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Rebuild (Love & Beyond #1)

Page 8

by D. Griffith

  "No!" I say in disapproval. "You can't do that, Damon is a nice guy. I’m not having you look into him, I don't need you to, I can look after myself you know." He nods.

  “Sorry! I just don't want you getting hurt that’s all, is he taking you anywhere nice?"

  "I won't get hurt and yes he is. There’s this dance place in town, you go there and have a meal, than about nine, they turn it in to a dance floor and there’s a dj, he plays alright stuff. Don’t worry, I won't be getting to drunk, don't want to piss of my new boss now do I?"

  "How nice, what’s it called?"

  "It's called ‘Amora’."

  "Well, have fun.”

  "I will." I walk out and head back to the train station, I can't believe that I’m going to be a manager, wow that’s awesome. I can’t get this stupid grin of my face. I feel on top of cloud nine and I know it’s to do with seeing Jared again. I’m suddenly knocked out of my happy place, with my mobile going off. "Hello?" I say into my phone.

  "I’m out." I hear on the other end. What the hell?

  "I think you have the wrong number, sorry." I hang up, that gave me the creeps. Then, I hear a bing straight after I hang up, knowing it’s my email. Good seeing you again Miss Shaw! You’re looking amazing, I have to say.

  From J Mr. Hall! As your employee, don't you think that’s inappropriate? And even worse, saying it to someone who isn’t your girl?

  p.s you’re looking very hot too ;-)

  From D Not inappropriate, simply saying it to a friend! And hypocritical much, your dating someone and you call me hot? You’re just as bad Miss D.

  From J Fair point Mr. Hall, my bad! Now get back to work, I’ll see you tomorrow.

  From D

  I put my mobile back in my bag, just in time for the train turning up; I jump on the train and head home to get ready for my date tonight.


  Once I’m back at the house, I fill Andi and Alex in about everything and she thinks he’s in love with me and this blonde girl is a cover up to hide his feelings. Her hormones are everywhere at the moment, so I don't argue about that, I just say.

  “Well, I guess I’ll find out one way or the other.” I head up to my room and dig out something to wear for tonight; I find a black, knee length strapless, cocktail dress and my black stilettos. That’ll be perfect for tonight.

  After my bath, I put the radio on and score, my favourite get up and go song is on. The one that makes me think I can do anything. ‘Hall of Fame, by the Script and’ I grab my hair brush, turn the volume up and start singing at the top of my voice while dancing around with just my towel wrapped around me, my favourite line comes up and I shout at the top of my voice.

  “Standing in the hall of fame, ooooo, hall of fame.”

  "Danni!" I jump, not expecting any one to be behind me. I turn around and it’s Alex, oh no, the shame.

  "Oh… Hey Alex, how long have you been there for?" I ask, as I can feel my face becoming a nice shade of red.

  "Long enough to know you have some really bad moves." He says, trying not to laugh. "I came to ask you to keep it down please? Andi is trying to nap and you’re singing at the top of your voice, hall of fame, is kind of distracting her and she needs the rest, plus Damon rang. He said he’ll be here in twenty minutes."

  "Ok! Thanks Alex, I’ll turn the radio off and stop singing." I say, all embarrassed, trying to glance everywhere but at him. He smiles and walks down stairs, whoops. I best move my ass and get ready; I can’t be going out in just a towel.

  As I just finish getting ready, Alex shouts that Damon is here, so I quickly top my lip gloss up and head down stairs.

  "Hey!" I say.

  "Hey beautiful!" He replies. Damon is wearing a pair of smart, deep blue jeans and a fitted checked shirt, his black hair is gelled, yes another one with long hair, I’m such a hypocrite, I use to hate long hair on men. His dark blue eyes are shining brightly; they’re wide and seem to draw me in. He isn’t normally my type, but I just couldn't resist his witty charm. "Ready?"

  "Yeah, let’s go."

  We get to Amora and walk straight through. I love the atmosphere in this place, it’s always packed of people, but their all so friendly and the lighting is like a sea blue, to give it that mystic look.

  “Reservations for two, the name’s Damon."

  “Let me check, yes! Right this way Sir." The waiter walks us to our table.

  "Thanks." We both say in unison.

  "Someone will be over shortly to take your order and get you some drinks." We sit and wait in silence for someone to come over. Damon asks.

  "So, how did your interview go today?"

  "It went well thanks, but believe it or not, they want me to manage the place instead."

  "Really? That’s amazing, you must have made one heck of an impression and they must have really liked you. Who was it that interviewed you?"

  "That would be me." We turn around and it’s Jared and his blonde bimbo. She’s a tall, skinny supermodel. Beautiful blonde, thick hair, bulging blue eyes, even has a perfect tan. She is wearing a short, blue tight halter neck dress, which shows of her perfect long legs. Wow, compared to me she is just dam right perfect. Yes here comes the jealousy that makes me hate her straight away.

  "What are you doing here?" I ask.

  "Well, I heard about this place, so I thought to come and try the place out, fancy running into you here." How dare he, he has done that on purpose, all because I wouldn’t let him do a check on Damon, why? Like seriously. "So Danni, are you going to introduce us?" Jared smug, I stare at him throwing him daggers; I grit my teeth together.

  "Jared, this is Damon Stiles, Damon, this is Jared Hall my boss." They shake hands and say nice to meet you.

  "And this is Chanelle." He says putting his arm around her; oh I just want to smack her in her perfect little face.

  "Well, it was nice seeing you two, but we’re about to order food, do you mind?" I say.

  "Mr Hall, your table is ready."

  "You know what, put it next to their table, we may as well dine together."

  "Sure Mr. Hall." Damn it, I’m going to kill him.

  "Excuse me for a second, Mr. Hall; can I have a word please?" He nods, I grab his arm and drag him to the side. "What the hell do you think you’re playing at?"

  "Nothing, I thought I’d call Chanelle and ask her if she fancied coming out tonight and brought her here."

  "You did that on purpose didn't you?"

  "Well you can't prove that, but I can't lie to you. I had to see what he was like and besides, I wanted to see what he has, that’s better than me. Plus if you told me when I asked, we could have prevented all of this couldn’t we?"

  "Jealously, really Mr. Hall?"

  "You can't talk, blonde bombshell! Your words remember sounds a bit like jealously to me."

  "So, you thought to bring her here to flaunt her in front of me, to try and hurt me?"

  "No! I didn't think like that, I wouldn't want to hurt you, but you can't expect to flaunt Damon in front of me either."

  "I didn't! You just helped yourself to our table. So how’s that my fault? Oh never mind."I go sit back down, clearly irritated.

  "Are you ok?" Damon asks.

  "Yes, thank you, lets order.” We all order our food and drinks and start asking questions.

  "So Damon, how did you and Danni, meet?" Jared asks.

  "Well, we bumped into each other, while walking in the park, then again later on at the super market and I thought to ask her on a date."

  "How interesting!" Jared says dismissing him, two can play this game.

  "So, Chanelle, how did you and Jared meet?"

  "Oh, like oh my god, it was so sweet, I was clubbing with my girls and he was there and I went over to him and started dancing up on him, he didn't want to at first, but I c
ouldn't take no for an answer, knowing who he was and all." I look at him to say, really? This chick? Her IQ must be lower than low. He just puts his head down, typical man, only thinks with the one part of his body.

  "What about you Danni, how did you meet Jared?" She says, trying to patronize me, like she already knows.

  "Just yesterday, when he interviewed me."

  "Really? Because it seems to me like you’ve known each other for a while and pretty well if you ask me." She foully, spits out.

  "I never asked you; but you don't even know me, so how would you even know? Scared that he might be hiding something? So much trust there, I bet opening your legs is better than talking, great connection." She goes to say something and Jared, stops her.

  "Chanelle, let’s go to the bar." I give her a smug look and look away. I turn to Damon.

  "I’m sorry about this, would you like to leave? We can go somewhere else?" I ask.

  "No, of course not, why should we? We were here first and them two don't threaten me at all." He replies. They don’t come back to the table thankfully and they stay at the bar.


  I start to fidget in my seat, needing the urge to go the loo.

  "Well, the music should be starting soon, so I’m going to head to the ladies room, excuse me." I start walking towards the restrooms; trying to squeeze through the crowd. Great I have to walk past the bar where they are. I hear Jared and Chanelle talking. She is saying while her arms are all other him.

  "Be honest with me, is she something to you?”

  "Of course not, she just someone I employed." My jaw widens, I’m disgusted, how rude of him, after everything! What an ass.

  "Oh really, is that it?" I say standing there with my arms folded and tapping my foot. His face looks disappointed that I’ve overheard him, he doesn’t try to justify himself and he just stays silent. "Fine!" I walk to the restroom trying to keep the pain that’s shooting through my heart. I have many mixed emotions right now, sad, down, hurt, but mainly a lot of rage. How dare he say that I’m just someone he employed, after Rome as well? You think I would be upgraded to friend, what a complete jack ass, screw him. My anger makes me want to punch out the mirror, but I’m better than that, instead I hold my head high, If he wants to be like that, I will show him I’m not bothered. I head back out and there still at the bar, I walk past him and just blank them.

  "Danni!” He says, I ignore him and walk over to Damon.

  “Fancy a dance?" He smiles.

  "Yes! Let’s go." We head to the dance floor and start dancing to the music, I sway my hips, my arms are moving to the beat and each sway. It’s quite an upbeat one. Now I’ve not tried to make someone jealous before, so let’s see if it plans out. I can see him from the corner of my eye staring at us. He grabs Chanelle to the floor to dance. I know what he’s doing, it’s not going to work and that’s fine with me. Although, I feel agitated that the jealously is not working.

  Next minute, a slow song comes on and it’s amazed by lonestar. The first song, Jared and I danced to. So I get closer to Damon, put my hands around his neck. He grabs my waste and we start swaying to the music, our hips grinding together, my heart is pounding, as the memory of me and Jared comes to mind. I can see him glaring over. His face has turned from guilt to anger, he’s getting pissed off. Suddenly, Damon goes in for a kiss, I go to return the kiss and all of a sudden, Jared drags Damon away from me and full on punches him in the face.

  "Stay away from her.” He shouts. Damon, gets up and swings back at him and next they’re both on the floor brawling. Seriously, they’re supposed to be adults, fucking idiots. I try and grab Jared of him and shouting.

  "Jared stop, get of him.” It doesn’t work, so I try the same with Damon and that doesn’t work either. They’ve just went flying into someone’s table and Jared is on top of Damon laying right into him. Right, I’ll try Jared one last time, so I jump onto his back to try and separate them; it fails horribly, as I fall to the ground. This is pissing me of now; I can't separate them, geez they’re both to fucking strong. I’m shouting. “Will you both just fucking stop, your making a right fool of me.” It’s only when they notice me on the deck, that makes them stop and they both run towards me to help me up. I push them both away and I can’t help but look at Jared, so disappointed in him, my face is burning through anger.

  "Right! All of you out.” One of the bouncers shouts. Great, now we’re getting kicked out by the bouncers. I’m raging right now. We get outside and I check on Damon.

  "I’m so sorry about that, I have no idea what came over him, or why he would do such a thing. Are you ok?"

  "It's ok, Danni, but I think I should just go. I’m not sure what it is between you two, but it's a lot more than you’re both letting on, I will see you soon." He gets off. Great, now I’m going to have to get a taxi, he was my ride. I should feel disheartened, but to be honest, I couldn’t care less, I’m far too angry. I turn to Jared and glare at him and shout.

  "What the hell was that about?”

  "He deserved it; he was all up in your face."

  "What, you mean when he went to kiss me?"

  "Well yeah and especially to something that clearly meant something, don't me and you mean nothing at all?"

  "How dare you say that, you’re the one who said to your bimbo over there, that I’m just your employer, so if that’s how you describe me, then maybe I meant nothing to you at all and it was all just some sort of game to you?" Jared and I get interrupted by Chanelle.

  "Ermm excuse me, who are you calling a bimbo? And do you really think he’d be interested in someone like you, when he has me? Seriously love, get a grip. I know your story, helpless old Danni, who was silly enough to be some mans punch bag."

  "Chanelle!” Jared shouts, right that’s it, I’ve gone from full on anger, to full on wrath and I can’t keep it in so I scream.

  "You cheeky cow.” I launch at her, but before I can get my hands around her scrawny neck, Jared latches on to me and holds me back. "Let me go, it’s ok for you to go after my date when he did nothing wrong, but I can’t go for yours, after what she just said?”

  "Danni, don't! You’re better than that, don't scoop so low, she not worth it." I look at him and growl out.

  "Get her out of my sight, before I rip her eyes out.” I walk away and jump in a taxi. I can’t bare the sight of him or her right now.

  I’m flipping furious, how dare he ruin my date and how dare that stupid blonde bitch, say that. How could he go for someone like her? Tomorrow, he so better not talk to me. I get home, slam the door and start ranting at Andi and Alex, telling them all about it.

  "No offense, Danni! But If you didn't start slow dancing with Damon, to a song you and Jared clearly had a freaky connection with, than it wouldn't have happened. It’s what happens, when you try and get someone jealous." Alex states,

  "Excuse me Alex, I know he’s your best mate but seriously, don't go there. He started the jealousy game, when he brought that bombshell to a place he knew I was going to be on a date, so please, there’s no excuse for him." I walk of and storm upstairs.

  Shortly after, I hear the door knock down stairs, so I go sit next to my bedroom door, to ear wig too see who it is.

  "Hey dude, want to come in?"

  "Sure, is Danni here?" It’s him, I want to go down and shout at him so much, but I will not bring that stress to my sister. She doesn’t need it, so I just listen on.

  "Yeah Jared, but I think its best you leave her for now mate, let her calm down, I don't think I’ve ever seen Danni this angry, it was a bit of hurt as well, but she would never admit that."

  "Oh ok, I just wanted to tell her that I’m sorry."

  "Dude, what went down? I’ve heard Danni side."

  "Well, let’s say my feelings got the best of me. Dude its ok; I’ll talk to her tomorrow." He sounds upset, should I go and talk to him now? No! Probably best waiting until tomorrow as we will end up arguing again, I need to calm down first. So I get up and
just get in my pyjamas and head to bed.


  I’m disturbed with the beeping of my alarm, Oh shut up alarm. I look at the time; it’s six in the morning. Against my will, I slowly slide out of bed, put my pink pig slippers on and wrap my robe around me. I dig my work clothes out, smart skirt and white blouse and a black half cardigan. I slip into them, do my morning routine, than head downstairs for my coffee and head to the train station.

  I get to the building; I’m dreading this after last night’s events. I have to work with Jared all day and try not make anything personal. How I’m I going to do that? I head towards his office door and knock.

  "Come in." I walk in and say in a low tone.


  "Hey! Sit down." He commands me.

  "So what, I’m fired now, because of last night?"

  "No! Don’t be silly and I’m not going to argue either."

  "Ok fine, what time is the first interview?"

  “It’s not till ten, so you’ve got time to read up on the application forms."

  "Ok, where are the all?”

  “The ones for your personal assistant are in your office, which is next to mine. Just go through the door, on your left." He walks me across his office to the side door.

  "Our offices join together?"

  "Yes! They’re the best spots in this building." We go in and I glance around, it’s a huge office, I’ve got a leather sofa to relax on, a flat screen television, leather desk chair, thick black carpet, huge window to look out off and there is a remote that controls everything, that’s so awesome and there is a bunch of pink roses on my desk. I read the card and it says ‘sorry.’ I turn back at him and say.

  "From you I guess?"

  "Yes! I did come over last night to talk to you, but you were sleeping. So instead I stayed and had a catch up with Andi and Alex and they told me off." There’s that puppy dog look again. “They kind of reminded me of my mum, I felt like I was back as a little boy getting told off by his mum. We both let of a little laugh with that thought.

  “If it makes you feel any better, Alex told me off too.”

  "I’m sorry! I shouldn't have ruined your date last night, was he that mad?"


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