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Crimes Against Liberty

Page 44

by David Limbaugh

  59 Ibid.

  60 Noel Sheppard, “New Anti-Limbaugh-Beck Group Tied To Ex-Obama Czar Van Jones,”, November 1, 2009; available at: [accessed June 29, 2010].

  61 Jim Geraghty, “Barack Obama Calls Out National Review on Michelle,” National Review Online, The Campaign Spot, July 17, 2008; available at: [accessed June 29, 2010].

  62 Jim Vandehei and Mike Allen, “Obama, Dems Sharpen Personal Attacks on Palin,” Politico, September 9, 2008; available at: [accessed June 29, 2010].

  63 Nick Sabloff, “Obama Takes First Direct Shot At Palin,” Huffington Post, October 7, 2008; available at: [accessed June 29, 2010].

  64 Toby Harnden, “Barack Obama Using ‘Dangerous’ Sarah Palin to Raise Cash,”, November 20, 2009; available at: [accessed June 29, 2010].

  65 Robert Gibbs, “Gibbs Blames Palin For Spreading Misinformation About Health Reform,” Real Clear Politics Video, August 12, 2009; available at: [accessed June 29, 2010].

  66 Greg Sargent, “Dem Strategists: Sarah Palin Is The New Rush Limbaugh,” The Plum Line, March 30, 2009; available at: [accessed June 29, 2010].

  67 Jim Rutenberg, “Behind the War Between White House and Fox,” New York Times, October 22, 2009; available at: [accessed June 29, 2010].

  68 Michael Scherer, “Team Obama’s Petty Limbaugh Strategy,” Time. com, March 4, 2009; available at: [accessed June 29, 2010]; see also, Jonathan Martin, “Obama ‘Gearing Up for a Fight,” Politico, February 28, 2009; available at: [accessed June 29, 2010].

  69 Dave Cook, “Robert Gibbs Calls Senator Jim Bunning Irrational,” Christian Science Monitor, March 2, 2010; available at: [accessed June 29, 2010].

  70 Benjamin Spillman, “Obama Draws Ire Over Vegas Junket Criticism,” Las Vegas Review-Journal, February 11, 2009; available at: [accessed June 29, 2010].

  71 “President Obama Refuses to Meet With Governor Gibbons About Tourism Comments,”, May 18, 2009; available at: [accessed June 29, 2010].

  72 Benjamin Spillman, “Mayor Upset By Questions About Criticism of Obama,” Las Vegas Review-Journal, February 5, 2010; available at: [accessed June 29, 2010].

  73 Stephen Dinan, “Holder Hasn’t Read Arizona Law He Criticized,” Washington Times, May 13, 2010; available at: / [accessed June 29, 2010].

  74 Transcript: On the Record with Greta Van Susteren, “Ariz. Governor to Obama, Napolitano: ‘Do Your Job!’” FOX News, May 21, 2010; available at:,2933,593302,00.html [accessed June 29, 2010].

  75 Margaret Talev, “Most Americans Approve of Arizona’s Law on Illegal Immigrants,” McClatchy Newspapers, May 12, 2010; available at: [accessed June 29, 2010].

  76 “Gov. Brewer very disappointed in Obama Snub, Vows to Beat Feds in Court Over Illegal Immigraiton Law,”, June 18, 2010; available at:,2933,594862,00.html [accessed June 29, 2010].

  77 Press Release, “Governor Jan Brewer Learns of President’s Directive to Sue Arizona via Ecuadorean Television Interview,” press release, Office of the Governor of Arizona, June 17, 2010; available at: 0 _BrewerResponse-ClintonAnnouncement. pdf [accessed June 29, 2010].

  78 “Obama tells Kyl in private Oval Office meeting: I won’t secure border b/c then Republicans will have no reason to support ‘comprehensive immigration reform,’”, June 20, 2010; available at: [accessed June 29, 2010].

  79 Ed Morrissey, “Is Obama Avoiding Red States?” Hot Air, March 29, 2010; available at: [accessed June 29, 2010].

  80 Editors, “On Presidential Rhetoric, Obama’s ad hominem method and the politics of polarization,” Wall Street Journal, April 22, 2010; available at: [accessed June 29, 2010].

  81 Jordan Fabian, “Obama Slams Decision on Campaign Finance in His Weekly Address,” The Hill, January 23, 2010; available at: [accessed June 29, 2010].

  82 Andrew Malcolm, “‘Very Troubling’: Chief Justice Roberts on Obama’s Court Criticism to Joint Session of Congress,” Los Angeles Times, Top of the Ticket, March 9, 2010; available at: [accessed June 29, 2010].

  83 Ibid.

  84 “President Obama Says ‘BP Will be Paying the Bill’ for Oil Spill,” Associated Press, May 2, 2010; available at: [accessed June 29, 2010].

  85 Stephen Collinson, “White House Keeps ‘Boot’ on BP’s Throat,” Associated Press, May 3, 2010; available at: [accessed June 29, 2010].

  86 “An Offer BP Couldn’t Refuse,” Heritage Foundation; available at: [accessed June 29, 2010].

  87 Sam Reilly, “Obama: Overhaul of Minerals Management Service on the Way in Wake of Gulf Oil Spill,” Associated Press, May 14, 2010; available at: [accessed June 29, 2010].

  88 Mark Silva, “Obama Criticizes Cheney’s Approach to Terrorism in ‘60 Minutes’ Interview, Los Angeles Times, March 22, 2009; available at: [accessed June 29, 2010].

  89 Sam Youngman, “Gibbs on Bush Criticism, ‘We won,’” The Hill, June 18, 2009; available at: [accessed June 29, 2010].

  90 Ryan Lizza, “Battle Plans, How Obama Won,” The New Yorker, November 17, 2008; available at: [accessed June 29, 2010].

  91 Charles Krauthammer, “Blaming Bush At Every Turn Is Getting Old,” Investors Business Daily, October 12, 2009; available at: [accessed June 29, 2010].

  92 Ann Scott Tyson, “Support Troops Swelling U.S. Force in Afghanistan, Additional Deployments Not Announced and Rarely Noted,” Washington Post, October 13, 2009; available at: [accessed June 29, 2010].

  93 Mark Silva, “Obama Criticizes Cheney’s Approach to Terrorism in ‘60 Minutes’ Interview,” op. cit.

  94 Caren Bohan and Richard Cowan, “High U.S. Budget Deficits Not Obama’s Fault-Orszag,” Reuters, May 11, 2009; available at:
article/idUSWBT01121120090511 [accessed June 29, 2010]; see also, Peter R. Orszag, Director, “Last but Not Least—The Final Installment of the FY 2010 Budget,” Office of Management and Budget Blog, May 11, 2009; available at: [accessed June 29, 2010].

  95 Mike Soraghan, “Administration Blames Bush for GM Crisis,” The Hill, June 6, 2009; available at: [accessed June 29, 2010].

  96 Jim Geraghty, “Obama: Stop Blaming Me for the Economy, I Just Got Here in January,” National Review Online, The Campaign Spot, July 2, 2009; available at: [accessed June 29, 2010].

  97 Joseph Curl, “Obama Still Cashing In On Bush’s Failings,” Washington Times, July 29, 2009; available at: [accessed June 29, 2010].

  98 Barack Obama, “Obama’s Townhall in Shaker Heights, Ohio,” Real Clear Politics, July 23, 2009; available at: ohio_97593.html [accessed June 29, 2010].

  99 Steve Benen, “Obama Tells Dems: I’m Not Tired; I’m Just Getting Started,” Washington Monthly, October 16, 2009; available at: [accessed June 29, 2010].

  100 President Barack Obama, “Text: Obama’s Address on the War in Afghanistan,” New York Times, December 1, 2009; available at: [accessed June 29, 2010].

  101 Vice President Joseph Biden, “NBC ‘Meet the Press’ Host: David Gregory,” Federal News Service, February 14, 2010.

  102 “‘Blame Bush’ Strategy Wears Thin as Obama Enters Second Year,”, January 25, 2010; available at: [accessed June 29, 2010].

  103 Mark Finkelstein, “Time Cover Story: Bush Decade ‘Hell,’ Obama Decade Better,”, November 25, 2009; available at: [accessed June 29, 2010].

  104 Ibid.

  105 “FOX News Poll: 66% Say Obama Should Stop Blaming Bush,” HotAirPundit, April 22, 2010; available at: [accessed June 29, 2010].

  Chapter 6

  1 Aaron Klein, “Obama’s Supreme pick has love affair with socialism,” WorldNetDaily, May 10, 2010; available at: [accessed June 24, 2010].

  2 Ed Whelan, “Kagan: Constitution as Charter of ‘Positive Liberties,’” National Review Online, Bench Memos, May 17, 2010; available at: [accessed June 24, 2010].

  3 Tomoeh Murakami Tse and Peter Whoriskey, “Obama Standing By Rattner; White House Knew of Probes,” The Washington Post, April 18, 2009; available at: [accessed June 24, 2010].

  4 Edwin Chen, “Obama Open to Partisan Vote on Health-Care Overhaul, Aides Say,” Bloomberg, July 14, 2009; available at: [accessed June 24, 2010].

  5 Nicholas Ballasy, “Pelosi to Aspiring Musicians: Quit Your Job, Taxpayers Will Cover Your Health Care,”, May 14, 2010; available at: [accessed June 24, 2010].

  6 George Will, “Tincture of Lawlessness,”, May 14, 2009; available at: [accessed June 24, 2010].

  7 Ian Talley, “Steven Chu: Americans Are Like ‘Teenage Kids’ When It Comes to Energy,” The Wall Street Journal, September 21, 2009; available at: [accessed June 24, 2010].

  8 Ibid.

  9 Lee Cary, “Obama’s Plan for NASA,” American Thinker, April 22, 2008; available at: [accessed June 24, 2010].

  10 Loretta Hidalgo Whitesides, “Obama Pits Human Space Exploration Against Education,” Wired Science, November 21, 2007; available at: [accessed June 24, 2010].

  11 Mark Whittington, “Barack Obama Pits Space Explorers Against School Children,” Associated Content, December 2, 2007; available at: [accessed June 24, 2010].

  12 Editorial, “Losing it in Space,” The Washington Times, April 13, 2010; available at: [accessed June 24, 2010].

  13 “Obama Clarifies His Space Policy,” Space Politics, January 2, 2008.

  14 Stella Paul, “America’s Surrender of Space,” American Thinker, April 10, 2010; available at: [accessed June 24, 2010].

  15 Kenneth Chang, “Obama Calls for End to NASA’s Moon Program,” The New York Times, February 1, 2010; available at: [accessed June 24, 2010].

  16 Robert Block, “NASA Cancels KSC Contract Leading to Charge ‘Obama Broke Law,’” Orlando Sentinel, The Write Stuff Blog, February 12, 2010; available at: [accessed June 24, 2010].

  17 Congressman Bill Posey, “Press Release: Administration Plan to Terminate Constellation Contract Without Congressional Approval in Violation of Law,”, February 12, 2010; available at: [accessed June 24, 2010].

  18 Mark Matthews, “Bolden: NASA legit as it readies to end moon program,” Orlando Sentinel, February 23, 2010; available at: [accessed June 24, 2010].

  19 Jeff Sessions, “Jeff Sessions: LeMieux, Sessions Introduce Effort to Stop NASA from Canceling Constellation,” Facebook, Jeff Sessions, March 18, 2010; available at: [accessed June 24, 2010].

  20 Jackqui Goddard, “Boldly going nowhere: NASA ends plan to put man back on Moon,” Times Online, June 14, 2010; available at: [accessed June 24, 2010].

  21 Michael Griffin and others, “Griffin, NASA Luminaries Urge Obama to Change Space Policy,” Orlando Sentinel, April 12, 2010; available at: [accessed June 24, 2010].

  22 “Lockheed Martin Responds To The FY2011 NASA Budget Proposal To Cancel Orion,” Lockheed Martin; available at: [accessed June 24, 2010].

  23 Andy Pasztor, “NASA Plans Face Turbulence in House,” The Wall Street Journal, February 4, 2010; available at: [accessed June 24, 2010].

  24 Joel Acheinbach, “NASA’s Moon Plan Too Ambitious, Obama Panel Says,” Miami Herald, August 14, 2009.

  25 Mark Whittington, “No, We Should Not Cut NASA Funding,” Associated Content, April 10, 2010; available at: funding.html?cat=15 [accessed June 24, 2010].

  26 Rachel Martin and Karen Travers, “On the Defensive, President Obama Pledges Commitment to NASA, Space Exploration,” ABC-News. com, April 15, 2010; available at:
touts-billion-budget-boost-nasa-potential/story?id=10387427 [accessed June 24, 2010].

  27 Ibid.

  28 Frank Morring, Jr., “U.S. Space Leadership Seen At Risk,” Aviation Week, May 3, 2010; available at: [accessed June 24, 2010].

  29 Byron York, “Democrats Threaten Companies Hit Hard by Health Care Bill,” The Washington Examiner, March 28, 2010; available at: [accessed June 24, 2010].

  30 Michelle Malkin, “The Obamacare Inquisition Is on Hold... for Now,” Creators Syndicate, April 16, 2010; article available at: [accessed June 24, 2010].

  31 Jed Babbin, “Waxman Cancels Healthcare Show Trial,” Big Government, April 16, 2010; available at: [accessed June 24, 2010].

  32 Rep. Joe Barton, “Rep. Joe Barton on Democratic Intimidation Tactics,”, April 14, 2010; video available at: [accessed June 24, 2010].

  33 Staff, “A Message From Congress: No One Questions Our Authority,”, February 3, 2010; available at: [accessed June 24, 2010].

  34 Clinton v. City of New York, 524 U.S. 417 (1998).

  35 Peter Baker, “Obama Making Plans to Use Executive Power,” The New York Times, February 12, 2010; available at: [accessed June 24, 2010].

  36 Jake Tapper, “Thinly-Veiled Threats? White House Suggests Arizona Republicans Put Up or Shut Up,” ABC News, Political Punch, July 14, 2009; available at: [accessed June 24, 2010].


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