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Big Tempation: The Complete Collection (Big Temptation)

Page 4

by Skye, Aubrey

  "You feel so incredible, Rob. I am consumed by you. I don't ever want you to stop, and I don't care who knows right now. Just hold onto me."

  "I'll only let go when you tell me to. I have never wanted anything the way I want you." Both of us were breathing heavily as we made hard love against my door. It didn't matter who might be in the way at that moment because we were lost in each other. I was so close to getting off again that my legs were shaking. He didn't seem to mind that I was digging my nails into his back. After a couple more thrusts, I lost myself in him and he cried out not long after. I could feel his hot cum shooting into me, and I felt tears streaming down my face from the intensity of my orgasm and the moment. When he was able to, he walked me over and laid me down on the bed without ever pulling out of me.

  "Shit, Tara. I don't know what to say. That was beyond words. Why can't I have you? Does he have any idea what he has? How can I leave here not knowing if I get to have you again?"

  "I don't know. I have no clue what to do. It has only been two days for us, and I am lost in you. But I would be lying if I said I didn't love him. I'm completely screwed." I started to cry at this point, and he just held me close.

  "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pressure you. I don't know if this is just beginner's lust or what."

  "It's ok. I'm just feeling guilty and confused. I'll be ok." He gave me a sweet kiss on the forehead and went to the bathroom to clean up. It was after 1:00 am, and I knew he had to go. I wished so badly in that moment that he could stay, but I knew better. He came back in and got dressed while I laid there and watched. When he was ready to go, I got up and slipped back into my yoga pants and tank top.

  "Ok beautiful, I'm out. This is not easy for me, either. I just want to crawl back in your bed and have more of you. But I will take what I can get. I will wait for you to text me." I walked him to the back door and gave him one last kiss.

  "Smile, Tara. Everything will work out exactly as it should. And just so you know, if he ever hurts you, I can be here within minutes." What was he talking about? He kissed me on the forehead and disappeared into the deepening snow. I headed back into the living room and realized I had left my phone there. I picked it up and saw that I had five missed calls from Aidan. I also had several text messages that started sweet and escalated to worried then angry. The last one said that he was going to get wasted and forget me because that was what I was doing to him. I quickly sent a text back.

  I was sleeping. Sorry I missed you. Be careful. Love you.

  I went upstairs to get back in bed. I made sure that there was no evidence of my tryst with Rob and then climbed under the covers. I turned a sappy movie on the TV and allowed myself to sob at all of the sad parts. I knew I would have to face a very unhappy Aidan in the morning. I also knew that Rob would be waiting to hear from me. I was almost asleep when my phone beeped one more time. It was a number I didn't recognize.

  I know what happened and soon Aidan will know too. You better stop before you lose a great man.

  I dropped the phone on the floor in shock. So much for sleep tonight...

  ~Volume Two: The Urge ~

  I know what happened and soon Aidan will know too. You better stop before you lose a great man.

  Those were the words that had shown up on my phone from a number I didn't recognize the night before. Someone knew about me and Rob, and I was racking my brain trying to figure out who the hell it could be. Anyone could have seen us leave the back room at the bar. They could have seen him pick me up at Lauren's house. Maybe they saw him headed to my back door. I thought we had been extra careful, but it's almost impossible in a small town. People talked, and if one person saw us, then it could spread like fire from gossip to gossip until it reached Aidan.

  I had gotten about two hours of sleep, and I was just lying in bed worrying. I never responded to the text because I was afraid it would validate that I had done something or make me look more suspicious. Whoever it was either knew me or knew someone else who had my number. But it wasn't someone I had saved in my phone. What if Aidan already knew? I would lose everything. I would no longer have a man who loved and supported me. He also accepted me for who I am and for the most part, made me feel safe. He was a valued member of the community, a hard worker, and he was absolutely gorgeous. The man had just bought our wedding bands, and I had repaid him by bringing Rob into my bed. The only logical thing I could do was stay far away from Rob. If only it was that easy.

  I checked my phone, and at 10:00 am, there was still no text or call from Aidan. I hoped that meant he was still sleeping. Since I didn't have anything to do that day, I rolled over and tried to fall asleep again. It must have worked because when I woke up to my phone ringing, the clock said 2:00.


  "Hey, were you sleeping?" It was Aidan, and even though I wasn't completely awake, I could tell he was annoyed.

  "Yeah, I tossed and turned last night, so I took a nap. How was your night?"

  "Fine. Would've been better if I had heard anything from you."

  "I left my phone downstairs when I went to bed to watch a movie. I didn't realize it for a while. I did text you back."

  "I hate it when you don't text me back right away, Tara. You know that. I almost had someone drive me over there, but then I just decided to get hammered instead. You really piss me off sometimes. You just don't think."

  "I said I was sorry. I didn't even expect to hear from you on one of your fire house all-nighters anyway. Usually I am the last thing on your mind."

  "Whatever. Don't give me shit because I go out with the guys. I let you go out with your sister, too. And I let you dress showing your tits to the world."

  "Fuck you, Aidan. You know what? I don't need your permission to go anywhere, and I certainly don't need you telling me how to dress. I'm going back to sleep. Have a great day."

  I heard him start to say something, but I hung up on him before he got it out. I was not expecting the conversation to go that way. Why was I so defensive? Was I feeling guilty or was he just being a big-time prick? I figured it was a mixture of both. This was the Aidan that no one else ever saw. He never talked to me like that around other people, so in their eyes, he was the perfect man. I wondered how they would react if they had seen the bruises he left on my wrists, my self-esteem, and my heart.

  The tears started to come, and I didn't try to hold them back. I rolled out of bed and cried all the way to the shower. I let the hot water run over me and sobbed, knowing that no one could hear me. I felt so down on myself, both for what I had done with Rob and for the way Aidan had just spoken to me. I had gotten myself into this mess, but I didn't know what to do. After a good 20 minutes in the shower, I was clean and cried out. I put on some yoga pants and one of Aidan's old union t-shirts and added a pair of warm, comfy socks. I threw my hair up into a messy knot on top of my head and didn't bother to wear makeup.

  I hadn't gone grocery shopping in a week, so there wasn't much to choose from in the kitchen. I was starving, and unfortunately, I had always been an emotional eater. I decided to head out to grab a sub. I threw on my fleece jacket and some boots and headed to the sub shop. My old friend Josh worked there, and he was a sweetie. He knew just what to make me.

  "Hey, Tara! Looking beautiful today. How about a roast beef and provolone to make you smile?"

  "Hey, Josh. That sounds delish. How have you been?"

  "Ah, you know. Same as ever. You ok? You look a little tired?"

  "Yeah, I just didn't get enough sleep last night. After this, I'm headed home to lay on the couch and watch cheesy girl TV all day."

  "Damn, wish I could join you. Maybe another time." Josh smiled sarcastically as he handed me the sub, so I knew he was kidding.

  "Thanks, hon. I'll see you soon!" I said my goodbyes to Josh and headed out the door. I was fishing my keys out of my purse and not paying attention when I ran into someone's chest.

  "Hey." The voice was soft and familiar, and my heart jumped. It was Rob, and I was a mess

  "Oh, hey. Crap, I didn't think I'd see anyone when I came out. I just wanted to grab some food and head back to my couch. Don't I look gorgeous?" He looked down and studied me carefully. I was trying not to look him directly in the eyes because I was afraid I would cry again.

  "You look beautiful. But sad. Are you okay, Tara? You can smile all you want but I can see it in your eyes."

  "Oh I'm fine. I just couldn't sleep after you left. I was thinking."

  "Honestly, you look like you've been crying. I'm worried about you. I don't want to make your life harder. And I don't ever want to make you cry. Please tell me what's wrong."

  "I can't talk about this here with you. We are right out in the open. God only knows who's watching us and getting ready to tell the whole town. I'm a nervous wreck, Rob!"

  "Ok, ok. Calm down. You go home, and I'll go into the sub shop. I'll call you when I get home."

  "That sounds fine. If I don't answer, it's because Aidan showed up to yell at me more." I saw the expression on his face darken as he processed what I had just said.

  "What the fuck did he yell at you for?" His jaw was tightening, and his fists were clenched.

  "When you were over last night, I left my phone downstairs. He was texting and calling, and I didn't answer right away. He said I don't think and I really piss him off when I don't answer him."

  "He is the one who doesn't think about how fucking lucky he is to have you! I see he hasn't changed a bit despite what everyone in town thinks. I hate him even more for talking to you like that."

  "I'm fine, Rob. Really. I don't want to get you all riled up. I better go. You can call me after."

  "Tara! Wait!"

  I hurried back to my car without looking back. There could have been someone nearby listening to that entire conversation. I was going to have to watch my every move now. But all I wanted to do was have Rob put his arms around me and tell me it was going to be fine. I was hurting and needed a friend, and more, but there was no way I could let him comfort me out in public. I didn't know if I would ever get to kiss his sweet mouth or feel him pressed against me again. My heart got heavy again, and the tears started to pool in my eyes. I had to pull myself together quickly when I got home and saw Aidan's truck in my driveway.

  I didn't want to face him today. I wanted to spend the whole day alone, wallowing in the enormity of my situation. Gathering up my nerve, I grabbed my purse and food and went inside.

  Aidan was sitting in the living room with football on TV. He looked so hot, even though he was dressed in lounge pants, a t-shirt, and a hoodie. His hair was still a little damp, and I could smell his manly scent from the across the room. Again my heart jumped a little, until I remembered that I had hung up on him. And I thought of how he had spoken to me.

  "Where have you been?" He still looked annoyed, and I knew immediately that my day to myself was ruined.

  "I ran out to grab a sub. I never went grocery shopping this weekend."

  "Well, I'm starting to get kind of pissed that I can't get ahold of you when I want to. I call, and you don't answer. I text, and you ignore it. I come to your house, and you're gone. What the hell, Tara?" I set my stuff down on the kitchen table and tried to calm down before I spoke. Sure I was having sex with another man when he was trying to contact me last night, but I didn't need this shit.

  "Yeah, for one night. I'm sorry I left my phone downstairs, Aidan! It was a mistake! You're being a jerk for no reason. If this is what being married is like, then I don't know if I'm interested!" I was yelling at this point because I was so pissed. I was also on the verge of tears because I cried whenever I got angry.

  "Don't talk to me like that! Ever! You are going to marry me, no matter what. You should have more respect for me than this. You know I love you, but you can be such a bitch sometimes."

  "I'm being a bitch? There have been times where I haven't talked to you in two days because you were working or busy. I have never complained about it. I deserve to be my own person, and I don't need another dad. I already have one, and he would never talk to me like this!" The tears had started to fall down my face as my fury raged. He got up and started to yell in my face.

  "Wow, you're full of it today. I am so fucking pissed at you for being so selfish. You know I could have a hundred other girls? You know how lucky you are that I love you?" He had taken hold of both of my arms and was gripping them pretty tight right above my elbows.

  "Oh, is that how it is? I should feel privileged that you are kind enough to take pity on me and love me? You think I can't have plenty of other guys too?" I saw jealousy flash in his eyes, and it scared me. His grip tightened, and I winced. He didn't let go.

  "No man better ever touch you. They better not think of touching you. I will find out about it, and between me and my brother, we will make his life hell. You are mine, and you always will be."

  He was yelling about an inch from my face, and I closed my eyes while more tears fell.

  Something must have come over him when he saw the tears because he suddenly snapped out of it. He dropped his hands from my arms and took a step back. I just stood there with my arms folded and started sobbing. I felt completely broken and couldn't believe this was the same man that had bought me a wedding ring the day before.

  "Oh God, Tara. Baby, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I just get fired up thinking that I could lose you." He tried to come closer, but I flinched. I just wanted him to leave.

  "Please go. Please just leave, Aidan. I want to be alone. You scared me." I backed away from him, trying not to fall apart completely in his presence.

  “I didn't mean it. I just love you so much. When I can't reach you, I get terrified that something happened. Or that you love someone else. I just want to be with you, baby. Please don't cry."

  “Aidan, please just go home. I need to be alone. I need to think about this. And you need to think about this. We can't get married when things are like this. I'm begging you. I just want you to go." I continued to cry and prayed that he would listen. He picked up his coat and walked toward the door.

  "Okay, baby. I'll go. But please call me later. And please forgive me. I love you more than anything in the world." He leaned over and kissed me gently on the forehead. Then he walked out the door. When I heard his truck pull away, I sank to my knees on the kitchen floor and continued to cry. A few minutes later, my phone started to ring.

  "Hello?" I sniffled it into the phone, and I knew I couldn't fool anyone.

  "Tara? What's wrong?" It was Rob, and he sounded worried.

  "Ai-Aidan just left. I-I'm scared, Rob." I sobbed into the phone as the memory of his hands on my arms came back to me.

  "What the hell did he do to you? Did he hurt you? I'm gonna fucking kill him!"

  "No! Please don't! He'll find a way to hurt you ten times worse. I just don't know what to do!"

  "I'm coming over. I will fucking walk if I have to so no one sees my truck. Don't tell me no because I'm coming anyway. I'll meet you at the back door."

  "Rob, wait-"

  He hung up before I could protest. I really didn't have the strength to argue with anyone else. Plus, as much as I wanted to deny it, I wanted him there. I made sure the front door was chained and dead bolted. I closed all of my curtains and turned the TV to Lifetime. I left lights on in the living room and sat on the couch. About 20 minutes later, Rob walked in my back door. He locked all three locks on the back door before he took in the sight of me. He stopped dead in his tracks and looked me over, then he was beside me on the couch. I was quickly pulled into his lap, and the crying started right up again.

  "It's okay. You're okay, babe. You're safe now." He held me close and rubbed his thumb over the side of my face, attempting to wipe my tears.

  "I don't know why he does it. I wish he didn't have a key. I didn't know what he was going to do. I have never been so upset."

  "Did he hit you?" He tried to keep his voice calm, but I could hear a slight quiver when he spoke.

  "No. He just
grabbed me and yelled in my face. But you shouldn't have to worry about me. You don't need to get involved in all of this. I got myself into this situation, and I can't back out now."

  "You also can't marry someone who hurts you! You are fucking beautiful and smart. And you really care about people! Any man who touches a woman is a coward! How could he take your love for granted like that?" I swear I saw tears in his eyes when he said that, but there was no way he cared that much about me already.

  "He told me that I should be happy he chose me. That there are a hundred girls he could have at any moment." I hung my head to hide my shame. Aidan hit a nerve with that one. He knew I was self-conscious at times about my less than perfect body, but he rarely pointed it out. Rob gently grabbed my chin and made me look at him.

  "He is the lucky one. Don't you ever let him or anyone else tell you that you are anything but beautiful. I would do anything to have you the way he does." Rob leaned in and kissed me sweetly on my mouth. The kiss tasted salty from the tears that continued to fall. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. I felt an overwhelming amount of feelings for him in that moment. Suddenly, he stood up with me in his arms, and I couldn't believe he could pick me up.


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