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Prey & Prejudice: Cougar Falls, Book 7

Page 12

by Marie Harte

  Their time at the House had been full of hunting and playing, and it had been like the old days when Michael had been in charge. Kittens and cats stalked prey without fear. Adults mingled and laughed, the older members cavorting with the young, sharing experience and a camaraderie long denied the pride.

  He felt as if they truly had healed the many wounds left by previous division among the cats. And at the center of it all, he found Zoe. As she often bragged, everyone loved her. Well, everyone but Alissa. It didn’t escape his notice that the woman shot daggers at Zoe when she didn’t think anyone was looking.

  Yet even Alissa was thriving with the new regime. He’d never seen her happier, and it stunned him to know why. Much like him, she’d turned from pride concerns back to good old capitalism. To everyone’s shock, Alissa’s father had recently stepped down to name her as CEO of his hotel empire. The woman seemed thrilled to be busier than shit, and he could relate. He’d been slowly weaning the pride off his plate, and while his inner council—now including Zoe—managed things, he’d been able to take care of the business needing his attention for the past month.

  A large paw swatted him in the face, and he snarled at the offending cat. Because last weekend had been so successful, many had chosen to spend this weekend in the Glades as well. Not the entire pride this time, but his inner circle, many of the council and the family and older cats not interested in partying the weekend away on booze and sex.

  “Oh, get off it. Stop daydreaming and chase me.” Zoe flirted with him, flicking her tail along his. “You know you’re mine. Admit it already.”

  Around them, Ellis, Jace, Willow and Dana stopped playing around and stared at the pair of them. Quince raised his head, and Joy stepped out of the water to watch the drama unfold.

  His favorite place in the Glades, where he and the others often met to nap and relax, now felt fraught with tension.

  He glared at Zoe, not amused that she’d brought up something so personal in front of the others. He knew she’d been toying with him, trying to take charge of their weird relationship. They’d had incredible sex, but the woman had yet to admit any tender feelings. She watched him as if he were a field mouse she intended to swat at any given moment. Because of that, he’d refused to give in and made no mention of his growing affection or their relationship, waiting for her to bring up the subject.

  Still she said nothing, and it made him want to hunt and kill, to destroy that stupid hurt he felt.

  Hell, they wore each other’s scent. They’d even coupled as cats last weekend, though his feline had agreed to refrain from demanding her complete submission to cement the final mating bond. The damn cat enjoyed playing with her too much. He wanted to draw out the game, but Miles was tired of not knowing what Zoe wanted with him. Yes, she wanted the pride. But was he just a tool to gain power, or did she mean all those soft whispers and tender strokes she gave him when she thought him asleep?

  He pretended boredom, mostly because it annoyed her. “Yours?” He yawned. “I’m not attached yet. When I’m good and ready, I might make an announcement.”

  He swore he could have heard a pin drop in the forest. That and the swishing of Zoe’s tail in addition to her growl increasing in volume.

  “You’re mine. I claimed you,” she said boldly, as if females went around claiming their mates every day. Maybe in Zoe’s world, but not in Miami. And certainly no one told Miles what to do.

  He twitched his whiskers and gave a small chirp of amusement. “I don’t think so.” He laughed to compound the insult, inwardly sighing when she screeched at him and hissed. She was so damn beautiful in a rage, she made his heart hurt. Tricky, sexy, gorgeous, smart and she never said one word about seeing him as anything more than a stepping stone in her path to power.

  Well fuck that.

  He rose and stretched, trying to ignore the fact they remained the center of attention. “I’m heading back to the House.”

  He ignored her outrage and trotted in the opposite direction, passing several cats in the process. They all nodded at him or smiled, and he continued, part of him at peace while another part of him raged to claim what—who—he knew to be his. But what if she didn’t want to mate for love, but for rank in the pride? Miles could have any woman he wanted. He refused to attach himself to someone who didn’t truly want him, just what he represented.

  In that way, he understood Alissa Roberto like the others never would. They’d spent time together before she’d thrown her lot in with Lex. He knew she wanted to be taken seriously by her father. And that she feared being married for her money and position. In that respect, they suited one another far better than him and Zoe.

  Though Zoe would never want him for his money, to rule the pride—her sole focus—she would do anything.

  He frowned and skirted a pair of kittens fighting with each other. He circled the House and moved to lay on the cool grass surrounding the pool in back. Many of the elders were in attendance. Not a human in sight, just cats as far as the eye could see. Esmie and Nettles looked cozy curled around each other.

  God, I want that with Zoe. A moment later, when he’d successfully tamped down the pussy inside him, he sneered at himself. Sentimental neediness pissed him the hell off.

  He made sure his expression remained clear of his inner turmoil and teased Esmie with a greeting. “Esmie, good to see you steering clear of trouble. Thank you.”

  She grinned at him, showing sharp teeth. “For you, Miles, anything.”

  Nettles gave a playful growl and nipped at her ear.

  “Oh hush. Don’t be jealous, honey. You know you’re the only man for me.”

  “Esmie? Settling down? Now I’ve seen everything.” He smiled at the pair before his pleasure soured once more. It seemed like everyone around him had decided to couple up lately. His sister, his lieutenants, now Zoe’s mother—a woman no one had ever had the temerity to try to manage after her husband had died. If Nettles could latch onto her tail, why the hell couldn’t Miles figure out where he and Zoe stood?

  “You haven’t seen everything yet, Miles,” Esmie murmured, as if reading his mind. “Now my baby girl in a good mad, that’s surely something to see. And look, here she comes.”

  Miles swallowed a groan. She wouldn’t talk mating nonsense in front of the elders, would she? He’d kill her.

  He was saved—if one could consider harassment by another saved—by Alan Danville. The older cat strolled to his side and frowned at him. “Son, we need to talk.”

  Sims joined him, looking equally grim.

  “What now?”

  He felt more than saw Zoe pause. Odd how he had a sense of her presence at all times anymore. He could feel her, deep in his bones.

  “Well, the others and I are growing concerned about you. You’ve been giving a lot of responsibility away.”

  “You told me to delegate, and it seems to me we’re doing pretty well.”

  “Yes, but, well, the thing is, you still aren’t mated.”

  Sims took a discreet whiff. “Nearly there, but not quite.”

  Danville continued. “You’ve been giving a lot of pride responsibility to Zoe. She’s a fine girl, son, but maybe you should pull back a bit. We don’t want anyone to get the wrong impression.”

  Miles knew where this was going and figured to finally get it out in the open. “What’s that?”

  Danville scowled. “We’ve all heard the girl talk about ruling the pride.” He glanced at Esmie, who continued to sit quietly with Nettles. “She’s a fine woman. A good mate for you. But you, son, are in charge.”

  “For now.” Miles shrugged. “I don’t see the problem. She’s done a great job of stepping in. I’m finally able to handle my workload.”

  Danville blew out a breath. “Yes, but you’re making it look as if she’s in charge. The wolves are talking.”

  “They’re always yapping and not saying much.” Miles shrugged again, mostly because it put Danville’s back up. “So what?”

  “So wh
at?” Sims sputtered. “We’re not run by women.”

  “Only because one never stepped up to the do job. If I remember correctly, Michael’s mate took over for him when he’d fly up to Canada for treaty talks.”

  “Well, yes. But that’s because his lieutenants went with him.”

  “I don’t see the big deal.”

  “Of course not,” Danville spat. “Because you insist on being difficult about everything. Hell, we almost had to tie you down to keep you here in the first place.”

  Now more than annoyed, Miles narrowed his eyes and snarled back, “I told you I never wanted the job. I’m happy working to help support the pride. If Zoe wants it and she’s good at it, who cares if she’s a woman?”

  “It’s just not done.” Danville shook his head. Behind him, Sims agreed.

  It was then Miles noticed they’d gathered an audience. “Does everyone feel this way?” he asked the crowd of three dozen or more cats.

  But to his satisfaction, only a few out of the crowd nodded.

  “We should put this to a council vote. But before that, why don’t you ask the pride what they think? Ask around and see if she’s a joke or for real.” Miles knew what those in the pride would say. They liked Zoe, and he’d seen for himself that she was into helping others. “Hell, why don’t you ask her why she wants to help? She’s been all over the world, yet she and her mother came back here. Talk to her, Alan.” He stretched again, feeling the urge to maim something. Better a rodent or bird than Danville. His frustration with the council and Zoe had worn at him. “I’m flying out on Monday for a week to handle business I’ve been putting off. I’m putting Zoe in charge while I’m gone. Why don’t you see her up close before you act on bigoted ideals?”

  Danville’s ears flatted. “I’m no bigot.”

  At that, Nettles snorted. “Please. I love you, Alan. But you’re a dyed-in-the-wool chauvinist. And I have to say, I don’t think Tessa would agree with you on this.”

  Nicely played. Miles wouldn’t have brought up Alan’s deceased wife, but perhaps that’s what Alan needed to hear, because he glanced past Nettles to Zoe, who’d come to stand next to him.

  “Problem here?” Zoe asked quietly.

  Yeah, he wanted to answer. What the hell do you really want from me?

  Alan studied her in silence before answering, “Miles will be out of pocket next week. You’re going to step in as temporary pride leader.” Trust Danville to act as if he’d come up with the idea.

  Zoe, smart girl, didn’t argue. “Fine with me.”

  Esmie winked at him and smiled. He heard her purring, then heard Nettles join her.

  God. More happy couples.

  “I’m hunting.” He turned to leave, more than annoyed with Zoe and her ambition.

  But the woman walked with him until they left the others far behind. She waited until they were deeper into the woods before speaking.

  “You’re okay with me taking your place?”

  “Don’t sound all tentative now. This is what you wanted, right?” he drawled.

  She cut him off by stepping in front of him, forcing him to stop and talk to her. “It is.” She sounded unsure, a first for Zoe Castille. He tried to move around her, but she refused to get out of his way.

  “What do you want now?” he asked tiredly.

  “Why didn’t you tell me you were okay with me taking over? You acted like you didn’t think much of me except in bed.”

  “You never asked,” he snarled. Infuriated, he bounded away from her, needing some alone time before he did something stupid. Like admit he might want her as a permanent mate. Like tell her he loved her, only to have her laugh in his face.

  Zoe watched him go in shock. She didn’t understand. She’d wanted the opportunity to prove herself forever. Now she had it. Miles believed in her. It had been everything she could do not to claim him as her own—her mate—so proud and thrilled that he would back her so publicly like that. With members of the senior council, no less.

  So seeing him leave, why did she feel as if she’d lost something precious?

  Confused and wondering what the hell she was supposed to do about the persnickety cat stomping around the woods, she returned to her friends at the watering hole. The three couples lazed together, looking boneless and without care, as only cats could.

  “Where’s Miles?” Quince asked.

  “I heard he told off the council. That you’re taking over next week while he’s out of town,” Jace added. “So I guess we have to get used to a girl in charge. Ew. Cooties.”

  Dana smacked him, and the others laughed.

  Still dazed by it all, Zoe sat. “Yeah. Next week I’m in charge.” But instead of the glow she ought to feel, her cat paced inside her, sensing something not right. Miles hadn’t been happy for her. He’d been annoyed. Was he angered over the thought of forfeiting his position, maybe? In all the time she’d been plotting to take over, she’d never considered Miles might want to stay in charge. With as much as he’d protested his position, she thought he’d be happy to have someone else take over.

  And as much as he liked sleeping with her, if he hadn’t trusted her to care for the pride in his absence, he never would have suggested it to Danville.

  But giving up his rule over the pride would have to hurt. She felt terrible for not being more sensitive and resolved to make it up to him later. Best he work off his mad in private, to salve that male ego.

  Pleased with her reasoning, she wondered if she should claim him before he left or after he returned. Or if it would be better to make it seem as if he was doing the mate claim and not her. That male ego again.

  When Joy tripped Quince and shoved him into the water, Zoe jumped in after him. Then the others joined them, and they played and yowled with enjoyment. But all the while, something remained missing. It just wasn’t the same without her arrogant lover by her side telling her what to do while she ignored him.

  Miles called the pride to warn them he’d be back late, maybe even tomorrow. He didn’t return to the main house on the estate until the next day. The others, sensing he needed time alone, as most cats occasionally did, left him alone.

  Deciding it was stupid not to talk to Zoe about their pseudo-relationship—because really, who were they trying to fool, the woman was crazy about him and needed to admit it—he looked for her. Only to find her out at the pool Sunday afternoon wearing that ridiculous excuse for a bathing suit with a half dozen males fawning all over her. She had the nerve to laugh and flirt with them. An available woman with nothing tying her to anyone, apparently. And he lost his famous cool.

  Without a word to anyone, he walked to the side of the pool, shoved two of the others into the water away from Zoe, knocked another cat on his ass and pulled the Amazon to her feet.

  “Hey—Miles?” Her start of a smile faded when she saw his face. “What’s wr—oomph. Put me down!”

  The others around them broke into laughter as he hauled her over his shoulder, staggered a second under her weight—all solid muscle—then left the pool behind. He walked back to the main house, waved at June, who wisely smiled but said nothing as she worked on dinner, and took the squirming Zoe with him back to his—their—room. It hadn’t escaped his notice that she hadn’t struggled overmuch, not giving him the fight he’d anticipated. Well, at least not yet.

  He closed and locked the door behind him before tossing her on the bed. To his amazement, her top unraveled and her breasts spilled free from the tiny triangles.

  Infuriated, he loomed over her. “I can’t believe you’re still wearing that in public.”

  Her look of surprise turned to one of mulish resistance. “Yeah? Well I can’t believe you are that much of a prude.”

  He yanked his polo off and started on his shoes and linen trousers. “What the hell does that mean?”

  She didn’t bother covering up, and her anger layered the room in an arousing musk of need. “Just what I said. You’re friggin’ Ac-taw, Miles. Why is my nudity such
a big deal to you?”

  Part of what she said made sense. But he couldn’t fathom why. He continued to envision the others staring at her, coveting her. “It’s not. I just can’t believe you’re out there flaunting those tits and ass around those hapless kids.”

  Her eyes widened. He stripped off his underwear and stood naked and aroused, unable to get the thought out of his mind that she remained unmated, available to anyone else who wanted her. Not his, not yet.

  “You’re out of your fucking mind.” She finally shook off her stillness and rose to her knees.

  He leaped at her, knowing she’d leave in a heartbeat if she reached the door.

  He knocked her to the bed and yanked off her suit, ripping ties in the process.

  “You asshole! That was a one-of-a-kind!”

  “Now it’s trash.” He glared at her. “I’m claiming you as mine.”

  “Not if I claim you first,” she roared, then stopped. She blinked and ceased fighting him. “Wait. You’re ready to be mine?” Her wide grin should have assuaged his fury, but he couldn’t be sure why she really wanted him. Yes, he was amazing, but did she understand that? Or had he just convinced himself she was in love with him and not his ability to give her what she wanted?

  He snorted and nudged her legs wider, his body insistent on finishing what he’d started. “Yours? Bullshit. Honey, you might think you can rule everyone else, but in bed, I’m in charge. I’m ready to make you mine.”

  She gave him a look, and it took everything he had in him to rein in his cat and pull back that aching, final mating scent.

  “What? Why did you stop?” she asked, sounding annoyed.

  “Always get what you want, don’t you?” he rasped and pushed himself inside her.

  She was wet and accepted him with ease, scowling until he shoved all of himself deep. “Oh, yeah.” She sighed and dragged his head down for a kiss. “Do that again.”

  “No.” He withdrew and manhandled her onto her belly. Then he pulled her back, so that she rested on her hands and knees. He knelt between her legs and slammed back inside her, taking charge. Jesus, she feels right.


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