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Limitless Love: A Lotus House Novel: Book Four

Page 13

by Audrey Carlan

  “Mmm, I like when you rub along me like a content little kitty cat. You gonna purr for me?”

  “Isn’t it your job to make me purr?” I said boldly, not believing the words as they left my mouth.

  I chanced a glance up at Clayton and found his blue eyes dark and dangerous. He bit into his bottom lip.

  “Mouth, up here. Now,” he growled.

  I inched up and plastered my lips to his. One of his hands held the back of my head, controlling the kiss as he liked to do. He slid his other hand to the cheek of my ass and lifted, shifting me fully on top of him. Boldly, Clayton ran his hand down the center of my body and cupped my sex from behind. I moaned into his mouth, pleasure replacing the hate and horror of what happened earlier. I responded to his touch by delving my tongue deep inside his mouth. With my good arm, I held myself so that I could rub my lower half against him.

  “Are we doing this?” I whispered into his mouth, sucking on his bottom lip, showing with my actions that I wanted to.

  He nudged my head up and sucked his favorite spot on the side of my neck. “No. Just taking the edge off.”

  I hummed and rubbed my pelvis against his. The steel length of his erection slid perfectly against the tender bundle of nerves seeking friction.

  “What if I want more?” I pressed harder and gasped at the bliss shooting through every nerve ending.

  “You’ll get what I give when I give it,” Clayton growled, lifting his hips and thrusting against me. I was losing my mind to this man, and I never wanted it to end.

  Chapter Nine

  Couples with open heart chakras don’t usually experience major problems understanding one another. Their principal nature wanting to bring joy and peace to their partner and not pain, they tend to avoid hurting one another with careless jabs or snide commentary.


  Her body was over mine, and the sweet connection of her pussy rubbing along the hard edge of my dick through our clothes was unbelievable. Fucking magical. I felt like I was in high school again, out of my mind with lust for the hot cheerleader. Only, Monet was no naïve teen. She was a goddess.

  Shifting us together so as to not hurt her, I backed toward the head of the bed, Monet in my lap, until my back rested against the headboard. She moaned when the full length of my erection rubbed along the edge of her seam. With slow movements, I unbuttoned the loose silk blouse she’d worn for the get-together and tossed it over the side of the bed. Underneath she’d worn a camisole sans bra. I could see her pert nipples poking into the silk, and I wanted to bite them through the fabric. On her lower half she was wearing a thin pair of yoga pants and nothing else.

  Once I centered her over my lap, I took her mouth in a searing kiss. She held my head and hummed her appreciation around my tongue. Fuck. That sound made me wonder what it would feel like with my dick shoved down her pretty throat while she sucked me into oblivion.

  Later. We had time. Right now it was my job to take her mind off what happened this evening. Show her how much she was desired. Wanted. Needed. And fuck, did I need her.

  “You’re so damn beautiful,” I whispered along her neck, sucking and nibbling, her jasmine scent surrounding me.

  She sighed and thrust her hips against my cock. A searing jolt of desire shot up my spine, urging me on.

  “Fuck yeah, you feel that?” I ground her down on my cock. “You do that to me, Monet. Your sexy-as-fuck body, elegant face, and unending kindness. I want to own it. Kiss it. Suck it into my body until I’m drowning in you.”

  “Clayton…” She moaned, kissing along my neck. Her tongue came out and lapped at my collar from one side to the other. I pushed her back a few inches, just enough to lift my shirt over my head and let her look and touch her fill. “You’re so hard and soft at the same time,” she said, running her fingers across my chest.

  Her touch was a white-hot brand. I wanted her hands all over me all the time.

  I tunneled one hand into her hair and used my thumb to lift her chin. “I’m going to take your shirt off because I want to see your pretty tits. Is that okay?” I asked, because I knew that getting naked in front of a man after the type of injury she endured could be frightening. The last thing I’d ever want was for Monet to be scared of being close to me in bed.

  “I trust you.” Her words were spoken like a prayer.

  I lifted her camisole slowly and let her slip both arms through the armholes, then eased it over her head. I licked my lips and cupped both breasts in my hands, swiping her erect nipples with my thumbs. She gasped and arched slowly into my hold.

  “Perfect for my hands. Look, baby. Just right for me.” I circled each tip again.

  Her breath quickened, and I curved forward, taking one brown tip into my mouth. Monet wrapped both of her hands into my hair, holding me close. Like I’d leave her tit. I swirled my tongue around the tight peak until it was nice and pointed, practically stabbing my tongue. I flicked and then pressed my teeth down over the erect nub to worry it a little more forcefully. She seemed to like that a lot. Her entire body tightened like a rubber band stretched to capacity and ready to break. Then she pressed down hard, grinding into my crotch, getting herself off.

  Fuck yeah, my woman was primed.

  Dragging my mouth away from one tip, I took in the other, licking and sucking it the same way I did the first. Monet’s hips stirred over my cock. I knew if I put my hands into her pants, they’d be soaked.

  “Clay…oh God. You’re going to make me come.”

  I grinned around her pretty titty, sucking it and biting down. Her body went ramrod straight, as if she was going to soar at any second. Not wanting her to just yet, I backed off and stayed her hips.

  I shifted her back enough that I could look at her tits and her face. She groaned and opened her eyes. They were glassy and filled with desire. Just the way I wanted her. Her lips were a berry red as she bit into the bottom one.

  “God, I want to fuck you so hard, beautiful.” I petted each breast and squeezed her nipples simultaneously between thumb and forefinger.

  She let out a breath of air. “Then do it,” she goaded.

  My girl was gone for me. I grinned wickedly. “Baby, when I fuck you, make love to you, we’re going to be alone and need at least twenty-four hours of uninterrupted time. And I want your back healed so I can pound into you from above.” I ran my hands to her tiny waist, letting my thumbs caress down each side.

  “Clayton…” She stirred her hips and lifted her hands to her breasts, cupping them and plucking at the nipples.

  Fuck yeah. My dick surged at the sight, seeking her heat.

  While I watched her tweak her nipples, I took my right hand and slid it inside the front of her yoga pants. She wasn’t wearing any panties, but I’d known that since I grabbed her ass earlier and felt no panty lines.

  “Just as I suspected.” I rubbed all four fingers across her wet pussy. “Fucking soaked.”

  She moaned as I rubbed, then cried out when I inserted two long digits into her heat. I used my thumb to swirl around the tight knot of her clit. It was hard as a pebble and aching for attention.

  “Oh my God. Oh my God.” Her hands flew to my shoulders to balance herself.

  “Ride my hand, babe. I want to feel you come all over my fingers while I suck your pretty tits.”

  I curved toward one succulent breast and sucked to my heart’s content. I wanted nothing more than to mark her tits, a hickey to each globe, but my woman had been marked enough by a man. Fucking bastard. Right now, she deserved nothing but a nice hard orgasm given by me, the man who was going to take care of her. Hopefully for a good long while, maybe even forever.

  She rode my hand, circling her hips as I plunged deep. It was a tight fit for my hand between her yoga pants, but I was up for the challenge. Moving to the other breast, I flicked the tight tip with my tongue, teasing the sensitive bud.

  Monet rode my hand, pressing against my dick in a dizzying pattern, and I thrusted into her movements. I knew
I was likely to blow my load in my pants, but I didn’t fucking care. My woman was half naked, my mouth on her glistening tits, my fingers in her pussy. Nothing could be better.

  Her pussy contracted around my fingers, and I grinned. “Mouth, beautiful. When you come, I want to taste your tongue.”

  She panted, closed her eyes, and nodded, focusing on her pleasure. Up and down, her legs moved as she rode. Her hips swayed side to side, grinding my dick with every rotation. Plunging deep, I added a third finger to her heat. Her eyes opened wide, her mouth keening on a silent cry. The walls of her sex locked down like a vise around me. I used my free hand to bring her head close so I could take her mouth. I delved my tongue in and kissed her while her body locked around mine, going impossibly tight.

  A soft cry left her mouth around my lips, and I swallowed it down. My balls drew up tight to my groin, the crown of my dick wedged against my hand and her pussy, aching for more friction. A searing heat blasted through my loins, and my cock jerked as I thrusted hard, my release shooting up and out as we rode one another to orgasm.

  As she calmed her movements, I removed my fingers but continued to pet her clit lightly. I could feel the twinges of her sex as a few tremors rocked through her.

  She sighed into my mouth, and her body became a deadweight against my chest. I removed my hand and licked the digits clean. She tasted so good I couldn’t wait to get a taste direct from the source. Nevertheless, I continued with my new mantra. We had all the time in the world. I’d put that activity off until later.

  Once I’d licked her arousal off my fingers, I wrapped her up in my arms, firmly holding her around the hips. The sticky mess in my briefs would have to wait because there was no way in hell I was moving until my dark-haired goddess was ready.

  “Clayton, that was…”

  “Magnificent? Fucking hot? Pure bliss?” I offered.

  “Yummy,” was her innocent reply.

  I laughed against her silky hair as the strands spread out across my chest. I loved feeling those velvety strands all over my naked body. One day soon I looked forward to feeling it in other areas, like my thighs, abdomen, and across my dick.

  “Yummy?” I whispered against her neck, kissing my spot, licking the salt from the fine mist of sweat covering her skin.

  She hummed, that sound going straight to my dick. The woman made me insane with lust. Her body was lying across mine, snuggled in close.

  “Yeah, yummy.” She licked a line across my shoulder. “Yep. Yummy,” she mumbled, sounding sleepy.

  My girl had to be tired. After the emotional turmoil of that call, the long day with friends, the wine, and now a solid orgasm, she needed rest. And I needed to call the cops and update the detectives on her case.

  I shifted her body so she lay on her good side. I pulled off her yoga pants and groaned. Fuck, her bottom half was just as sexy as her upper half.

  “You getting me naked?” she murmured, pressing her hands into a prayer position under her cheek.

  She looked so alluring, her black hair spread out on the white sheet, her olive skin a stunning contrast to the white. If I didn’t know better, I’d swear she was my very own angel. I didn’t think I’d ever seen anything so ethereal, magical. Straight up living art. Now I understood why Mila painted so many nudes. If she painted Monet, she’d make millions.

  I took a breath and covered her with the blanket. “Yeah, beautiful, those pants of yours are soiled.”

  Instead of finding her something else to wear, I picked up my shirt and helped ease her into it. She barely stirred. Once covered, the shirt going to mid-thigh, I surveyed my woman. Yep, still sexy as fuck, but now she was wrapped up in something that was mine. The Neanderthal in me perked up with male pride. Except my gym bag was in the car, and I was shirtless with a sticky pair of briefs under my track pants.

  Gross didn’t cover it. I was downright filthy.

  The filth did not prevent me from grinning my ass silly while in the bathroom. I took a fast shower and put the track pants back on, sans sticky briefs, so I could go get my bag and check on Atlas and Mila. I was sure they had taken care of business like I’d asked.

  When I exited Monet’s room and entered the kitchen, Mila and Atlas were sitting at the bar, chatting.

  “Trent and Genevieve leave okay?” I asked.

  Atlas nodded. “Yeah, they were uncomfortable with what happened. Promised them you’d take care of Moe and we had this covered. Told the crew I’d check in tomorrow after we had a chance to brief the cops.”

  I nodded and ran a hand through my hair, remembering again I was in nothing but my track pants.

  Atlas quickly ran his gaze over me from head to toe. “So, you guys were in there a long time.”

  I didn’t address the amount of time we were gone. The time it took me to take care of my woman didn’t matter to anyone but me. As long as she was okay, safe and sound in her bed, wearing my shirt after having what I considered a pretty stellar orgasm, anyone else could fuck right off.

  “Monet okay?” Mila asked. She scanned down my bare chest, one eyebrow cocked in what I could only assume was intrigue.

  “I take care of what’s mine,” I declared.

  “Is that so? You going to be doing that until she’s completely healed or until they catch Kyle?” She crossed her arms over her chest.

  Knowing what Mila was really asking, I decided it was time she was in on my intentions with Monet. “I’m in a relationship with your best friend. She’s my responsibility now. Not that you aren’t important to her or me. But her safety and happiness rest on my shoulders. You feel me?”

  Mila smiled. “Couldn’t ask for better.”

  I liked that Mila thought I was good for Monet. It wouldn’t have mattered if she didn’t, but it sure as hell made things easier if her best friend, the woman who was like a sister to her, approved.

  “Did you put Lily to bed?” I asked, glancing around the dark room, seeing that the pallet she’d been lying on was gone, the blankets folded up and placed in the basket in the corner. The rooms were clean of any mess, all the wine glasses were washed and in the strainer, and the beer bottles had been removed.

  “Of course we did.” Atlas cringed. “Dude, do I need to remind you that we’ve been family long before you came around?”

  I clenched my teeth, realizing he was right. Still, I couldn’t help the need to protect crawling up my spine. It made me downright overbearing. “Yeah, well, now I’m here. And like I said, I’ll be taking care of my girls.” I made sure what I said was direct and to the point. There would be no questioning my position in this household or with Monet and Lily anymore. Not even from her best friends.

  “Your girls?” Mila’s tone carried a hint of amusement.

  “Damn straight.”

  “Right on,” Mila said with mildly smug satisfaction.

  I smiled and clasped her shoulder in thanks for her support. “As you can see, I need a shirt.”

  Again Mila’s gaze ran up and down my form. “Don’t put on a shirt on my account.” She grinned and waggled her eyebrows. “You’re built. I could look at you all day.” Mila had never been a shy woman.

  I laughed and Atlas frowned. “Do I need to put you over my knee and spank your ass, wildcat?”

  She grinned and winked at me before turning around. “Oh, I’d like to see you try!” she fired off before leaping from the stool and running down the opposite hall toward the guest bedroom.

  Atlas turned to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. “Like the way you took care of Moe. Happy you’re here for them. They need a good man in their lives.”

  “And I’ll try to be that man with everything I’ve got in me.”

  “Fuckin’ A. Now I’ve got a hot little Latina to nail down, with an emphasis on the nailing.” He waggled his own eyebrows, his curly hair flopping over his forehead.

  I laughed. “You do that. Just don’t wake Lily. I’m going to update the detectives, get them over here in the morning. And I’m spendin
g the night.” I let that hang out in the open. This would be the first time I’d be staying the night, and I didn’t want any flack.

  “Figured as much,” he said and sauntered off to his woman.

  I shook my head, retrieved my bag from my car, and stopped when I got back to the front door. I turned and stared off into the night, clocking every car on the street, surveying the ones in the driveways, which houses had lights on and off. I didn’t see anything suspicious or any place someone watching might hide. Made me think he was lying.

  Maybe Kyle was just trying to scare her. Either way, tomorrow we’d be dealing with the detectives. And that security system she said she didn’t need would be installed immediately; I’d make sure of it. She had no choice in the matter. Same went for changing the locks and her phone numbers.

  Fucker messed with the wrong woman.


  I woke with warmth blanketed all around me. A steady beat entered my consciousness, and I smelled fresh pine and musky man. I hummed and snuggled in before it dawned on me that my face was planted against a very hard, very real male chest.

  Slowly I eased my head up, resting my chin on the firm flesh.

  A hand wrapped around my nape as I lifted my gaze to meet the clear blue eyes of the man I’d been dreaming about.

  “Mornin’, beautiful.” Clayton rubbed at the back of my head, and I practically purred. I stretched my leg higher, coming into contact with a hard, very impressive bit of his anatomy.

  He grunted and tried to shift away, but I wouldn’t allow it. Nope, instead I ran my hand down his muscled chest, feeling every slab until I encountered a pair of cotton briefs. I kept going. Clayton’s eyes heated in the morning light, golden flecks bouncing in every direction mixing with the blue as I wrapped my hand around the stiff length. The tip nudged the very top of his underwear.


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