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Page 2

by K. Renee

  “Ye need anything I want ye to give me a ring, aye?”

  At first, she doesn’t say anything, but after a few moments, she nods her head in agreement.

  “Where is yer phone?” I ask, looking around the room.

  I come up empty, and when me eyes land on her again, I see the blush creeping up her long, slender neck. Me eyes stop on her throat, and I can imagine running me mouth along it.

  “I don’t have one.”

  Her voice isn’t very strong, and I have a feeling that I make her nervous still. Hell, I make a lot of people nervous. Putting her legs down on the couch, I get up and go in search of a pen and a piece of paper. I need to be able to get a hold of her. I won’t let her go unprotected while that fecker is still walking free.

  Writing me number down on a piece of paper, I bring it back over to her and hand it to her.

  “Ye get into any trouble, I want ye to call that number.”

  Her eyes fall onto the paper in her hand, and I can see the look she gives it. She isn’t going to use it.

  “Stana, I want ye to promise me if something happens ye will call me.”

  She goes to shake her head no, but I stop her. “The fecker may come back to finish the job. I won’t let him hurt ye.” Her eyes slightly widen, and she finally nods her head in agreement.

  “Ye call if ye have any problems,” I say again.

  “Yes, I will call if I have any problems.” Her voice is gentle, and it oddly washes over me. The light tone brings a smile to me face. She isn’t the same as the women I’ve had before. Her beauty calls to me, an innocence that I’ve never wanted. Before I can get too close to her again, I turn and start to walk towards the door.

  “Jerick.” I close me eyes as her voice hits me. The way me name falls from her lips… shit. I don’t need this shit right now. Turning around, I see the look on her face, and I’m done fer. She slowly slides me jacket off her shoulders and unhurriedly starts to move towards me. Me jacket in her hands, she holds it out to me, and I leisurely grab it. Me other hand grabs her wrist, and I pull her to me.

  Her slight gasp and slightly parted lips draw me in even further. Without thinking, I lean down and claim her lips. Slowly I force my tongue into her mouth, and her body melts against mine. I release her wrist, and me hand finds its way into her hair. Kissing her deeply, I hear the little sounds coming from her. She’s fecking perfect.

  As if she realizes what we are doing, she pulls away and touches her fingers to her lush lips. Licking me lips, I watch her fer a second before I wink at her and turn back towards the door, pulling my black leather jacket back on. Before I close it, I look back at her and see the dazed look on her face. “Don’t forget to lock up after I leave, aye?”

  “Okay.” She breathes. I close the door behind me and stand there waiting until I hear the lock click into place. I won’t take the chance that fecker is out here just waiting fer me to leave her.

  Making me way back down the four flights of stairs, I push the heavy door open and step out into the crisp night sky. Looking up at the building, I burn the address into me brain. I will ensure that nothing else happens to the lass. I can’t stand the thought of it.

  I start the trek towards the buyer's place and check me watch. Six-thirty on a Friday night. Maybe if I get this shit done soon, I can head to the club and still find a lass to shag.

  After trekking down the eight city blocks to the buyer's store, I swing the shop door open and walk inside. “Fuck. What are you doing here?” The man behind the register asks. He’s frantically looking around the room like someone might come out at any moment.

  “Yer payment is due,” I state gruffly. He pales and then goes to grab something from behind the counter.

  “I can’t have you showing up at my shop. My wife is in the back, and she has no idea what I am involved with,” he whispers harshly like it’s going to change the way I do me business.

  “Don’t care. I do pick ups as I see fit. Yer wife isn’t me problem.” He frowns but hands me the envelope. I open it and flip through the bills. “Yer short.” I grit out, shooting him a look.

  “I can’t give anymore.” He pauses and looks towards the sound of footsteps. “She will find out, and it will ruin everything we’ve worked for.”

  “Yer problem isn’t mine. Rest of the money or yer wife is gonna be the least of yer problems.” I watch as he starts to pull another envelope out and the footsteps get louder. He tosses the envelope at me, and the woman comes out from around the wall.

  “Sweetheart, have you seen the…” Her eyes land on me and she pauses. “Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t realize there was a customer.” I nod me head at the woman, and she blushes.

  “I was just leaving.” I look back over at the store owner, and he almost seems thankful I didn’t say anything. Next time he won’t be so lucky if he tries to stiff me half me money.

  “Have a wonderful night,” she says cheerily. The woman has no idea what her husband is doing behind her back. I shake me head but don’t say anything. It isn’t me place to rat out lying husbands. I make me way through the door and back out into the street. Me Da is going to want the money and me back at the club before long, so I start to make me way down in that direction. He was already pissed so I won’t keep him waiting much longer.

  We own a high-end strip club that caters to some of the most prominent mafia members in the area. We aren’t exactly mixed up in their world, but we do make lots of money off of them. They spend their money freely and who are we to say no. By the time I get to the club, it’s about twenty degrees colder and starting to rain. Just me fecking luck.

  Ducking inside, I make me way towards the back room and to me Da’s office. Opening the door, I see me Da with a lass between his thighs. Her blonde head bobbing up and down on his dick. I take the envelopes out and toss them on his desk and turn to walk out, but he stops me.

  “Jerick, I need ye to collect from the Devin’s on fifth.” I wave him off and turn towards the door. I don’t stop the next time he calls out me name. I have plans to find a lass to shag, and I won’t let him ruin that fer me.



  Weeks turn into months and soon, it’s been five months since I was attacked. I refuse to go out after dark alone and instead of walking, I take a cab or find a co-worker to give me a ride home after work. I feel like the darkness I’ve been living in has gotten even worse than before. Some days I have the hardest time just getting out of bed.

  Just remembering the man grabbing me from behind and the way he pulled my leggings… No. I won’t let him overpower me today. I’m going to be strong. Closing my eyes, I lean against the building I live in and take a deep breath. I have to get to work in thirty minutes, and it’s at least a twenty-minute walk from my apartment.

  Sighing, I wrap my scarf around my neck once more before I hike my purse on my shoulder and start to trudge down the busy street towards the office.

  Every time I hear heavy footsteps behind me, I start to freak out in my head, and soon the darkness begins to overtake me. A heavy hand grabs my shoulder, and I barely register that I’ve grabbed the new knife that I started keeping in my bag. I whirl around and lunge forward with it. A hand grabs my wrist, and it’s pulled behind my back.

  My eyes are wild as I start to panic and I fight the best I can against the person who has their hands on me. “Stana.” His accent, his cologne. My body instantly reacts to him, and I can feel all the tension and darkness slowly dissipate.

  Our eyes meet for the first time in months, and part of me is excited to see him. When I’m not freaking out, my brain is always thinking about him – the man who saved me. God, I sound like one of those people who fall in love with the person who saved them. Hero-worshipping at its best. I can’t even think of what they call people like that. I mentally smack myself a few times before I look up at him again.

  He towers over me, and when I look up at his face, it’s a mistake. I instantly think about the kiss and t
he way my body felt when he had his hand tangled in my hair. No. I won’t think about that. “Are ye alright lass?” I slightly nod my head, but he doesn’t buy it.

  “Ye don’t look okay,” he murmurs into the top of my head. He releases me and then takes a step back almost like he’s trying to read my body language. “Come on. I can give ye a lift to work.” He doesn’t wait for an answer. He just grabs my hand and leads me to a sleek looking black Audi R8. As he opens the passenger door, he motions for me to get in. Slowly I take a seat, and once I’m situated, he closes the door and jogs over to the driver’s side.

  “So…” I start when he gets inside the car, but I don’t know what to say to him. How did he find me again? I was sure that I would never see him again. I doubt he comes to this side of town just for shits and giggles. I mean, it isn’t the safest, but I know it’s not the worst either.

  “Yer wondering why I’m here, aye?” I turn to face him in the seat and nod my head.

  “Yes, I guess I am.” I stare out past him and through his window, watching the people walking by. The car starts moving towards my work, and I don’t even think about the fact that he seems to know where he is going.

  “Well, I saw ye and ye looked frightened. I gave ye me number to use if ye were ever afraid.” His gaze burns my skin. I can feel every inch of skin that his eyes travel over, but I refuse to look at him. I can’t look at him.

  When the car comes to a stop, I look out the window and see the building I work in. My head snaps in his direction, and I see a smile forming on his lips. “How did you…” I trail off. Maybe I don’t want to know that he is following me or something. What if his plans for me are worse than just knowing where I live and work? Oh, my God. It’s my fault that I let him walk me home. I should have called the cops after I was attacked and he saved me. I’m such a moron.

  “This may sound creepy, but I’ve been worried about ye. I followed ye to make sure ye were safe and that yer attacker didn’t come back.” My body tenses and I reach for the seatbelt to try and undo it quickly, but his hand stops me.

  “I couldn’t just call ye. Ye don’t have a phone, so I worried.” I think back to the night he gave me his number. I’ve thought about calling it so many times since that night, but I always talked myself out of it. Since the attack, I’ve felt alone, even more so than before. I feel almost like part of me is broken and I’ll never be able to fix it.

  “You don’t have to worry,” I say, picking at my nails.

  “Aye, I do. I’m worried about ye.” He reaches over me and opens the glove box. I watch him with bated breath as he pulls something from it. When he rights himself in his seat, he looks back at me and hands me a box.

  With shaking hands, I take the box and stare at him. When I look down at my hands, I see that it’s a phone box. Looking back at him, I’m sure I have a strange look on my face. “What is this for?” I ask not understanding why he handed it to me.

  “It’s paid fer. I want ye to be able to call for help if ye need it. I programmed me number in the phone already.” He reaches his hand over the center console and cups my cheek, the same cheek that was bruised for weeks.

  “Why?” I don’t understand why he wants to help me or I don’t know, save me. I’m sure he can get any girl he wants with that square jaw and high cheekbones. He’s like perfection wrapped up in a bad boy package. Even his rusty brownish hair is sexy in its messed up look that he seems to sport.

  “Stana, ye need not worry. I won’t let anything happen to ye,” he murmurs. His body leans forward, and before I can get my brain to work again, his mouth is on mine. His kiss starts out soft before it turns urgent. He wraps his hand around the back of my neck and pulls me closer to him. Going willingly, I kiss him back. All logic escapes me, and the only thing I can currently think of is him.

  When he finally breaks the kiss, he bites my bottom lip giving it a tug before releasing it and pulling back. My cheeks heat with embarrassment. Why does he keep kissing me?

  “Ta tu go halainn.” I stare at him in confusion, and he starts to grin. “Ye are beautiful.” He finally says after a few moments of silence.

  I blush at his compliment. I don’t remember the last time someone told me I was beautiful. Most men don’t even look at me twice. “Stana, believe me when I say it. Ta tu go halainn.” I slightly shake my head, but he stops me. “Don’t.” He closes the distance between us again and presses his lips to mine. “Don’t make yerself feel less than ye are.” Closing my eyes, I just feel his lips as they glide over mine, claiming them.

  Breathless, I pull away and look at the clock on the dashboard. Shit. I’m going to be late. “I need to get inside. I’m going to be late.” My voice is winded like I’ve been running for miles. He affects me in a way no one else ever has. He gives me one last kiss before he pulls away and opens his car door. I watch him as he walks around the car and opens my door like a gentleman.

  “Ye need a ride home, send me a text.” I nod my head, and he reaches in and helps me out. “I don’t want ye walking alone.” His breath is on my cheek, and it causes my body to break out in goosebumps.

  “I can protect myself.” I finally forced the words out.

  “Aye, but I want to know yer safe. I will pick ye up and take you to work and home.” Finally, I just give in. It doesn’t seem like anything I say will get him to change his mind. As much as I am flattered that he even wants to give me rides, I’m taken back. He doesn’t know me other than saving me from that man. Shaking out all evil thoughts, I finally agree to what he wants. A free ride won’t hurt me, hopefully.

  “Okay. I’ll text you when I’m getting off.” My cheeks heat when I think about the double meaning my words have. I cover my face with my hands and shake my head. “That totally came out wrong,” I say. His grin widens, and he wraps an arm around me pulling me closer to him.

  “I like the way it came out. I’d be happy to hear from ye when yer about to get off too.” His eyes darken, and my body reacts to his. The box in my hand slips and clatters to the ground. He looks down at me once more before he bends down to pick it up. His eyes are right at the bottom of my skirt, and I feel his hand reach out and skim over my bare legs.

  A chill runs up my spine, and I try to hold still. I don’t even know why I am letting him touch me when I barely know him. When my brain finally plays catch up with the way he touches me, I feel like I’m going to be a puddle at his feet. I can’t lose myself to someone else. I can’t do the whole Rhett thing again. My mind won’t be able to handle it; I won’t be able to handle it.

  I didn’t eat for weeks after he left. I laid in bed and cried myself to sleep every night. I couldn’t function, and I lost so much weight that I looked unhealthy. I’m finally back in a good place. Well, I was until the attack. I still can’t wrap my head around what happened that night. I was lucky that I only suffered a few scrapes and a bruised jaw. It could have been a million times worse.

  “Yer thinking about that night?” He asks as he stands up to his full height. I didn’t even notice him take his hand off my calf. I nod my head slightly, and he frowns. “I told ye, I won’t let him hurt ye again.” I don’t know what to say or do.

  How do you trust someone that you don’t even know? Better yet, can I even believe him?

  Sure his brilliant smile and bad boy looks make me weak in the knees, but I don’t know a thing about him. He could be a killer for all I know. Oh my God! What if he is a killer? What if he’s going to kill me?

  “Text me when yer ready,” he says pulling me from my internal rambling. Instead of doing the usual thing and saying that I don’t need his help, I simply nod. Turning away from him, I walk towards the office building and make my way inside.



  Me mind has been nonstop thinking about that lass. I watch her walk towards her work, and the only thing I can focus on is her arse as it sways from side to side. Before she disappears behind the glass door, she looks over her shoulder at me. I lea
n against me car and wink at her. The blush creeps across her cheeks, and I can’t help but grin.

  She doesn’t know that I’ve been watching her since that night. I can’t help it. I feel this intense need to make sure nothing else happens to her. I’ve yet to find the fecker who hurt her, but I won’t give up me search until I find the bastard. He won’t live after that. Her face may be healed, but she’s now skittish. And although she has no reason to trust me, she does.

  It’s almost like she lets her guard down with me. That angel trusts me enough to let me touch her even after what she went through.

  Pushing off me car, I walk around to the driver’s side to get in. Before I can take off, me phone starts to ring in me pocket. Pulling it out, I see Niall’s name on the screen. “Aye,” I answer.

  “Yer Da wants me to go with ye on the collections this week.” I run me hand over me face. I don’t get why me Da wants Niall to go with me other than to make sure I’m doing me job. Feckers.

  “Aye. When ye wanting to go?” I ask. Me accent gets stronger when I’m angry and all the boyo’s know.

  “Tonight,” he states. “Ye know I don’t want to do this to ye, but I got no choice.”

  I blow out a breath and put me car in drive. “I know. Yer just following orders,” I grunt out. I’m sure he’s running his hand through his hair right now. It’s his tell. He does that when he’s nervous about something.

  “Aye. I’ll pick ye up at six?” He finally asks.

  “Aye. See ye then.” I hang up and toss me phone into the passenger seat. After ten years, ye think me Da would trust me to do me job. At twenty-eight, I feel like I have enough experience that I don’t need a fecking babysitter.

  By the time I make it home, I’m tired and ready fer bed. Being up all night has its disadvantages, but I wanted to make sure I saw her again. I wanted to make sure she had a phone because I want to be able to talk to her. When I picked up the phone, I asked the guy at the store what one would be good fer a lass, and he pointed that one out. I got her all the data she would need as well as a case to protect it.


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