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Limited Release (Kita's Adventures in Product Development Book 2)

Page 2

by Vanessa Cardui

  "Seems like it's going to be locked away for a little while," said Gerana. "Too bad. It is very pretty. One of your better features."

  "Thank you?" said Kita, sounding strangled even to herself.

  "You're welcome," said Gerana. "Well, at least we tested Terra's hair removal thing on it, so we won't have to deal with ingrown hairs or anything."

  "It hurt so much, Gerana," said Kita.

  "I know!" said Gerana. "That was great. Too bad the general market wasn't that interested. But anyway."

  Another long stroke with soapy hands, then three fingers pushed up inside. Kita moaned, her hips bucking, and Gerana pulled out, gave her pussy a light slap. "Plenty of time for that tomorrow."

  Then she stood up, and Kita dried her off, and helped Gerana put her robe on, and then knelt and put Gerana's slippers on. And then waited there, kneeling, face down to the tiles, waiting for orders, just like she'd been trained.

  "You look really nice, Keets," said Gerana. "And apparently, I'm supposed to make sure you sleep well tonight."

  Gerana's touch had left her wet, but now she was way, way wetter than that.

  "Bathe thoroughly—no touching except with the washcloth, of course, then clean up in here, and bring the largest toy and the whip that Balan gave us to the bedroom. And don't take too long about any of that."

  Kita had no particular interest in taking too long about any of that. Well, maybe bathing, because even though the washcloth was rough, it was something, but there was a camera up in the corner of the room, and if Gerana caught her playing with herself . . . point was, it didn't take at all long before she was clean, and all the towels were up on their racks and the laundry in the hamper and everything else back in its place.

  And it didn't take much longer for Gerana to be wearing a sort of pearly fake cock, and for Kita to be leaning over the bed, her butt and thighs criss-crossed with lines from the whip. She yelped at every stripe of the whip—it hurt, it always hurt—and then Gerana was breathing hard, and not because of her exertions.

  Gerana fucked her ass first, long and hard, and then she flipped her over, so that the lines the whip had left burned against the satin softness of the sheets. She tied Kita's hands to the headboard, and her feet to the foot of the bed, stretched her out like she was on a rack. And then she lay on top of Kita for a while, her weight on her arms, the fake cock heavy on Kita's thighs.

  "You are very pretty," said Gerana, her fingers tracing the line of Kita's ribs. Normally, that would tickle, but Kita was at the point where any touch at all was what she wanted. "But I don't want you to come. If you get close, ask, and I'll slow down."

  Kita gave a nod.

  "Good!" said Gerana. "Terra always has ideas for making you permanently incapable, but it's much nicer when you're capable, but don't, because you've been told not to. Don't you think?"

  Kita didn't say anything. Gerana slapped her lightly on the cheek. "Don't you think, Keets?"

  "Yeah okay," said Kita.

  Gerana smiled. "Good girl," she said, and then she moved, thrusting into Kita. The angle was a little awkward and the toy was huge, but it went all the way in, right to the hilt, in a single thrust.

  "Such a pity," said Gerana, a flush rising in her cheeks, "that you're going to have to be locked away. And that you're going to come tomorrow, and it'd take hours to get your properly warmed up."

  Since that night when Gerana had bounced into her room and told her to try on a mind control collar, Kita hadn't had any problem at all getting properly warmed up. Ten minutes, tops, even if she'd just come. But Gerana didn't want argument, so Kita just moaned, thrust back as Gerana pushed in.

  "Please," she said, and Gerana's thrusts slowed. Didn't stop, though. "Please!" repeated Kita, not long after. Again, Gerana slowed. A third time, and finally, she stopped, resting in her, her head on Kita's ribs, all her weight on Kita, a finger tracing the edge of one of Kita's nipples.

  "So lovely," said Gerana. "So very lovely."

  "Thank you," said Kita.

  "Hm," said Gerana. "Happy?"

  It wasn't something that Gerana had asked very often. She didn't ask anything very often—she was much more inclined to tell Kita what to do than request her opinion.

  "Yes," said Kita, and the word was too small for the answer. "Please!" she said, and her voice was ragged.

  "Sh," said Gerana. "It's good. Hold it."

  Kita fought it back, fought to stay absolutely still, not to notice Gerana's weight on her, the way Gerana's breasts felt against her skin, fought to control her breathing. Finally, she was calm enough that when Gerana pulled out, it didn't push her over the edge.

  "Very nice," said Gerana, untying her wrists. "Five more sessions with the whip and the toy should be enough to leave you properly worn out for a good night's sleep."

  One more session would've been enough for a good night sleep. Five left Kita dripping wet, almost down to her knees, and incoherent with the desire. And then, as soon as Gerana was convinced that Kita was sufficiently restrained that she wouldn't be able to rub against anything, asleep.

  Her last thought was that Gerana had managed to come twice, once with the pressure of the toy against her clit, and the other time sitting next to her, playing with herself, and listening to Kita moan. So even though she'd been late for the bath, Kita felt like she'd done a pretty good job, overall.

  The next morning, Terra started by taking a few measurements, but before she could strap Kita in and get started, Gerana whisked her away for some shopping.

  "The thing is," she explained, as they were heading out the door, "that if this thing works as planned, you're going to be kind of a drooling moron for a week or two. So now's the time to let you think and talk."

  "Thanks?" said Kita.

  "You're welcome, Keets," said Gerana. "Also it's fun to dress you up. Now, I know that you like narrow-waisted things, because you're skinny, but I haven't been able to get Terra to promise that the belt is going to be inconspicuous. So, I've got a few thoughts, but let's see what they have."

  One of the problems was that Gerana liked Kita's legs. Well, that wasn't a problem, exactly, but it meant that she tended to buy skirts and dresses that showed way more of those legs than Kita was comfortable with.

  And there were a few of those, with higher waists than usual, but there were also low-cut trousers. Which didn't show an uncomfortable amount of leg, but the amount of hip that they showed was way more uncomfortable than just about any amount of leg. And, naturally, Gerana paired them with shirts that came down to the bottom of Kita's breasts, maybe a little more than that.

  "Gerana?" said Kita, after putting on what she'd been told to put on.

  "Mm?" she said.

  "This is going to get me arrested for public indecency."

  Gerana laughed.

  "No, but seriously. It's underneath my . . . if it weren't for the fact that Terra used that hair removal thing, people would be totally able to see . . ."

  "There, there," said Gerana. "They'll be able to see your belt, presumably. Which is the thing—an unexplained bulge? Not appropriate. A glint of metal where there shouldn't be? Hot. But until then, they can see that you're a pretty, well-groomed young lady, and none of the parts that the law says you can't show are showing.

  Her finger traced the line of Kita's hip, the curve at the bottom of her her belly; the shop attendant looked away, hiding a snigger. "It looks lovely. Only now we've taken too long, and Terra is going to be cross with me. Come on."

  Terra was a bit cross with Gerana, but more or less gentle with Kita. She was like that, when it had gone from playing to actual work. She'd still do things that were intensely painful—during that trial of the hair removal thing, Kita had to be gagged to keep her screams from upsetting the neighbors, despite the fact that the basement was soundproofed and the neighbors were very old—but only when that was necessary, or when that was the point. Otherwise, she was calm and polite and controlled, always saying 'please' and 'thank
you' after having Kita adjust her position, making sure every restraint was secure enough to hold Kita in place, but not so tight as to cause damage.

  It was the hospital table, this time. Legs fastened to adjustable struts, arms the same, and then sensors everywhere. A needle in her arm, and then a tube so that her blood went through some machine, pads glued to her forehead, neck, armpit, top of her breasts, insides of her thighs, something else clipped onto her big toe.

  And then two probes, one for her cunt, and one for her ass. They were metal, and cold, and they were big—it was difficult enough relaxing to let the thing into her ass, and then trying to take the other one at the same time left Kita a whimpering mess. Which was when Terra put the gag in with the ratchets, so she could force Kita's mouth as open as she wanted. And then another sensor on the roof of her mouth.

  Gerana came in as Terra got that sensor pad attached the way she wanted it.

  "Is all of this necessary?" she asked.

  "There's also a pad for her clit," said Terra. "Let me just get that on, and you can get started."

  "Yeah, but the final product isn't going to have all those things, right? Nice clean steel lines, something that can be worn underneath clothing?"

  "We'll see," said Terra. "First I need data, then I can go where it leads me. It'd be easier if she was a guy, though."

  "Easier how?" said Gerana.

  "It's a lot easier to tell when a guy has orgasmed," said Terra. "It's a bit sticky, but it's an unambiguous response. Little trickier with girls. Of course, vibration is more usually stimulating for ladies, so at least it doesn't need hydraulics or anything like that. I hate hydraulics so much, Gerana. They never work right the first thousand times, I swear."

  "There, there," said Gerana. "Kita is a girl, which is very nice, and the bad hydraulics aren't going to get you."

  Terra firmly held the last pad in place until the gel set; from Kita's experience, that meant it was going to be on for at least twelve hours, or until Terra used the solvent. And she'd been stimulated pretty thoroughly the night before, so that touch was sufficient to get her moaning.

  "And now she's ready?" said Gerana.

  "Checking the read-outs, she's ready enough to finish in ten seconds," said Terra. "But try to draw things out; I want as clear a data set for arousal and then orgasm as I can get."

  "Sure," said Gerana, patting Kita's cheek, then dipping a finger in the drool that was already starting to pool just below her mouth. "Keets has lots of practice holding back; I'm sure she'll do a great job."

  Gerana drew things out for what seemed like forever, and then, finally, she let Kita come. It had been a while, and drawing it out like that meant made her come harder than anything; jerking, pulling against the restraints, biting down on the gag, twisting into, then away from, Gerana's fingers.

  "Good enough?" said Gerana, when it was done.

  "Not bad," said Terra. "Let me put in that saline IV so that she stays hydrated, and then you can get started again; I'd like to see the whole curve this time, from refractory to orgasmic, maintaining each state as long as possible."

  That process took long enough that they stopped for lunch in the middle. Well, Terra and Gerana stopped for lunch; Kita was left strapped to the hospital table, gagged and plugged and attached to a dozen different machines. And each stage was drawn out for as long as possible, which meant that the second orgasm was almost as intense as the first one.

  "And that's it?" asked Gerana.

  "I can take over if you like," said Terra. "Everything's properly calibrated at this point. But it's going to take three or four more, so I can tell exactly what the signs of a coming climax are. And before that—and this I do need you for, because this is, like, one of your hobbies—take her right to the brink, then bring her down, four or five times. I'd like to be able to compare what that looks like with actual orgasms, so I can tell how close we'll take it."

  "Well," said Gerana. "I suppose I didn't have anything else planned for the afternoon."

  It was nighttime when they finished, and as soon as Terra undid the restraints, Kita slid off the table to land in a pile on the floor, wheezing softly. Terra and Gerana helped her up, gave her a bath, and then Gerana took her to bed, and sat next to her, feeding her dinner.

  And that was it, for a week. Well, not it; Terra spent basically the whole time working, and while Gerana went out with Kita several times, there was a sort of . . . anticipation to the way that she'd trail her fingers across Kita's hips and pussy, during her training, or when Kita was giving her baths.

  It made it difficult to concentrate on her books, one way or another.

  And then came the fitting.

  "The problem," said Terra, after Kita was stripped and her wrists secured to the basement's ceiling, "is that the most consistent response is a contraction of the anal ring directly before orgasm."

  "And this is a problem because?"

  "Because it means that it works better at telling if she's about to come when the secondary plug is in," said Terra. "And that can't be full time; not without major anatomical adjustments."

  Gerana's hand moved back and forth across Kita's butt.

  "I have to clean her out every morning, then?" she said.

  Terra shrugged, worked something cold and metal into Kita's cunt. She gasped, but there wasn't anywhere for her to go; there wasn't even enough play in the ropes for her to get an inch out of the way.

  "Yeah," said Terra. "But it's a compromise; we'll probably have to keep the thing off while she's being cleaned out, and I want to see what she's like after a full week on edge."

  "Terra," said Gerana, warningly. "The intent here is to produce a profitable consumer good, not to break Kita's mind permanently. And you've got that sleep mode, so you can probably leave it on that."

  Once the thing—too big, too cold, too heavy—was in place, Terra tightened the strap, pulled the rest of the belt closed over Kita's hips. Which was also metal and cold and heavy. "Medical grade neutral surfaces," said Terra. "And you can loosen it enough for cleaning without having to take it off. Waterproof, too."

  "Good," said Kita. "And the other plug?"

  "Like you said, you're going to have to take it out when you want to clean her out," said Terra. The way the belt was set up, there were chains going along the middle of Kita's ass. She spread those apart, worked something wet and slimy in with her fingers. "It's got a lubricant reserve, and timed release, so when it's out, you can charge that up."

  Kita groaned as Terra pushed it in.

  "I figured I'd make it a little thicker than I needed, because you like putting things up her butt and keeping it there, but the consumer model will—I can get it down to maybe finger width? But there's going to have to be a sensor there."

  Kita wished that Gerana didn't like putting things there quite as much as she did. Keeping it there for a week, except for when she was being cleaned out? It seemed like an uncomfortable idea.

  "That it?" asked Gerana.

  "That's it," said Terra. "I mean, it's not on. If you'd like?"

  There was a click and a whir, and then the thing in Kita's cunt started moving.

  It wasn't nearly as bad as she'd expected—sort of pleasant, really. Also, the part of the belt that sat directly over her clit started to pulse softly.

  "Hum," said Gerana. "Doesn't seem that dramatic."

  "Sure," said Terra. "If you want it to go over the top, you can adjust the intensity with the remote unit. But the data I got indicated that longer periods of strong stimulation lead to numbness, which would set up a feedback loop, where she needs stronger and stronger sensation to achieve the same level of arousal. This will get her there, and it'll keep her there, and when one mode of sensation starts producing less than optimal results, it'll switch modes."

  "Nice," said Gerana. "Looks right, too. Okay, let's get her down; I've set up lunch with Balan at the gardens."

  "You think it's ready to demo?" said Terra.

  Gerana shr
ugged. "I'm hoping for a before-and-after sort of deal. If it had been more dramatic, I'd have turned it off before we went, but this'll be a good test for public use, anyway. And we can see how interested he is in the improved batteries that you've been working on."

  "Those are nothing close to ready," said Terra.

  "No," said Gerana. "But no harm in teasing something like that; make it clear that if he keeps buying what we offer, there are better things just around the corner."

  They got Kita down, and dressed her in the clothing that Gerana had picked out for her; trousers that hung so low on her hips that the belt was clearly visible, and then a shirt that left the bottom half of her stomach bare. It definitely got looks, as they went out to meet Balan.

  And the belt was starting to have an effect. There was the way the plugs vibrated—both of them, at different times—the pulsing on her clit, and a sort of rolling motion up the sides of her pussy. None of it was overwhelmingly strong, but it kept at it, speeding up a little, slowing down a little, one thing turning on just as another one turned off. By the time they got to the gardens, Kita was definitely feeling flushed, and her breath was more than a little irregular.

  The tea gardens were somewhat out of Terra and Gerana's usual price range. The lady at the gate was deeply suspicious, until she found out that Balan would be joining them. Then had them taken to one of the nicer pavilions, just at the edge of the lake, and shielded from view by a stand of bamboo and a shower of willow branches.

  Terra immediately started in on the cakes and cold meats, while Gerana fussed a bit, tucking an orchid behind Kita's ear, and then arranging her on one of the low chairs, making sure that her legs were displayed properly. "And remember to smile," she said, bringing her a cup of tea. "Be cute."

  Kita wasn't exactly sure how to be cute, and since the thing in her cunt had started vibrating again, she was more concerned about being remembering to hold a cup of tea without spilling it everywhere.

  Balan came in, with Nat in tow. The last time Kita had seen Nat, Gerana had used the mind control collar on both her and Kita, making them think that Nat had a penis and was fucking Kita with it, very hard. So she didn't exactly know what to say to her. Nat seemed to be more or less the same way, flushing bright red when she saw Kita, and then looking down at her notebook, trying to look professional.


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