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Prey & Prejudice: Cougar Falls, Book 7

Page 13

by Marie Harte

  No, this isn’t about coming. It’s about dominating, as is my right, his cat reminded him.

  He groaned and asked, “Who’s in control now?”

  “Oh, you,” she breathed. “Please. Again.” She rocked back against him, and he slapped her ass, stunning her to stillness. “Miles.”

  “I’m running the show, Candy.” He fucked her harder, unceasing while he sought his own fulfillment “Who’s in charge?” he asked again, needing her to want all of him.

  “You are. You, Miles.”

  “Then stay the fuck still while I come.” He grabbed her hips and rode her harder, incredibly excited by her submissive stance. Her breathing was fast, her body ripe, her scent spurring him to give her more while she knelt with her head bent low, her feline all but begging him to mate her.

  “Come inside me. Give it to me,” she whispered.

  Miles clenched her hips hard enough to leave marks and exploded inside her, his orgasm overpowering. A moment later, he remained half-hard despite his climax, determined not to quit until he’d made his point. She didn’t understand their parts in this play. But she would. It was time Zoe learned what it meant to be taken by a mate like Miles, and what she’d have to give if she expected any kind of future together. One that wouldn’t crush them both in the long run.

  Chapter Eleven

  She wished she knew why he’d turned into such an aggressive jerk, but Zoe couldn’t catch her breath to ask, because Miles’s Neanderthal, “I’m the man” tactics had her so horny she was about to lose her mind. When he’d come inside her, without letting her experience the same, she’d felt turned inside out. As if he’d tired of waiting and decided to take charge.

  Men never did that with Zoe. Sure, they’d come before she did, but they’d always follow up with a lot of begging or groveling to make it up to her. The power remained in her hot hands.

  No matter how much she craved a take-charge guy, they always succumbed to persuasion. Zoe knew sex. She had incredible moves and had never met her match. Before Miles. Their passion since that first time had been explosive, but this performance—she didn’t know what to think.

  “Don’t fucking move,” he growled.

  She quivered under him, the refined male with his designer suits and elegant arrogance suddenly a tiger in bed. She’d loved him taking her before, but this side of Miles just amazed her.

  “But I need—”

  He smacked her ass again.

  She moaned, “I need to come.”

  “Everything your way? I don’t think so.” He gave a mean chuckle. Then he removed himself and put his fingers back inside her. He slid his thumb once over her clit but took it away when she tried to rub against him. “Now push out, because I’m coming in.”

  “What— Miles.” They’d had a few conversations about what they both liked, and though she admitted she’d tried anal, she’d never been a big fan. Miles had smiled at her, a knowing grin that told her eventually they’d revisit the topic. But she wasn’t prepared for that time to be now. She knew she only had to say “no” to stop him, yet she remained quiet, his to control.

  He pushed a slick finger against her anus, and before she knew it, she was pushing out while he was sliding in. He didn’t stop, and despite the initial discomfort, she didn’t want him to. He was her fantasy made real, a man who could give her what she needed, even if she didn’t know it at the time.

  He continued to slide his finger in, past the short graze of pain into a weird fullness up her ass. “Yeah. This is what I’m taking next.”

  “But I…”

  “You don’t want it?” He leaned closer to whisper, “But it’s what I want. And I’m running the show here, aren’t I?” He nipped her earlobe.

  “Y-yes,” she breathed, enthralled with him. “God, yes. Whatever you want, Miles.”

  He pulled his finger back before pushing it in again. While he played with her, slowly easing her around him, he whispered, taunting her, goading her orgasm with every tease. “And what if I want you? What if I want to take you, tie you up? Have my way and leave you begging for me to finish you? You ever begged a lover before me, Zoe? Ever been so desperate for a cock you’d do anything to have it?”

  “No,” she moaned, and she’d wanted the chance to beg a worthy lover so badly. A man to make her lose control, just once.

  “Do you want it?” He added another finger, slowly stretching her using her own arousal. “Do you want me here?”

  “Yes, Miles.” Dear God, he felt amazing inside her. Painful, pleasurable, warping her body into his personal playtoy. He made her want. “I need you.”

  You—Miles. She didn’t desire just anyone. She wanted the one cat that she could no longer deny belonged to her. The cat we belong to, her feline corrected with approval. And like that, Zoe understood what had been holding her back with Miles. She had to be in charge, but she needed to know she could rely on someone stronger. That her mate wouldn’t bow to her whims all the time. Miles could more than match her mentally and physically, but his will proved just as strong as hers. He was a sexual dynamo, a masterful lover, and she couldn’t get enough of him. She loved that about him.

  Hell, she loved him.

  Before she could tell him, he backed away from her. “Don’t move. Don’t blink. Don’t even breathe.”

  She nodded, wondering if he could see her expression. She heard a drawer opening, then something that sounded as if he was… Oh God. An open tube of lube dropped by her hand.

  “I’m nice and slick and hard for you, baby.” He moved back between her legs and spread her knees wider. Then he pulled her ass cheeks apart and pressed himself there, at her narrow entrance. “I’m coming in. Inside you. And I’m going to fuck you here. Your ass, your pussy. Your mouth. Wherever I want, isn’t that right?”

  That mean tone melted her. “Yes, yes.”

  He slowly prodded her rim and pushed inside. He was so much bigger than his finger.

  And then she was past the anxiety and gasping as he moved within her. The pain became pleasure, especially when he fingered her clit.

  “That’s it, bad girl. Come around my cock,” he growled, and that frank talk and sexy tone set her right off.

  Her cat howled as she rocked back into him. But Miles refused to be rushed. She begged, she taunted with risqué promises and she reached under, between her legs to cup his balls. Until finally he was pounding into her, and she was crying out as she came hard with him up her ass.

  “Oh fuck,” he swore and let go of her clit to clench her hips. “That’s it. All of me,” he gasped and groaned, spending inside her.

  She felt breathless, her brain scrambled, her entire being wide open for the taking.

  But Miles didn’t speak, didn’t ask for promises or a mating or thanks. He finished inside her, then left her to return moments later with a warm cloth. He cleaned her up and stroked her with a gentle hand, praising her in deed if not in words.

  He joined her soon after, smelling of soap and her. Not mated, not yet. But she knew what she wanted now. Her focus had nothing to do with the pride for once, and everything to do with Miles and the love she felt for him.

  When he lay next to her, she went into his arms and kissed his chest, hugging him tightly and not letting go. It didn’t take long before their stroking turned hot and heavy once more. They loved one another with touch and scent. This new dynamic suited her, and it sure the hell suited him. She didn’t think he’d ever been sexier to her.

  “You like me being rough,” he said after they’d finished again.

  “Yeah.” She sighed as he stroked her hair, his body still embedded in hers. They remained together, and she had to know. “Why won’t you claim me?”

  She heard his smile when he answered, “You’re going to let me take charge and make the decision? I think hell just froze over.”

  “Oh, come on. You’re just as domineering as I am.”

  “Dream on, Candy.”

  This time, the sexy way he
said her name didn’t bother her. It made her feel special, because only he ever called her that. Only he could get away with calling her that. She chuckled. “Am I too bossy?” The one part of her she couldn’t quite change. It was in her DNA, that need to take charge. She’d relied on her strength for years, but now it might not be such a blessing.

  “You’re just like your brother, but prettier. And much sexier.”

  “You really shouldn’t talk about my family while your cock is inside me.”

  “God, don’t talk like that. Now I feel dirty.” He chuckled, and she felt him softening inside her, finally. “I don’t mind you being dictatorial. You’re going to need that to rule the idiots down here.”

  “Including you?”

  “Please. No one rules me.”

  “True.” And she loved that about him. But how did he feel about her? “So. We’re going to mate?”

  He didn’t answer right away, and she felt his cat inside him, reaching for her. Yet Miles held him back.

  You’re scaring me. Please, Miles. I’m yours. Why won’t you take me? Yet she couldn’t bring herself to tell him how she felt, afraid he might reject her.

  “Zoe, you can have the pride without me. I’ll talk to the elders, and after they see what you’re more than capable of—and yes, I saw you sparring with your brother last week. You’re lethal in more ways than one, aren’t you?”

  She puffed with pride. She’d kicked Quince’s ass.

  “Anyway, once they see what you can do, you won’t have any issues. Well, a few of them will stick to the old ways, always wanting a man in charge. But that’s life. You’ll work around them.”

  “I know.”

  “There’s no need to push a mating.”

  She leaned up from him to glare into his eyes. “Why? Don’t you want me?”

  “Do you want me?”

  “I told you I did.”

  “Yeah, a mating to rule the pride. Sure. But do you want me?”

  She blinked at him. “Are you saying you don’t know how I feel about you?”

  “Why would I?” He scooted her off him, separating their bodies.

  She stupidly felt as if the physical distance equaled an emotional chasm they might not be able to cross, and to her shock, pinpricks of sensation lit the back of her eyes.

  He moved away from her to the adjoined bathroom and started the shower. Then he stepped in, as if they’d finished the conversation.

  Oh, hell no.

  “Hold on.” She jumped from the bed and darted into the bathroom. She stepped in with him and yanked him around to face her. As usual, he raised that brow that set her teeth on edge. “I hate that.”

  “I know.” His arrogance amused the hell out of her, even though she wanted to slap him at the same time.

  So she did, knocking him in the chest. “You’re such a pain in the ass.”

  “Yes. I am.” His glare turned into a sly grin, and he sounded way too pleased with himself. He reached around her to pat her ass. “And I can’t wait to be a pain again.”


  “Honey, your scent filled the entire room, my brain and my dick when I was taking you. You like it rough as much as you like it up the ass.” His angelic features in contrast to their less-than-innocent conversation caused her to snort with amusement.

  “I can’t believe you, of all people, like it kinky. You’re like the poster child for pretty choir boys the world over.”

  “You mean sexy choir boys. No, sexy cats. That sounds much better.”

  “Any way you look at it, you’re gaga over me,” she sneered. “Admit it.”

  He moved and the water sprayed her in the face. As she coughed, he said in that snotty voice, “Someone has a high opinion of herself. I’ll have you know, my sweet Candy, women all over the world lust for my very presence. I am the epitome of a gentleman.”

  “Ha. Except in bed. You freak.”

  He licked the tattoo on her shoulder and then nipped her neck. “And you like me that way. You, who ride a Harley, have a self-proclaimed tramp stamp and cream when I come up your ass.”

  Seeing him growing hard again, she gasped. “Are you kidding me? What, are you taking pills or something?”

  He grinned. “Maybe I have it bad for a finicky feline.”

  Her heart raced. “I’m not finicky.”

  “I was talking about Alissa Roberto.” He batted his eyelashes in innocence.

  She literally snarled. “Not funny.”

  His grin left him. “No, it’s not.” He glared into her eyes. “Neither is wearing next to nothing in front of other males.”

  “You want me? Claim me, damn it.” Prove it.

  He stared into her eyes, searching for something.

  God, Miles. You’re it for me. I love you. Claim me.

  As if he heard her, he blinked and smiled, his grin so bright it was blinding. “You sure?”

  “Why are you looking at me like that?” She didn’t trust his sudden joy. Hold on, had he maybe heard what she’d thought? Joy had mentioned that she and Quince shared a unique bond, one that sometimes transcended words. And she’d heard that other mated couples sometimes read each other’s thoughts. But that would mean Miles loved her and wanted her the way she wanted him.

  “For once in your life, you’re not taking charge. You’re waiting for me to make a move. To give you what you want. You’re not taking it.” He kissed her smack on the mouth, then deepened the kiss until she felt herself on fire to have him again. “Wrap your legs around my waist,” he murmured as he turned her back to the tile, the shower now hitting their sides.

  “Yes.” She continued to kiss him. “Claim me, Miles. Make me yours.”

  “Only mine,” he warned and nibbled her jaw.

  “Only mine,” she repeated the warning.

  He reached between them to position himself where she needed him, and as he pulled closer and thrust into her, he let his animal spirit blanket her with scent. Acceptance, a claiming, affection and love.

  She felt the warmth to her bones and sank into him, her claws, both human and animal, holding him tight. “You going to say it?” she whimpered as he took her.

  He choked on a laugh, then groaned and seated himself fully. Balls-deep. Damn, she loved that phrase.

  “Letting me do all the hard work first, hmm?”

  “Miles, please. I need to be sure.”

  “Of me?” His eyes widened.

  “Of you. That you can love a woman who wears jeans and doesn’t know one designer from another. A girl who doesn’t have a lot of money and will never, ever, be less than your equal.”

  He kissed her, nuzzled her and rubbed his face against hers, spreading his scent. “You’re annoying, smug and demanding more often than not. So fucking sexy you make me lose my mind on a constant basis. You argue more than is healthy.”

  “Miles.” She smiled against his cheek, and he started moving inside her again, his cat alight within her now.

  “Hell, I couldn’t stop myself from falling in love with you even if I’d wanted to.” He thrust a few more times before coming on a sigh. But not to leave her without, he put a hand between them and finished her off.

  “Oh yes, yes.” She tightened around him and trembled with the rush of ecstasy clouding her thoughts. “I love you, Miles.”

  He kissed her and then shuddered as the water turned cooler. After turning if off and cuddling, they returned to the bed and stared at each other.

  “This won’t be easy,” he warned.

  “Running the pride or running you?”

  He snorted. “Me? I’m talking about your lethal personality, Candace.”

  She pinched his nipple, but couldn’t help a grin. “Only you can call me that and not have my claws in your throat. My name is Zoe, you jackass.” She kissed him again. “You’re so arrogant.”

  “And you love me.” His heart was in his eyes. “You, Zoe Castille. The woman with a pussy as sweet as…candy.”

  She laughed wi
th him. “Dick.”

  “Honey, we’ve already established that I have a big dick, but thanks again for noticing. Be good while I’m gone this week, okay? When I get back, we’ll officially turn the pride over to you, no matter what Alan says.” He paused. “You’re sure this mating is what you wanted?”

  She didn’t like the hint of doubt in his voice. “I thought you were Miles ‘I Am God’s Gift to the World’ Bermin. Why so shaky now?” She narrowed her gaze. “Are you having second thoughts? Do I need to start wearing dresses and cooing at you now to keep you interested? Should I change my name to Alissa Whoreberto and grovel at your feet?”

  He had the nerve to laugh at her. “Please. The day you coo is the day I wear flip-flops. Not happening.” He rolled her under him. “Whoreberto? That’s Joy talking.”

  “It is.” She brushed his hair out of his eyes, aware she now had a fetish for blond hair.

  “Be careful, Zoe. I believe in you. I also know you. Don’t you dare move on the raptors until I get back.”


  “We both know they were last spotted at Roberto Towers. Yeah, I have access to the same intel you do. We need to kick some major tail feather, I know. But you wait for me, or I’ll make you sorry. Ass-fucking-without-lube sorry.”

  She tried to keep her lust in check, but she didn’t think she’d been successful because he smirked at her.

  “Kinky kitty likes a bit of pain.” He shook his head. “I’m not kidding, though. You know these bastard birds better than I do. But we work best together. Wait for me.”

  “I will. I promise.” Though Lisette and her entourage had been staying in Miami and the majority of the raptors had supposedly gone back to Baltimore, time would tell. She and the others would be ready to deal with them. Not alone, and not without Miles by her side.

  “I won’t make a move without you,” she reiterated. “Yes, dear.”

  “If only.” Miles pushed a hand through her hair and massaged her scalp. “You’re a pain in the ass, but there’s no denying you’re gorgeous. Finally, a woman I might not outshine.”


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