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Jacob (Alexander Shifter Brothers Book 3)

Page 36

by Selina Coffey

  She grinned at him and he held his hand out to her. Taking his hand Kaia climbed onto his ATV, her bare legs pressed into his jean-clad ones. Before she knew it they were speeding away, her arms around his waist despite their being a backrest, she wanted to be close to her mate. Her life-mate with the broad chest and the tight abdomen full of rigid muscles that seemed to jump beneath her fingers; the man so close she could smell the scent of his skin and feel the heat burning through his clothes.

  Kaia settled in, her head resting on Zed’s back as they drew closer to the resort. Soon enough they were standing at her door, Cora down the hall grinning happily up at Knox and Rhys. Kaia smoothed her hair down on the top of her head and licked her lips, hoping she didn’t look too much of a mess. The long rope of her braided hair slithered around to lay over her shoulder as she moved, the end coming to rest at the button of her jeans.

  “You have such beautiful hair.” Zed said, his eyes on the portion resting at the button. “Not many women let their hair grow out now.”

  “I’m not the usual female, am I?” She said, a teasing gleam in her eye.

  “No, I know for a fact you are not. I believe you’re far more than you know you are. Or that you let on, at least.” His eyes bored into hers and Kaia’s grin deepened.

  “Are you taking me to dinner then? It seems we’ve been abandoned.” Kaia used her chin to point at her friend down the hall.

  “I promised you we’d see each other today. I didn’t realize it would be in quite that way but it wasn’t enough. Do you want to have dinner in your room, downstairs, or somewhere else”

  “I think a quiet night would be nice, we could stay here, sit out on the deck and watch the stars come out.” Kaia suggested. She might not be a country girl but she loved the view of the sky here. She could even see the Milky Way it was so dark here, with only a couple of lights over in the parking lot.

  They had dinner in the warm air of the deck on the back of the resort, a table set up just for them. Zed had the lights turned down so they could stretch out on two loungers and gaze up at the sky. Dinner had been a quiet affair, both just comfortably eating and being with each other. Kaia liked that they didn’t have to fill the time with chatter but she did want to know more about him.

  Turning to face him on the lounger, a hand under her delicate face, she looked over at him. He was looking back and holding his hand out. She took it and gasped when he kissed her knuckles, his warm lips sending a bolt of pleasure through her arm, straight to her heart. They’d avoided touching for most of the night and now their skin was together, intimate and warm.

  “I don’t think we need to play around, do we? We know what we are, we know what’s happening, and I’m happy with that.” Zed looked at her imploringly, asking her to understand.

  “Are you? I’ve heard men of our kind don’t always want to settle into a mating. Sometimes they fight it.” She answered, enjoying the feel of her hand entwined with his.

  “I’m ready. In fact, I believe I’ve been waiting on you my whole life. I suppose I have, in actuality, but I mean that I’ve been ready for you my whole life. Family is important to me. I never really had one until I fell in with these guys in college. They took me in. They’ve known each other their whole lives and took me in like we were brothers from the start. Now, it’s time to expand on that family.”

  “Are you serious?” Kaia asked, her mind whirling with possibilities. Possibilities that she was ready for but she still needed time to think, time to get it all straight in her head. Her family wouldn’t be a problem; they knew how mating worked. It was her own life that needed to be sorted, and his. He might not like the truth of what they were and she had to tell him about that before she let this go any further. He deserved to know. But first she had a trip to make.

  “Well, yeah. We’re mated; I can feel it, can’t you?” Zed asked her with a confused look.

  “I can but I think I need to take this slower than that. There are things you don’t know, things you should know.” Kaia pulled her hand back, cushioning her head with it once more.

  “Do you mean about my family? My heritage? I don’t care about that.” He insisted.

  “No, about what you are. What kind of shifter I am?” She asked, sitting up to take his hand once more.

  Kaia could see him closing his eyes, concentrating deeply, his head moving as though he were catching signals or a scent that was too elusive to fully understand. He finally opened his eyes, his confusion deeper now.

  “What are you?” He finally asked his voice awestruck.

  “I’m a Talerian. I will explain at some point but not right now. For now, I think it’s time to get to bed. The rum in this cola is making me woozy.” Kaia put a hand to her head, the world really spinning around her. It was more from the presence of Zed than the rum though. She’d been fighting her own instincts all night, instincts that told her to climb onto that lounger with him and strip him naked. Since she’d met the man she’d been fighting that instinct.

  “Shall I walk you up?” Zed offered, standing up to help her up.

  “That would be nice. You know that song you were talking about earlier? What’s the name of it?” She asked as they walked back through the resort and to the elevators. It was getting late and only the night clerk was at the desk, just in case they were needed.

  “Oh, I’ll text you a link for it. There are two versions of it, one is better. So, when are we going to see each other again?” He asked as the elevator doors closed.

  “Tomorrow I expect.” Her grin made his heart melt and he really wanted to tell her about how he felt, how she made him ache to touch her, and hold her near to him. He didn’t want to let her go but she’d made it clear she wanted to go slow. He’d respect that wish. Even if he did want to pull her to him and kiss her senseless.

  Kaia looked up at him with a thankful smile and walked to her door with him. She turned as they reached the door and came close to him. Lifting her head she kissed his cheek. Her lips didn’t want to leave him and she stood, only a breath away, before he moved his head and their lips came together. Soft flesh met soft flesh and Kaia breathed in deep through her nose, the excitement rising quickly.

  Zed was near; Zed’s lips were on hers. She inhaled him as their lips moved, and when his tongue found hers she opened her eyes, shocked at what she sensed from him. He wasn’t just the normal shifter to be found on Earth today, he was far more than that. He just didn’t know it. Kaia pulled away, her hand going to his face to caress the smooth skin before she turned to open the door. Turning back she kissed him once more, the need growing stronger as the warmth she felt when she was near him now growing into a pulsing sensation that only drove her to take the kiss further.

  Kaia stamped down on her own need and stepped back. His breathing was ragged, as was hers, but she stepped through the open doorway, putting distance between them.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow. Just let me know where and when.”

  “Goodnight, Kaia. Sweet dreams.” Zed gave a small wave before walking away, a sad smile on his face.

  Kaia closed the door and changed her clothes, taking off the thin but long sleeved shirt and replaced it with a thicker one she’d brought in case her room was cold. Adding a pair of jeans and her hiking boots Kaia took the device out of her bedside drawer. Closing her eyes Kaia pressed the black button on the device and felt the world fall away in a rush.

  Unused to the sensation Kaia yelped and opened her eyes to a world of darkness with pinpoints of light. The sensation of solid ground beneath her feet suddenly made her look down. She was standing on pink sand. Looking up she saw a large white moon filling the sky and a city in what appeared to be a clear bubble.

  “Excuse me sister, do you need assistance?” A droid stood beside her making a low humming noise as it shifted into a square shape with handles. A voice came out of the machine once more. “I can carry you into the city if you’d so desire.”

  “Thank you, I need to go to the H
all of Records please.” Kaia knew this droid was a messenger from the fact that it could carry people. Not all androids were the same on Talerion. Each was designed to carry out certain functions, this one transported messages, sometimes messages carried by humans and so it could change into a shape to carry out that duty.

  “Has it been a while since you’ve been home sister?” The android asked, making small talk.

  “Yes, I was six the last time I was here. It’s been twenty one years now.” Kaia was awed by that fact. There’d just never been a reason to come back, though she could have at any time.

  “Welcome home then.” In the blink of an eye Kaia and the machine were in front of the building she’d requested and she thanked the machine.

  “No, it was my pleasure sister. I hope your stay here is enlightening and joyful.” The messenger said before it walked away, now returned to its humanoid shape. Most Talerians took on a humanoid shape when outside of their own homes; it was the easiest form to take for running errands.

  Kaia looked around at the people passing by her, a variety of shapes and colors, even purple and blue on display, before she walked into the building. It had been a long time since she’d been here but she knew where she was. All Talerians had a memory of where things were on their home planet and though Kaia had been gone for a long time she could still remember. She could remember almost every moment of her life, if she chose to.

  Looking around furtively Kaia headed into a department that most weren’t allowed into. It was the area where children were chosen to be sent to Earth. One of the ways the Talerion government decided to “seed” the Earth was by using children from parents that already had two children. Any subsequent children were sent to Earth. Only the government staff and the ruling family were exempt from this rule.

  This was one of the reasons so many families went to Earth without a qualm, they could keep their children and their families together. Kaia suspected Zed was one of the children. Sneaking into the main room of the department, now unmanned, Kaia headed into a research room in the department. She took the strand of hair she’d furtively removed from his head and placed it into a DNA analyzer. All Talerians, and the first generation of those born on Earth, gave up their DNA profiles so that identifications could be made.

  If Zed was a second generation Talerian or later his DNA would not be found in the system. Kaia chewed at her thumb knuckle as the machine did its job, looking through the door every few seconds to make sure she was still alone. The machine beeped and the results popped up. Kaia hurriedly hit the print button, ran to the printer and took the paper, removed the strand of hair, and cleared the machine before leaving.

  She didn’t want to be caught in the department and quickly left, shoving the paper into her back pocket. She’d read it once she was back in her room. Cracking the door Kaia saw the only people standing in the hallway were looking up at a painting being put up on the other end of the hall and snuck out the door, quietly closing it before she casually walked out of the hall. Heading for a bathroom Kaia found a stall and pressed her way home. The fewer people that saw her on Talerion the better.

  Chapter 3

  The next day Kaia found herself on her own, which was fine because she needed to do some thinking. She wandered around the resort and learned that the resort got its name from the singing stones to be found around the area the resort was built on. Rather than sounding like a stone when struck the stones made the ringing sound of metal. The stones had their own unique, individual bell-like tones and came in a variety of pitches. Kaia decided to head out to look for some.

  There were no signs of Tessa or Cora so Kaia went on her own, hoping the trek would give her time to make a decision about what the paper had revealed. The information was too big to ignore but Kaia wasn’t sure Zed would really want to know. And the revealing of that information would reveal a lot about who he, and his friends, were.

  Kaia hadn’t been notified about taking over this group for instruction and normally you had to wait until you were given official notification. But her soul had mated with Zed’s, this was a special situation. She felt he needed to know before she took this any further. Revealing the truth without official notification had consequences though, consequences that could cost Kaia her freedom. And she’d be in trouble for the way she gained the information she now had, only ministers were allowed that information but she’d snuck in to get it.

  Pushing her endurance Kaia climbed a high ridge then went down to the valley below. She could see a waterfall from the top and wondered if there was a pool she could relax in before heading back to the resort. Following a path that looked like a deer trail Kaia was soon at the waterfall. She soon discovered she was no longer alone.

  Zed was in the water, standing beneath the flow of the small waterfall, his naked body glistening in the sunlight as the water pounded down onto his shoulders. His head was bent down to his chest as he allowed the water to massage the muscles in his neck and shoulders, the water making his skin appear slick and succulent. Kaia felt her body react and her clothes disappeared before she knew it.

  She waltzed into the water from the end opposite the waterfall and swam over to him, barely noticing the cold temperature of the water as her athletic body sliced through the water. She went to the deepest part of the water and stopped, staring at him. She hadn’t sensed him near, that surprised her. He hadn’t sensed her either if the way he was still standing there showed anything. Perhaps the cold water was blocking their signals from each other.

  Kaia stopped wondering when Zed turned and his back came into view. She’d heard Cora and Tessa talking about the men’s tattoo but now she could see it, though faintly. The man’s physique caught her attention far more than the tattoo, however, and she felt her mouth water as she looked at him. Her body started to warm up then, and she felt an awareness of Zed that she hadn’t felt moments ago.

  Zed felt it too, she knew, because he straightened up and started looking around. A smile split his face as he spotted her treading water. He dove into the deeper water and was soon in front of her.

  “You come here often?” He asked jokingly and Kaia burst out laughing. Swimming over to him the laugh ended as their lips met and her legs wrapped around his waist.

  Zed kissed her back, his own smothered laughter making his lips tremble on hers. He moaned as he felt the heat of her when she wrapped her legs around him and began to swim backwards, pulling them to an area where rocks formed a natural seat in the water. Kaia was still wrapped around Zed and as she felt her torso come out of the water she pressed her breasts to his chest.

  Their kiss became hotter as her lips opened to allow him in and his hands moved down to her ass, pressing her into his lower abdomen. He’d grown hard the moment he saw her and Kaia felt him throbbing against her own heat, she wanted to feel him inside of her. His hardness pressing into the outer lips of her aching pussy was enticing and she writhed against him, but she wanted to feel him inside of her!

  She thought their first time would be in her room, on her soft bed, the passion slowly building as they teased each other into the heights of passion but they’d waited far too long and she knew now that there was no better place than out here in the open, with this instant heat that they felt driving them to join.

  Zed grabbed her by the waist and lifted her before letting her slide down onto his hard shaft. The thickness of his cock made Kaia’s eyes widen but she soon felt him sliding into her wet depths, the muscles all but sighing as they enclosed his stiff flesh. She breathed out slowly as she felt him invading her body, and moaned slightly as the thick length filled her. She felt whole for the first time in her life.

  Wrapping her arms around his neck Kaia pulled her torso close to Zed and began to move in a slow pace, letting her body adjust to him, and letting him adjust to her. They moved together then, his hands moving up to cup her breasts as she moved to press her lips into the crevice where his neck met his collarbones. Kaia felt the sensation of him
sliding in and out of her as pleasure, as a building pressure that sent sparks throughout her body.

  More than that, Kaia felt an emotion growing inside of her, a feeling of love and devotion, total adoration filling her as the pleasure grew. Between the physical and emotional sensations Kaia lost her train of thought and began to pant erratically. First fast, then slow, following the pace Zed was now setting as he moved below her, pushing back onto his hands for leverage.

  His own breathing became erratic as the sensations Kaia felt grew. He felt it too. Kaia opened her eyes, wanting to look at him as her body began to signal she was close. Their eyes locked together as the first piercing cry of orgasm left her mouth and blinding light filled their eyes, taking away everything but the sensation of total pleasure and being joined as one. They were one person in that moment, on organism floating in a world of pleasure.

  Kaia’s body shook as Zed’s clasped at her, his movements never stopping as she began to feel again, the pulsing sensation of his orgasm making her clench at him once more. They were joined now. They were one. Only death could tear them apart now. She looked into his eyes as his breath calmed and smiled.

  “Hello mate.” Only she didn’t mean friend, or spouse, she meant partner, the other half of her, her life-mate.

  “Hiya back my own lovely mate. How are you?” He kissed her cheek as he fell back against the rocks, his eyes closing in satisfaction.

  Kaia moved back into the water, pleased herself with what had just happened.

  “I have never been better, Zed. It seems we’re joined now. You alright with that?” She sounded concerned, though she knew it was what he wanted.

  “I couldn’t ask for anything more, Kaia. Not a thing.” He put his arms behind his head and smiled.


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