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Crimes Against Liberty

Page 45

by David Limbaugh

  37 Ed Morrissey, “Kyl, McCain to White House: Threats ‘patently offensive,’”, July 15, 2009; available at: [accessed June 24, 2010].

  38 Jake Tapper, “Thinly-Veiled Threats? White House Suggests Arizona Republicans Put Up or Shut Up,” op. cit.

  39 George Will, “Tincture of Lawlessness,” op. cit.

  40 Ed Morrissey, “Why Did Obama Meet with the CBO?” HotAir. com, July 21, 2009; available at: [accessed June 24, 2010].

  41 Walter Alarkon, “Orszag: CBO Lowballs Savings From Obama’s Healthcare Reform,” The Hill, April 11, 2010; available at: [accessed June 24, 2010].

  42 Chris Edwards, “Government Schemes Cost More Than Promised,” Cato Institute, Tax & Budget Bulletin, September 2003; available at: [accessed June 24, 2010].

  43 Scott Rasmussen and Doug Schoen, “Why Obama Can’t Move the Health-Care Numbers,” Wall Street Journal, March 9, 2010; available at: [accessed June 24, 2010].

  44 Douglas Holtz-Eakin, “The Real Arithmetic of Health Care Reform,” New York Times, March 20, 2010; available at: [accessed June 24, 2010].

  45 Major Garrett, “Administration Threatens to Veto Any Deficit Spending Tied to New Health Law,” FOX News, May 12, 2010; available at: [accessed June 24, 2010].

  46 Douglas Holtz-Eakin, “The Real Arithmetic of Health Care Reform,” op. cit.

  47 Representative Paul Ryan, “New CBO Analysis: Health Legislation Increases Deficits,” Republican Caucus Committee on the Budget, March 19, 2010; available at: [accessed June 24, 2010].

  48 Edwin Feulner, “The Claw-Back Calamity,” The Heritage Foundation, March 31, 2009; available at: [accessed June 24, 2010].

  49 Mark Impomeni, “Senate Shelves AIG Bonus Tax Bill,” Politics Daily, March 24. 2009; available at: [accessed June 24, 2010].

  50 Bill Bartel, “Tax on Bonuses Gets Shunted Aside,” The Virginian-Pilot, March 10, 2010; available at: [accessed June 24, 2010].

  51 Brady Dennis and Tomoeh Murakami Tse, “Pay Czar Quietly Meets With Rescued Companies,” The Washington Post, August 9, 2009; available at: [accessed June 24, 2010].

  52 Robert Schmidt and Ian Katz, “Feinberg Wants All Companies to Adopt Pay-Cut Model (Update 1),” Bloomberg, October 22, 2009; available at: [accessed June 24, 2010].

  53 Frank Ahrens and David Cho, “Government Widens Control Over Paychecks,” The Washington Post, October 23, 2009; available at: [accessed June 24, 2010].

  54 Robert Schmidt and Rebecca Christie, “Obama Administration to Seek New Power for SEC on Executive Pay,” Bloomberg, June 10, 2009; available at: [accessed June 24, 2010].

  55 Client Memorandum, “Dodd Bill Would Affect Corporate Governance and Executive Compensation Processes for All US Public Companies,” DavisPolk, November 17, 2009; available at: [accessed June 24, 2010].

  56 “Senate Banking Committee Amendments to Dodd’s Bill: Two Big Governance Changes,” The Corporate Counsel Blog, March 24, 2010; available at: [accessed June 24, 2010].

  57 Associated Press, “S.E.C. Approves Tougher Rules on Executive Pay,” New York Times, December 16, 2009; available at: [accessed June 24, 2010].

  58 “SEC Approves Enhanced Disclosure About Risk, Compensation and Corporate Governance,” U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, December 16, 2009; available at: [accessed June 24, 2010].

  59 Floyd Norris, “A Window Opens On Pay for Bosses,” The New York Times, January 14, 2010; available at: [accessed June 24, 2010].

  60 Deborah Solomon and Damian Paletta, “U.S. Eyes Bank Pay Overhaul,” The Wall Street Journal, May 13, 2009; available at: [accessed June 24, 2010].

  61 Client Memorandum, “Dodd Bill Would Affect Corporate Governance and Executive Compensation Processes for All US Public Companies,” op. cit.

  62 Frank Ahrens and David Cho, “Government Widens Control Over Paychecks,” op. cit.

  Chapter 7

  1 Editors, “Presto: Another $750 Billion, How Treasury Will Conjure that New Money for the IMF,” The Wall Street Journal, April 14, 2009; available at: [accessed June 25, 2010].

  2 Anne Flaherty, Associated Press writer, “Democrats Irked by Obama Signing Statement,” Breitbart, July 21, 2009; available at: [accessed June 25, 2010].

  3 Kate Phillips, “Obama Signs Financial Bill, Creating Investigative Panel,” The New York Times, May 20, 2009; available at: [accessed June 25, 2010].

  4 “Obama administration spends $1.2 billion on cycling and walking initiatives,” Daily Telegraph, June 16, 2010; available at: html [accessed June 25, 2010].

  5 Terrence P. Jeffrey, “Obama’s Transportation Secretary Says He Wants to ‘Coerce People Out of Their Cars,”, May 26, 2009; available at: [accessed June 25, 2010].

  6 Ibid.

  7 George F. Will, “Ray Lahood, Transformed,” Newsweek, May 16, 2009; available at: [accessed June 25, 2010].

  8 Scott McCartney, “LaHood to Airlines: Get Onboard the High-Speed Train,” The Wall Street Journal, March 9, 2010; available at: [accessed June 25, 2010].

  9 “Obama Getting Heat for Turning Up the Oval Office Thermostat,”, February 3, 2009.

  10 Frederic J. Frommer, Associated Press writer, “Obama Launches ‘Great Outdoors’ Initiative,” CBS News, April 16, 2010; available at: [accessed June 25, 2010].

  11 Barack Obama, “Executive Order Establishing the National Prevention, Health Promotion, and Public Health Council,” White-House. gov, June 10, 2010; available at: [accessed June 25, 2010].

  12 Review and Outlook, “California’s Man-Made Drought,” The Wall Street Journal, September 2, 2009; available at: [accessed June 25, 2010].

  13 “The Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force,”, June 12, 2009; available at: [accessed June 25, 2010]

  14 Jason Dearen, Associated Press writer, “Obama Task Force Calls for National Ocean Council,” ABC News, September 17, 2009; available at: [accessed June 25, 2010].

  15 Ibid.

  16 Frank Miniter, “Gone Fishing?” National Review Online, March 11, 2009.

  17 Ibid.

  18 David Wright, “EPA Determines Greenhouse Gases Harmful to People and Environment,” ABC News, December 7, 2009; available at: [accessed June 24, 2010].

  19 Ibid.

  20 P. J. Gladnick, “Audio: Obama Tells SF Chronicle He Will Bankrupt Coal Industry,”, November 2, 2008; available at: [accessed June 25, 2010].

  21 Erica Werner and Ken Thomas, Associated Press writers, “Obama Orders New Fuel Standards for Future,” ABC News, May 21, 2010; available at: [accessed June 25, 2010].

  22 George Allen and Marlo Lewis, “The EPA’s Shocking Power Grab,” Forbes, May 18, 2010; available at: [accessed June 25, 2010].

  23 J. P. Freire, “16,500 More IRS Agents Needed to Enforce Obamacare,” The Washington Examiner, March 18, 2010; available at: [accessed June 25, 2010].

  24 David A. Patten, “Obamacare Grants IRS Perilous Power, GOP Says,”, March 18, 2010; available at: [accessed June 25, 2010].

  25 J. P. Freire, “Obamacare Expands IRS Authority, May Cause Greater Tax Non-compliance,” The Washington Examiner, January 4, 2010; available at: [accessed June 25, 2010].

  26 Ibid.

  27 J. P. Freire, “Obamacare Expands IRS Authority, May Cause Greater Tax Non-compliance,” op. cit.

  28 Yuval Levin, “Finding Out What’s In It,” National Review Online, The Corner, May 6, 2010; available at: GIzMDEzMWU= [accessed June 25, 2010].

  29 Timothy P. Carney, “Student Loans get the Obamacare Treatment,” op. cit.

  30 Stephen Spruiell, “Takeover on Campus,” National Review Online, October 29, 2009; available at: [accessed June 25, 2010].

  31 Eileen AJ Connelly, Associated Press writer, “2,500 Sallie Mae Jobs Fall to New Student Loan Law,” ABC News, April 22, 2010; available at: [accessed June 25, 2010].

  32 “Transcript: Diane Sawyer Interviews Obama,”, January 25, 2010; available at: [accessed June 25, 2010].

  33 Katie Couric, “Rahm Emanuel on the State of the Union,”, January 27, 2010; available at: [accessed June 25, 2010].

  34 Chris Frates, “Payoffs for states get Harry Reid to 60 votes,” Politico, December 19, 2009; available at: [accessed June 25, 2010].

  35 Michelle Malkin, “Cash for Cloture: Demcare Bribe List, Pt. II,”, December 21, 2009; available at: [accessed June 25, 2010].

  36 Dick Morris and Eileen McGann, “Obamacare Endorsements: What the Bribe Was,” The Hill, Pundit’s Blog, November 6, 2009; available at: [accessed June 25, 2010].

  37 “Other Tax Shoes Begin to Drop,” Investor’s Business Daily, March 23, 2010; available at: [accessed June 25, 2010]

  38 Dick Morris and Eileen McGann, “Obama Taxes Pacemakers, Heart Valves,” The Hill, Pundit’s Blog, October 26, 2009; available at: [accessed June 25, 2010].

  39 “Medical Device Tax,” HealthScienceTechology HSTE Project, April 9, 2010; available at: [accessed June 25, 2010].

  40 Paul Hsieh, “The Deadly Tax on Medical Innovation,” Pajamas Media, April 11, 2010; available at: [accessed June 25, 2010].

  41 John McCormack, “Obama Now Selling Judgeships for Health Care Votes?” Weekly Standard, March 3, 2010; available at: [accessed June 25, 2010].

  42 Connie Hair, “Republicans Will Force Vote on Slaughter Rule,” Human Events, March 17, 2010; available at: [accessed June 25, 2010].

  43 Chris Frates, “Payoffs for States get Harry Reid to 60 Votes,” op. cit.

  44 Jennifer Liberto, “Obama: Use TARP for job creation,” CNN-Money. com, December 8, 2009; available at: [accessed June 25, 2010].

  45 Editors, “The White House’s Illegal Piggy Bank,” Investors Business Daily, February 3, 2010; available at: [accessed June 25, 2010].

  46 Macon Phillips, “Facts Are Stubborn Things,” The White House Blog, August 4, 2009; available at: [accessed June 25, 2010].

  47 Molly Henneberg, “White House Draws Fire for Requesting ‘Fishy’ Information From Supporters on Health Reform,”, August 5, 2009.

  48 Sammy Benoit, “The White House Gets Sued for Its Fishy E-mail Program,” American Thinker Blog, August 31, 2009; available at: [accessed June 25, 2010].

  49 Fred Lucas, “White House Seeks to Capture and Archive Citizens’ Comments on its Facebook, YouTube, MySpace Sites,” CNSNews. com, September 1, 2009; available at: [accessed June 25, 2010].

  50 Mike Allen, “Barack Obama Urges Backers to Fight Health ‘Lies,” Politico, August 5, 2009; available at: [accessed June 25, 2010].

  51 Richard Grenell, “Crossing a Line in the Health Care Debate?”, March 19, 2010; available at: [accessed June 25, 2010].

  52 Glenn Greenwald, “Obama confidant’s spine-chilling proposal,” Salon, January 15, 2010; available at: [accessed June 25, 2010].

  53 Erick Erickson, “Is the Obama Administration Behind An Astroturf Anti-Tea Party Website?”, April 18, 2010; available at: [accessed June 25, 2010].

  54 Hans von Spakovsky, “The Most Transparent Administration Ever? Not at DOJ,” National Review Online, The Corner, October 6, 2009; available at: [accessed June 25, 2010].

  55 Gary Locke, “Health Reform and America’s Businesses: The Bottom Line,” The White House Blog, March 25, 2009; available at: [accessed June 25, 2010].

  56 Henry Blodget, “White House Blasts Companies For Saying That ObamaCare Will Jack Up Their
Costs,” Business Insider, March 29, 2010; available at: [accessed June 25, 2010].

  57 Kenneth R. Bazinet, “Obama and the White House Speak Directly to the People with Twitter and Other Social Media Outlets,” New York Daily News, April 18, 2010; available at: _staying_all_atwitter.html [accessed June 25, 2010].

  58 Editors, “Editorial: Obamacare’s Secret,” The Washington Times, April 3, 2010; available at: [accessed June 25, 2010].

  59 “Robert Gibbs Gets Very Defensive When Pressed Why Obama Has Held No Press Conferences Since July - Video 5/3/10,” Freedom’s Lighthouse, May 3, 2010; available at: [accessed June 25, 2010].

  60 “CBS’s Chip Reid: A Little Ironic For Obama Not To Answer Questions at a Freedom of the Press Signing,” HotAirPundit, May 17, 2010; available at: [accessed June 25, 2010].

  61 Peter Baker, “Obama Turns His Back On the Press,” The New York Times, May 19, 2010; available at: [accessed June 25, 2010].

  62 Byron York, “Fawning press now gets cold shoulder from Obama,” The Washington Examiner, May 25, 2010; available at: [accessed June 25, 2010].

  63 John Bresnahan and Jake Sherman, “DOJ nixes Sestak special counsel,” Politico, May 24, 2010; available at: [accessed June 25, 2010].

  64 “Obama Criticizes New Media, iPads, Rumors,” RealClearPolitics, May 9, 2010; available at: [accessed June 25, 2010].


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