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The Comyenti Series Book Bundle, Volume 1 and 2 (Epic Romantic Supernatural Fantasy)

Page 10

by Natasja Hellenthal

  He continued laughing and they were both throwing snow at each other hysterically.

  Felix had to stop as he coughed, wiping the snow from his red wet face. They both stayed sitting with tears of joy rolling down their cheeks, catching their breath, but happy.

  The melting snow had made its way via Sula’s neck down her spine. It also felt cold and wet down her front; between her breasts. She stopped laughing.

  ‘Great, my extra cloths are still wet from washing them this morning and now this! What am I going to wear?’ She wiped her wet hair from her face.

  He looked at her with tears still in his eyes and chuckled, ‘I’m not sure unless you wear my clothes, but you would drown in them. Maybe-’ But he stopped himself, biting his lip, cocking his head slightly.

  Sula stared thoughtfully at him; trying to read his mind, which of course she couldn’t. She’d never tried to link her mind with a human before, she wasn’t sure she would be able to do as they would surely resist. It wouldn’t work without asking first or without the special intimacy shared between two lovers. Maybe she had to try sometime, in order to understand them better…

  While she gazed into his summer ocean-blue eyes she saw a sudden change in them. His pupils grew dark; in a wave of desire. He wasn’t laughing anymore; he just stared at her with a yearning look. She suddenly felt so overwhelmed by his want for her, that she felt it too. Not knowing if it was her own feeling or his. He embraced her so closely as if just to warm her, but she knew better than that. He held her so tight while they both shivered.

  Neither of them wanted to let go, so they sat there a while in their shared embrace.

  ‘Come,’ Felix whispered to her and gestured her to stand up, extending his hand to her. ‘Let’s dry your clothes at home.’


  They walked back to Felix’s cosy house where it was warm. He pulled off his jumper and shirt and hung them over a chair in front of the fireplace. With a naked torso he walked over to Sula, who didn’t know where to look.

  ‘You’re cold,’ he softly murmured and lifted her chin to look at him. She jammed her eyes closed for a moment, somehow expecting his lips, but heard him say, ‘Let me take your clothes.’

  She stared at him, not able to do anything, breathing faster, water from her wet clothes dripping on his floor; drip, drip, drip. He helped her out of her furry leather vest, standing behind her, but then she just stood rigid.

  ‘Don’t fight it, Sula. Stop fighting me.’

  She felt him brushing her damp hair to one side and then tenderly kissing her ears, nibbling the earlobes, kissing her neck, slowly pulling her green tight tunic up at her waist. She felt his hands on her skin, warm and although slightly calloused, his hands were surprisingly tender and attentive.

  Her tunic and leggings fell to the floor one by one and standing in her under wear, which was low at the front, showing her full breasts and the cleft between them, she felt herself getting more aroused. He cupped her breasts with his hands and kneaded them gently but urgently. When she did not protest, but moaned softly, he played with her hardened nipples. She bit her lower lip at that and felt her knees getting weak. He turned her round to face him and kissed her more passionately now. She placed her hands around the back of his neck, playing with his hair, stroking his strong shoulders. In one movement he lifted her up in his arms and carefully laid her down on his bed. When his hard body met hers, she felt his soft lips on the hot skin of her neck and breasts. She could do nothing other than return his passionate kisses and caresses for it was all she really wanted. He was the perfect mate for her.

  Who’s weak now?

  ‘Am I,’ Felix spoke when he stopped for a moment. ‘your first then?’

  ‘You are, Felix.’ she panted.

  He smiled his beautiful boyish smile and whispered alluringly in her ear, ‘I’ll be gentle. I’ll show you what to do.’

  ‘Have you…?’ she asked hoarsely.

  ‘Yes, but only a couple of times. She was a childhood friend. We dated a few weeks a couple of years ago. Trust me, I know what to do.’

  She gave him a half smile at that. Now this was a first! In all other territories she was the expert, she possessed most abilities and had skilfully mastered them, having travelled and met many species whom she merged with. But in matters of the heart and physical acts such as mating, she had no clue. No one had ever taught her that! Finally Felix was leading her in the one thing he apparently was very skilled at indeed. With confidence and patience he explored every inch of her, slowly moving from one place to another, making her more and more aroused. But always waiting for her reaction and making eye contact; he suspected not every woman was the same and all liked something different. He found his way with her and she liked it a lot. In fact she had no idea it would be this good. With his fingers and his lips, he was certainly melting her frozen heart…

  She knew that mating rituals with most species could be a lengthy process; especially the courting. Sula assumed she and Felix had done all that, and that the actual mating could be over within the blink of an eye. In this case it was certainly true; Felix did not waste any time, he did his best to hold out for as long as he could so that she would enjoy it too. He teased and touched her in all the right places and made her more and more ready. And when he entered her; he held her hands above her head lovingly, fingers intertwined, moving at first with gentle thrusts, then more persistently. It certainly burned her and hurt her, but it was a pleasurable pain, unlike anything she’d ever felt before and she found herself floating in it, reaching higher and higher. They were dancing, almost a rhythm. When he came first he cried out like a lion. His roar made her smile, he bit her on her neck too like a cat!

  She felt his heartbeat close to hers; fast and loud, almost deafening. She dug her nails into his back, holding him close while he was still inside her. Felix had to catch his breath, but then continued to kiss her as he pulled out and slowly made his way down her body, kissing her toned but soft stomach, licking her belly button which made her moan and when she felt his warm persistent tongue between her legs it was only a matter of a few heartbeats before she felt herself reaching for the sky; only flying could come close to that feeling, and she too screamed out.


  When Sula awoke, Felix was still half wrapped around her body; as if he was afraid she might leave him.

  I should go, she thought, even though her heart and body protested and wanted to stay in his warm almost familiar embrace.

  It is not fair on him, but he knows I should. I’m not human enough to live here.

  Silently she removed his arm and lifted his leg from between her legs and silently slipped out of the bed. The warm sheep fur tickled her feet in a pleasant way. Suddenly she felt as if Felix had defrosted her somehow.

  It’s the Heartmerge, I know it is!

  She shook her head and stared out of the round window. It grew dark and she remembered the villagers had arranged a party for her that coming evening; they had insisted on it even though she tried to decline. She flinched with anxiety.

  Sula tiptoed away silently from the bed. The clothes she had worn that day still lay scattered on the floor where Felix had dropped them. She tried not to think about the pleasant moments just passed as she pulled her nearly dry clothes from the rack above the fireplace and got dressed.

  When she pulled her dark cloak firmly around her, it felt like protective wings, she buttoned it up and hauled her rucksack on to her back. She looked one last time at the sleeping man in the bed. Softly she murmured, ‘Farewell... Felix.’ She turned quickly to open the door while pressing her mouth firmly against the welling tears.

  ‘Is this going to be a habit?’ she heard a familiar croaking voice from behind her. She didn’t turn round, but instead stood numbly in the doorway with her back to him.

  ‘Sula?’ His voice sounded so utterly sad, she had to step outside and run.

  ‘Sula!’ She heard Felix calling after her helplessly but she didn
’t stop running.

  He fell back on the bed in despair covering his eyes with his hands.

  ‘Felix?’ a small voice sounded suddenly from the door opening moments later.

  He quickly sat up in hope only to stare into his twin sister’s eyes. Feline had been away on her travels, like she always did every autumn and winter. Why was she back so soon? Not being able to think clearly, he dropped his head in his hands and grumbled, ‘Not now, sis.’

  Feline walked towards Felix after dropping a couple of oranges from a bag she had been carrying to sit beside him.

  ‘Who was that girl I saw running off like she was chasing the wind? Was she the one who persuaded the giant to bring back our barn, what’s her name…Sula?’

  When he didn’t respond, she shook her head, not understanding his silence, even though they were very close.

  ‘What did you do to her, bro?’

  He glanced at her with red eyes and got up, covering his nakedness with a blanket and stood in a corner of the room.

  ‘I chased her away,’ he scowled. ‘That’s what I did!’

  ‘How?’ she asked for she only knew her brother to be sensible and loving, most of the time.

  ‘By being too eager and…stupid!’

  ‘Oh, boy,’ she tilted her head in the same way he could. ‘Then… you must be in love.’

  Brother and sister exchanged concerned looks. They looked so alike.


  Feline smiled at him.

  ‘Why don’t you go after her, then? Come on!’

  He returned her thoughtful gaze by saying, ‘Because…I cannot cage a rare bird, sis. That… would be cruel.’


  Sula had ran out of the village to the nearby woods. She needed air to breath, but when she got there, she felt so empty inside, she knelt down in the snow and cried. Her heart felt heavy and there was a tight knot in her stomach when she thought about leaving Felix. Every step away from him had felt heavy and near impossible. She already missed him…and never seeing him again was something she could not face.

  So, this is love? Or is it just the Heartmerge doing this to me? She never thought she could be affected this way. Her mother never mentioned this, so maybe her mother had never experienced love.

  Oh, Felix, you haven’t made my burden lighter! You have made it worse, for now I am caught!

  She stood up and kicked a snow-covered trunk with her boot. ‘No!’ screaming out loud, she focused on the wolf.

  ‘We don’t belong here, you and I,’ she said to the beast inside her. ‘Even if…Felix is different.’ she sobbed.

  ‘I might be carrying his child.’

  “Good, now leave!” the voice of her mother demanded on the wind blowing past her.

  No! I don’t want to run away like you did! Run and hide and all for this stupid search! I never promised you that!

  Wearily she got up and closed her eyes to pray for a solution. The spirit of her mother wasn’t any help. She said things that Sula didn’t agree with.

  But in her heart she’d already decided, from the moment she turned around to face Felix that first day at the bridge. She could have taken off without ever looking back, but something had held her back…

  I followed my heart; I'd already decided not to walk away then, but can I hold myself to that?

  Sula knew that she had at last found what she had been so desperately looking for. It had perhaps not only been a quest for her species, but also a personal one.

  She had truly found a companion of the soul in Felix; a soul mate, maybe more than any other of her own kind could ever be, if she had ever found one, or ever would.

  Not one of her bloodline then, but a kindred spirit; a bond stronger than anything else.


  When she stood at his door her heart pounded so heavily in her throat, it frightened her.

  All these new feelings, these new emotions made her feel dizzy.

  Am I making the right decision?

  But she didn’t doubt it anymore; when she found herself face to face with her friend and lover after knocking on his door and seeing him. She could tell he had been crying and that hurt her.

  They stared at one another, as if in shock. His hair and eyes wild, his expression unbelieving as if he couldn't believe she had come back.

  But then a relieved warm smile came to his lips and fresh tears started to flow.

  Whatever may come, I will be here for you, my love, always and forever, she heard him say in her head…Sula’s eyes widened in surprise; he hadn’t opened his mouth! She listened again. Of course she would hear his thoughts; they had shared their bodies and souls; the unique Heartmerge for lovers. Although a mystery to her; according to her mother, who couldn’t tell her anything since she herself had run away before she ever experienced the effects of it and thereby breaking it; it could last a lifetime if unbroken.

  Sula had no idea if Felix was able to hear her thoughts yet though…or if he ever would, being human.

  Why does she look so stunned, has she never seen a man cry?

  She fell into his open arms and laughed and cried at the same time on hearing his thoughts again; a result of their deep feelings and their hours of passion.

  Felix thankfully closed his red rimmed eyes and was barely able to breathe, for she hugged him so tight. But he didn't care, she had come back to him. At a loss for words and with a warm glowing feeling around his heart, he nestled his wet face in her neck most gratefully.

  PART II Spring Tears

  Tears, idle tears, I know not what they mean,

  Tears from the depth of some divine despair

  Rise in the heart, and gather in the eyes,

  Down to the world unseen.

  Chapter 10 Twello

  Two little feet moved rapidly across the dark forest floor. Ferns and tall grass stroked against thin bare legs.

  The small boy was no more than skin and bones but he moved sleekly like a cat in the night. He seemed to know where he was going and very determined to get there quickly. Only once did he stop and turn around to look back through the trees that he was about to leave behind, before going out into the open exposed meadow. He panted heavily and small plumes of hot breath met the cold night air. Tears gleamed in his pale blue eyes and there were smears of dirt on his face and skinny bare arms. His clothes were rags. He hesitated but only for a moment.

  His brows knitted together in anger as he remembered something. Fighting back his tears he headed on, crossing the grassy meadow. Everything shone blue in the light of the thin new moon high up in the starry sky. It all looked magical in this light, but the boy hardly seemed to notice, for he had only one goal in mind. There it was, rising dark in front of him a few hundred feet away: The tower.

  With wild eyes he stumbled over an unseen object and fell. A cold gust of wind lifted his hazel hair and his mouth trembled slightly before he found the strength to stand.

  As he came closer now he felt his heart pounding like a caged animal in his small chest. Swallowing away his fear he stared at the high wall of the tower he had to climb. There was no doubt in his mind, he had no other option. Seeing the faces of his scared parents in front of his inner eye; he knew he had to continue.

  He knelt down and crawled through the dense spring grass towards the black tower.

  When he reached the stone wall he waited for a while in an attempt to slow his breathing down before pressing himself flat against the wall. He shivered both from the cold and anxiety.

  He knew there had to be guards upstairs, they had told him that. Examining the stone wall with his delicate but long fingers he found the men had been right; the wall had big rough rocks sticking out of it slightly. An adult could not have climbed it as their feet and hands would have been too large to find a suitable spot to get a good grip. Yet it was perfect for a child; but not just any child. The men had seen the boy climb earlier that day. They knew he would be perfect for the job and for that reason had captured him and h
is parents.

  Twello had always been good at climbing trees and walls; better than all the other children in the village. Silently he cursed that skill now. If it wasn’t for him, he and his parents would still be safe. The only way to make it up to them now, was by climbing this tower wall and bringing back what the men wanted. There was still time. But once he had climbed the wall, what then? The men had given him instructions for that too, but what if he was seen, once inside; he was petite yes, but he wasn’t invisible?

  Searching, touching the rocks with his numb fingers, he found his way and pushed his weight up, finding suitable places for his feet to stand on. It took some time, and although he had until dawn, he was careful not to slip and fall.

  All the muscles in his small body of six summers ached but he bravely ignored the pain as he made ascent, nearing the edge of the high wall. The wind blew harder here and he could smell that he got closer. There were definitely guards; he could smell the leather of their armour, their sweat, piss and beer.

  Carefully Twello peeked over the edge of the outer wall, holding himself up on just two tiny rocks for his feet and two for his hands. He saw only one guard; standing solid with his face turned away from him. Twello saw the narrow hole in the inner wall that the men had mentioned, it did look small but he would fit through, he was sure!

  Twello placed his hands and arms across the broad edge of the wall, placing one foot carefully on a corner of a rock before pushing himself up. Silently jumping over, he dropped to the cold hard floor, lying flat, never taking his eyes off the guard. Luckily any sound was muffled by the noise of a sudden gust of wind.

  Quickly he made his way on all fours to the other side; to the actual tower, towards the hole in the wall. The turret of the tower itself was narrow and higher than the outer wall with only a few thin windows near the top.

  He dove head first into the dark hole unseen by any guard. Twello crawled forward, feeling like a rat as he went, moving further through the oppressive dark gap which was almost like a tunnel. He couldn’t see a thing but he just pressed on, knowing that it would lead to what he came for. The floor was wet and stank of damp.


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