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Ripper's Torment

Page 12

by Sam Crescent

  “Please, Ripper, you’re killing me. Just fuck me.”

  Gripping one hip he pulled out of her warmth only to slam back inside. Over and over he fucked inside her, wanting her to forget everything else but his cock. Ripper was relentless as he fucked her, taking her over the edge with his cock alone. He pumped his fingers into her ass, watching her take all of him.

  His heart pounded, and Ripper wanted to tell Devil everything. Judi was his, and he wanted a ring on her finger. He already owned the engagement ring he was going to give her. It wasn’t conventional, but it was perfect for them.

  The moment Judi went over the edge, Ripper slammed deep as the first ripple of his orgasm thrust inside him. He emptied his cum deep into her body, groaning at the pleasure. His blood pumped around his body, and all he could do was moan. Looking down, he saw he’d left fingerprints on her hip from the tightness of his grip. “Shit, baby, you’re bruised again.”

  “When it comes to you, I’m always bruised,” she said, looking at him over her shoulder.

  Pulling out of her warmth, he placed a kiss to the bruised area and left to grab a cloth. He washed his fingers in the sink then made his way toward her. She was on her knees waiting for him. Ripper cleaned away the mess before throwing the cloth into the laundry basket and grabbed the box from his jacket.

  She was sitting on the edge of the bed when he moved toward her. Going to his knees, he opened the box. Inside laid a silver plated ring with a skull on the front. It was one of the rings he wore, and he’d gotten it changed so it would fit her finger.

  “Ripper, I don’t understand,” she said, looking at his ring then at him. “This is one of your favorite rings. You told me you got it on your first year with Chaos Bleeds.”

  “Judi, you’re the love of my life. I can’t bear a moment without you in it.” He stopped looking at the ring. “I could get you any old ring that’s been made. This is mine, and with you wearing it, everyone will know you’re mine.” He took the ring out and slid it on his finger. “I want you and the world to know that you’re my bitch.”

  She burst out laughing. “Great, how romantic. I’m your bitch.”

  He glanced down at the floor. “I’ve never been good with words and shit, Judi. I can’t sell you roses and chocolates and words. What I can give you is myself and my word. I will never back out of either. I love you, and there’s no one else I want to spend the rest of my life with. You own me, just as much as I own you.” He pointed to his chest. “The moment this is done, I’m getting ink here. ‘Property of Judi’.”

  Tears filled her eyes at his words.

  “Fuck, Ripper.” She wrapped her arms around his neck. “I don’t need sweet words. You’re more than enough for me.”


  Two weeks later Judi stood in the clubhouse pinning up the last of the welcome home banners. Devil had called the day before saying they were on their way back. She didn’t know how it had gone with The Skulls. Ripper wouldn’t say anything other than none of the Chaos Bleeds crew died. She glanced toward the buffet table to see Mia arranging the plates on the table. Ashley had invited the waitress.

  Watching the two women, she wondered how they were best friends given their needs. Every time she went to the library, she always ate at the diner. Mia never gave any of the men the time of day. She brushed them off while Ashley loved every single bit of attention. There was no stopping the other woman.

  “Ripper’s in his room. Will you go and make sure the alcohol is arriving soon?” Lexie asked, coming to stand beside her. Phoebe and Vincent were watching over the kids in the corner of the club. The sweet-butts were ordered to stay on their good behavior. It was going to be one hell of a welcome home party. The only way the club knew how to end their time on the road was by having a party. Judi tucked some hair behind her ear to make her way upstairs. In his bedroom, Ripper was standing without a shirt on looking down at his cell phone. He turned to her, smiling when his gaze landed on her.

  “Devil’s an hour out. I hope everything is going well downstairs.”

  “It’s going better than you could imagine. Everyone is excited.” She closed the door, resting her back to it. On her finger was the ring he’d given her. Judi couldn’t take it off. Ripper was such a romantic, and he didn’t even know it.

  “Are you wanting my cock, baby?” he asked, folding his arms over his chest.

  “You stuffed a dildo up my ass at the beginning of this morning and told me to wait for you. I’m bursting at the seams,” she said.

  Ripper had taken her by surprise when he produced the dildo from his bag of goods. He had taken great pleasure in telling her how much he liked to play with his women. From the bag she knew he’d gone out buying whatever he found with the intention of using it all on her. Now she locked the door and stepped closer.

  “You want me to fuck you before everyone turns up.” His fingers gripped the back of her neck, drawing her close to him. “Look at those fucking eyes. You’re begging to be fucked.” He slammed his lips down on hers, taking over. She opened her mouth, waiting for him to take full advantage. Ripper didn’t let her down, sliding his tongue deep inside her mouth.

  Judi submitted to his touch, loving how he gave her so much pleasure without taking any for himself until she was happy.

  “Fuck, I love your lips.” He muttered the words against her mouth.

  Kissing him back, she gave him pleasure as well.

  He dragged her from the center of the room to his bed. Sinking down, she gasped as the fake cock in her ass made its presence known.

  “I know how to stop that.”

  Ripper put her to her knees, dragging up her summer dress then tugging down her panties.

  His fingers slid into her pussy as he used his other hand to tease the cock in her ass. He pulled at the dildo, pushing it inside and out driving her wild with need.

  “Please, Ripper,” she said, begging.

  “Don’t worry, baby. I’ll take care of you.” The dildo in her ass was pulled out completely.

  She glanced over to see him grabbing something from one of his drawers.

  “I’ve been thinking about this since I put that dildo up inside you.” In the next instant she felt the cool gel of the lubricant as he smeared plenty over her. Groaning, she gripped the sheet underneath her as he pressed two fingers inside her, lubing her up.

  For several seconds his touch disappeared, and she knew he was preparing his cock.

  Taking deep breaths, she tightened her grip on the sheet as he pressed the tip of his cock to her ass.

  “I’m going to take my time. Tell me to stop if it hurts too much.”

  She was burning up from her need. Judi gasped at the sudden burst of pleasure and pain.

  “Shh, it’s okay, Judi. I’m not going to hurt you.”

  His voice soothed her as he worked his cock inside her ass.

  “Touch your clit. Make it feel good,” he said.

  Reaching between her thighs, she stroked her fingers through her slit, caressing her clit like he ordered.

  The smallest touch had her crying out at the sudden pleasure.

  “Yes, please, fuck me, Ripper,” she said, wanting to feel him deep into her core.

  “That’s it, baby. Take all of me.”

  He pushed his cock into her ass. On the final inch his hands returned to her hips, and he slid all the way inside. “You’ve got it all. You should see how fucking hot you look with my cock inside your ass. You’re all mine, Judi. No one is going to take you away from me.”

  “I love you, Ripper.” She didn’t want to go anywhere. The only place she wanted to be was with him.

  Ripper pulled out of her only to work his way back inside, going deep. She caressed her clit feeling her orgasm stirring. It never took much for her to explode. Ripper fucked her throughout it all, getting her used to his cock in her ass.

  “You’re so fucking tight, tighter than your pussy.”

  She whimpered as his thrusts increased in
strength. His hands were once again bruising on her hips. They came together. Her orgasm shooting through her, she thrust back onto his cock, taking him deep.

  “Fuck, I love you, baby.”

  His cock pulsed as he filled her with his cum. Gasping for breath, she collapsed to the bed unable to hold onto her sanity as Ripper took everything. Her body was shaking from need.

  “I was going to wait until tonight to fuck you. I just couldn’t wait,” he said, dropping a kiss to her shoulder.

  He pulled out of her body, and she gasped at the sudden feeling of emptiness that claimed her. Ripper came back wiping her ass with a cloth. His touch was so sweet. She smiled up at him, knowing nothing could have gotten better.

  She couldn’t believe she was in love with Ripper. He was not the kind of man she imagined for herself.

  Ripper took his time, cleaning away their lovemaking. Judi was staring into his eyes about to tell him how much she loved him when the door to the bedroom banged open. Jerking up, she saw Devil standing there with Lexie, both staring into the room. Jerking up, Judi let the dress fall down her body. The anger on Devil’s face was acute. His face was red, and all that anger was directed at the man she loved.

  Glancing at Ripper she saw his jeans rested low on his hips and were unzipped. There was no getting away from what he’d witnessed.

  “You fucking perv,” Devil said, storming into the room.

  Crying out, Judi tried to find her voice, but faced with Devil’s anger she couldn’t get the words to work.

  Devil grabbed Ripper and landed a blow to his face. She was shocked he didn’t drop to his knees at the force of the blow.

  “Devil, stop,” she said, finally finding her voice.

  “You fucking perv. I leave you to look after my girls, and you’re fucking one of them.” Another blow landed to Ripper’s face.

  Scrambling off the bed, she tried to tug on Devil’s arm. He wasn’t having any of it. Falling to the bed from being thrown off him, she felt sick.

  “It’s more than that,” Ripper said, getting to his feet. The shouting had brought more of the crew upstairs. She saw Curse standing in the doorway looking at each of them. On the floor lay the dildo that had been thrust up her ass.

  “Lexie, stop him,” Judi said, getting to her feet.

  She watched Devil pull Ripper out of the room. Screaming, she tried to follow them. Lexie caught her, stopping her from moving.

  “Baby, you can’t follow them. Devil will sort this out. Ripper shouldn’t have done what he did.”

  “No, you don’t understand. I love Ripper, and he loves me.”

  For a pregnant woman, Lexie was incredibly strong holding her at bay.

  “Ripper knows the rules. No one is to touch you.”

  Tears were falling down her cheeks at her words. Curse was looking into the room. “I love him. I wanted his touch. Please, he doesn’t want this. I asked him to keep it from Devil.” She raised her hand showing the ring he’d given to her. “We’re going to get married. Please, he’s always been there for me.”

  “You’re the one who killed that guy out on the main road?” Curse asked.

  She jerked toward him, shocked. Judi nodded her head.

  “You’re sure about this?” Lexie asked.

  “Yes, I love him. Please, nothing can happen to him.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  The blows were painful, and Ripper doubted he’d be able to see out of one eye by the end of the day. Fuck, this was not how he anticipated Devil finding out the truth. Judi deserved a lot more than this. He heard her screaming, and he only hoped that Devil didn’t kill him.

  “I love her, Devil,” he said.

  Another blow came to his eye. Collapsing to the floor, he took the strikes of his foot as he attacked his ribs. He protected himself as best he could. This was what he deserved. No one in their right mind would have touched her.

  I love her. Protect her.

  “I promised to protect her, and you fuck her. You piece of shit.”

  He heard her screaming at Lexie to let her go. His brothers were looking at him in a mixture of disgust and sympathy. Ripper took everything, and then the blows stopped as Judi threw herself over him.

  “Get away, Judi,” he said, not wanting her to risk herself while Devil was gunning for him.

  “No, I will not let him kill you.”

  “Lex, get her out of the way while I end this piece of shit. I trusted him with both of you, and now I’m going to get rid of him like the fucking animal he is.” Devil’s anger radiated out toward him.

  Collapsing in a heap, Ripper accepted everything he gave.

  “No, you’re not going to kill him. I love him.”

  Finding the strength, Ripper got to his knees. His jacket was in the bedroom, but he would give everything.

  “I love her,” Ripper said, moving around her so he was in front of Devil.

  Another blow landed to his face, shoving him to the floor.

  “Stop it,” Judi said, screaming. “Stop hurting him.”

  She was picked up out of the way by Pussy. Something kicked in Ripper’s mind, and he got to his feet, grabbing Devil’s gun from his pocket. “You put her the fuck down now.” He turned back to Devil. “I love her. She means everything to me, and I will give up the club to be with her. For her, I will leave, never to return. I will take every beating and come back for more, but I will not give her up.”

  “You’re fucking bluffing,” Devil said.

  Handing Devil back the gun, Ripper reached out for Judi, tugging her into his arms. “I’ve asked her to marry me.”

  Judi lifted her hand up showing everyone the ring. “I said yes. I love him. I don’t want anyone but him. Please, stop.” She was openly sobbing. “I was the one who told him not to say anything. I love him and will do everything to be with him. If you don’t want me around anymore I’ll leave with him and be happy doing so.”

  “Prez,” Curse said, gaining his attention. “He covered up one of her kills. I believe him when he says he’s in love with her. He’s not touched any of the sweet-butts and will not go near any of the women.”

  The tension could be cut with a knife. Ripper owed Curse far more than he ever thought.

  “You’re going to marry her?” Devil asked.


  “If she didn’t demand silence, you would have told me what was going on?”

  Ripper nodded, feeling the ache in his ribs. Devil must have cracked some, they hurt that much. “I’m not ashamed to be with her at all. She’s my world.”

  They were silent for several minutes. “Then you get married today,” Devil said, after much silence.

  “What?” Judi asked. “We can’t get married today.”

  “You’re getting married today, and that’s the end of it.”

  Ripper nodded. “I’ll marry her today.” He leaned down, kissing her neck.

  “You marry today, and everything can be finalized at a later date with the paperwork.” Devil took the lead, walking down the stairs. The men, except for Curse, followed behind him. When they were gone, Ripper slumped against the wall, gasping at the pain.

  “I’m so sorry,” Judi said, cupping his face.

  “What do you have to be sorry about?” he asked, holding onto her side.

  “If I’d listened to you this wouldn’t have happened. Shit, I’m so fucking sorry,” Judi said. “Please forgive me.”

  “Nothing to forgive, babe. Devil was going to kick whoever decided to date you, Judi. I’m just pleased I’m still fucking standing.” He coughed, groaning at the sudden jolt of pain.

  “You’re barely fucking standing at the moment,” Curse said, handing him a jacket.

  Coughing, he took the jacket and slowly slipped it on.

  “I’ll give the doctor a call to bind those ribs up,” Curse said, moving away.

  “Thanks, man, for having my back.”

  “I wouldn’t have helped you if I didn’t know you were telling the t
ruth.” Curse left.

  Judi looked ready to burst into tears again. “You don’t have to marry me if you don’t want to.”

  Taking hold of her hand, he dropped a kiss to the ring he’d given her.

  “My only regret is you’re not going to get the white wedding you deserve. I’d marry you in a fucking field so long as I got to stay by your side.” He kept hold of her hand and used the wall to keep him on his feet.

  Downstairs, Devil had a minister waiting. The guy looked petrified, but Ripper was not going to back away. He wasn’t lying, and he’d prove it. He loved Judi and would give his life to be with her.

  She held onto his shoulder, not letting go as they made their way downstairs together. Judi’s hands kept him steady. Together, they walked down toward the rest of the club. Standing in front of the minister, Ripper spoke the words, and then Judi did, binding their lives together.

  Once it was all over, he kissed her lips, and the room cheered and threw their hands up in celebration.

  When the minister was gone, Devil walked up to him with Lexie beside him.

  “I had every intention of killing you, Ripper,” he said. “You make her sad or think of looking at another woman and you will find yourself six feet under.”

  “I’ve got everything I want right here,” Ripper said, tugging Judi to his side.

  “She’s still living in my house until college is finished. You can look for a place to live, but you’re staying in the spare bedroom and I will lock you in it. I don’t want any fucking in my house.”

  Lexie slapped Devil on the arm. “Leave them alone. This was their makeup wedding. I can’t believe you made them do this today. You can see they’re in love.”

  Ripper let Judi go for Lexie to hug her. Staring into Devil’s eyes, he saw the nod outside. Kissing Judi’s temple he made his way outside, trying to ignore the pain with every step he took.

  In the outside surrounded by privacy, Ripper waited for the blow that was likely to come. When Devil turned to face him, he was shocked there was no gun pointed at him. “You protected Judi?”


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