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5,000 Writing Prompts

Page 24

by Bryn Donovan

  Is your home your sanctuary, or is it a place you need to get away from to feel peace? Why?

  Would you like to live in your home forever, or do you think about moving soon? Why?

  Write about whether you think you could be happy living in a tiny house or a studio apartment. If you already live in one, write about whether you like it, and why or why not.

  Describe the contents of your desk drawer or junk drawer and write about the thoughts or memories that the objects in there inspire.

  Write about your favorite mugs.

  Write about something you collect...or something you would enjoy collecting.

  Write a list of things that your kitchen must always be stocked with, and explain why.

  Write about something in your house that you should probably throw out, but you just can’t bring yourself to do it.

  Write about something you “inherited” from a family member, friend, or your home’s previous occupant.

  Write about a “house rule” you have.

  What does your home smell like? Write about some of the common or recurring odors, good and bad.

  When you go to sleep at night, what sounds can you hear from outside?

  Do you have visitors often, or rarely? Why is that? Would you like to have more? Fewer?

  Tell your story about when you had a delightful guest in your home.

  Tell your story about when you had an unwelcome visitor in your home—human or animal.

  Describe the view outside one of your windows.

  Write about something you would hide or something you would pull out of storage and display prominently if your mom came to visit.

  Describe the time you were a guest in an unusual household.

  Imagine that several video cameras were set up in your home to film a reality TV show about you. Would your behavior change, and if so, how?

  If your house or building were on fire, what three things would you grab before you ran outside?

  Write about your experience of moving from one place to another.

  If you had your choice, would you live in a very old house or a brand-new one?

  Tell your story about a day when you moved from one place to another.

  Why did you choose to live in your current home? What seemed good about it at the time, if anything?

  If you live alone, do you think it would be difficult to adjust to living with others?

  If you live with others, do you think you could have been happy living alone?

  Do you know any of your neighbors? If so, what are they like? If not, would you like to, or do you not really care?

  Describe a piece of artwork, a photograph, or a handcrafted item displayed in your home.

  If you could afford it, would you hire a cleaning service? Why or why not? If you already have a cleaning service, write about the experience of using one.

  When someone knocks on your door and you’re not expecting company, what do you do? Answer the door, find out who it is first, or pretend you’re not home? Why?

  Tell your story about a terrible roommate or someone else who was very difficult to live with.

  Tell your story about a fun roommate or someone you enjoyed living with.

  Write about something in your home that might surprise or interest first-time visitors.

  If you’ve ever been homeless or unsure of where you would live next, write about that experience.

  On a Friday night, would you rather stay at home, or do you think staying in would be a waste?

  Would you rather live in a big house in a small town, or a small apartment in a big city?

  Do you get rid of possessions you don’t need? Or do you hang on to them in case you need them again?

  Do you feel safe where you live? Why or why not?

  Is owning a home an important life goal for you, or would you just as soon rent? How come?

  Do you think you would enjoy working from home? Why or why not?

  50 Prompts About Your Town and Your Country

  Write about how you’re a typical resident of your city or town…or about how you’re different from most people there.

  Write about how you fit the stereotype of people from your country…or about how you don’t fit it at all.

  Write about a common misconception about your city, region, or country.

  Do you think your hometown is a good place to live? Why or why not?

  Write about the benefits of living in a big city (or a small town, depending on where you live).

  Write about the drawbacks of living in a big city (or a small town, depending on where you live).

  Describe what it’s like to take a walk in your neighborhood.

  Describe a food, or a few kinds of food, that your city, region, or country is famous for.

  Write about your favorite restaurant in your town...or the only restaurant in your town.

  Write about a place that you would take out-of-town guests for entertainment.

  Write about one of your favorite places to go in town, just to relax and enjoy yourself.

  Write about some of the main industries in your hometown, or the main ways in which people make a living.

  Describe the landscape, some of the wildlife, and/or the trees and plants in your part of the country.

  Discuss something you love about the people in your country.

  Discuss something you wish you could change about the people in your country.

  Discuss a group you are involved with and what their meeting times are like. For instance, it could be a church, an organization like the Girl Scouts or Boy Scouts, or some kind of club.

  Do you live in the city you grew up in? Why or why not?

  Write about the ways that your hometown has changed over the years.

  Write about a way your country is changing for the better.

  What do you think is one of the biggest political issues in your country, and what’s your opinion on it?

  Do you believe there is a lot of bigotry in your country, or do most people treat everyone equally?

  Describe a lovely place in your town or city.

  Write about an ugly place in your town or city.

  Tell your story about a time when the weather in your hometown was extreme.

  If you can vote in elections in your country, do you do it? Why or why not?

  Do you think you would be a good president, prime minister, or leader of your country? Why or why not?

  Propose a sensible law you would like to implement in your country, and explain your reasoning.

  Propose a frivolous or ridiculous law you would like to implement in your country, and explain your reasoning.

  Discuss why you believe something that’s currently illegal in your state or country should be legal or should at least carry a much less hefty penalty.

  Tell your story about a time when you were in an unfamiliar part of town or at an unusual establishment or gathering in your town.

  Write about a place—or several places—that you want to go to and have never been, even though they’re right in your own town.

  Tell your story about attending a sporting event in your town, and why you enjoyed it (or didn’t).

  Write about a celebration that happened (or that happens every year) in your hometown.

  Write about a controversy or scandal that happened or is happening in your hometown.

  Write about a time that you were in the newspaper or on the local news...or a time when someone you knew was.

  Write about a time when your hometown was in the national news.

  Write about a famous or infamous person who’s from your hometown.

  Propose one improvement that would make your hometown a bett
er place to be.

  Is there a haunted house or other haunted place near you? Write down the story you’ve heard about it. Or if there’s just a place that seems creepy, write about that.

  Describe one of the cemeteries in your hometown. (If you haven’t been to one, consider a field trip.)

  Do you feel 100% loyal to your country, or could you imagine moving to another country and becoming a citizen there?

  Do you have a lot of independent stores and restaurants in your hometown or a lot of retail chain stores? Either way, do you like this, or not?

  Write about a kind of restaurant or store that your town doesn’t have but that you think would be a real hit.

  Describe a quirky place in your hometown.

  Write about the diversity where you grew up—or about the lack of diversity. Did it affect how you saw the world?

  Do you feel safe as a citizen in your country? Why or why not?

  If it were up to you to choose an official state animal or an animal to represent your country, what would you choose, and why?

  If it were up to you to design a new flag for your city, state, or country, what would it look like?

  Do you think your country is going to improve in the next several years, or will it get worse? Why do you think this?

  If you’ve lived in another town besides the one you’re in now, what’s one thing—or a bunch of things—you miss about it?

  50 Prompts About School and/or Work

  Write about one of the most admirable classmates or coworkers you’ve ever had.

  Write about one of the worst classmates or coworkers you’ve ever had.

  Describe a part of your job or everyday work that you love.

  Describe a part of your job or everyday work that you loathe.

  Write about what you wish people knew about your job, profession, or calling in life.

  What advice would you give to someone who was just starting out at your school or place of work?

  Tell your story about how a teacher, coach, or boss supported or inspired you.

  Tell your story about how a teacher, coach, or boss was so awful, they didn’t deserve to have their job.

  Tell your story about a time when, rightly or wrongly, you got in trouble at school or at work.

  What was the strangest course or class you ever took?

  Describe the way you get to school or to work every day.

  Write about the first day of school.

  Write about the last day of school.

  What is one thing you would change about the rules at your school or workplace, or the rules at your child’s school?

  Tell your story about a time you were a babysitter, a pet sitter, or some other kind of caretaker.

  Tell your story about having ridiculous or inappropriate fun at work or at school.

  Do you consider yourself to be underpaid, overpaid, or paid a reasonable salary? Why?

  Describe an interaction you’ve had at work with a guest at a restaurant, a customer, a patient, or a client.

  Write about a time that you felt proud at your workplace or at school.

  Write about a time you gave a speech or presentation.

  Write about a time you worked on a group project.

  Write about a classmate or coworker who was a bully.

  Write about an eccentric coworker or classmate.

  Tell your story about a time when someone was very inappropriate at school or work.

  Write about a job you think you would be terrible at, and why.

  Describe your dream job.

  Tell your story about a time you had trouble adjusting to a new school or a new job.

  If it were up to you, what hours would you go to school or work? (Assume it has to be the same number of hours overall.) Why?

  If you didn’t have to or you didn’t need the money, would you still work or go to school at all? Why or why not?

  Write about a time you were a volunteer for a nonprofit organization or a church.

  What’s one of the biggest challenges you face as a student or in the work you do every day? Why is it a challenge?

  What’s one of the biggest advantages you face as a student or in the work you do every day? Why is it an advantage?

  Describe what it’s like for you to get ready for work or for school in the morning—or what it’s like to get your family ready for their day.

  Write about a time you dropped out of a class, quit an after-school activity, or quit a job.

  Write about something that stresses you out about your school or your everyday work.

  Tell your story about a time you helped a fellow student, employee, or parent.

  Write about some of the perks of the job you have now or have had in the past.

  Write about an interview—or several—that you’ve had.

  Tell your story about getting fired or laid off from a job, or cut from a team or a school activity.

  Tell your story about something funny that happened at school or at work.

  Would you move to another city where you didn’t know anybody for a job or an education? Why or why not? (If you’ve done this, write about it.)

  If you have a job now, could you see yourself doing this job for the rest of your life? Why or why not?

  If someone gave you $500,000 to start your own business, what business would you start?

  What is your trip to and from your school or your job like? Do you walk, drive, take a bus, or get there in another way? What do you always see along the way? Do you talk to someone, listen to music or the radio, or do something else? What do you think about?

  What is your lunch hour like at your school or workplace? Do you bring your lunch, buy lunch on the premises, or go out to a restaurant? Do you eat with others or work through lunch?

  Describe your workspace, your classroom, or the inside of your locker.

  Describe something you deal with at your job or at school that might surprise some people.

  Do you consider yourself a workaholic, lazy, or somewhere in between?

  Do you think school uniforms are a good idea? Why or why not?

  What’s something about you that nobody at your workplace or school knows about? If everyone knows everything about you, write about that.

  50 Prompts About Music, Movies, Books, TV, and the Internet

  Songs, stories, and the Internet make great subject matter. They bring people together and help them express who they are. Many blogs and websites are completely devoted to entertainment and culture. Here are prompts to get you writing about the things you’ve watched, listened to, and read.

  Write about the first concert you ever attended...or the best concert you ever attended.

  What song would you want people to play at your funeral, and why?

  Write about a book that changed your life.

  Write about a book you couldn’t stand...even though you read the whole thing, or at least most of it.

  Do you think it’s sweet when people gush about their spouses or kids on social media, or do you find it annoying? Why?

  Do you share a lot of photos of yourself on social media? Why or why not?

  Do you mind other people sharing a lot of photos of themselves on social media…or posting photos of you on social media? Why or why not?

  Tell your story about a time when you kept on checking someone’s updates on social media, such as a crush, a celebrity, an unusual acquaintance, or an ex.

  Tell your story about a time you unfriended or unfollowed someone, or someone unfriended or unfollowed you.

  Write about a time you sang or played a musical instrument.

  What are some songs that you have to sing along to when you hear them, and maybe even dance to
them...or at least, you have to turn them up when they come on the radio?

  Write about a TV show, movie, band, or book that you’re always trying to get other people to watch, listen to, or read.

  Write a list of seven reasons why you like a certain musician, actor, or author.

  Write about a fictional character from a book, movie, or TV show who you have a crush on.

  Write about a series of books, a TV show, or a genre of music that lots of people like…and you don’t understand why.

  Write about a song or music that brings a lot of memories flooding back to you.

  Write about a song or music that motivates you to do your best.

  If you could see any band in concert…in any year…who would you see and when?

  If you were getting married today, what song would you choose for a first dance?

  Write about the scariest or most disturbing book or books you’ve ever read.

  Do you think writers, filmmakers, and game developers are ever somewhat responsible for encouraging violence or other bad behavior? Why or why not?

  What is a type of story that you’re a sucker for?

  Tell your story about a time when being a fan of a singer or band, a movie, a book, or a TV show brought you closer together with someone else (or many other people).

  Write about a favorite quote from a book, song, TV show, or movie and why you like it so much.

  Tell your story about how a book, movie, TV show, or music got you through a hard time.

  What’s something that you wish they would stop doing in books and/or movies?

  What’s something you wish they would have more of in books and/or movies?

  Write about a TV show or movie that is “comfort food” for your spirit.

  If you could recommend one animated film, what would it be and why?

  Write about something you know about that books, TV, or movies always portray inaccurately.

  If you had a year off to write a book from scratch, what kind of book would you write?

  Do you think you are your “real self” on social media, or do you think you’re playing a part?

  Do you think most other people are their “real selves” on social media? Does it matter?


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