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Big Tempation: The Complete Collection (Big Temptation)

Page 3

by Skye, Aubrey

  "Hey, babe. I thought you were gonna nap with me?" He walked in completely naked, and I didn't even flinch since I was so comfortable around him. I had to admit he looked sexy in with his black hair messed up and his eyes still sleepy. There was a time when I would melt from those eyes. A time when I believed that he was the one that would keep me safe from everything. Now I wasn't so sure.

  "I did nap for a while, but then I couldn't sleep."

  "Well I missed you when I woke up. You wanna go grab some lunch after I shower?"

  "Sounds good. I'll be out in the living room." He smacked my ass when I walked past, and I gave him the most genuine smile I could muster. This was not going to get any easier.

  My phone started to ring as soon as I sat on the couch, and it was Lauren calling on her lunch. I knew she would want juicy details, but I couldn't give them with Aidan here.

  "Hey, Lauren. What's up?"

  "What's up? I think I should be asking you that! How was the rest of your night?" She was turning the sarcasm on big time, and I knew I wouldn't be able to keep anything from her.

  "Let's just say it was more than anyone would have expected. That's all you're getting right now."

  "You can't leave me hanging like that! What, is Aidan there?"

  "Yup, so like I said, that's all you're getting! I'll come over later when Aidan goes to some guy thing. Shooting darts or some crap. We're heading out to lunch soon."

  "I'll be waiting very impatiently, Tara! See you later."

  "Ok. Love you."

  I hung up with her just as Aidan came down the stairs. I smelled him before I saw him, and he never disappointed in that department. He was wearing jeans, a t-shirt that was tucked in, and a loose gray flannel shirt. His hair was messy and still a little damp. Damn, there was never a moment when he didn't look amazing.

  "Hey, pretty girl. You ready for lunch?"

  "Yeah babe. I just got off the phone with Lauren. I'm heading over to her place tonight while you're out to watch movies."

  "I'm sure there'll be a lot of gossiping and girl stuff that I wouldn't want to be in the middle of. You have fun with that." We both put on our coats and headed out to his truck. I had to hoist myself up into it because it had a lift kit, but it was black and hot as hell.

  "How about we go to Vinny's? I'm in the mood for some Italian food."

  "Sounds perfect. I thought maybe we could do some shopping after. Just a little bit."

  "Ok, but only if you let me go to the sporting goods store." He was smiling, so I knew he was just teasing me. We went to Vinny's and stuffed ourselves with calzones. I was so full that I wanted to unbutton my pants, but I resisted the urge. About a half hour later, we pulled into the mall parking lot. We headed inside, and I made Aidan happy by going to the big girl store to buy some new bras and panties. I let him help me pick them out, and he even paid. We went to a few other stores and picked up some Christmas presents. When we walked past the jewelry store, and he surprised me by pulling me inside after him.

  "Why are we going in here?"

  "I want to look at wedding bands. I think it's time that we set a date. I want to get married and start a family, Tara. I want to show my commitment to you."

  "I already know you're committed to me, Aidan. I just don't want to force you into anything that you're not ready for. I am fine keeping things the way we are."

  "Well, I'm not. If I don't marry you soon, I'm afraid some other guy is going to come along and give you what I've been making you wait for. Pick out whatever ring you want, Tara. I want to give you everything." I froze, and I felt the panic start to set in. Did he already know something? Did he just have a feeling that I was starting to distance myself from him? I was shocked. He led me over to the wedding rings, and sat me down in a stool.

  "I-I don't know what to say. They are all so beautiful. I'm not even sure where to start." He pointed to a ring with diamonds all the way around it that matched my engagement ring.

  "This one looks perfect. Try it on." He took the ring from the lady behind the counter and slipped in on right above my engagement ring. It looked beautiful.

  "Wow, Aidan. That's too much. I don't want you spending this much on me."

  "I have been setting money aside for this. I want everyone to see it and know you belong to me. I want to make you proud to wear my ring and be my wife." When I tried to protest, he was already over at the men's rings, and he motioned for me to join him.

  "I want you to pick one out for me now. Show me what you would like to see on my finger to show the world that I'm your husband." I was moved by this request, and a thick titanium band caught my eye. It looked solid and masculine, just like Aidan. The sales lady took the ring out, and I slipped it on Aidan's finger. Just like I thought, it looked perfect.

  "We'll take them. You can start the paperwork." I couldn't believe all of this was happening. Where the hell did it come from? Two weeks ago, he was trying to avoid the subject. Now he was buying our wedding bands.

  "Wow, this is all so fast. I can't believe we're doing this."

  "So fast? Tara, we've been engaged for a year and a half. It's about time we sealed the deal. I'm ready to have kids with you. I'm ready to come home to you after a long shift. I want everything that comes with being married."

  "I'm ready, too, I'm just surprised."

  "Well, now we took one more step in the right direction." We walked out of the store with the paperwork for the rings that had just been ordered. Right as we reentered the mall, I looked into the crowd and saw the last face I expected to see. Rob was watching me intently, looking like he was confused by what he was seeing. My stomach started to flip, and I felt a mix of panic and need set in. Part of me wanted to let go of Aidan's hand and run to him. The other part wanted to run the other way as fast as I could. Aidan spotted him, and to my horror, approached him to speak.

  "Hey, Rob. How are you?" He continued to hold my hand, but he showed no signs that he was angry at Rob.

  "I'm good, Aidan. How have you been?"

  "Great. I was just picking out wedding rings with my beautiful girl, Tara. Have you ever met her?"

  "Maybe once, a long time ago. It's nice to meet you again, Tara." He nodded and smiled in my direction, but I could see in his eyes that it pained him to see another man holding my hand. I could barely breathe.

  "Hi, Rob. Nice to meet you, too."

  "You still working at the body shop?"

  "Yeah, I'm running it now. I help out with bartending at Layla's sometimes, too. She likes to have a man around in case trouble starts."

  "Sounds great. Well, we gotta get going. It was good to see you. Take care."

  "Good to see you too, Aidan. It was a pleasure to meet you, Tara. Bye." Rob turned and walked in the opposite direction of us, and I could finally breathe. I had just stood between the two men who had both brought me to the edge of ecstasy and back in the last 24 hours. I was burning with desire for one and had just bought wedding rings with the other. I was totally and completely screwed.

  "You ok, babe? You look a little pale."

  "Yeah, I'm just ready to head home. I'm still full from lunch, and I wouldn't mind a little nap before I head over to Lauren's house."

  "Ok. I'll take you home so I can go get ready for my night out with the guys." We headed to the truck, and Aidan had me home in no time. Before I got out of the truck, he pulled me in for a long, sweet kiss.

  "I'll miss you tonight, babe. I'll text you later. Maybe tomorrow we can just hang out and relax."

  "Sounds good, babe. Have fun tonight. I'll text you later." I gave him one more kiss and headed into the house. I put away my new stuff and laid down in my bed. My mind was racing with thoughts of two men, and then they lingered on Rob. How would I have felt if the situations were reversed and I saw him at the mall with another girl? But then I thought about the fact that he knew what he was getting into when he hit on me the night before. While I was lost in thought, my phone beeped, indicating that I had a text.

/>   That was torture. I wanted to take your hand away from his and run the other way. I'm sorry, but it's true.

  My heart hasn't stopped racing. I didn't know what to say. I don't know what to do. I'm so screwed.

  I don't want to cause any trouble. If you want me to, I can walk away right now.

  No, I know I don't want that. I'm just so scared.

  Well don't be. I'll never hurt you. I'm not Aidan.

  What did that mean? I let the conversation stop there and rolled over to take a nap. When I woke up, it was after 7:00, so I got up, threw on a pair of yoga pants, a tank top, and a hoodie, and headed over to Lauren's. She was waiting wearing a very similar outfit, and there were already pizzas on the table. Her two kids, Jace and Jemma, were running around.

  "Aunt Tara!! We got pizza!" They were the cutest little monsters. She was raising the twins on her own while their father was off with some younger woman, refusing to pay child support.

  "Hey babies! It looks yummy!" I took off my coat and settled onto the couch across from my very eager sister.

  "It's about time you got here. I have been dying all day! Spill it!"

  "I don't know what you're talking about!" I was going to make her work for it.

  "You know what, and you better tell me before I tickle it out of you!"

  "Fine. We went for a ride, and he parked behind his grandfather's empty house. He told me how much he wants me and how beautiful I am. Then he licked me and I rode him. The End."

  "The End? You cheated on Aidan? Was it good? Did you love it? Did you hate it?"

  "I loved it, and so did he. He has been texting me all day. But then I slept with Aidan this morning. I had sex with both of them within hours. And they were both great. And I don't think Rob is just a one night stand."

  "Wow, Tara. You're in that deep. Holy shit! I'm dying here."

  "Me too. I have no idea what I'm going to do. Oh, and I ran into Rob at the mall right as Aidan and I were walking out of the jewelry store. He bought our wedding rings today. He is all of a sudden in a big rush to get married! I had to stand there and pretend I didn't know Rob."

  "What? Aidan has been stalling on even setting a date for a while now. Who lit a fire under his ass?"

  "I don't know, but it made me nervous. And now I don't know if I want to marry him." I had never told Lauren about the bruises on my wrists because she would have found a way to hurt him. I just wanted to handle it on my own. We sat and talked for a while until it was time to put the twins to bed. Then we settled in to watch one of our favorite movies. About halfway through it, my phone beeped.

  Hey beautiful. What are you doing?

  Sitting at Lauren's watching a movie. What are you doing?

  I'm sitting at my buddy's house watching football. Missing you.

  Miss you too. Haven't stopped thinking about you.

  Me neither. Can you get away? I need to see you tonight.

  I'll try. Meet me at my house in an hour. Don't park too close.

  Ok. See you then.

  I noticed that Lauren was starting to fall asleep by the end of the movie, so I made some excuse about being tired. She gave me a knowing look as I headed out the door, but she didn't let her thoughts be known. When I headed outside, I noticed that it was starting to snow. I hurried to my SUV and started toward home. I figured I still had about 20 minutes before Rob arrived. I had told him to park around the corner and go to the back door.

  When I got home, I thought about changing my clothes, but then decided against it. If he really wanted me, it wouldn't matter what I was wearing. I made sure everything was cleaned up and waited in the kitchen. A few minutes later, there was a light tap on the back door, and my breath immediately caught. I quickly went over and opened it.

  "Hey pretty girl. You look great."

  "Yeah right. I'm wearing lounge clothes!"

  "Doesn't matter to me. You still look amazing. Come here." He moved toward me and pulled me into his arms. He didn't waste any time, and his lips were on mine, sweet and hot at the same time. His hands moved down and grabbed my ass. Even though I was wearing yoga pants, I had opted to wear the new royal blue lace boy shorts underneath with the matching bra. The color looked great with my black hair.

  "Your ass is perfect, Tara. I am so hard just from kissing you." We continued to kiss passionately as we pressed up against each other. I could feel how hard he was against my leg, and my body was responding to it. I took him by the hand and led him to my bedroom. I made sure all the lights in the house were off and locked all of the doors, including the chain so that even Aidan couldn't get in. I closed the bedroom door and was about to turn the light off when he stopped me.

  "Leave them on. I want to see you. All of you." I was a little nervous, but I was too turned on to let it stop me.

  "Go sit on the bed, Rob. Watch me undress."

  "You don't have to ask me twice, beautiful." He went over and sat on the edge of my bed, but not before he removed his shirt to reveal his muscular chest. I felt even more ready to give him a show. I took grabbed the hem of my shirt and slowly pulled it over my head, revealing my blue lace bra. Then I pulled my yoga pants off and stood before him in just the bra and the matching blue panties. I stood there with my hands on my hips, locking eyes with the gorgeous man before me. He was just staring with a look of lust and need on his face.

  "I already knew you were perfect, but this just proves that fact. You are so god damn beautiful. Come here." I walked over to him and stood between his legs. He buried his face between my tits and put his hands on my ass, kneading the cheeks. I could feel the wetness pooling between my legs, and I was feeling a little light-headed. He reached around me like an expert and unhooked my bra, letting my big tits fall free in his face. He was at the perfect height to lick and suck his way around both of them. I put my hands in his hair and just enjoyed his mouth. I wasn't expecting it when his hand slid down the front of my panties, rubbing the sweet spot inside.

  "You're so damn wet already, Tara. I thought you about how good you feel and taste all day." When he said that, he again took his hand out of my panties and put his fingers in his mouth. Then he put it to my lips so I could taste it, never breaking eye contact with me.

  "You make me want to do things I have never done with anyone else, Rob. I am so turned on and I have all of these crazy emotions running through me." I was feeling like I could cry, but he stood up and pulled me close.

  "I know exactly how you feel. But I'm going to give you every reason to smile when I get the chance. I want to make you cry out from cumming, not because you are hurting. I just want you." I smiled up at him and undid his belt. Then I helped him out of his jeans so that we were both standing there in our underwear. His cock was already at full attention, so I got down on my knees in front of him. I pulled off his boxer briefs and let his big cock spring free. I put the head in my mouth and started sucking hard while I cupped and pulled his balls. I looked up to see him watching me, and he gently guided me with his hand on the back of my head. After a few minutes, he pulled me up from my knees and yanked my panties down, throwing them across the room. He laid down on his back on the bed.

  "Come sit on my face, baby. I want to taste you."

  I spun myself around and straddled his face while I was above his cock. The first lick from his hot tongue already had me moaning. I leaned down and took as much of his cock as I could into my mouth and sucked hard. He moved down and put his tongue inside me, tasting my freely flowing juices. I was already so turned on that when he started licking my asshole, I cried out. Not even Aidan had ever done that. I didn't know it would feel that good. He slid two fingers inside me and rubbed my clit with his thumb while he continued to explore my ass with his tongue. I tried my best to suck his cock, but I was losing my concentration as he brought me closer to the edge.

  "Oh god, Rob. I'm gonna cum! Uuuuuuhhhh!!!" I pushed myself against his face as I felt my orgasm rock my body. When I was finished, he lifted me off of him and to my surpris
e, picked me up and put me up against the back of the door. With one quick movement, he pushed himself inside me. I was full of him in seconds, and he fucked me slow and deep.

  "I almost came just from making you cum, Tara. You have no idea what you do to me. I want to hold you like this and fuck you until you cum again. I want to fill you to the brim with my cum. I want to invade your thoughts and claim every inch of you for myself. Aidan can go fuck himself. He doesn't deserve you." He pushed into me over and over again, kissing me and licking and sucking my neck. I held onto him for dear life as I lost myself in the moment, emotionally and physically. I didn't know if this would be the last time I could have him, so I needed to savor it.


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