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Rebuild (Love & Beyond #1)

Page 9

by D. Griffith

  "Well, he doesn’t want to see me again, he thinks me and you have some sort of unresolved issues that we need to figure out. Loads of bull shit if you ask me."

  "Well, I’m sorry; I guess I wasn't ready to see you with someone else. After Rome when you said you would need time, I was understanding and was happy to let you figure yourself out. But then you kissed me, so I thought maybe there was something there and you changed your mind. But you said nothing about it, even through emailing each other back and forth. So it sort of hurt and that’s why I went to Chanelle. I shouldn't have called you a nobody to her, that was really uncalled for, you know it’s more than that to me." I walk towards him and wrap my arms around his chest and look into his deep eyes. All the anger I felt yesterday, has lifted and all I want is to be in his arms. He returns the hold and places his forehead to mine, so our noses are touching and I say.

  "Look, you’re not wrong; there was something between us, you changed my life, you helped me see past all the bad and I’ve started too sort myself out slowly and I’m even getting my confidence back. I would be lying, if I said I didn’t want more, but I did, I do but you’re forever in the lime light and in order for me to sort myself out; I cannot be in that lime light with you. Reporters are forever bringing up what happened to me, you know that. I will admit, once I heard you say that I was a nobody it pretty much hurt, because for some reason, I thought I meant more. That’s why I went ahead and danced and went in to make out with Damon in front of you, for some crazy reason I thought it would make you jealous and to feel what I did and I apologies for that, it was pretty low of me. But, I will not apologies for going for Chanelle, she was out of order for what she said to me last night, she’s lucky you stopped me. I’m guessing she’s not happy about us working together for a few days either?"

  "Actually, I broke it off with her last night, after what she said to you, I just couldn't stand the sight of her and I knew how much it must of hurt you."

  "You didn't have to break it off with her, because of me."

  "Yes I did." We smile and hug it out. I slide away from him, fix my hair and change the subject.

  "Shall we get back to work than and start looking at these applications? So what happens in a few days, will someone be coming in to take your place?"

  "Not really, the person who was supposed to be running this magazine pulled out last minute. I was supposed to be a silent investor, so I was left lumbered with it. So I’m going to be around for at least the first month, to see how well the first issue gets on and then afterwards, you can be in charge. I don't need anyone to come babysit you, you’re full of potential. Plus, you can always get in touch if you get stuck."

  "So, I’m guessing it’s going to be late nights for us then, as their will be much work needed. Well, let’s get these interviews sorted, how many is interviewed for the personal assistance job?"

  "Well, you have three. Then there is, the high top jobs. Like the editor, deputy editor, the fashion directors, to beauty, to stylist, you name it, we’ve got to do it and then tomorrow, we’ve all got to have a meeting. So as you can see, it’s going to be one busy day.”

  "Ok, let’s get stuck in! You best keep me fed." I joke.

  The first person comes in and it’s a young girl, blonde hair, skinny, fake tanned up; very Barbie likes, seriously this is what you call in these days?

  "Hi! Thanks for coming, please take a seat and start telling me about yourself and why you think your right for this job?" She’s just glaring at Jared, like she seen some sort of prince, she not even blinked an eye towards me. I let out a cough to draw her attention away from him."Sorry, I was just clearing my throat, want to start?" I say irritated.

  "Right, sorry! My names heather, I think I’d be great at being your assistant, I’m fast, flexible, quick learner and I would love to learn about the industry."

  "This job may require a lot of your time, with this being a new magazine we have lots of work to get sorted and it’s going to be constant after constant of work and it will be a lot of pressure, long hours too. Do you think you have what it takes to deal with the pressure?" She’s still not staring at me; she gets far too distracted easily, well especially around him. For fuck sake, girls these days, you put a hot guy in front of them and they turn into fucking zombies. Before she can say anything else, I interrupt and say. "Well, thank you for coming in, we have ran out of time, goodbye." She gets up and flicks her hair towards Jared, I’m not sure if that is supposed to be flirting of some kind. Yeah, that one can go in the bin; I need focus, not someone who is easily distracted, especially around Jared. Let me look at the next applicant, I recognize that name, Stacy Holmes, were do I know that name? She knocks on the door.

  "Come in."

  "Hi! I’m Stacy Holmes." She puts her hands out for us to shake. Forwardness, good sign. She looks pleasant. She stands at about five, five, dark hair with a tint of red, its cut into a bob, she dresses appropriately as well.

  "Hi! I’m Danni Shaw and this is my co worker Jared Hall, tell us a bit about yourself and why you think this is the right job for you?” She starts selling herself

  "Well I’m very stubborn, if you send me out for, let’s say to an interview and someone refuses to be interviewed, I can work my way around them, as I don't take no for an answer. You know, pretty much like ugly betty.” Has she seriously just compared herself to a television show? Especially, ugly Betty. I have to try so hard not laugh at that. “I’m flexible, if you need me twenty four seven, I’ll be there, as I don't mind working over time or late. I give everything my hundred percent and I would never let you down." She’s pretty blunt, I like that, she not easily distracted as well. This is driving me nuts, how do I recognize her?"

  "Sorry, I have to ask. Do I know you? You seem so familiar and it’s really bugging me."

  "Yes! Sort of, well I know you. We went to school together, we were in drama class and we got put together a few times. You were, miss popular! But you treated everyone the same, you didn't care about labels, names, what people looked like. I use to admire that and it gave me faith that if they were people like you in this world, than it couldn't of all been that bad and full of shallow people. Back then, all I seen was labels and that most people weren’t very nice to others." Ok, I have no clue what to say, awkward much? I’m feeling embarrassed, she’s either being really sweet, or a big ass kisser.

  "Awe thank you. Well, we have one more applicant to interview, so if you’re successful, you should hear something by nine tonight. Thank you for coming in, bye." I watch her walk out; I think I want that girl. I turn to notice Jared staring at me. Oh no, do I have sweat marks? "What? Do I have something on my face? Do I have sweat marks?” He burst laughing.

  “What.. No, I’m just admiring you, so you have always been amazing?"

  "Shut up! Right, next one, let’s look at his application.” Next minute, shear horror flows over my face. "Is this some sort of joke?"

  Chapter Eight

  "What is it?" Jared snarls,

  "Look at the name Jared, this can't be right. No, just no, he’s locked away and how would he even know about this?” I show Jared the name on the application. ‘Mr. Dillon haze’ Jared looks at me worried; he picks up the phone and buzzes the secretary.

  “Is the next applicant here Emily?"

  "Yes sir." Jared’s looking over at me to say shit, I’m pacing back and forth and he carries on speaking to his assistant.

  “Right Emily, don't let him leave, I’m ringing security.” He hangs up and rings for security. "Right, there is a man at reception, grab him and bring him here now. Make sure he’s handcuffed and put the building on lock down; make sure you search him alright." He slams the phone down and turns to me and goes to pick me up over his shoulder. "Right Danni, we’re getting you out of here, there is a helicopter on top of the roof and I’ll take you."

  "No! Put me down, I’m going nowhere." He puts me down and cups my face with his hands.

  "But Danni, I don’t wa
nt you here when they bring him in."

  "Look Jared, I have to see for myself, this has to be a joke. How could he escape from prison? Seriously, this is some sort of sick joke; I will not run away from this. How I’m I ever going to have a normal life, if I run and hide every time something like this happens? No fear! Remember." He huffs in defeat, he shakes his head and wraps his arms around me and His phone goes off.

  “We got him sir, shall we bring him in?”

  "Yes!" He hangs up, stares over at me, you can see the concern in his face. “Take a deep breath Danni and don't worry, stay behind me, they’re bringing him in. Are you ready?"

  “Yes!" They bring a man through the doors.

  "Is this him sir?"

  "Hey! Get off me, I’ve done nothing wrong." They push him in front of us, he looks scared and confused, he’s tall and has a medium build, pale studded eyes and fine blonde hair. What a relive.

  "It's not him." I sigh,

  "Why would you play such a sick joke?" Jared snaps, starting to clench his fist in anger.

  "Wait sir, what are you on about?" This young lad asks,

  "This!" We show him the application form to see his reaction.

  "I did not send that, I promise! Why would I send in for a job and give a fake name? My name is Jason, Jason Stone."

  "Then were did this come from?" I ask,

  "I don't know, I promise." He nervously stutters, I look at Jared and shake my head in disbelieve and run my hands through my hair.

  "Just let him go." I say,

  "Security, check the whole building, make sure there is no intruders." Jared orders.

  "Yes sir." They obey and walk out with that young lad. Who has probably peed his pants, in fear. There’s a law suit now.

  "Are you ok?" Jared asks,

  "Yes! I’m fine.” I lie, my heart is racing in fear, but I don’t want all the fuss and I know that’s what he would do. “Once you hear back from security, let’s get back to the interviews ok? And I don't want to hear about this again alright? I’d rather it not get leaked out into the press." Jared’s phone starts to go off again.

  "Yeah ok, thanks! Keep an eye out. See yeah. It's all clear." I nod in relive and we finally get back down to business.


  I’m hoping that was the last one, it's getting on to seven.

  "So, are we all done now? I’m starving, looks like it’s a take away tonight." I say, feeling exhausted.

  "Yeah, that was the last one finally; we just need to decide on who gets the jobs now. So we need to make the calls." Jared and I huff in frustration.

  "Seriously? Guess we’re getting take out from here then, because there’s lots of people we need to ring."

  "Yep! Chinese sound good to you?"

  "Perfect, I love Chinese food. You know a good place that will deliver?"

  "Yeah, I have the number on speed dial, every place I visit frequently if I find a decent Chinese place, I have to save it, what do you want?"

  "Well, seeing as we have no plates, it’s going to have to be a box, so I’ll have a chicken chow mien please."

  "Hey, can I place an order for delivery please? I'll have one chicken chow mien and one beef chow mien please."

  "Oh wait, can we get some salt and pepper chips?"

  "And some salt and pepper chips please. How long will that take? Ok, thanks." He hangs up. “About thirty minutes they said."

  "Cool, I’m bloody starving, you’ve got to keep me fed you know, I have a big belly to fill." I wink. After a while, my neck starts to stiffen up, I hope that was the last one. Finally, foods turned up. Had to wait longer than they said, so not cool, ohh it smells good.

  "Salt and pepper chip?" I offer,

  "No thanks, I’m not very keen on spicy foods, plus they sound weird."

  "Don't be a baby, you should try new things. You take a chip, with a bit of green pepper and a bit of onion. I won’t give you a chilli, I promise, come on."

  "Fine!" He says, as in, am not arguing. Luckily, they gave us plastic folks. I scoop him some up on my folk and try and hide the little red chilli and feed him it.

  "What the hell! I need water, that’s spicy, thought you weren’t giving me a chilli? That’s pure evil." He shouts, Ha-ha I can't stop laughing.

  "Ha-ha you baby! I couldn’t help myself, if you tell me not to put one in; I’m going to do the opposite. It was so worth it, to see your face expression." He’s walking up and down, downing a glass of water, so funny.

  "Danni! You’re so dead, you better run." Oh crap, he starts chasing me around the office.

  "I don't think so Mr. Hall, I’m too fast for you." I tease.

  "Really?" Next minute, he jumps on top of my desk, to the other side. That’s cheating; he grabs me and puts me in a hold.

  “Right, I think you need to cool down too.” He grabs the jug of water and throws the water all over me. "Now who’s laughing?" He says, in stitches laughing and clapping his hands gloating. I’m stood there with my jaw wide open in shock; my clothes are clinging on to me they’re that wet.

  "Oh Mr. Hall you are so going to get it when am dry. I’m soaked, have we got any towels?"

  "No we haven't." He says, trying to stop laughing. "Here!” He starts taking his shirt of and passes me it. "Take your blouse off and go put this on."

  "Then you’ll get cold, you can't walk around topless. Not like I would complain, as I do like having a look, but when you leave this building, you’ll freeze."

  "I have a sweater with me, I’ll be fine.” Showing of his fine masculine tanned ribbed body, it makes me squirm. Stop staring Danni, myself conscious is telling me, but I can’t. Wow, it’s just got hot in here.

  "Thank you." I head in to the restroom, that’s attached to my office to get changed. I can’t help but stare in the mirror at this girl looking back, she different, she looks happy, all this over being around Jared? Its madness.

  I heard all the rumours, of how he was a Player, jerk, women, after women. But he’s not a wink like that in my eyes, when I’m around him, it’s like he has me under some sort of spell that keeps me locked to him. The happiness I feel flow over me around him is amazing. I would love for us to be together, I just can't.

  I walk back into the other room, saying the only words that popped into my head. "Right, all nice and fresh.”

  “I have to say Miss Shaw, the shirt looks much better on you." Jared sarcastically states, so I do the only mature action that I can think of and pull my tongue out at him.

  "Can we go home now? It’s getting really late boss."

  "Sure, we’re done with all the interviews now. Means we’ve got the meeting tomorrow. So you best get your thinking cap on and come up with some incredible ideas."

  "Will do boss."

  "Please, don't call me that, it's just plain weird coming from you."

  "Oh nice one, so now I’m weird?"

  "You know what I mean, smartass. Do you need a lift? As I’m guessing you’ve missed your train?"

  "Not weird, just limited edition and yeah I do, but I can call a taxi.”

  "No, don't be silly, I’ll drive you or if you want my actual driver can take you?"

  "Get your driver to take me, we’re you actually staying?"

  "Well, I do have my own place; it’s a lovely house near town."

  "You really do have houses everywhere don't you?" I sarcastically state.

  "Well.. Like I said, they come in handy; I actually rent them out temporary

  when I’m not in need of them for a long time."

  “Cool. Oh I do have Andi’s scan tomorrow, I’m I ok to have an hour or two off please? As I have a driving test too. It won’t be till around three, her scan is at four and the test is afterwards. I promised her I’d go, I know it’s my first time on the job, but please? I will make it up to you?" I say, trying a lame attempt at fluttering my eyelashes at him, hoping it would work. I kind of look like an idiot. Luckily, it makes him laugh and he glares at me all innocent.

bsp; "Of course, you know I cannot say no to you Miss Shaw. But I’ll hold you to making it up to me, it sounds good. What did you have in mind?"

  "Well, I still owe you for so much." Jared interrupts me before I could finish speaking.

  “You owe me nothing, Danni; I told you, I wanted to help, because I really understand, trust me when I say that."

  "Now who’s keeping secrets Mr. Hall?" I exclaim, raising my eye brow. He just puts his head down in sorrow, as if he is reminiscing a traumatic time. I recognize that look, thorough the look I get when I’m reminded of what happened to me.

  "That’s a story for another time." I’m not going to push that, so I change the subject and go back to saying.

  "Well, I was thinking weather you want me to or not, I would like to do something to say thanks. There’s no point in buying you anything, because you have everything. So you will have to settle for me cooking for you, on Saturday night. Andi and Alex are out, so I’ll make you my special. I’ll even do a three course meal; I’m a good cook you know. You’ve not lived until you’ve had my cooking, so how about that?"

  "Well, I do like the sound of that; I’ll bring the film and the popcorn."

  "Deal! Make sure its salted butter and no chick flicks; I’m happy with a good old action film."

  "Just my type of girl, you get better and more interesting by the minute. Right, well let me call Andrew and get him to take you home." He says, as picking his phone up and calling him.

  "Hey Andrew, can you drive Miss Shaw home please? She has missed her last train and I don’t want her stranded! Thanks." Once he hangs up, he blazes his deep glare at me, in which our eyes meet. I can feel the intake from here, even when we’re not close; he makes me weak at the knees. "He’s outside waiting, I’ll see you tomorrow Danni, bye."

  "Thanks! See you tomorrow." When I get outside, I shiver as it’s become cold; I should have put my coat on before I came out. I meet Andrew, he’s tall, dark bloke, shaved head, quite built as well, much bigger than Jared and I shine a smile towards him.


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