Book Read Free

5,000 Writing Prompts

Page 22

by Bryn Donovan

  Write about something that you were obsessed with for a while… or something you are still obsessed with.

  Write about your secret daydream of being heroic or famous.

  Write about a decision that was (or is!) very difficult to make.

  Tell your story about one of the worst decisions you ever made.

  Tell your story about one of the best, most brilliant decisions you ever made

  Write about a situation that you’ve been struggling with for years.

  Tell your story about the time you felt the fear and did it anyway.

  Tell your story about the time you succeeded at something because you just. Didn’t. Give. Up.

  Write about what the word peace means to you.

  Tell your story about how you won something, like a contest, a game, an award, or a raffle.

  Do you feel a strong urge to win at games, arguments, and contests, or are you fairly indifferent to victory as a motivation?

  Do you believe success is a matter of talent, luck, or hard work? Or is it a combination of two or all of them?

  Write about something you did in the past year that made you proud.

  Write about a small thing you accomplished this week.

  Write about something you would do differently if you had the chance to do it all over again.

  Tell your story about a time you were treated unfairly or cheated out of something.

  Tell your story about a time you cheated at something.

  Tell your story about overcoming a disadvantage you were born with.

  Tell your story about the last time you made a fool of yourself. (We all do it!)

  Write about a reason why you’re pretty sure other people are jealous of you. (Can you blame them?)

  What’s a way in which you just can’t help but show off? Or are there a few ways you do this?

  What’s something you’re really looking forward to in the next six months, and why?

  Write about a big lifetime goal of yours that the people close to you know about.

  Write about a secret wild dream or ambition that almost nobody knows about.

  If you could choose only one: would you rather be more attractive than you are now or more intelligent than you are now? Why?

  Would you rather have ten percent more income, or four extra weeks off every year? How come?

  Write about a place that you hope to never return to again…or a place you detest going every time you have to go.

  If you could get a free two-week vacation to one other place in the world, where would you go?

  Tell your story about backing out of something or leaving something. Why did you do it? Are you glad you did?

  Tell your story about being rejected. How did you deal with it?

  What’s something that you lie about or hide regularly? It can be a silly thing or something important.

  Write about a recurring dream you have or just a strange dream that stuck with you.

  Tell your story about a time your life suddenly changed in a big way.

  Tell your story about trying something for the first time.

  50 Prompts About Childhood

  Describe one of your earliest childhood memories.

  Write about something that was a big part of your childhood that today’s kids will never know about.

  Describe your favorite toy or game when you were five.

  Write about a game that you invented when you were little.

  Write about a photograph that was taken of you as a child.

  Write about something you loved doing when you were young.

  Write about something you hated doing.

  Tell your story about a pet you had as a child or about your encounter with an animal.

  Tell your story about learning to do something as a child, such as tying your shoes or reading.

  Write about a book or a series of books that you loved when you were growing up.

  Write about the TV shows you watched as a kid.

  Write about music you enjoyed listening to or a song you liked to sing.

  What was your favorite kind of make-believe when you were a child? For instance, did you pretend to be a superhero, a princess, or a cat?

  Tell your story about your first best friend as a child. How did you meet them? How did you play together?

  Tell your story about a neighbor you had when you were growing up.

  What was your favorite meal when you were little? Do you still like it now?

  Tell your story about a time when a babysitter or relative looked after you.

  What was something you misunderstood as a child? It might be the definition of a word or something about adult life.

  Tell your story about a time you were embarrassed as a child.

  Tell your story about a time you embarrassed a parent or another adult.

  Tell your story about an outdoor adventure in your childhood.

  Tell your story about a trip or a visit you enjoyed when you were little.

  Describe growing up rich, poor, or middle class. Were you aware of it at the time? How did it affect you? Did you know children with different economic circumstances from yours?

  When you were young, were you aware of race and ethnicity? Did you know other children of different races and/or ethnicities? How did growing up the race or ethnicity you are affect you?

  Write about something that terrified you as a child.

  What’s something you wanted badly when you were young? Did you get it? If so, was it everything you hoped? If not, did it matter?

  Tell your story about a lie you told that was very obvious...or a lie you got away with.

  Tell your story of a time you behaved badly.

  Write about an instance when you felt proud of yourself when you were a kid.

  Describe someone who bullied you as a child. Why do you think they did it?

  Tell your story about a trip to another town that you enjoyed when you were little.

  Write about a place in your own town that you loved to go to as a kid.

  Write about a time when you got lost.

  What was your favorite season of the year when you were growing up—winter, spring, summer, or fall? Why?

  What was your favorite time of the day when you were growing up? How come?

  Tell your story about a time you celebrated a birthday or a holiday as a child.

  Write about believing in Santa Claus.

  Tell your story about a childhood crush.

  Explain why you were a difficult child to raise.

  Explain why you were an easy child to raise.

  Tell your story about a fight you had with a sibling or another child.

  Write about something you did when you were young that was actually pretty dangerous.

  Write about what it was like when you were sick and stayed home from school as a kid…or about a time you only pretended to be sick so you could stay home.

  Write something about a bike or scooter you had as a child.

  Write about a time when you were swimming or playing with water.

  Describe an art or craft project you liked doing as a kid.

  Write about being on the playground or at a park.

  Write about a childhood sleepover or slumber party.

  When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? Does any part of that dream appeal to you now, and if so, is there a way you could still experience or enjoy it? (If you grew up to be what you imagined, write about that!)

  If you could go back and give your child self some things to make your childhood happier, what you would give her or him?

  50 Prompts About Your Identity and Personality

; Write about what you see as one of your best qualities.

  Write about one of your most useful talents.

  Do you fit your astrological sign? Why or why not?

  Describe the benefits of being an introvert or an extrovert.

  Describe the challenges of being an introvert or an extrovert.

  In what ways do you fit the stereotypes of your gender, and in what ways do you differ from the stereotypes?

  What’s something that people don’t learn about your personality unless they get to know you very well?

  Is it easy or difficult for others to get to know you? Why?

  Write about the ways that you’re silly...and about the ways you’re pretty serious. (If you’re pretty much all silly or all serious, write about that.)

  Tell your story about a time that you were either more high-strung or more laid-back than others might have been in your situation.

  Write about a particular phobia or fear you have. If you’re not scared of anything, write about that!

  Are you someone who likes the idea of sticking to a routine? If so, why? Is it easy for you to do so, or do you struggle with it? If you don’t like the idea of a routine, why not? Are you trapped in one anyway, or free of routines?

  Write about a way in which your personality or behavior has changed quite a bit in the past several years.

  Write about a way that you would like your personality or behavior to change.

  How much do you think people can change themselves? Do you think personality is mostly ingrained in people, or do you think people can be pretty much anyone they want to be?

  Write about an aspect of your identity or personality that not everyone finds acceptable.

  Do you feel like you need a lot of approval from the people around you, or do you do pretty much whatever you want without worrying about it?

  Do you like to make decisions carefully, weighing all the information and the pros and cons? Or do you just jump into things and follow your heart? Either way, how is that working out for you so far?

  Do big changes in your life excite you, or freak you out? Or both?

  Write about some things you worry about that you probably don’t need to worry about.

  What’s something that makes you almost irrationally happy?

  When you’re happy, how do you usually express it? Or do you usually keep it to yourself?

  Write about something that makes you almost irrationally angry.

  When you’re angry, how do you usually express it? Or do you usually keep it to yourself?

  Write about something that makes you green with jealousy...or write about how and why you’re not really prone to jealousy.

  Do you tend to move fast and get things done quickly, or do you see yourself as moving at a slower pace? What are the benefits and drawbacks of your default speed?

  Do you consider yourself an optimist, a pessimist, or a realist? If you’re a pessimist, do you aspire to be more positive, or do you believe pessimism has its advantages?

  Is it easy or difficult for you to say no? Why do you think you’re like that?

  Write about a time when someone else complimented your personality in a way that surprised or flattered you.

  How sensitive are you to your indoor environment? Can you ignore things like annoying noises, ugly views, or poor lighting, or do things like this make it hard for you to work or to enjoy yourself?

  Write about how the weather or the season affects your personality.

  What are two or three roles that define you the most? Parent, spouse, Christian, Buddhist, son, daughter, nature lover, runner? Why are these the most important?

  Are you somebody who holds a grudge or a hurt for a long time, or do you find it easy to let it go?

  Are you good at getting work done ahead of a deadline, and if so, what helps you do that? Or do you procrastinate like most people? If so, how?

  Is it easy for you to pick up on hints and social cues, or do you need people to tell you things directly?

  Do you frequently suspect individuals, organizations, and authorities of hidden and sinister motives, or do you mostly trust others? Why do you think you’re like this?

  Do you think a lot about becoming rich or becoming more rich? Or is wealth not a focus for you?

  Do you strongly identify with your work? Is it a part of who you are? Or is it just what you do to make a living for yourself or to take care of your family?

  If you are married or if you are a parent, do you feel like your role as a spouse or as a parent is a big part of your identity?

  What is your sexual orientation? Do most people know this about you? If so, how? If not, why not?

  Write about something that you’re a fan of—such as a sports team or a TV show—and what that says about your personality or identity.

  Do you think of your body as a part of your essential self? Or is it merely a vehicle that gets you around?

  Tell your story about a time when you felt like you could truly be yourself.

  Tell your story about a time when you didn’t feel like you could be yourself at all.

  Do you think your name fits you? Why or why not? Does your name affect how other people perceive you? Do you like it?

  If you could secretly choose a nickname or a title for yourself, what would it be?

  Write about a significant event or life experience that shaped your personality or identity.

  Do you think you’re generally in touch with your emotions, or does it sometimes take you a while to realize how you’re feeling?

  Are you lacking in confidence, confident...or sometimes over-confident?

  Fill in the blank, and then write more about it: “I am more than just a .”

  50 Prompts About Your Beliefs and Values

  Do you have the same religious beliefs that you had as a child? If so, why? If not, how and why did they change?

  Write about an aspect of your religious denomination or community now (or something about atheists or agnostics, if you are one) that you wouldn’t mind changing.

  Do you believe that people who hold different spiritual views from you are mistaken? If not, how can you both be right?

  Would you be able to marry someone who had a different view on religion than you do? If you already did this, how is it working out?

  Write about whether you believe self-denial—such as fasting, chastity, or voluntary poverty—can make someone a better person.

  If you meditate, write about the benefits. If you don’t, write about whether you believe it would benefit you.

  Write about a time when you prayed for something or cast a spell for something, and it worked...or about a time it didn’t.

  Write about your thoughts regarding the Law of Attraction—the idea that positive thoughts attract positive things to your life, and negative thoughts attract negative things to your life.

  What superstitions do you believe in or follow? Do you do certain things to avoid bad luck or make wishes in certain ways?

  Write about someone you admire for the way they live out their beliefs and values.

  Where and when is it appropriate to discuss religious beliefs openly, and where and when should people keep it to themselves?

  Do you feel comfortable with everyone knowing about your particular beliefs or lack of them? Or do you feel that you need to hide this in some situations? Why?

  Do you believe you have an obligation to sway or convert others to your belief system or lack of one? Why or why not?

  Write about a misconception many people have about the people who follow your religion (or about atheists or agnostics, if you are one).

  If you were going to take a spiritual pilgrimage, religious or secular, what would that be like? If you already follow
a tradition that includes pilgrimages, write about why you would or wouldn’t like to go on one—or write about the time you did.

  Write about when and/or where you feel the most spiritually connected to a deity or to the universe as a whole.

  Describe a ceremony or ritual, religious or secular, that had or has deep meaning for you.

  Tell your story about a time that you participated in a service or ceremony of a faith that wasn’t your own.

  Write about when you think it’s morally acceptable to lie. If your answer is “never,” write about why you think that.

  Write about when you think it’s morally acceptable to steal. If your answer is “never,” write about why you think that.

  What do you think is the most underrated virtue?

  Write about a prejudice that you overcame...or about how you’re still working on overcoming one.

  Write about whether you believe in ghosts, and why.

  Write about whether you believe in the Devil, demons, or evil spirits, and why.

  Write about whether you believe in angels or fairies, and why.

  Write about whether you believe or suspect there’s intelligent life on other planets, and why.

  Write about something you believe that isn’t a particularly popular belief.

  Write about something that you don’t believe exists...but you really wish it did.

  Discuss a religious or ethical principle that you believe is right but have trouble following.

  Write about an object you own that has religious, spiritual, or symbolic significance to you.

  Do you believe that things happen for a reason, or do they just happen randomly? Why do you think this?

  Do you believe that you have a lot of control over your destiny or future? Why or why not?

  Do you believe in life after death, and if so, what do you think happens? Do you feel certain about this, or do you have doubts?

  Write about why your beliefs or lack of them make you morally or intellectually superior to others...or why they don’t.

  Write about why you believe it is or isn’t okay to eat animals and animal products.


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