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A New Journey (Second Chance #3)

Page 19

by Christina Escue

  “Yes. He has been for years.”

  “Then you know she’s in the best hands possible.” Karla told him. “Dad, Mark will do everything he can to make sure Mom and the baby are fine.”

  “I know he will, but I’m still going to worry until I’m holding the baby in my arms with your Mom beside me.”

  “I figured as much.”

  “Let’s get inside out of the cold.” Andrew said and wrapped his arm around Karla’s shoulder.

  “Sounds like a plan.” Karla responded and they walked into the house together. When they walked through to the kitchen Leslie was sitting at the bar and Elliot was sitting beside her looking at something on her laptop.

  “What’s going on?” Andrew asked as he looked over Leslie’s shoulder.

  “Elliot and I are looking at baby furniture. Want to join us?” Leslie answered.

  “You know I do.” Karla answered and pulled a stool closer to Leslie.

  “I’m in too.” Andrew said as he walked a little closer and wrapped his arms around Leslie’s waist from behind. When he spread his large hands over her still flat stomach she looked over her shoulder at him and smiled.

  The moment was broken when Karla pointed to the laptop screen. “This one is awesome and it’s gender neutral.”

  “Oh, wow. That’s perfect, sweetheart.” Andrew said when he looked at the computer screen.

  As they looked at the oak bedroom set, complete with crib, changing table, armoire, dresser and glider they talked about nursery themes. By the time they all went to bed they had decided to do the baby’s room in Noah’s Arc and make the animals the main feature.

  “We have two great kids.” Andrew said as he climbed into bed.

  “Yes we do. Karla is going to make an excellent mother someday.” Leslie added with a smile.

  “Someday way in the future.” Andrew clarified as Leslie snuggled close to him and he spread his hands across her belly. “For the moment she’ll have to be happy with being sister and cousin.”

  Leslie chuckled and rolled over to face Andrew. “Do you think Conner will be able to keep his anger issues under control?”

  “I don’t know, but I can tell you that as long as Karla stays safe he’ll be fine. Jacquie told me that his anger is triggered by his need to keep Karla safe. She’s trying to find a way to help him focus on what is happening and not what could happen.”

  “I hope she can, because Karla doesn’t need his anger, she needs his love.”

  “I’m sure she will, baby. You and our little one here need some sleep. I love you, Leslie.”

  “Okay, Dr. Daddy.” Leslie said and rolled over. She giggled a little when he nipped her ear. “I love you too, Andrew.”

  Chapter Fifty-Five

  “Karla, can we talk for a minute?” Alissa asked as she approached Karla at the New Year’s Eve party.

  “Sure.” Karla said and motioned for Alissa to follow her. “What’s up?” Karla asked when they got to the hall where it was a bit quieter.

  “I need to tell you that I’m sorry. When I heard you and Conner broke up I kind of jumped on the opportunity to use Conner to make someone else jealous. It was wrong and I am sorry. When he told me he had done the same thing I was upset with both of us. It wasn’t fair to you or the guy I like and it wasn’t fair to each other.”

  “Alissa, who do you like?” Karla asked.

  “Trevor Carpenter.” Alissa answered. “When I’m not in practice or in competitions I’m hanging around the auditorium. I’ve even thought about trying out for the spring musical.”

  “Trevor and Conner barely tolerate each other.” Karla informed her.

  “I know, which is why I knew hanging out with Conner would get his attention. I was right. He asked me to go to the movies with him tomorrow night.”

  “I’m glad it worked out for you. Now, if you’ll excuse me, Callie and Rylee are wanting me.” Karla walked away from Alissa and didn’t look back. She was glad things had worked out for her, but she knew she would never be able to be friends with her.

  “What did she want?” Callie asked when Karla stopped in front of them.

  “To apologize for using Conner and hurting me in the process.”

  “Please tell me you didn’t forgive her.” Rylee said and rolled her eyes.

  “How can I not forgive her if I’m going to forgive Conner? He did the same thing.” Karla pointed out.

  Callie and Rylee looked at her like she had lost her mind, but then what she said sank in and they both nodded in agreement with her. “Yeah, I guess you have a point.” Rylee said and shrugged.

  “I’m not saying I can ever be friends with her, but I can’t hate her because of what she did when Conner did the exact same thing.”

  “Okay, okay, we get it.” Callie said and walked off.

  “What was that about?” Karla asked Rylee in confusion.

  “Callie thinks you forgive people too easily.” Rylee answered. “You do forgive quickly, but you have a big heart and that’s one of the things that makes you who you are.”

  “Would she rather me not forgive Conner?” Karla asked in confusion.

  “I don’t think that’s it, Karla. I think she’s still upset that Conner hurt you in the first place. Conner never had much of a temper until he met you. That day you told us about what all had happened to you something in Conner changed.”

  “So I’m the cause of all of this.” Karla whispered.

  “No.” Rylee tried to reassure her, but she could tell it wasn’t working. “I think Conner always had this side of him lying in wait beneath the surface, but it never showed itself until you.”

  “That’s what he meant by me being his trigger.” Karla said quietly.

  “Yeah.” Rylee agreed. “Here comes Conner. I’m going to find Callie and see if I can get her to come talk to you.”

  “Thank you, Rylee.”

  “You’re welcome, Karla.” Rylee responded and walked off just as Conner walked up.

  “What was that about?” Conner asked as he handed her a Coke.

  “Apparently Callie thinks I forgive too easily.” Karla told him.

  “You do forgive too easily.” Conner told her. “But, I don’t see that as a fault. It’s just who you are.”

  “Does everyone think I forgive too easily?” Karla asked a little too loudly.

  “Yes.” Travis answered with a grin as he walked past.

  “Ugh. Would you rather I hold a grudge and hold people’s mistakes over their heads for a while?” Karla asked Conner.

  “No.” Conner answered honestly. “I just want you to be careful.”

  “So now I’m careless? Thank you for clearing that up.” Karla said and went to walk past Conner.

  “Karla, wait.” Conner said and grabbed her arm. “Can I please explain what I meant?”

  Karla stopped and looked pointedly at Conner’s hand on her arm. “Please let me go.”

  Conner immediately released her, but stepped in front of her so she couldn’t leave. “Please just let me explain what I meant. Then if you still want to go I’ll take you home.”

  “Fine, but I need some air so if you want to talk we’re doing it outside.” Karla told him then stepped around him and walked out the front door.

  “Okay, keep your cool and you won’t push her away this time.” Conner said to himself before he followed her out the door. He saw her sitting on the swing on the porch and walked to her. “Mind if I join you?”

  When she slid over he sat beside her. “Karla, I wasn’t trying to imply that I think you’re careless. You’re probably the most careful person I know. What I meant is that some people never change, no matter how much you want them to.”

  “You don’t think I know that? Are you forgetting who I had as a parental figure for six years?”

  “I could never forget that.” Conner said tightly.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to throw that up at you.”

  “I’m the one who should be apologizing.
Yes, I think you forgive too easily, but I also know you never forget and you’re always alert around the people you have forgiven. Even me.”

  “Conner, I will admit that I forgive easily, but I don’t think it’s too easily. Consider the things I’ve lived through in my life and compare them to the things I’ve forgiven people for.”

  “Well when you put it like that it’s like comparing a mud puddle to the ocean.”

  “Exactly. That’s why I can forgive people or things, but you are right, I never forget.”

  “You never forget anything.” Conner said softly and looked at his feet.

  “Conner, look at me please.” Conner looked up at her softly spoken plea and she grabbed his face. “There is one thing I will never forget.”

  “What’s that?” Conner asked breathlessly.

  “That I love you.” She answered and then pressed her lips to his.

  Chapter Fifty-Six

  “Karla, can you come here for a minute please?” Leslie called from her room.

  “What do you need, Mom?” Karla asked as she walked into the room.

  “I have a problem.” Leslie said as she walked out of her closet. “I have a meeting today with a potential client and none of my dressier clothes fit anymore.”

  “Oh, hmm. That is a problem.” Karla said and thought a minute. “I have an idea. Be right back.” Karla darted out of the room and dashed back in less than a minute later. “Here, try this.”

  Leslie looked at the black sweater dress Karla held out to her and grinned. “That’s perfect. You are a lifesaver.”

  “It helps that I’m a size bigger than you normally.” Karla said and grinned. “Now I have to finish getting ready for school. Conner will be picking Elliot and me up in about twenty minutes. Oh, I forgot to tell you I’m staying late with Elliot to help him with his science project.”

  “School just started back and he already has a science project?”

  “It’s for the science fair. He really loves all things science.” Karla answered with a grin. She was extremely proud of her little brother.

  “Okay, but Wednesday you are going maternity clothes shopping with me. I need at least a couple of outfits for meetings and I definitely need jeans.”

  “Deal. We also have to take the dress back that you bought for the wedding and find you a maternity dress to wear.” Karla said with a grin.

  “Oh, crap.” Leslie said with a groan. “I will never find a dress that I love as much as that one.”

  “Well then why don’t you keep it and after the baby is born make Dad take you out for a night on the town. You know you’ll always have a free babysitter.”

  “Before you finish getting ready for school can I borrow a pair of your flats? I don’t want to take any chances with heels right now.”

  Karla grinned and walked out of the room again. When she returned a minute later she had a pair of black flats in one hand and a pair of black leggings in the other. “I brought these because it’s cold outside and I seriously doubt you’ll be wearing hose.”

  “You are the best daughter ever.” Leslie said with a smile.

  “That’s because I have the best Mom ever.” Karla replied before she walked out of the room and into hers.

  Ten minutes later they walked out of their rooms at the same time and Leslie laughed. Karla was wearing a blue sweater dress that was identical to the black one she wore. “That looks better on you.” Leslie said with a grin.

  “I disagree. You look hot in that.” Karla said just as Elliot walked out of his room.

  “Please don’t say that Leslie looks hot. Even if she does it doesn’t need to be said.” Elliot said with a slight shudder before he walked downstairs.

  They both burst out laughing and followed him down. When they entered the kitchen Elliot was grabbing a muffin from the counter. “Want one?” He asked Karla.

  “Sure, thanks.” She answered as she walked to the fridge. “Milk or juice.” She asked.

  “Milk.” Elliot answered as he grabbed Karla a cranberry almond muffin. “Thank you.”

  Karla handed him a bottle of chocolate milk and took her muffin just as they heard Conner blow his horn from the driveway.

  “Love you, Mom. See you this afternoon. Good luck with the meeting.” Karla called out as she and Elliot headed out the front door.

  “Love you too, honey.” Leslie called back.

  “Good morning.” Karla said as she climbed into the front seat of Conner’s car.

  “Good morning.” Conner said back with a smile. “Good morning, Elliot.” He added with a glance over his shoulder.

  “Morning, Conner. I grabbed you a muffin.” Elliot said and handed Conner one of Leslie’s banana nut muffins.

  “Oh, these are my favorite.” Conner said and grinned at Elliot through the rearview mirror. “Thank you, Elliot.”

  “You’re welcome.” Elliot responded before he bit into his own muffin.

  “You two are exceptionally cheery this morning.” Conner said with a small glance at Karla.

  “It’s a beautiful day.” Karla answered and Elliot grinned.

  “It is a beautiful day.” Elliot agreed and Conner chuckled.

  When Conner pulled into his parking space at the school he cringed. Alissa was standing beside Trevor’s truck and was looking right at them. “Karla, we are being watched.” Conner said and nodded

  Karla followed the line of his vision and shrugged her shoulders. “She can stare all she wants. I really don’t care what she thinks.” Karla said and got out of the car.

  “Okay then.” Conner said as he opened the door and got out of the car.

  “I think she’s tired of all the drama.” Elliot said when he stepped up beside Conner. “She’s had too much drama in her life as it is.”

  Elliot walked away and fell into step beside his sister. When Conner caught up to them Elliot grinned. He was really glad they were back together.

  “Karla, can we talk for a minute?” Trevor said as he and Alissa approached them.

  “Sure, Trevor, what’s up?” Karla responded as she turned around.

  “We both owe you an apology. You have been hurt by both of our actions and we are deeply sorry. I hope that one day we can try to be friends.”

  “Trevor, I have already forgiven you both, but us being friends just isn’t going to happen any time soon. I’m sorry.”

  “We understand.” Trevor said then he grabbed Alissa’s hand and they walked away.

  “Those two are perfect for each other.” Elliot mumbled and Karla burst out laughing.

  “I think we should get to class.” Karla said after she caught her breath and the boys nodded their agreement.

  Chapter Fifty-Seven

  The next two weeks passed quickly as they adjusted to new classes. Karla and Conner were officially dating again, but had not taken the step back into a relationship yet. On the day of Conner’s and Callie’s birthday Karla had a surprise for them both.

  “Mom, can I borrow your SUV please?” Karla asked Leslie.

  “Of course.” Leslie answered and tossed her the keys. “We need to replace your car. We got the check from the insurance company, but with everything that’s been going on we’ve been slacking on replacing it.”

  “It’s alright, Mom. I really don’t mind not having a car at the moment.” Karla said, but she really did miss the freedom having her own car gave her.

  “You need a car, sweetheart.” Leslie told her. “Dad and I will discuss that tonight. Do you have plans with Conner and Callie tonight?”

  “I do. That’s why I need to borrow your car. Rylee and I are planning to surprise them with a party, but I need to go pick up a few things.”

  “Okay, sweetheart. Be careful.”

  “I promise.” Karla said as she walked out and into the garage. Andrew and Elliot were gone in the Mustang, but they would be back in just a little while so Leslie wouldn’t be alone long.

  Karla had just backed out of the driveway and head
ed toward the bakery where she’d ordered the cake when her cell phone rang. She looked at it and saw that it was Leslie so she immediately answered it.

  “Mom, is something wrong?”

  “Nothing’s wrong. I was wondering if you’d bring me back a peanut butter milkshake.”

  Karla laughed in relief. “Of course I can. I’ll be back in about an hour. Is that alright?”

  “Thanks, sweetheart.” Leslie responded and Karla grinned.

  “If you want anything else just call me and I’ll get it for you.”

  “Thank you, Karla.”

  “You’re welcome, Mom.” Karla responded and hit the end button on her phone.

  Karla made it to the bakery and picked up the cake without any more calls from Leslie, but as she was ordering the milkshake her phone rang again and she laughed.

  “Hey, Mom.” Karla answered and Leslie chuckled.

  “Can you get me some onion rings to go with that milkshake please?”

  Karla laughed again. “I sure can.” She replied and added the onion rings to the order along with a pineapple milkshake for herself. “Anything else, Mom?”

  “Nope. That’s it.” Leslie said and Karla could hear the humor in her voice.

  “I’ll be home in about fifteen minutes.” Karla told her.

  “See you then and thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” Karla said and ended the call.

  Twelve minutes later Leslie met her at the door. “Thank you.” Leslie said as she took the bag and cup from Karla’s hands.

  “I’ll be right back.” Karla told her as she sat her own milkshake down and dashed back out the door. A moment later she came back in carrying a huge cake box.

  “Wow that’s a big cake.” Leslie said as she dunked an onion ring into her milkshake.

  “Mom, that’s gross.” Karla said with a giggle.

  “It’s so good.” Leslie disagreed as she scooped up more milkshake with another onion ring.

  “Whatever you say.” Karla said and shook her head. “Anyway, the cake is half chocolate, half vanilla with butter crème icing. Callie doesn’t like chocolate cake and Conner won’t eat cake unless it’s chocolate or red velvet. So instead of getting two cakes like we usually do I found a bakery that will do a half and half cake.”


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