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Decorated: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Rebels of Sidyth Book 2.5)

Page 6

by Sabrina Kade

  Glykoran is one of the oldest Sidyths here, and he makes no attempt to hide his age. He wears his stark white hair in a man bun of some sort, and there are scales across his jaw that almost give it a stubble-like appearance. He’s thinner than most of the others here but no less muscular. And though I don’t find him particularly attractive, most of the girls are terrified of my mate because they still don’t know why he wears a mask over his face most of the time, so I have no place to judge.

  “I don’t know about you guys, but personally, I’m terrified about what Dolan’s going to do.” Layla’s dark eyes drift over to the sack. “Please, if you guys heard he placed an order for something unseemly, can you let me know? I’m afraid of Dolan’s idea of a gift.”

  Blythe and I share a look and shake our heads.

  “Sorry, babe,” Blythe says. “Even if something was ordered, Korben didn’t say anything to me about it.”

  “And Azan didn’t say anything to me,” I tack on.

  “Damn.” Layla frowns. I know she’s worried about Dolan’s never-ending advances, and he probably does see Christmas as a chance for a grand gesture. And while Layla says she’s not interested, she likes the attention. And Azan’s little brother isn’t that bad. He’s just not Azan. And he doesn’t exactly have the same mannerisms as his brother. Dolan thinks Layla is cute for a human, so he expects her to be gracious and want to Choose him. But it’s not that simple. Not anymore. The Sidyths here believe in consent, and Layla isn’t ready to throw in the towel.

  Plus, she still has a crush on the human-looking one – Exer.

  And Exer has a crush on Sloane.

  This little love triangle is going to split apart at some point, and I’m terrified for the future.

  But for now, I only want to think about our Christmas celebration.

  “You should be happy you’re going to get something,” Celeste says, frowning again.

  “Right? Poor Ellis,” Blythe chimes in, probably not having the slightest clue about Celeste and Glykoran’s building friendship. “Ellis has been after Hujun for months, but he refuses to see her as anything more than an assignment. I swear to God, I’m going to talk to Korben. At first, I didn’t mind, but this is getting fucking ridiculous.”

  I feel bad, noticing Celeste’s frown deepening, but Blythe’s also brought up a good point.

  “Can you talk to Korben about it?” I ask. “I mean, I don’t think anyone’s going to rape her if he’s not next to her. And poor Ellis.”

  “Yeah, poor Ellis,” Layla shakes her head.

  Celeste remains silent, going to stand. “I have to pee. I’m going back to the Gathering Room, too.”

  “Okay…” Layla trails off, expecting her to say something else, but there’s only silence when Celeste flees the room. “Well, that was weird. Whatever, Celeste’s been in a cranky mood lately.”

  “Does she not like Christmas?” Blythe asks.

  “No, Blythe,” I say, growing slightly annoyed. “It’s not about Christmas.”

  “That’s good. I swear, I can’t deal with another bitch. Lacey’s annoying enough.”

  “Right?” Layla giggles. “Like seriously, what’s wrong with that bitch? She’s the sourest bitch I’ve ever met.”

  “Bitch,” I say, making fun of Layla’s choice of words.

  “Shut up.” Layla goes to grab a pillow to throw at me, but they’re all bunched behind Blythe’s back. She pouts. “But York’s right, Blythe. She’s not upset about Christmas. Everyone’s looking forward to it. Even me, despite my worries about what the hell Dolan thinks an appropriate gift is.”

  “Have you talked to him about it?” I ask.

  “I’m kind of afraid to. He talked to his brother – your man – and thinks packages are dicks and he can put his in leaves or something.”

  “A dick in a box? Seriously? Why doesn’t he understand what I’m saying? It’s like when he hears the word ‘package,’ he thinks its time to display the goods. And don’t get me wrong! I don’t mind, but I don’t want a dick in a box for Christmas this year. Even if my man does have the best one on Hethdiss.”

  “Don’t be so sure.” Blythe waggles her eyebrows. “Ain’t no dick like a royal dick.”

  “Ugh! You guys are so lucky.” Layla throws back her head and lands in Blythe’s lap, staring at her. “What I wouldn’t give for some alien action.”

  “And you’re really not interested in Dolan?” Blythe asks.

  “Not with the way he’s acting. Don’t get me wrong, he’s fine, even for an alien, but he’s so annoying. Just once I’d like him to stop acting like I should be getting all wet because he’s flirting with me. It’s dumb.”

  I snicker. Oh, Dolan. Sounds like he needs to have another talk with his brother.

  The three of us continue laughing and making fun of each other for a little while longer, and no one is exactly surprised when Celeste doesn’t come back. Maybe she went to find Glykoran. Hell, maybe she went to find Ellis. I don’t even know. But even as the hours lull on, I can’t stop staring at that package.

  Thankfully, Korben pokes his head into the private lair.

  “Delivery for me, yes?”

  “Christmas gram,” I tease.


  “Nothing.” I roll my eyes. “Do you at least mind taking out any surprises before I ransack it?”


  “Gifts, babe,” Blythe explains. “Did you and Azan have any gifts delivered?”

  “It’s a surprise.”

  “Yes…” Blythe sucks in a sigh between her teeth before smiling. “I’m asking you to take those out so York, Layla and I can go through the rest of the Christmas supplies.”

  Finally, Korben’s face lights up and he plucks the bag out of the room. There are rustling and few low voices beyond the blanket covering the opening of Korben’s lair, but he’s back again, dropping a much saggier looking sack next to my chair.

  “The surprises have been removed.” Oh, Korben. He sounds so fucking proud of himself, and Blythe looks like she’s about to die of embarrassment. I can only imagine what it would be like to be a fly on a wall in their room for a few hours. “Am I to assume most of the celebration will take place in the Gathering Room?”

  “Oh, I was thinking outside,” I say.

  Korben shakes his head. “I am afraid that will not work. Glykoran thinks the rain will continue steadily for at least, what you humans say, another three weeks. There may be a day break or two, but nothing consistent. And I would hate to have the event rained out because we did not plan accordingly.”

  I frown, but let it go. I would seriously be pissed if I spent all day getting ready for a Christmas celebration outside, only to have it rained out. And as much as I love the rain, not so much when I’m trying to decorate a Christmas tree.

  “Fair enough. We can set everything up in the Gathering Room. It’ll be nice.”

  “Maybe Exer and I can pick a tree,” Layla says. “Though I’ll have to ask Sloane to come. Exer’s so shy when he’s by himself with a woman.” She snickers, though there’s an uncomfortable silence that falls between all of us – including Korben – who looks like he wants to leave altogether.

  “The trees beyond the first triss are nice,” he says awkwardly. “And I know Azan and myself are going to the lagoon to pick up supplies.” He narrows his eyes at me. “You should speak to your mate about any further items you would like us to look for. I know he is hoping for lights of some sort, though I do not understand why. The sun rayers provide all the light and heat we could ever need – even on Hethdiss.”

  I arch an eyebrow but remember Korben’s trying. It must be so hard to go from being a prince on a planet where women are treated like garbage – to collecting goods from lagoons to create confusing holidays for a species usually viewed as pets or playthings.

  “I’ll talk to Azan again tonight,” I promise.

  He bows once, and starts to leave, but decides against it, stalking into the room a
nd dropping a kiss on Blythe’s forehead. Layla squeals about how cute it is, but I merely roll my eyes. Now that I have access to the Christmas supplies, I can hardly wait to get started. There is nothing more exciting about Christmas than the buildup. Finding the perfect tree. Watching the perfect movies. Brewing the perfect cup of candy cane coffee. Stringing up the lights and burning expensive pine scented candles.

  Unable to hold my excitement any longer, once Korben is gone, I quickly stand and start to raid the sack of goodies.

  My face lights up.

  Oh man. This is better than anything I imagined. Well done, Prince Korben.

  “You going to be okay, girl?” Layla asks, snickering when she kneels next to me.

  “Yeah,” I say, closing the sack and standing. “Come on, let’s go to the Gathering Room.”

  “Right now?”

  “Right now.”


  For the first time since Azan invited me to live in his private lair, I don’t want to leave the Gathering Room. Honestly, I would be more than happy spending the night here, even if that means having to endure Renee and Devyn’s intense work out routines and Lacey’s glower power. Nothing can put me in a bad mood lately, not only because Chentan just checked my stomach and said the baby and I are doing great, but because the Gathering Room looks like Christmas – a holiday I haven’t been able to enjoy since becoming a Human Whore.

  And though it’s not exactly like the Christmases I remember, with crystals and white lights – it’s special because we all created it together. The palm-like tree in the corner, only this one has light green leaves instead of purple ones, strung up with shards of broken sun rayers to create a lighting effect. Even a few gifts wrapped sloppily with thick leaves. Whoever made the trip to the Black Market obviously did some research about human customs because there’s a candle – an honest to God candle – burning in the back of the room on top of a blanketed rock. It smells like suntan lotion, but I don’t care. It’s a candle. Something from home. And that’s incredible.

  Even the Sidyths are becoming more and more interested in what we’re up to, even the humanoid looking one who hates being around crowds sticks around for longer periods of time. Maybe it’s a good thing because Exer spends most of his time hovering around Sloane, and Layla’s getting the hint that he’s not now, or ever will be, interested in her. It’s heartbreaking, but better now than several months from now.

  But there is something that’s bothering me. Through all the cheer and celebration, the smell of cheap coconuts, broken sun rayers, and promises of human-like food, none of them seem to have an effect on Ellis. Honestly, she’s almost as pissy as Lacey these past few days, choosing only to spend her time close to Hujun’s side. And he seems to be more watchful of her than ever, even going as far as escorting her to the drinking area.

  Something’s happened, and I don’t have the slightest idea what.

  It couldn’t be rejection, right? If Hujun’s rejected her advances again, Ellis wouldn’t cling to him more, would she? Hujun wouldn’t spend more time watching over her, would he? Is he so cruel? Through all of the smiles and bustling, I still can’t put my finger on what’s happened, and though I’ve asked Blythe several times to talk to Korben, I don’t know if either of them has followed on that promise. If anything, things look more dangerous for Ellis’ feelings.

  I can’t wait anymore. I’m going to approach Hujun myself.

  Once things settle for the evening and only a few girls and Sidyths remain in the Gathering Room, I see Azan coming to get me for the evening. And as much as I have sex on the brain, I have to remember not everyone is enjoying themselves as much as me. Ellis is still huddled close to Hujun, but when she says she’s thirsty, I see an opening and decide to take it before I lose my nerve.

  “Azan can walk you down,” I say loudly enough for the two of them to hear.

  Ellis freezes. “Oh… uh… no. That’s okay. You guys go. I’m sure you have things to do.”

  I have a man to do, but I don’t tell Ellis that.

  “No, it’s okay. I need to talk to Hujun about something.”

  Her eyes widen, looking straight at Hujun who looks almost as shocked as Azan. “You do?” she squeaks. “What about?”

  “Christmas stuff.” The lie flows easily from my lips, and though Azan and Hujun both look like they want to argue about this, I narrow my eyes at Azan. He knows he doesn’t have a choice. And though he doesn’t have the slightest idea what I’m up to, he knows he better damn well not make his pregnant mate cranky.

  “I have found it best not to mess with York’s Christmas.” Azan nods once at me with a smile no one else can see behind his mask, but I know is there simply by the way his eyes crinkle in the corner. He stands next to Ellis but makes no move to touch her and for some reason Ellis seems to relax at this.

  “You will be alright,” Hujun rumbles to her. “I will be right here with Azan’s Chosen.”

  “I know it’s not a big deal…” Ellis’ voice sounds strained, but she doesn’t say anything else before walking down the hall with my man. Ellis and Azan look strange standing next to each other, but not nearly as odd as she does with Hujun. And once they’re out of listening range, his posture changes; puffing up as though trying to intimidate me.

  “What do you want?” he hisses. It’s not a cruel hiss, but an intimidating sound nonetheless. My stomach drops to my toes, despite every voice screaming in my head. This Sidyth will not hurt me simply because I am not his mate. “I should not leave Ellis’ side at this time.”

  “Why?” I snap, finding an opening that I’m going to quickly fill. “Did something happen to her? Did you do something to her?”

  “Yes. And no.”

  I narrow my eyes. “Something happened to her?”

  “Yes.” He says no more. Offers no further explanation.

  “Did you do something to her?”

  “I answered that already. My answer is the same. My answer is no.”

  “What’s wrong with her?” I snap. “She’s been off for days. Not her cheery, usual self. And I’m willing to bet you did have something to do with it.”

  He stiffens. “You think I am to blame for Ellis’ change in behavior?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Did she say I am to blame?” He leans over me slightly, reminding me that though I am treated well by Azan, I am not a Sidyth. I’m human, and that means I’m almost two feet shorter than most of the inhabitants on Hethdiss. “Has she said anything at all about what’s happened to her?”

  “Well, no.” I frown. “She hasn’t spoken to anyone.”

  “Because I have been by her side. Me. She thought she could turn to no one else but me. If she needed nosy humans in her business, she would have said something. But she did not. She is with me because she trusts me.”

  “Why does she trust you?”

  “Because I will not hurt her.”

  “Are you saying someone did?” I scoff, but Hujun stiffens again, and my eyes widen. “Wait, are you telling me someone did hurt her? Someone hurt Ellis?”

  “They did not succeed.”

  I can’t even imagine it. “But you’re always by her side.”

  “The threat has already been taken care of.”

  “Is it someone here.”

  He frowns. “No.”

  This makes me frown. “Hujun, I don’t get it. You’re always with her. There wouldn’t have been time for someone to hurt her.”

  “Apparently, I was not by her side enough.” His voice lowers, as though in pain. As though he knows he’s failed her.

  “What happened?” I ask quietly.

  “It is not my place to tell you. Or anyone.” He shakes his head. “Ellis asked me not to tell anyone.”

  The tides have changed so much since I confronted Hujun that I’m not sure which direction to follow. Something happened to Ellis. Someone hurt her. And Hujun is obviously is trying to help her through it. I want to keep pushing him, demanding him
to tell me who the fuck has the nerve to put their hands on Ellis, but my mouth feels like sandpaper. It doesn’t have the courage to keep pushing – not when something as huge and hideous as Hujun looks like a child who has disappointed his mom for the first time.

  That’s why he’s been closer to her than ever.

  That’s why Ellis stays by his side.

  Something’s happened.

  And Ellis doesn’t feel like she can talk to any of us about it.

  “You must not push Ellis.” The frown on his ugly face deepens. “I do believe she will speak, but it is going to take her time. She knows how important this time is for the other women. She does not want to ruin the mood.” He closes his eyes as though it pains him, and slowly opens them back up. “I have already said too much. You must promise you will not share this conversation with Ellis or any of the other women.” His sharp, yellow eyes lock on mine. “I believe Ellis is strong – stronger than any of your others. That is why she does not anything yet. She wants others to be happy before herself. I ask you, York.” My name sounds funny in his foreign tongue. “Please give her time to speak to you about what has transpired. Do not push her.”

  “I… I won’t.” I’m shocked to shit, all but stumbling back a few feet to separate myself from the York who accused Hujun of doing something unsavory to Ellis. Why did I automatically think it was him? There are so many other Sidyths here who have been pushy with Ellis, and Hujun has been nothing but kind – if not a bit confusing. “I’m… please know I’m sorry. For accusing you—”

  “I do not require your apologies,” he says curtly before clearing his throat. “Ellis and your mate have returned. Remember, not a word until she is ready.”

  I nod before turning, and Ellis is all but sprinting to be close to Hujun again. He opens his arms and she settles against his massive frame, but the touch is so soft, it doesn’t seem to go with Hujun’s enormous frame. They shouldn’t look so good together. Broken, tiny Ellis, and gigantic, ugly Hujun. But right now, at this moment, illuminated softly by the glow from in the Gathering Room, they look perfect.


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