling the scent of him greedily.

  “I’ve asked you to dance with me, Charlie,” Rory stood his ground, his hand out to touch her arm.

  “And I’m politely declining,” Charlotte reluctantly stopped moving, her head rising to meet the eyes of the younger man.


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