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Limited Release (Kita's Adventures in Product Development Book 2)

Page 3

by Vanessa Cardui

  "So," said Balan, after Nat got him some tea and food. "What have you got this time?"

  "Well," said Gerana. "It's in early stages yet, but it seemed like something you might be interested in. Terra?"

  Terra started explaining, and as they did, the thing in Kita's cunt stopped vibrating, and the thing in her ass started. And the rolling motion along the length of her pussy started again. She fought back a moan, tried to drink her tea. Which was good tea.

  "It seems like a bit of a niche item," said Balan.

  "First of all, maybe," said Gerana. "But it's a niche you're interested in. Second of all, not so niche as all that—I mean, sex toys are a big market, and this one is pretty great."

  "Most sex toys," said Balan, "are there to provide satisfaction to the people who use them. This one seems to be designed to frustrate the person using it."

  Gerana sighed. "Yes, well. Third of all, you didn't let Terra finish. It's true that this is probably the best application, for reasons that I'll make clear later, but there's nothing stopping women from using it on themselves, and using the remote to orgasm when they've ridden the edge as long as they liked. So even people who don't want to use it properly have a reason to buy it."

  "Hm," said Balan. "It'd depend on the price-point, though. And the reason why using it the way you described is the best application?"

  "You met Keets, right? And you remember how she was like before we used the collar on her?"

  "Sure," said Balan. He gave Kita a smile. "She seemed nice."

  "Nice," said Gerana, and shook her head. "And inclined to panic when someone noticed that she was gorgeous, and not willing to even talk about the sort of sex she wanted, let alone actually do it."

  "More or less," said Balan. "I assume that you've been working on that."

  "More or less," said Gerana. "But that is just part of the reason why I want that collar back, because the other way was really cute, and I'd like to be able to switch between them by giving her an order—"

  "Gerana," said Balan. "The contract is—"

  "I'm not trying to weasel out of anything," said Gerana. "It'd be part of the payment. But that's not my point—my point is, she's still mostly like that. Watch: Keets, go suck Balan's dick."

  Kita choked on a mouthful of tea, started coughing.

  "And?" said Balan, as Terra thumped Kita on her back.

  "And do it, Kita."

  "I don't . . . I just—"

  "So, first of all," said Gerana, to Balan, "you can administer correction with this button."

  There was a shock, deep inside her, and Kita jumped.

  "Crawl over to him, get it out, and start sucking on it," said Gerana. "Now."

  Kita dropped gracelessly to her knees, crawled across the polished wood of the pavilion's floor. At least there were those willows, and that bamboo. Hesitantly, she undid his trousers.

  Before Gerana had convinced Kita to help with a mind control collar she'd dated a bit. Not very often, and when she did, it was seldom very serious. Still, she'd seen cocks before, and she'd touched . . . she'd done what Gerana was telling her to do. But it had been a while, and she'd never been particularly good at it, and everyone was watching, and the plug in her ass had started to vibrate.

  He'd started partially erect, and she bent over it, eyes closed, trying to take as much as she could, working him to stiffness with her hands and mouth and tongue. It had been a while, and the taste—just having something in the back of her mouth like that—it wasn't easy.

  Gerana moved over closer to her, undid her trousers, and let them slide to the floor, then pushed down on the small of her back, so that Kita's ass would be better displayed.

  "The rear plug is removable," she said. "If you want access, and for cleaning her out. Otherwise, the battery packs need to be changed twice a day—we're working on an improved system, but that's a while down the road."

  "And useful for one or two other applications, I assume," said Nat.

  "Probably," said Gerana. "But this one is pretty great. Just . . . you know, wait for it."

  "Hm?" said Balan, who'd gotten fully hard, but who hadn't started thrusting; he was nowhere near close.

  "Say, next week?" said Gerana. "You'll see what I'm talking about. I mean, she is nice like this, right?"

  "Sure," said Balan. "Though I'd have thought your training would've gone a bit further—"

  "I have not been training her for this particular function," said Gerana. "But if I had the collar back, I could just turn it off and on, when I wanted it."

  Balan sighed, finally thrust. Once, slowly, but at least he was thrusting. "I know it was your project," he said. "But that's genuinely dangerous stuff."

  "We work on lots of dangerous things, Balan," said Gerana. "I mean, you don't see anything particularly dangerous about this one, right?"

  He moved Kita's head off his cock, tilted her chin up to look at him, and considered her. "It's improved enthusiasm a bit, maybe," he said. "It's not like mind control."

  "Or a death ray, or human replication, or anything else we can still legally patent," said Gerana.

  He let go, slapped Kita's cheek lightly, which she took as a signal to continue. "And which you don't have."

  "Sure," said Gerana. "But come back next week, and you'll see what I mean."

  Now he was thrusting in earnest. There was saliva dripping down her chin, and she was fighting back a gag at every thrust, but she used her hands for some of his length, and kept doing what she was supposed to do, and finally he came.

  It had been a while, but she remembered not liking the taste, and that there was usually too much of it. She didn't like the taste, and there was too much of it. But as he came, the belt shut off, for just a bit, and there was something about that—it wasn't an orgasm. She'd been close to an orgasm for a while, and this wasn't that. But it felt a little bit like that, anyway?

  She looked up at Gerana, who gave the faintest flicker of a wink, and then nodded towards the chair Kita had been sitting on. So she got up, walked back there, and sat down, wiping off her chin. Gerana flicked a switch on the control, and the belt started again.

  They talked a little bit more. Balan was talking about licensing fees rather than purchasing the patents outright, and Gerana was being politely noncommittal, and then Balan and Nat made their goodbyes; there was something knowing in the way they smiled as Kita as they left—she'd just sucked him off, so of course there was that, but this was more than was necessary.

  "Went well," said Terra, after they were gone.

  "Assuming that the belt has the effects that I expect it will," said Gerana.

  Terra shrugged. "It works."

  "Obviously," said Gerana. "Your stuff works. The question is if it'll have the effect on Kita that I anticipate. Anyhow, may as well get a control sample; Kita, go lick Terra out."

  Kita looked around, tried to stand up. Gerana sighed, put her hand between her shoulders, and pushed her down, so she would crawl over. "It's Balan's favorite pavilion," she said. "So of course they're used to people fucking in it. Now get moving; there's work you have to do when we get back."

  Licking out Terra was a lot more familiar than sucking Balan off, and it was sort of nice, with the breeze off the lake, and the sound of the wind in the leaves. And when she finished, that pause in the working of the belt.


  "Maybe a little more enthusiastic than baseline," said Terra. "Certainly more than you'd expect after the workout she got yesterday. What are you building towards?"

  "See, she doesn't come, right?" explained Gerana, as they headed back out.

  "That's more or less the point," said Terra. "I mean, not unless you flip the red switch."

  "Right," said Gerana. "But when she gets someone else off, little burst of pleasure, then a break. That way, it'll be a bit like she's had an orgasm? Point is to shift her pleasure to someone else's pleasure, really."

  "Be easier with that collar," said Terra.

Gerana flicked a switch on the controller, and the thing on Kita's clit started moving again.

  "Of course it'd be easier with that collar," said Gerana. "But this is what we've got, so this is what we're using."

  "I don't know," said Terra. "You're making a lot of assumptions; if that's what you're planning on selling—"

  "No," said Gerana. "What I'm selling is an adult novelty. And, frankly, Kita's going to do most of the work on that front. Whether or not it works perfectly, she's going to be a drooling mess after a week of this, and she's going to look—I mean, anyone who looks at her is going to want something to make their girls look like that."

  The thing on Kita's clit turned off. Just the rollers on the side of her pussy, and they were going slow. But it was almost enough, maybe?

  "Not everyone has girls," said Terra.

  Gerana shook her head. "They'll want one for their imaginary girls, then. But that's not our primary market. What I am attempting to show is that everything can be used for mind control, really, so he should just let us have the fun version back."

  "Hm," said Terra.

  The walk back was more difficult than the walk to the gardens had been. Terra and Gerana were chatting away, mostly ignoring her—Terra pointing out that death rays would've made a more convincing argument, and then going on to something about frogs—but the thing was, it had been sort of . . . well, she was closer to orgasm than she had been on the way there, as a result of their activities at the tea gardens, and while the belt had never been really dramatic in its effects, not like some of the stuff that Terra had come up with, it just didn't let her get back down from close. Or beyond close to coming.

  Gerana was mostly ignoring her, going over her objections to death rays and so on, but she did have her arm around Kita's waist, steadying her when she stumbled, making sure that she kept going where they wanted her to go.

  Which was very nice. It was nicer when they got home, and they took off her clothing. Kita was entirely ready for whatever Gerana wanted.

  It turned out that what Gerana wanted was to lock her in her cage and leave her there, with a selection of fake cocks, and instructions to practice sucking, if she could manage it.

  Fake cocks, and a belt that was getting her ever closer to orgasm without letting her actually come. It was possible it would. Terra did make mistakes, from time to time, so maybe, if she just held perfectly still, and didn't clench anything, it'd let her come, and relieve some of the pressure that was building, constantly building.

  Terra made mistakes from time to time, but this wasn't one of them. It just kept inching her closer, and not over.

  No way that she could rest with that on her, and in her, not much she could do in her cage. So, Kita picked up one of the cocks, and started sucking on it. It was a cheerful translucent red, looking a bit like candy and tasting a lot like plastic. It was smaller than Balan's, with a realistically detailed scrotum swinging loose underneath. Hands and lips and tongue, pushing it back to the point where she was almost gagging. Over and over, until Gerana let her out of the cage so she could give Gerana her bath.

  There wasn't any mention of clothing, and when she tried to stand up, Gerana gently but firmly pushed her down so that she was crawling. Yes. Good.

  She washed Gerana, and was utterly lost when Gerana's soapy fingers drifted across her breasts, down to her belly.

  "Enjoying your new toy?" she asked.

  "Mixed," said Kita.

  "Good," said Gerana. "As it should be."

  Kita wasn't allowed to stand up when they went down for dinner, either—she got her food in a pair of bowls next to the table, and while nobody had said anything about using her hands, she knew that she wasn't supposed to.

  Afterward, they let her stand up to wash the dishes, and then then they more or less ignored her. She drifted into the library, but it was absolutely impossible to read, not with the rollers going along the length of her pussy, or the vibrator moving in her ass. The thing on her clit and the one in her cunt only went on for short bursts, which left her breathless and panting, but stopped just before she was able to come, and didn't come back on, not for a long time.

  So she went back to her cage, and closed the door behind her, and practiced sucking on the plastic cocks.

  That amused Gerana when she took her out again, around bedtime, but Kita was beyond caring about that. It seemed that she was going to be allowed in bed, or at least tied up at the foot of the bed, and that was great. And Gerana let her lick her out, which was great too. Didn't take that long, regardless.

  "Gonna use the zapper to slow you down a bit, tomorrow," said Gerana, sleepily. "But may as well move things along tonight, anyway."

  After Gerana came, the belt shut off.

  Kita knew what Gerana was trying to do, how she was trying to manipulate her perceptions, but it didn't matter. That thing had been going for hours, and now it was off, and while that wasn't an orgasm, it was a sort of relief that was almost like an orgasm, and it felt enough like an orgasm that she was able to fall asleep pretty much right afterwards.

  She didn't sleep well, but she did sleep.

  Whatever the sleep mode was—small twitches of the plugs, occasional movements of the other things—it was just enough to make sure that when she woke up she was desperately aroused, and that all the dreams she had were a murky confusion of needs and desire and pain.

  Gerana had left her tied up well enough that she couldn't accidently-not-accidently nudge her awake and maybe convince her to have sex, and Kita knew that if she made noise, she'd be gagged the next night. So it was a long night of slipping in and out of those uncomfortable dreams.

  She was gagged, though, after she woke up. And then Gerana took her to the bathroom, and flushed her out.

  It was something that Gerana had tried once or twice, and even though she hadn't been hugely interested, she still had the equipment.

  "A little bruising," she said, as she eased the plug out of her ass. "That's a good look for you."

  Kita groaned. Terra had said something about the belt being less sensitive to her being ready to come without that plug, so maybe if she held perfectly still, she could. . . no. It was in sleep mode.

  "No bleeding, though, skin still firm—" There was the feeling of Gerana's finger probing around her asshole. "Lubricant release seems to have done its job. Looking good, Keets!"

  She groaned again, as the finger left, and the nozzle pushed it.

  There was way too much water, and then she put the plug back in, and turned the belt on again, rather than letting Kita use the toilet. It left her feeling weirdly, unpleasantly full, and then with the belt on, also turned on.

  "Want a new fetish?" asked Gerana. "Could keep it in sleep mode in general, and just turn it on when you're full like that. Wouldn't be long before you needed it that to come."

  Kita was gagged, so she couldn't voice any objections to that scheme. But she felt them, and it seemed that Gerana could read that in her eyes.

  She laughed, patted Kita on her head. "And that's just part of what I like about you, Keets. No matter what I do, the next thing is always a somewhat upsetting surprise."

  Somewhat upsetting and deeply arousing. Kita knelt, rubbed her face against Gerana's leg, looked up hopefully.

  "Little longer," said Gerana. "You can lick a little," she added, unbuckling the gag.

  Kita really wanted to lick. Really, really. The training with the zapper, and knowing that she'd get getting a little bit of relief for getting someone off—really, really. Enough to distract her from the way her belly sloshed when she moved, and the cramps that were starting in her stomach. But then Gerana pushed her away, and it was all there again.

  Finally, she let her use the toilet. Then put more water in, and the plug back in. This time, she made her waddle around the bathroom, and suck a fake cock before she let her empty out.

  By the time they were done and Kita was showered, Terra was looking for them.

  "What now?" sai
d Gerana. "It works; it's great."

  "Works for Kita," said Terra. "But the goal is for a belt that'll work for a large percentage of the target population. Now, the programing is adaptive—it'll read different things as arousing, and use that. But I need to be sure that the indications of arousal and oncoming orgasm are more or less consistent."

  "Well," said Gerana. "I'm certainly not wearing one of those."

  "Didn't think you would," said Terra. "But you are going to get hooked up to monitoring machinery, and Kita's going to give you a few orgasms."

  Gerana scowled.

  "And I'll do it too," said Terra. "And once I'm sure the project is sound, I'll make something fun for Kita—it'll help with the training you're working on."

  "Fine," said Gerana. "But next time, tell me about this before I halfway sell the thing; I could've gotten Nat over for testing, probably."

  "Sure," said Terra. "Now let's stick some monitoring tools into orifices."

  "Yours first," said Gerana.

  "Sure," said Terra, shimmying out of her pants as they came into the lab. "First set Kita up with the copper strip in the corner, though. Be a little while before you'll be able to get the readouts to make sense, and she may as well be decorative."

  The copper strip in the corner was the one that kept zapping her heels when she let them drop, and it was even harder to stay up with the belt on than it had been when she was exhausted. She'd lose track of where she was, and what she was doing, and then it hurt enough to remind her.

  Finally, Gerana came back and unhooked her. Terra was up on the table, not strapped in, and with way fewer things in fewer orifices than Kita had been given. "Lick," said Gerana, watching a monitor. "Take your time, though."

  Slow was hard; she wanted it too badly. Terra had the remote, and used it to slow Kita down, which was . . . it hurt, and she hated it, but it also helped, because it wasn't the good feelings she'd been having there for more than a day already.


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