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The Comyenti Series Book Bundle, Volume 1 and 2 (Epic Romantic Supernatural Fantasy)

Page 9

by Natasja Hellenthal

‘So, this is you then.’

  He nodded, ‘I have to feed the goats in the barn in the morning there, so you can see the farmhouse if you like.’

  She only smiled at him, so he continued, ‘We have great summers here and all kinds of landscapes. I have travelled some, but I’ve never seen a greater country than this; under all the snow we have luscious woods, gentle mountains, a river with lots of wildlife in and around it and rolling green fields with many flowers,’ and he grinned happily. ‘And I haven’t even mentioned all the kinds of fruit that grow here including the best cherries ever!’

  ‘It does sound special.’

  Enough to make you stay?

  ‘I can show you around, weather permitting.’

  They were silent for a couple of minutes before Felix said, ‘You’ve not asked me if I live alone.’

  She peeked around and shrugged her shoulders and rolled her eyes gesturing at his narrow bed.

  ‘I can see you do.’

  He crimsoned at that.

  ‘Yeah, well.’

  ‘You don’t have many friends, do you?’

  Felix poked in the fire.

  ‘Not with many people, no, and not in Rosinhill, although I know everyone here; but that doesn’t make me friends with them. I have my travel buddies, two close friends, who live days away from here though. I had thought about asking for their help with the food situation,’ and he glanced at her, suddenly shy.

  ‘And what about you, have you made some friends during your travels?’

  ‘Some, mainly with non-human animals, though but the problem with me is that I can’t keep friendships going. I have to fly, literally. And it’s hard if you travel like me, you hardly ever go back to the same place twice,’ she answered.

  ‘So you’ve never been in love?’

  The question came as a complete surprise and nearly made her jump as if he’d said something indecent. She stared at her empty cup in response and he could feel her leg tensing up against his. After a while she answered the very personal question in a quiet voice, ‘Well, just once.’

  He tried to look into her eyes, but the fire, which she continually stared at, burned low and it was becoming increasingly dark in the house.

  ‘So you did meet a human? Did you have to give him up because of The Search?’

  It seemed like a long time until she answered him, for a knot in her throat was building up.

  Why now? ‘Maybe, I…don’t know...Oh, blast.’ She turned her face away and he could see her body shake and hear her weep softly. He quickly laid an arm around her shoulders for comfort and she immediately buried her face in his chest, shedding tears upon his soft knitted woollen jumper. Made from the wool of his friends the sheep; donated lovingly! she thought with a hint of humour, but it didn’t help her feel any better; if anything it made her feel worse. If only she could hate him! It would be much easier!

  He stroked her hair softly and she could hear his heart beating rapidly.

  What am I doing? This feels so good, and then moments later. Who’s weak now?


  Felix let her release her sorrow upon his chest; it was the most painful lonely crying he had ever heard. He reckoned she hadn’t cried for a long time. Maybe she had buried a lot of her emotions in order to survive. A very human thing to do.

  ‘That feels better doesn’t it?’ he asked softly when her breathing became calmer.

  ‘I was wondering,’ he asked to change the subject, as she dried her tears with her sleeve. ‘Did you ever meet your father?’

  ‘No,’ she shook her head, looking slightly embarrassed.

  ‘Didn’t you ever want to?’

  ‘Not really. My mother said he was a nice man,’ and she laughed a little. ‘Why, what’s your point?’

  ‘Don’t you think a child has the right to get to know her father?’ He made his voice gentle, without judgement.

  ‘Yes, of course I do, that’s why my mother gave me his name and told me where he lives or at least used to, I even got close once, but-’

  ‘You’re afraid of what you might find.’

  She sighed deeply, ‘Maybe,’ he is human after all.

  ‘But did you never miss having a father?’

  They exchanged a long look, it made him feel dizzy, like he was under her spell. For a moment he thought he was asking her too many questions again as she still looked sad.

  ‘My mother was a mother and father at the same time.’

  It got slightly colder in the house. They could hear nothing else but each other’s breathing.

  ‘If you…reproduced with a human,’ Felix carefully began, for he sensed she had lowered her guard. ‘you could perhaps stay somewhere longer-’

  ‘And give up The Search?’ she asked loudly pressing her lips together in distress and knitted her brows.

  ‘Not necessarily; maybe for a while. You must have thought about that. And there is the promise to your mother. With a halfling child new hope would arise and you wouldn’t then be the only comyenti anymore, right? I reckon a child of yours will share your abilities?’

  She looked confused at him, growing even more tired.

  ‘Yes, it hopefully will, ’she sighed. ‘But naturally the bloodline will be thinner every time we reproduce with a human and will therefore die out eventually. That’s why I can never give up The Search. I need to know if there are others out there, not just to reproduce with, but to know if there are more doing the same thing; searching, trying to securing the future of comyenti species or bonding with humans,’ like I’m doing now, stupidly?

  Felix touched the side of her neck lightly with his fingertips, which made her shiver and burn at the same time.

  So, it’s possible…he thought.

  ‘Did you know,’ she quickly exclaimed. ‘that my name means ‘sun’ in my language?’

  ‘Sula,’ he whispered alluringly holding her gaze. ‘The sun is a symbol of light and hope in many countries.’

  ‘Yes, the last hope of my people.’

  He shook his head grimly.

  ‘Too great a burden for one to carry I should say.’

  She nodded. But somehow it no longer seems so heavy, ‘I think…you have made it lighter for me. You’ve given me hope.’

  ‘I have?’ His blue eyes began to twinkle even in the dim light she could see, like two stars. She smiled at him. His face came closer to hers. His lips brushed hers lightly and she could feel his warmth and yearning for her, but he was a gentleman.

  Oh, how easy it would be to just lose herself in him and let him give her what she needed. To be soothed, comforted, wanted and loved. A child…Her body ached for him, but her mind urged caution.

  You’ve been lonely; it wouldn’t be right to give yourself to the first man you came across and make the everlasting powerful Heartmerge!

  Even though she somehow knew it was more than mere lust and the need for a child she felt for this man. He was so understanding and compassionate and very much how she imagined a comyenti man would be.

  ‘We really need our rest,’ she said nervously looking at his comfortable bed. She hated herself for breaking the spell.

  Felix stood up, feeling embarrassed and stupid.

  I’ll have to be careful with her, very careful.

  They prepared themselves in silence for the night. She could feel Felix’s insecurity and shyness. She was also too tense and unfamiliar with men; she always avoided them as much as she could, trying not to get involved in anything like this and now it seemed that it had gone too far already.

  I must leave as soon as possible. But she so wanted to be with him tonight, to hold his warm body close, to have him touch her and comfort her. She was not a fool; she had seen him looking at her in that special way and somehow she had a feeling he wouldn’t mind if she used him to father her child.

  There was one thing that bothered her deeply; she was not as young as him anymore. She still bled, even if she was nearly forty. What would Felix say if she told him her real ag
e? She was twice his age for sure!

  What am I even thinking of? I am not planning to do any of this!

  “Remember the Oath,” the voice of her mother sounded again.

  ‘Will you go with me tomorrow to see my farmhouse?’ he asked her from his bed in front of the fire. It was dark, with only the bright stars shining palely through the only window. All Sula could think of were his eyes. It was freezing outside and they both sensed the weather was getting worse again.

  ‘I would love to,’ she responded honestly.

  She could hear him sigh in relief.

  ‘I somehow thought you would leave, especially given that the weather might be turning.’

  ‘Really, and risk crashing into another bridge?’ she joked and heard him chuckle.

  ‘I was hoping you could stay the rest of the winter?’

  She didn’t answer.

  Oh, no! I’ve been too pushy again! Felix thought too late.

  ‘You don’t have to decide now,’ he quickly added. ‘I don’t want to pressure you, but it seems silly to travel in winter and be alone in some cave, no disrespect, whilst you could be here warm and comfortable with friends. If you would like some space we can always put you up at my sister’s who is travelling south and won’t be back until spring,’ but when she still didn’t respond he added, ‘All I want you to know is that you will always have a roof, a friend and a bed to come back to.’

  Sula’s heart almost stopped.

  ‘Not... necessarily in that order…of course.’ He smiled.

  ‘Thank you, Felix…I really appreciate it very much. I’ve never experienced such true kindness before.’

  ‘It was about time you did.’


  I should have kept my distance,

  Sula couldn’t sleep; she had never felt this awake before and so…restless.

  That was the plan, the promise, if I ever encountered a suitable mate, she said to herself. I have gotten too close. But I am not like you, mother, I know that now! I can’t do that to anyone!

  That evening with Felix had been so cosy, warm and honest, even if he was human. He was different, that was obvious, but who knew; what if it were just words to impress her and get her into his bed?

  Why was she questioning her intuition? She was usually right about people. She never felt so close and open to anyone before, she found herself thinking again about his gentle sparkling blue eyes and supple hands and the way he moved them through his blond hair… His voice and slim body. It made her head spin. She felt her body heat up and her skin felt moist underneath the thick woollen blanket.

  She felt herself trapped between two worlds. Her mother had always warned her that this could happen.

  Well, I am after all part human! she retorted to herself.

  She could hear Felix shift on his sheepskin bed on the floor whilst a storm started raging outside.

  Comyentis were family people once. We were forced to live in solitude. It was never my choice, nor my mother’s. Although I love to be alone with nature and wildlife, I cannot always shut human company out from my world. Not Felix, anyway,

  She would have to sacrifice a lot to stay in his house, but not if it was just for the winter surely? To be with him…

  When will you experience this again? It’s not the end of the world if I stay a while is it?

  Chapter 9 Heartmerge

  The family farmhouse was not that far away from Felix’s house and it turned out to be a nice morning stroll further up the mountain, away from the village. Rosinhill itself lay surrounded by fertile mountain slopes; that were now covered with a thick layer of snow. Felix explained that it was on those mountains where he let the goats graze during the summer and autumn months. He would gather them together late each afternoon to milk them if need be or sometimes he would stay the night in the pleasant mountains. He had followed in his father’s footsteps. Felix also pointed out the cultivated meadows and vegetable plots close to the village surrounded by thorny hedges to protect the food from being eaten by both goats and rabbits. Then they came across the pens which gave the animals shelter from the snow and frost.

  Felix showed Sula some of his neighbours’ livestock as they walked further along on that misty morning. She saw cows and horses that were well looked after in their warm dry stables. Then he showed her a large oval barn which had a roof that lay so heavy with snow, it looked ready to collapse.

  ‘As you can see, it needs a new roof in springtime; the snow has done too much damage this year,’ Felix said to her as they went inside through one of the doors. Straw covered the floor and it smelled a little sour to Sula’s enhanced sense of smell, but it didn’t bother her too much.

  She helped Felix feed the goats a combination of hay and clover while he threw away the old and trodden straw from the floor, replacing it with fresh supply that he got from another section of the barn where he also held his milk buckets and cheese making equipment.

  ‘Did you know that goats are one of the oldest domesticated animals?’ Felix asked her whilst working.

  ‘Hmm, yes,’ Sula replied a little moody and stroked one that munched, gently on the nose, remembering wild mountain goats happily jumping and climbing with great ease in the southern mountains. ‘You must know, I don’t agree with it,’ she almost whispered, Felix wasn’t sure if she was talking to him or the goat. ‘People, keeping animals imprisoned.’

  ‘I don’t suppose you do, but we talked about this last night. Most of the year they have a pretty awesome life in the mountains. You should come back in the summer and see them jump and run freely! When the days grow shorter I keep them in fields closer by. At night I lock them in just to keep them safe; from wolves and giants.’ And he grinned. ‘I told you, I merely protect and look after them.’

  He went about his work again.

  There were a few cats inside, some had been asleep since they arrived, whilst others were trying to win their attention as they worked. Sula smiled when she noticed a big red one meowing very loudly at her while she communicated with one of the goats. She struggled to divide her attention between so many creatures at once. Comyentis were easily over-stimulated and so she learned the need to focus on one task at a time, lest she lose the use of her abilities. She had found out the hard way.

  ‘You hear them, right?’ Felix asked.

  ‘Hmm, sometimes I receive words and sentences from pets that live very close to humans, such as yours. But from wild animals it’s mainly images they send me; they show me things. Although after a Mindmerge I can’t really tell what it is, neither of us has to make any effort, communication flows so easy, I wouldn’t be able to tell if it’s words we use. We simply understand one another.’

  ‘I would give anything to talk to my cats and goats. What would they say!?’ He sighed dreamily leaning on his pitchfork. Then he suddenly stared at her and asked, ‘Hey, can you ask Gertie if she still suffers from toothache?’

  Sula smiled, faced the goat to her right and after a minute or so gave Felix a satisfying answer. He had been studying her intently and she could feel his gaze without looking at him. With so many questions, he was bursting, but he had to contain himself, that much he knew.

  ‘So when you merge your mind with that of another creature to adopt a new skill, what happens?’

  ‘For a moment our minds merge and we become one,’ Sula answered, looking up from the goat to Felix.

  ‘One…And you can still think and remember who you are?’

  She laughed and her eyes shone brighter. They were so beautiful and again her exceptional beauty touched his heart.

  ‘Of course.’

  ‘But you change only in the mind, not your body?’

  ‘No, please!’ And she shook her head violently.

  ‘May I watch you one time when you do a Mindmerge?’

  Her smile faded visibly from her face.

  ‘Sorry, I don’t do that,’ she replied coldly.

  Felix was disappointed but tried to hide it.

  ‘Well, we’re finished here,’ he announced dryly. ‘Will you help me remove the snow from the roof?’


  And they went outside. Felix fetched two shovels and helped her climb onto the roof. The snow had frozen the day after it had fallen and after that there had been another fresh layer on top of it so it was just too heavy and couldn't come down by itself. A little ladder stood by the wall to reach it.

  They started working on shovelling the snow off, working without a coat. It would have been hard work if Sula hadn't been there. Felix watched her in amazement lifting heavy shovels of snow one after the other without much effort. When they were almost done, Felix accidentally threw some snow on Sula’s head and shoulders, helped by a gust of wind. She jerked her head away while she yelped, spitting the snow from her mouth, ‘Felix!’

  ‘Oh, I am so sorry,’ he said, a little shocked. But when she stood straight up and he saw her green tunic and purple vest with scarlet lining all white, even her brown leather leggings and black boots and her head covered in snow, added to that the annoyed expression on her face, he couldn’t help himself but laugh. She narrowed her eyes in anger, but on seeing and hearing him, she soon melted like the snow. She took up her shovel and threw a large pile of snow on him yelling heartily.


  They had a fierce snow battle on the roof until Sula suddenly fell and slipped a good ten feet at least, landing on the soft pile of snow they had just created below. She sank into it. That in itself caused Felix to burst out in more laughter, but when he didn’t see her emerge he panicked.

  ‘Sula!’ He slid off the roof after her. ‘Are you alright?’

  She popped out of the snow and when he extended his hand to remove the snow from her head, she grabbed hold of it, pulling him towards her, so that he fell to the side on his stomach with his face in the snow. Suddenly she sat on top of him and buried him beneath a thick layer of snow. Starting to stand up, she smiled, but then she felt him roll over faster than expected and suddenly his hands were on her hips and he tipped her over, so she landed on her back.


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