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Ripper's Torment

Page 13

by Sam Crescent

  “Yes. She was out one night, and one of her old clients tried to pick her up. She shot him.”

  “Where did you bury the body?”

  Ripper gave him the location.

  “I’m calling Jerry. He was looking for the man you described, and he can handle it from here.” For several minutes Devil took care of business leaving Ripper to wait.

  He was married, or close to being married.

  Smiling, he looked up at the shining sun. He was married and in love.

  “You love her, don’t you?”

  “She’s my world.”

  Devil nodded. “I see her as a daughter, and if this was not what I think it is, then you’d be dead. I’ll give Judi everything. I don’t care if we don’t have the same blood, but I know you’ll take care of her and love her.”

  “I will. I’ll take care of looking for a house. I don’t want her living in the clubhouse.”

  “Fuck, what has happened to us? We fucked everything in sight, and now we’re all settling down. Just like The Skulls.” Devil shook his head.

  “What happened in Fort Wills?” Ripper asked.

  “A lot of shit that you don’t need to hear on your wedding day. Tiny knows what he’s doing, and we’ve helped where we can. The rest of the shit is up to them.” Devil slapped him on the back. “Take care of the Princess.”

  “I never meant to hurt you or the club,” Ripper said, staring at the ground as Devil moved away. “I was tormented with my feelings, and I fought them. Judi, she’s hard to ignore.”

  “She’s in love with you, Ripper. Make it worth her while to be with you.”

  He watched Devil go wishing there was something else he could say. Going inside the clubhouse, he went with the doctor to check over his aches and pains. Judi stayed with him, clearly concerned for his wellbeing.

  Holding onto her hand, he made a note to get her a wedding band and also to get the appointment for the new ink on his chest.

  “You’re insane,” Judi said, caressing his cheek.

  “Baby, we’re together. I don’t care what you think.” He kissed her temple feeling calm for the first time in his life.


  Five months later

  Judi licked her lips as the honey drizzled down her chin. She had dipped some strawberries into honey and was eating them while waiting for Devil and Ripper to get back from the clubhouse. Gazing down at the ring on her finger she got a buzz knowing she was properly married. The papers were signed a month after they were married at the clubhouse. Once the papers were done, they had another small ceremony at the clubhouse, this time a planned one. She was allowed to wear her white dress even though she wasn’t in the church.

  Churches were overrated.

  “You’re looking happy,” Lexie said, carrying her newborn through to the kitchen. A couple of weeks ago Lexie had given birth to a beautiful bouncing baby boy. Simon and Elizabeth were loving it, and Lexie looked happier than she ever had before.

  “I am. Devil and Ripper will be back from the club any minute now.”

  “What’s with the strawberries and honey?” Lexie asked.

  “I thought it would be healthier than double cream, and the strawberries are too tart.” She offered one to Lexie who declined.

  “No thanks.” There was a smile on her face that had Judi suspicious.

  “What are you hiding?” Judi asked.

  “Nothing that won’t be known in a few hours.”

  For the last five months she and Ripper had to steal a little time here and there together. If it wasn’t other members of the club keeping an eye on them it was Devil or Lexie. They hadn’t slept together in five months at Ripper’s request. The moment the ring went on her finger, Devil accepted their relationship and backed off. The only problem Devil had was the living arrangements. He wouldn’t allow her to leave his home until he was satisfied Ripper had a house ready for the pair of them. She wasn’t allowed to stay at the club unless it was for parties.

  Judi wasn’t going to argue, and she was more than happy with the new arrangement. But she’d been so shocked when Ripper refused to have sex with her. She was surprised he hadn’t exploded from all the times she tried to get him to cave. Judi knew she couldn’t take much more. Ripper was not supposed to be this nice but demand sex. Her body was on fire with need for his cock. Ripper was allowed to stay at the house, and he stayed in her bedroom, which surprised her with Devil’s daddy role still firmly in place. Judi was so desperate for release she’d even asked Devil to have a word with him for Ripper to give in. Nothing.

  College was nowhere near finished, but she’d done plenty of reading in the last five months seeing as Ripper wouldn’t occupy her time in the bedroom. He actually asked for her to read him some of her assignments.

  She thought Ripper’s sudden conservative behavior was ridiculous. When she confronted him about it, he smiled, cupped her cheek, and gave her the best kiss she’d ever experienced to shut her up. He was planning something. She didn’t know what it was, but there were plenty of times she’d walk into a room where he’d be talking with Devil showing him stuff on his phone or from a file and that file would disappear when she started asking questions.

  “You’re keeping something away from me?” she asked.

  “Honey, I promise you, you’ll love it,” said Lexie.

  “I doubt it.” She muttered the words so Lexie wouldn’t hear them.

  An hour later Ripper walked inside the house going to her and tugging her in his arms. “Hey, baby, I’ve missed you.” He deepened the kiss. She moaned, wrapping her arms around his neck as he plunged his tongue deep into her mouth.

  “Enough,” Devil said. “My son is watching, and I don’t want him getting any ideas while looking at you two.”

  Laughing, she pulled away wishing she didn’t have to let go at all. Ripper’s arms stayed around her as she continued to eat her strawberries and honey.

  Devil had kept an eye on her wanting to know if she was pregnant. The very thought of being pregnant filled her with dread.

  “Can we go?” Ripper asked.

  “Sure, I’ll see you on Monday.”

  Judi frowned, looking from Ripper to Devil.

  “Pack a bag, honey. We’ve got a place to go. I told you it was going to be special.”

  She didn’t need to be told twice. Running up to her room, she quickly threw items into a bag before going back downstairs.

  Devil and Lexie saw them outside. Climbing on the back of Ripper’s bike, she held on tightly. They were riding for a good twenty minutes before he pulled up outside of a house. She watched him type in a code into a security system, and the gates opened.

  Keeping her thoughts to herself, she looked up at the large house. It wasn’t as large as Devil’s, but it was comfortable.

  Climbing off, she handed Ripper her helmet. “Where are we?” she asked.

  He covered her eyes and moved her toward the door.

  “What’s going on?” She started laughing as Ripper kissed her neck.

  “Stop spoiling my fun.”

  The sound of the door opening and a light being flicked were easily heard. Several more steps were taken, and then the door behind her closed.

  “This is kind of freaking me out,” she said.

  He released her eyes and told her to open them. Glancing around, she looked at the house.

  “What is this?”

  She took a step into each room seeing the sitting room, which only held one chair. Going through the back to the kitchen to see minimal items on the counters, she loved it instantly.

  “This is our home,” he said.

  Turning to face him, she found him leaning against the doorframe.


  “This is our home. I wanted a place to call our own. This is it. Do you like it?”

  Judi looked around the room, feeling excited. “This is our home?”


  “You’re not going to stop me kissing you or as
king for more?”

  “No, I’m not. This is our place, and I’ve not touched you or done anything with you as I wanted our first time after our marriage to be special. Devil is my boss, and I respect him. I’m not going to screw his daughter under his roof while he’s there. It’s tacky. I wanted something for us, to call our own,” he said. “When you wake up in the morning, I want you to be free to come down here naked if you want.”

  Running toward him, she threw herself into his arms. “Then take me to bed before the fun comes to an end.”

  The last five months had been a nightmare for her. It was the first time in her life when she really craved his touch. Ripper hadn’t lost his place in the club for being with her, but he had to prove to them he was being serious about them. He didn’t touch another woman, and she was starting to trust him more with each passing day.

  Ripper started laughing. “This is our home. We’re going to have to furnish it, and you need to finish college, but everything is good in the club. They accept us, baby.”

  Wrapping her arms around his neck, she drew him down for a kiss.

  “I don’t care if they’re not going to turn up. Please, Ripper, take me upstairs and make love to me. I’m going to explode if you don’t.”

  He kissed her lips, chuckling at her growl of annoyance.

  “Come on then, baby. It’s time for you to see our bedroom.” He lifted her up in his arms, carrying her up the flight of stairs to the third bedroom along the corridor.

  She held on tightly as he kicked the door open, dropping her to the bed. Moaning, she claimed his lips as he sank between her thighs. They tore at their clothing until nothing was between them.

  Judi opened her thighs, loving the feel of his cock stretching her.

  “I love you, Judi. You own my heart, and this is going to be something you’ll never forget.”

  Pressing a finger to his lips she smiled up at him. “Shut up and fuck me.”

  He plunged inside her, making her cry out with pleasure. There was nowhere else she wanted to be. She hadn’t believed it was possible to fall in love, but Ripper made everything possible to her.


  Curse sat at the diner flicking through the menu trying to think of something to eat. Lexie had already fed him that morning after a club meeting at Devil’s house, but still he came to the diner to eat.

  “Can I get you anything?” Mia asked, holding a pot filled with coffee.

  “I’ll have a cup of your finest,” he said, smiling.

  Ripper and Judi were at the library while she did more studying, and Curse had opted to come here. He couldn’t help it. Every time he left the diner after getting his fill of Mia, he promised himself it would be his last time. She never showed an interest in him at all. In fact, she never showed any interest in any of the club members. She was always busy working at the diner or looking after her mother.

  Everything he found out about her had come from her best friend, Ashley. The two women were like chalk and cheese, and yet they were the best of friends. He didn’t understand it. Ashley loved sex, men, and partying. Mia loved taking care of people.

  “Where is Ashley?” Mia asked, pouring some hot coffee into his mug. All thought left his mind as she smiled.

  Fuck, Ashley. She wants to know where Ashley is. Thinking, he knew she’d spent the night with Pussy.

  “She’s, erm, she’s busy,” he said, feeling his cheeks heat.

  Mia giggled. “She’s with a man.” She shook her head, placing her palm on his arm. “Don’t worry about it. I can see Ashley when she’s free.”

  “How on earth are you two friends?” he asked.

  Her smile dropped as sadness filled her eyes. “We’ve always got each other’s backs. She’s there when I need her to be.”

  He noticed her hands started to shake.

  Suspicion filled him at her reaction. After many years of having to deal with guilty men, he knew the signs.

  “Let me know when you’re hungry. I’ll bring you some food.”

  She left him alone as Ripper and Judi joined him.

  The two lovebirds made him feel sick. At least Judi wasn’t pregnant and temperamental. She was a sweet thing.

  Picking up his coffee, he drowned out the conversation watching the curvy woman who’d been invading his thoughts. He wanted to know all of her secrets, and he was going to find them out.

  The End

  Other Books by Sam Crescent:

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  Evernight Publishing




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