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5,000 Writing Prompts

Page 23

by Bryn Donovan

  Write about whether you believe women and men should fulfill different roles or take different paths in life based on their gender.

  Write about why you believe baby boys should be circumcised or should not be uncircumcised…or why you believe it doesn’t matter much either way.

  Write about something you did (or didn’t do) that you’re proud of from a moral or religious standpoint.

  Share a quote or a verse from a sacred text that you believe in strongly, and write about why.

  Write about whether you think it’s all right for humans to develop artificial intelligence.

  Write about whether you think people ought to be allowed to end their lives when they have terminal illnesses or are old and ready to die.

  If you believe in reincarnation, write about who or what you think you might have been before. If you have actual memories of past lives, write about those.

  Write about how you know whether something is a sin or morally wrong.

  Consider the seven “deadly sins”—pride, envy, gluttony, lust, anger, greed, and sloth. Do they all seem like sins to you? Why or why not?

  Do you believe that human beings are naturally evil, naturally good, or naturally more or less neutral?

  Do you believe people are punished for their sins? If so, how are they punished, and by what or whom?

  Do you believe that people are rewarded for their good deeds and kindness, and if so, how does that work?

  Discuss why a particular religious belief that other people hold makes no sense to you...even if you respect their right to believe it.

  Write down some questions you would like to ask a deity, whether you believe in this deity or not.

  Write your own morning prayer or meditation.

  50 Prompts About Family

  Write about the benefits of being an only child—or the advantages of having siblings.

  Do you believe people should try to maintain relationships with family members, no matter what? Or can there be good reasons to cut off or disown someone in your family?

  Write about a death in your family.

  Write about a birth in your family.

  Write about a trait you inherited or picked up from a parent.

  Write about a way in which you are very different from a parent.

  If you don’t have children: do you or did you want them? Why or why not?

  If you have children: what is one thing that surprised you about being a parent?

  What’s one mistake you think a lot of parents make when they’re raising children?

  What do you think are the most important things a parent can teach a child?

  Do you think it’s important for a family to sit down together at the dinner table? Why or why not?

  Tell your story about what makes your family different from other families you know.

  In your family, do you feel like you are the favorite, the outcast, or neither?

  Discuss why you do or don’t consider pets to be family members.

  Tell a story about a pet, past or present.

  Discuss whether you consider people who aren’t related to you by blood as family.

  If you became a billionaire, would that change your relationship with your immediate family? If so, how?

  Tell your story about a family rift or feud.

  Tell your story about a family reconciliation.

  Do your parents and/or siblings live in the same town as you, or do they live far away? Do you consider that a good thing or a bad thing?

  How often do you talk to your parent(s) and/or your sibling(s), and what do you usually talk about?

  If you have a sibling or siblings, write about the personality traits or habits they have in common with you.

  If you have a sibling or siblings, write about ways that they are completely different from you.

  Do you think that some actions count as child abuse, even if they aren’t physical abuse? If not, why not? If so, which ones?

  Write a letter to a family member or relative who died. It could be someone you are close to or a distant ancestor.

  Where were your ancestors from originally, or do you know? Do you think that’s part of who you are now, or do you think it’s irrelevant?

  How does your family handle conflicts and painful issues? Do you hash it all out, or just try to forget about it? Either way, how well do you think that works for your family?

  How does your family express affection? Are you hugging and effusive, or more reserved? Has this affected how you relate to others?

  Tell your story about an activity your family did together for fun—one time, or on a regular basis. If your family doesn’t do anything together for fun, write about that.

  Write about something that you think would be really fun to do with your family someday.

  Tell your story about an ordeal your family went through.

  Write about why you’re proud of one of your family members.

  Write about why you worry about one of your family members.

  Write about a time you envied someone else because of their marriage or family situation.

  Write about a time you felt sorry for someone else because of their marriage or family situation.

  Describe a family photo, new or old, and write about why you like it or dislike it.

  Tell your story about a prank that you or someone else in your family played on another family member.

  Write about your family’s best or worst habit.

  Write about having trouble balancing time with your family and other parts of your life...or write about how this isn’t difficult for you at all.

  Write about a time you were a good parent, a good sibling, or a good child.

  Write about a time you felt guilty as a parent, sibling, or child.

  Tell your story about a family member doing something for the first time.

  If you have grown siblings or grown children, are you surprised at how they turned out? Or are they the same people they were when they were small?

  Write about a family member’s experience with a disability or a physical or mental health condition.

  Tell your story about the last time you were furious with someone in your family.

  Tell your story about living with a parent as an adult...or write about why you would never want to do that.

  Tell your story about a secret a family member kept from you...or a secret you kept (or are still keeping) from a family member.

  Do you think it’s acceptable for a parent to snoop in their child’s bedroom? Why or why not?

  Tell your story about an overprotective parent...or a negligent parent.

  Write down a funny story that your family likes to tell again and again.

  50 Prompts About Friendships and Relationships

  Write about how a person can tell if they’re really in love.

  Do you consider yourself hopeful or cynical about romance? Why do you have that outlook?

  Discuss one of the most important qualities you think people should look for in a friend.

  Discuss one of the most important qualities you think people should look for in a romantic partner.

  Discuss a quality that you think is overrated when choosing a romantic partner.

  What do you consider to be “deal breakers” in a marriage or romantic relationship?

  Tell your story about how you met your spouse, significant other, or one of your best friends.

  Tell your story about when a friend (or a group of them) made your day.

  Tell your story about when a friend (or a group of them) broke your heart.

  Describe what you think would be a perfect cheap romantic date.

  Describe what you think w
ould be a perfect expensive romantic date.

  Write about how you find it easy—or hard—to make new friends.

  Tell your story about a time when you forgave a friend or a friend forgave you.

  Tell your story about a time you went out of your way to be a good friend.

  Write about one thing you wish you could change about your significant other.

  Write about one thing your significant other wishes they could change about you.

  Tell your story about one of the most romantic experiences of your life.

  If you’re not married but would like to be someday, describe your perfect wedding. If you’re married, write how you would plan your wedding if you were doing it all over again today.

  Do you believe in soul mates? Why or why not?

  Tell your story about having an unrequited crush on someone.

  Tell your story about a time when someone you weren’t interested in romantically had a crush on you.

  Write about one of the best ways a romantic partner or friend can show that they care about you.

  Write about a couple you know who’s been together and happy for a long time. Why do you think things have worked out for them?

  Write about a couple you know who had a disastrous breakup. Why do you think they couldn’t make it work?

  Write about a former friend or someone you used to date that you still miss sometimes.

  Write about a bad relationship or a friendship that you stayed in way too long.

  Are you attracted to people who are a lot like you or people who are very different from you? Explain.

  What is something you love to talk about…that you wish your friends would ask you about more often?

  Do you think it’s all right for couples to have some secrets from one another? If not, why not? If so, what secrets are acceptable?

  Do you want friends who will be candid with you, even if it’s not flattering, or do you prefer friends who flatter you no matter what?

  Do you think expensive engagement and/or wedding rings are a good idea? Why or why not?

  Do you think big, over-the-top public proposals are a good idea? Why or why not?

  Write a few paragraphs or a numbered list entitled: “The Perks of Being My Friend.”

  Write about a time when a friend tried to take advantage of you.

  Write about a time you felt left out of a group.

  If a newly married couple asked for your advice on how to have a happy marriage, what would you tell them?

  Is it okay to break up with someone by text? Why or why not?

  Write about a time you were devastated by a breakup…and how you got over it.

  Write about a time when you found out a friend or significant other lied to you.

  Write about a time when you were embarrassed to have a friend or significant other learn something about you.

  Do you think couples can be happy together despite big differences in politics or religion? Why or why not?

  Tell your story about being friends with or dating someone who your family didn’t approve of.

  Write about a big argument you had with a friend or significant other.

  Write about a place that’s special to you and a friend, a group of friends, or a significant other.

  Do you believe that it would be easy for you to be friends with an ex, or would it be close to impossible?

  Write about your first kiss. If you’ve never been kissed, write about your hopes and fears about a first kiss.

  Do you feel like you have enough friends, or do you want to make friends with more people?

  Which is more important to you: having a whole bunch of friends or having a few very close friends?

  Write about something sweet that your friend or significant other often does for you.

  Write about a time with a friend or romantic partner when you could not stop laughing.

  50 Prompts About Health and Appearance

  Describe a physical feature of yours that you really like.

  Tell your story about a time when someone else complimented you on one of your physical features.

  Are you shy about your body, such as when you change clothes in a locker room? Or are you comfortable with it? Why?

  Do you think it’s morally okay for people to wear little or no clothing in public, or do you think it’s wrong? Why?

  Has your attitude about your appearance changed over the years? Do you care less or care more about the way you look?

  How would you describe your personal style? Has it changed over the years? Do you think you would like it to change in the future?

  Do you think people make snap judgments about you based on your appearance? Are they accurate or not?

  Write about a tattoo you have and its significance, a tattoo you would like to get…or why you would never, ever get a tattoo.

  Do you wear makeup? If so, do you enjoy it? If not, would you ever want to? Do you feel pressured by society to wear makeup or not to wear it?

  Tell your story about a time you got injured or you were in an accident.

  Tell your story about getting surgery or a medical procedure.

  Tell your story about a memorable visit to the office of a doctor, dentist, or optometrist.

  Write about a time when your body was very sore.

  Write about a time when you were really sick.

  Write a note apologizing to a part of your body for insulting it in the past.

  Write a note thanking a part of your body for doing such a good job.

  Tell your story about a time that you were impressed by what your body could do.

  Tell your story about dealing with an addiction, mental or physical health problem, or disability.

  Do you believe in any alternative health practices, such as homeopathy, faith healing, crystals, or reiki? If not, do you think it’s okay for other people to believe in them?

  Write about a kind of exercise or physical activity you enjoy.

  Write about three healthy foods that you really like.

  Write about a clothing item or a style of clothing that you never feel comfortable wearing.

  Write about a clothing item or type of clothing you would wear if it were socially acceptable...or write about things you wear even though others may find it strange.

  Write about a time you had to really dress up for an event. Did you enjoy it?

  Tell your story about being criticized or praised for your health or for a medical decision.

  Write about getting a haircut, a shave at a barber shop, a manicure or pedicure, or a massage.

  Write about a health or beauty obsession, a fashion trend, or a way of eating that you find absolutely ridiculous.

  Write about a time when you weren’t getting enough sleep.

  Tell your story about a time when you were so stressed that it affected your physical health.

  Tell your story about a time you went on a diet or exercise program, or a time when you trained for a team or an event.

  On paper, invent a smoothie, healthy herbal tea blend, or other healthy drink. Write about why you think you would enjoy it and/or why it would make you feel better. (Feel free to try it out later.)

  Do you believe that people take too many drugs to treat their moods or mental health issues? Or do you believe that psychiatric medications are mostly a good thing? Do you believe that some people you know should be medicated?

  Write about your thoughts on recreational drugs.

  Do you think a lot about the nutritional value of your food and how natural it is? Or do you not concern yourself much about it?

  Write about the best advice on your health or appearance that you’ve ever been given.

  Write abou
t the worst advice on your health or appearance that you’ve ever been given.

  Write about something in your everyday routine or environment that’s detrimental to your mental health.

  Write about something in your everyday routine or environment that’s detrimental to your physical health.

  Write about three things that almost always improve your mood.

  Write about three things that almost always make your body feel better right away.

  Write about how your body has changed as you’ve gotten older.

  Do you believe you’ll live to a very old age? Why or why not? Do you want to?

  Write about one of your favorite outfits or your favorite pair of shoes.

  Write about your dream outfit or item of clothing—something you don’t own, but would like to.

  Tell a story that has to do with your hair or your lack of it.

  Tell your story about a time you dealt with acne, a sunburn, or poison ivy.

  Tell your story about dealing with your period if you have or have had periods.

  Write down your personal advice for treating a cold, the flu, period cramps, or a hangover.

  Write about a health or medical issue that most people don’t think about often.

  Write about a reason why you consider yourself lucky to have the body you have.

  50 Prompts About Home

  Describe your favorite spot in your home and why you like it.

  Write about the worst house or apartment you’ve ever lived in.

  Describe your dream home in detail.

  Describe your ideal decorating style—modern, global, country, traditional? Or explain why interior decorating means nothing to you.

  Write about the one luxurious upgrade you would make to your current home if you could.

  Write about your garden. If you don’t have one, write about what you would grow if you did.

  Is your home usually neat, or usually messy? Why is that? Does it matter? Why or why not?

  Write about a household chore you actually enjoy.

  Write about a household chore you hate doing.

  Tell your story about the time you had damage, a big mess, or a minor disaster in your home.


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