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Dark Love

Page 8

by Olivia M. Howe

  "Fine." I sigh and start walking with her to the bathroom. I just agree so I don't have to argue with her. I already know she'll end up winning the argument anyway. So, I save myself some trouble. "No face paint!"

  "Stop being a party pooper," she says.

  We walk into the bathroom and there are a bunch of girls in here decorating each others' faces. "Girls, we have another one that needs paint right here!" Kali hollers to all of the girls. Great. All eyes are on me now. There are a few girls coming up to me attacking me with ribbon and paint. By the time they're done with me, I look like part of the cheerleading squad. Someone put my hair up in a pony tail and tied a huge metallic bow in my hair.

  I look at my face in the mirror and it says "Titans" on one side of my cheek and "Girl" on the other cheek in red paint. At least they didn't go crazy on my face like some of the other girls I see in the bathroom.

  "Here," Kali says. She hands me a shirt like the one she gave my sister for her birthday. The only differnce is that it says my last name on the top back of the shirt.


  "Even though you aren't a cheerleader I still made it for you because I had a feeling you wouldn't dress up," Kali says and gives me a hug. "Even though I really wish you would just join the squad already."

  "I'll go put this on," I say to avoid giving her disappointing news that I will never be a cheerleader.

  "YAAAY!" Kali screams and then walks off to go play dress up with a bunch of other girls that decided not to dress in school colors.

  I walk out of the bathroom looking like a walking mascot. Andrew's standing by my classroom and he just looks me up and down. "Do we have a new mascot this year?"

  "This is all Kali's doing. I really wish I would have at least wore a red shirt today," I say with a smirk on my face.

  The first bell rings and he kisses me softly on my forehead. "See you at breakfast, Titan's girl."

  "I see you have jokes this morning," I wink at him.

  "I'm sorry. What I meant to say is you look absolutely stunning today, Nina." He gives me a hug and kisses my forehead again.

  * * * *

  Classes are slow today because all of the teachers bring up the subject of tonight's football game. Everyone knows for a fact that this year's football team is going to be champions. They are saying that we have a very solid team and a great quarterback. I honestly know nothing about football. All I know is that they run around with a ball trying to score touchdowns and tackle each other in the process. It looks extremely dangerous.

  At lunch the cheerleaders host a pep rally for the school, but mostly to get the football players pumped up for tonight's game. The cheerleaders do a bunch of encouraging cheers and they jump around to get the crowd all pumped up.

  I sit next to Sydney. We laugh and joke around the whole time. We hold up signs for Kali to show support for the squad. Signs that Kali made herself. I don't see Andrew, William, or Alex at the pep rally. Andrew didn't inform me that he is leaving school early. I just hope everything is OK with them.

  Caroline does a phenomenal job with the cheers. It's been a short period of time and she has already mastered the skills that are needed in cheerleading. She's doing a terrific job on the cheers and toe touches. I can't forget to tell her how proud I am of her. I think she finally found something that she fits into.

  Andrew meets me out by my car and it catches me off guard because I thought he had left before the pep rally at lunch. "I didn't see you at the pep rally. Is everything OK?" I ask him with a worried tone and facial expression.

  "I'm not a pep rally type of guy," he laughs. Now I feel like a complete idiot for assuming that something was wrong. I should have realized that maybe he just didn't want to sit at a pep rally and be bored for a half hour or so.

  "I just went to support my sister and Kali. It was actually fun. Syd and I held up signs for Kali and we joked around."

  "Are you sure you didn't decide to be a cheerleader?" He asks sarcastically. Here he goes with his jokes, again. At least he always knows how to make me laugh.

  "No," I say in a hushed tone because I'm trying not to laugh so hard.

  "So, I want to know if you would like to go to the football game with me tonight? If you don't go I'll have to be forced to tell Kali," Andrew says in a half jokingly way.

  "You're on a spree with those jokes today," I say as I'm unlocking my car door.

  "OK, it's a date then."

  "I didn't say yes."

  "I'll meet you there around 8 ish?"

  "Yes. Now it's a date," I say, trying to unravel my humorous side.

  "See you then, precious," Andrew says. As he starts to hug me he picks me up in the process. He's squeezing me much tighter than usual. His hands are firm, but still gentle. He sets me on the ground and as he still has his hands wrapped around me, he kisses the side of my head. "Stay beautiful," Andrew whispers in my ear.

  "I'll try my hardest."

  * * * *

  On my way to the football field, I hear all of the excitement. I'm half way to the school and I hear that much noise, I wonder what it sounds like at the field. I bet everyone from the town is here just to support the first football game of the year. I won't be surprised if some of the town closed their stores down just so they don't miss this game.

  I try finding a parking space, but they're all taken. I should have known this would happen. Everyone probably got here an hour before the game even started so they could get seats in the bleachers that have a perfect view of the field.

  I finally find a parking spot and I rush toward it before anyone else could even think about taking it. I doubt that would happen because everyone is probably already sitting in the bleachers ready for the game to start. I had to be on the safe side though.

  It's a stretch of a walk to the football game. It takes me about five minutes to get there. I search for Andrew in the crowds of people everywhere. I hear my cell phone start ringing. "Hello," I answer.

  "Turn around," this secretive voice says.

  I turn around and see Andrew standing there with his phone against his ear. I had a feeling it would be him. I run to him and jump into his arms. "I've missed you," Andrew admits.

  "I've missed you more," I say as I squeeze my grip around him even tighter.

  As we start walking to the bleachers, his hand is interwinded in mine. He spots William from afar. "Brother," Andrew says.

  "Over here," William shouts. He looks way too interested in the cheerleaders.

  "If we ever lose William at a football game, we know where to always find him." Andrew and I begin to laugh because we both know it's undeniably true.

  "That's William for you," Andrew says.

  We walk over to William and he's mimicking Caroline, making her laugh. I need to rephrase what I just said about William, "Actually I change my opinion. If we ever lose William, he will always be where Caroline is."

  "He's distinctly fond of your sister," Andrew admits.

  "I can tell."

  Caroline isn't messing up on any of the cheers, even though William is copying her. If I was in her position, I would be forgetting everything I learned about cheerleading because William is being quite hilarious. He's making such a fool of himself. I hope he never becomes a cheerleader.

  "You should join the squad," I say.

  "I've actually been putting some thought into it!" He shouts while his focus is still on copying the cheers.

  I'm about to fall to the ground in laughter. Andrew and I can't keep it together. William's just being so entertaining. Even Kali can't help but laugh at the sight of the things William is doing in public.

  Alex on the other hand, doesn't look too happy. She certainly looks embarrassed. She looks like she's about to lunge toward William and attack him.

  I can't handle this laughter anymore. My stomach is aching. I feel like I'm starting to get abs. It's so much of a workout laughing at the sight of William. "You want to find a seat before I pee myself because of William," I s
ay. I hope he understands what I said because I was in the middle of complete laughter.

  "Yes. I think that's a good idea. I can't believe I tell people that he's my brother."

  Andrew and I find a seat in the bleachers. We start watching the football game and I ask Andrew all kinds of questions. I probably sound like a complete idiot. Every time I asked him a question he looks at me weird. "Do you really not know anything about football?"

  "I know that there is a quarterback and the team is supposed to score goals and you're supposed to tackle the guy with the football."

  He looks at me and starts busting out laughing. I look at him wondering what he thinks is so funny. "You're serious?" he asks.

  "Completely," I say back and then start watching the game again.

  "Nina," he says as he's trying to control his laughter. "It's called a touchdown."

  "Same thing!" I shout over all of the people screaming around me.

  All of the sudden, William comes running over to us. He looks like he's in a hurry. "Andrew, we have to go," William says in a rush.

  "Now?" Andrew replies.

  "It's important," William says and shakes his head.

  "All right. I'll meet you in the car." Andrew looks at me. He lets out a big breath and sighs. "I'm sorry to leave you by yourself, but I have to go."

  "It's OK. I'll be fine," I lie.

  He kisses me on my forehead and whispers in my ear, "I'll miss you!"

  "I'll miss you more," I say with a small smile, showing no teeth.

  Andrew starts to walk away from me. He looks back up my way a couple of times like he's very hesitant to leave.

  A few minutes later he's out of sight completely and I'm left sitting here all by myself, watching a game I had no idea about.

  I already miss him.

  * * * *

  The Titans beat the Bears! At the end of the game, the Titans had 25 points and the Bears only had 7. Titans won by a long shot! Every one's cheering, screaming, and jumping around everywhere. Excitement fills the air tonight. I surprise myself because I start jumping and screaming with everyone else too. "WOO" was the most popular word for the fans in the bleachers and especially for me. I just start screaming when everyone else does because obviously something good must have just happened.

  I exit the bleachers and go down to where the cheerleaders are. They're still jumping around. Caroline runs up to me and gives me a tight hug and starts screaming in my ear, "We won!"

  "I know! Yay!"

  Lynns stops hugging me and starts talking to me instead. "The cheerleaders are going out to a restaurant to celebrate. You want to come?" She asks.

  "I'm kind of tired. I think I'm going to call it a night." I pretend to yawn. I don't want to barge into the celebration with the cheerleaders. So, I lie.

  "Fine! I'll see you at home. I love you, sissy!" Lynns shouts and begins to run off with the other cheerleaders. I'm standing here watching everyone around me chatting with friends and laughing. I'm all by myself.

  I find myself roaming the parking lot. I forget where I parked my car. There are so many people around here. I keep walking. It starts to look familiar. It's really dark outside. I find myself walking farther and farther away from all the crowds of people.

  I finally find my car and spot this drunk man stumbling around, trying to walk. I'm almost to my car when this drunk man stops me, "Hi, beautiful lady." I ignore him and just walk past him to my car.

  This man walks behind me and pulls my arm to stop me. "Wait a minute. I'm trying to introduce myself. I'm Nick." This man is stuttering his words. I'm absolutely certain this man is drunk. I can smell the cheap alcohol that drifts out of his mouth and through the air.

  I try to pull away, but he isn't letting me go. Then, I get a really good look at him. He looks familiar. I gasp and take a deep breath in. It's the man from that night at Kali's party. The man that attacked Caroline. The man that was putting his lips all over her.

  I keep trying to pull away from him, but he's not loosening his grip. I try pushing him back away from me. His hand slides off of mine and he stumbles backward at the force of my push.

  I run to my car and begin to search for my keys in my purse.

  Nick is starting to make his way over toward me.

  My heart is starting to race quickly. My breathing begins to become louder and harder. I can't find my keys.

  Nick grabs my hand and turns me so I'm facing him. He slaps me in the face and I hit the ground hard. I feel the pebbles on the concrete wound my hands.

  My hand approaches my face to feel the damage. It hurts.

  I try to get up and he kicks me in the ribs.

  Nick turns me on my back and sits on top of me. I can't move my hands or legs. He's pining me to the ground with the weight of his body. I try to scream at the top of my lungs, "HELP ME! HELP! I NEED HELP!" I start to cry. I feel the tears streaming down my face. No one is going to hear me because of all the screaming going on near the football field. My car is far away from everyone else's. No one is going to come help me.

  Nick covers my mouth. "Be quiet!" He yells. He starts kissing my neck. One of his hands is smothering my mouth and the other hand is feeling its way down my body. I'm helpless. I can't move. I feel like he's about to suffocate me with his hand. I try to wiggle my way out. I need to try to fight back. I need to get away from him.

  My body is aching. He outweighs me by at least fifty pounds.

  Right when I thought there was nothing I could do, but let this man take advantage of me, right when I thought there was no hope, I feel his weight lift off of my body.

  I try to make my muscles work in my body and lift myself up. I'm now in a sitting position.

  Someone took him off of me and is punching him continuously, over and over again on the ground. It isn't Andrew or William. Who is it?

  The figure starts walking toward me. I try to scoutch myself back and then I hear her voice. "It's OK. It's me, Alex!" She says as she's walking over to me slowly with her hands out. "Come here, Nina. Are you hurt?" She asks. I just look at her and start crying. I feel my body trembling. My face is swollen and feels damaged. I feel a stinging sensation on the side of my face and on my bleeding hands from the concrete.

  She wraps her arms around me and rubs my back and sits in silence while I cry hysterically on her shoulder.

  * * * *

  Alex ends up calling Andrew and William. They show up at the scene of my accident in a matter of minutes. "Nina," Andrew says. "Are you OK? Come to me." I stand up with blood all over my hands and my face swollen. We walk to each other. I hug him and start crying more. "What did he do to you?" Andrew asks. I don't answer his question. I just stand there, in his arms and cry.

  "Where the hell is he?" William starts screaming. "He's not going to get away with this!"

  "I handled it. Calm down, William. Don't upset Nina more," Alex says in a whisper. She tries to make it so I can't hear her, but I was able to understand the almost silent words she said. "He took off while I was comforting Nina. I don't know where he went."

  "This isn't over!" William yells.

  "I'm going to handle this, Nina," Andrew says as he's rubbing my back.

  I stop crying for a minute and realize something and I'm able to get the words out of my mouth, "It was the same man that did that to Lynns," I say. I look at Andrew and he's beyond furious. I look at William and he's at a loss for words. Everyone was speechless and is thinking very hard.

  "Should we contact the police?" Alex says in urgency.

  I look at her with disapproval. "Please don't! I don't want my mom or Caroline to know what happened tonight!" I shout at all three of them. "Please don't tell anyone what happened. Please!" I start crying and begging for them to keep this secret between just the three of us.

  "Don't worry, Nina. I won't say anything to anyone if you don't want me too," Andrew says and the other two shake their heads in agreement.

  "You should get her home. It's getting late," William

  Andrew picks me up and cradles me in his arms like a baby. I wrap my arms around his neck and feel myself dozing off. I'm so tired from all of the crying I've done tonight. I just want to stay in his arms and fall asleep. "Do you want me to stay with you tonight?" Andrew asks.

  "Yes." I feel my eyes getting heavier and heavier. "I want to sleep in your arms tonight."

  My eyes shut completely. The last thing I remember is falling asleep in Andrew's arms.


  Quality Time With Alex

  Dear Diary,

  Just when I felt like my life was starting to get better, I found myself standing in the middle of the rain watching my life fall apart. It could have been worse than it was. That man last night at the football game could have taken full advantage of me if it wasn't for Alex. I still can't comprehend how she found me at the time I needed someone most. I was almost sure nobody was able to hear my scream for help, but Alex came to my rescue. I can't express myself on how thankful I am. I will be forever grateful.

  I'm physically and mentally torn up. The side of my face is swollen from Nick slapping me and my hands are all scratched up. Mentally, I'm a mess. I keep telling myself I got really lucky and it could have been worse because it's true. He didn't get the chance to take full advantage of me. Thank God.

  I found myself woken up to the sound of a soft beautiful voice this morning. I woke up in the arms of the guy I truly care for, Andrew. In his arms, I feel safe. I know I will be protected.

  I'm happy that he's very sneaky because if my mom caught him in my room, we would both be doomed. I had a good reason for him to stay with me last night, but I would never tell her that. The incident that occurred last night will only be kept secretively between Andrew, William, Alex and me.

  Love, Nina

  * * * *

  Laying in Andrew's arms is what I need most right now. This morning, we both lie silently still next to each other. Even though we're both silent, I know both of our minds are racing a million miles per hour, analyzing everything that comes across our thoughts.


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