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Jacob (Alexander Shifter Brothers Book 3)

Page 37

by Selina Coffey

  Kaia thought there were a few things he could ask for but didn’t want to spoil the moment. She’d tell him later. She had to.

  * * *

  “Kaia?” Zed’s words came from her bed a few hours later. They’d come back to the resort, had some lunch, then went to her room. The waterfall had been a beautiful experience but now they wanted comfort over passion. Well, no, passion was good but comfort and passion was even better.

  Kaia smiled as she thought about it and turned to Zed.

  “Yes darling?” She asked, her hand running down his bare stomach beneath the duvet, down to the very root of his desire.

  Kaia heard his breath whistling through his teeth as he sucked in air and thrust up into her hand.

  “Stop that. I want to talk.”

  “Oh, a man that wants to talk instead of making love. I’ve heard it all now.” Kaia laughed as she removed her hand. She felt nervous about what he wanted to talk about but tried not to let it show as she rested her head against his chest. She let the soothing sound of his heartbeat ease her tension and let her hand fall to his flat stomach instead. She liked rubbing his stomach, it made him purr.

  “What are you? I know you’re a shifter but what kind?” His words sounded as though they came from far away.

  Kaia didn’t move her head but her eyes opened to stare out of the glass doors of the balcony. Sighing deeply she began to speak.

  “I don’t know what I am, I’ve never shifted and my parents, well, they’re even more unique because they produced me but as far as I know they’ve never shifted either.” It was only a half-lie but it still hurt Kaia to speak it. Her parents hadn’t shifted since they came to Earth was the truth of it, there had been no need to.

  “But what about your eyes, why aren’t they brown? And why don’t you have a tattoo? I though they just appeared when we turned 18? Where’s yours?” His questions were coming quickly together, questions Kaia didn’t want to answer at the moment but the only offer of a way out of answering wasn’t exactly the offer she wanted.

  A loud, doom-filled tone was coming from her bedside drawer and Zed looked over at the drawer before pulling out the device. Kaia flew across him to pull it out of his hand.

  “No, no, no, no, no, not now, please not now!” Kaia cried out before she disappeared, leaving Zed and their bed behind.

  She’d been summoned by the ministers and it wasn’t a good thing.

  “Kaia Philips, stand at attention please!”

  Kaia heard the deep androgynous voice as the world shifted and then firm ground appeared beneath her feet. Her head was spinning from the speed of it all and she looked gratefully at the droid that brought her a robe. There was always a robe when a Talerian had been summoned and transported with little notice. People were caught at the most inopportune times, as it happened.

  Kaia slipped into the robe and faced the twelve ministers before her. They sat on a rounded raised dais, three in each row. The highest most powerful ministers were at the top, with the lower, more junior ministers at the bottom. Kaia looked up at them without fear. She hadn’t told him anything yet, she’d revealed nothing. Nothing important anyway.

  “Kaia Philips, daughter of Aurulla and Keskoi Prindup, known as Ella and Koi Philips, you are brought before this court to answer for your crimes. You are accused of revealing top secret information to unauthorized personnel, obtaining confidential information, through subterfuge, and subversion. How do you plead?” The top minister, in the middle of the top row, was neither male nor female, but something in between. Their imperious tone and smarmy attitude set Kaia’s nerves on edge.

  Knowing she was in deep trouble Kaia looked for a representative. Not really lawyers, representatives were meant to help guide the accused through the legal process, not take on tasks for the accused.

  “Where is my representative?” She demanded to know, not seeing one.

  “There is none. You broke into highly confidential records and used them for your own gain. This information cannot be revealed to the public it is so confidential. You will have no representation. Now how do you plead?” The second minister, definitely a female, wheezed through her long thing nose. A pale, thin woman the minister offered no comfort to Kaia.

  Kaia stuttered, unsure of how to proceed. She’d done something wrong but she had done it for her mate. In other situations that excluded a person from prosecution. Why was it not being excluded for her?

  “I am mated to Zed but I have revealed nothing. Any accusations should be excluded because of our mating.”

  “The crimes occurred before you were properly mated. How do you plead?” The third minister, an overweight male that was sweating profusely under the glaring overhead lights asked as he mopped at his face with a towel. He sounded bored.

  “I don’t plead anything. Not until I’m represented properly and have some kind of assistance. I’ve done nothing wrong and I refuse to enter my plea until I’m represented. It is my right as a Talerian!” Kaia spoke the words loudly and with force, her voice carrying all the way to the top rafters of the twenty foot high ceiling. The top ministers were easily at a height of sixteen feet.

  The room was dark except for spotlights that shone on the ministers individually and one on Kaia. She stood rooted to the floor, terrified but brave before the ministers that could take her freedom or her life.

  “Bring forth Zed Bruin, it is so ordered.” The highest minister called out. Kaia gasped in protest but before she could even blink Zed stood before her. The time to explain was over. He’d see it all for himself now.

  Chapter 4

  “Zed Bruin, you are brought before the Council of Ministers as a witness. What has Kaia Philips told you of your origins?” The highest minister asked in their deep but gender-neutral voice.

  “What? Where the hell am I? What’s going on here? Kaia? Are you alright? Is this a dream?” Zed was understandably stunned and outraged at the same time.

  Kaia looked over at him sympathetically but knew better than to speak to him. The minister with the nasally but feminine voice made sure he understood that.

  “You are not to speak to the accused Mr. Bruin. Answer the question.” Her voice was irritating and demanding.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about or who you people are. Now, before I become rude, where am I?” Zed must have dressed soon after Kaia disappeared because he at least had his jeans on.

  “Has the accused told you of your parentage, your true origins, or about her own?” The thin man at the end of the top row asked. Those at the lower levels began to grumble and Kaia watched them, hope springing in her chest.

  “No, we were just getting around to discussing it when she disappeared. Now please, where the fuck am I?” Zed’s voice demanded an answer and the ministers sat back, aghast at his tone. They were never spoken to in this manner.

  “You are a Talerian but you were not raised here or taught our ways. Your rudeness will be forgiven but watch your tone, Zed Bruin, or you will pay the price.” The female minister at the top answered.

  “I don’t care who you are, I’m not from here! I demand you send me home and Kaia with me!” Zed’s words were angry but brave, and Kaia feared for his safety if he kept it up. The ministers had total authority over all Talerians.

  “Shh.” Kaia tried to whisper to him, wincing as the ministers turned back to her.

  “Silence Kaia Philips!” They all spoke at once.

  “Yes ministers.” Kaia spoke deferentially, her bravery and obstinacy gone now that Zed was here. He was in danger, she must keep him safe, even if it meant she lost her own freedom.

  “You are both impeding justice. I suggest you start giving us some answers.” The middle minister spoke again, their voice grating now and insidious. The tone was almost sibilant as they continued to speak. “Zed Bruins, you swear before us all that Kaia Philips has revealed nothing to you about your origins? She has not told you that you were born here, that you were sent off to Earth by mistake,
or what your mission on Earth is?”

  “What? No, I have no idea what you’re talking about! I demand you release us at once. Wait, did you say I was born here?” Zed looked amazed for a moment then confused.

  Kaia had to imagine he was wondering where here was exactly.

  “Silence! Kaia Philips, you have revealed nothing to this man it would seem. You are not guilty of that crime at least. But you did break into the Hall of Records did you not?” The female minister now spoke.

  “I did but that was for my mate, as I’ve already pointed out.”

  “Correct, though the mating had not taken place.” A voice from the lower ranks spoke up. It was quite similar to Zed’s voice and Kaia looked to the minister. An older but eerily similar version of Zed emerged from the darkness to stand beside Zed!

  “Your highness!” The other ministers shouted as the man appeared from the dark.

  “Be seated ministers. Zed, I am your uncle, Alerius Breon. I am the kind of Talerion and you are my heir. I have not married so that puts you next in line. Your parents were killed when you were a month old and somehow you were lost to us. I expect these bumbling idiots had something to do with that.” The king could speak as he chose, the ministers had a lot of power on Talerion but the king was the ruler and could overrule anything they decreed, if he should choose to.

  “Your highness, I assure you…” The androgynous minister began but the king cut him off.

  “Silence! We will discuss this later. Now, Zed, Kaia, if you will join me please we will find you some clothes and get this matter settled.”

  Alerius led the couple out of the chamber and into a waiting car, though it was unlike any car on Earth. The contraption had no wheels and sped along the streets without actually touching the ground. Zed was amazed at what he saw but held onto Kaia’s hand as if he’d never let go of it again.

  “Zed, this is your homeland, as it is Kaia’s. She is a first generation Talerian/Earthling hybrid, mix, whatever you’d like to call it. Her parents were born on Talerion but she was born on Earth. You were born here. From what I understand from observation reports you can only shift into a bear?” The man asked. He was well-dressed and well-groomed but his face was lined and his hair grey with age.

  “I’ve never really tried to shift into anything else. I’ve always shifted into a bear form. My tattoo is of a bear.” Zed reached around to his back as he turned in his seat.

  “Ah, I see. You are marked then. We’ll have to study this, if you don’t mind. We thought only the descendants of very old clans from Earth experienced this but you aren’t one of those. Perhaps it’s environmental. Intriguing.” The man’s words trailed off as they pulled into a long driveway that led down to a squat building with four skyscraping towers at each corner. This was the palace of white stone. The Talerion sun, more red than the Earth's sun, gave the building a pink tinge as the sun began to set.

  “I am so confused!” Zed declared.

  “Kaia will soon explain. I will see you both in the dining room. One of the droids will bring you to it after you’ve dressed.”

  Zed and Kaia were led to a room where the common dress of the Talerians, silk robes with silk pants, were waiting for them. The silk was of the highest quality and the clothing resembled items seen in China even still today, but without the designs that could be found on Chinese clothing. This clothing was decorated in an almost Celtic pattern. Kaia’s black and dark blue while Zed’s was black and dark brown. Soft cotton slippers were available for their feet and they put these on as well.

  As they reunited, an awkward moment occurred when Kaia pulled away.

  “I should have told you about this.” She stammered out.

  “No, from the sounds of it, it was best you didn’t. And at least I know who I am now, why there was never a search for me, and all of that. My parents died.” He’d ask more questions about that part later, now he was just too stunned.

  “Yes, I suppose you’re right.” Kaia answered sitting down on the bed as they waited for the droid to arrive.

  Soon enough the droid knocked at the door and they went in to dinner with Zed’s uncle, the king. Kaia supposed that meant he was a prince. Her mate was a real Prince Charming! The thought made her giggle as she looked over at him.

  “Ah, here we are. Do sit down. Now, Zed, before we get to the business of eating I have a question or two. You are both released and the slate has been cleaned, as the Earth saying goes.” That wasn’t quite it, Kaia thought, but close enough. “Now you have a choice. You can stay here or go back to Earth. But know that if I produce no heir and you are needed, you will be called back to Talerion.”

  “To be king?” Zed gulped.

  “Yes, you will be king; Kaia will be your queen. You are mated now, after all.”

  Kaia’s eyes widened as she realized she was now a princess, a real princess! She wanted to shake with laughter! Being a princess was never something she’d considered but now that she was one, well, she wanted to squeal in joy!

  “Unless you don’t wish to be mated? We can undo that here, if you so desire.” The king looked at Zed with a blank stare, not wishing to influence his decision.

  “Of course not! I am happy with Kaia. Happier than I’ve ever been in my life. I’d never wish to be parted from her!” Zed protested immediately and the tense feeling around Kaia’s heart eased.

  “Good, that’s settled then. You’ll be given your own transport device. We do ask that you come home twice a year; at least, to learn about your home and to learn your duties on Earth, as you have chosen to stay there. We are not an invading species, we are not looking to take over Earth. We are more like librarians, cataloguing the populations of the universe, and exploring their societies to learn about them.” The kings words trailed off as the food was brought in by droids and they all began to eat.

  The situation had turned out much better than Kaia could have ever imagined and later that night, staring up at the two pink moons of Talerion as Zed’s hands trailed over her flesh Kaia wondered where they’d be in a year. It was possible they could be here. As he moved under the covers, his mouth finding her dark red nipples to tease her, Kaia lost her train of thought and gasped.

  “Oh Zed, don’t stop. Don’t ever stop.” She murmured encouragement, her desire growing.

  “Never, my love, never.” He promised as he trailed kisses down her stomach, then lower.

  His fingers found her first, teasing her outer lips before sliding between their depths. She gasped as his finger slid into her as his tongue found her throbbing clit. Her hips arched and she cried out in pleasure. Zed sucked at the bud and teased her with another finger.

  Kaia cried out once more as his fingers plunged into her depths, her body rocking with him. Her fingers found her nipples and she teased the sensitive flesh into tight peaks as he worked her from below. Kaia’s cries increased as she felt the passion growing, the warm liquid feeling moving throughout her body as she writhed on his fingers.

  Kaia wasn’t sure but she thought she was pleading with him, begging him to fuck her but her blood was singing in her ears and she couldn’t hear. She could only feel as the tension built, Zed’s fingers exploring lower with his other hand. When his thumb found the secret bud between the globes of her ass Kaia’s world exploded, the tension releasing as waves of pleasurable spasms rocked her muscles.

  From the bottom up her body reacted, her abdominal muscles rolling as her back arched and the air was forced from her lungs. Her head flew back as her feet dug into the bed and her hips arched up to meet Zed’s face. She was coming harder than she’d ever come in her life and she never wanted the feeling to end. There was serenity here unlike anything she’d ever known.

  “Oh that was a good one.” Zed growled in satisfaction before he crawled to lie beside of her.

  Kaia took a moment or two before she replied, her mind not wanting to cooperate.

  “Yes, it was. Prepare yourself buddy, I’m going to attempt the same for you.
” Kaia pushed herself up from the bed and bent between Zed’s knees.

  She took his cock in her hand, sliding her fingers up and down the rigid flesh. Zed gasped as her red lips parted and she took him into her wet mouth. She felt her spit slicking his cock and hummed happily as her mouth slid up and down his shaft. Zed gasped again and buried his hands in her hair.

  “Fuck, Kaia. Suck it harder baby.” He urged, her delicate touch not enough but almost too much.

  She sucked at his cock harder, slurping up the slick prick before sliding back down again. She took him deep into her throat, opening her mouth wide and Zed moaned as his hips began to thrust into her mouth, sliding in and out of her mouth in a rapid pace.

  He stopped suddenly and pulled her to him. His mouth found hers as she straddled him, his cock finding its home inside of her.

  “I need to fuck you.” He whispered into her ear, licking her earlobe before biting at her neck.

  They rocked together once more, their bodies moving together, squeezing and plunging in unison. Kaia sat up, grinding down into her mate as her pussy pulsed, almost masturbating him internally as her body spasmed, drawing him into that serene world only they could create for each other. They floated in peace for a long time before crashing back to reality.

  Kaia was almost asleep on top of him, her eyes closed and her breathing even, when Zed spoke from the darkness.



  “What do you shift into?” He asked finally. She thought he’d fallen asleep as she could have sworn he’d been snoring.

  She jumped up for a moment and looked at him. With a twisting motion Kaia shifted and before Zed there now stood a white bear unlike any Zed had seen before. Not a polar bear at all, Kaia still had black lips, eyelids, and nose. But her eyes were blue, a lighter blue than Kaia’s human eyes, and the tips of her fur were a dark blue that faded into white as it came closer to her skin. She was stunning, beautiful, and proud. And she was his. Zed held his arms out and then he was a tall black bear, his light brown eyes staring deeply into Kaia’s. As bears they jumped onto the bed, transforming back into humans before they landed.


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