Book Read Free

A Fine Mess

Page 22

by Hughes, Breanna

  “You know they’re all filled tonight, right?”

  “Yeah. They’re letting me wait out the rain.” Emily sat with her hands in her lap, still shivering. Only now, it was a combination of the cold and the essence the guy next to her was giving off.

  Albert leaned over toward her. “Well, I just happen to have a private room,” he revealed in his eastern European accent that Emily couldn’t quite place. “If you’re hungry and need a place to stay, we might be able to arrange…something.”

  Emily avoided eye contact and tried to keep her distance. He wasn’t exactly being subtle. His overpowering cologne was making her nauseated and his breath was exacerbating her aversion toward him.

  Near tears at this point, Emily thought this through. Four months and seven states ago, she woke up in a seedy motel bed and swore to herself she would never, ever allow herself to do that again no matter how dire the situation was. Her stomach was nagging as she inhaled the aroma from the McDonalds bag. The rain outside was only getting louder and showed no signs of stopping anytime soon. Midnight was quickly approaching and she was exhausted. The thought of what she was potentially about to do made her sick, but the thought of spending another night trying to find shelter was way too daunting.

  She tentatively reached out to take the McDonalds bag when Albert grabbed her wrist and took the bag with his other hand.

  “Let’s eat in my room. It’s warmer up there.”

  He led her up two flights of stairs, then turned left down a dark hallway. They passed by several twenty-somethings smoking pot, playing card games, and socializing along the way. Albert opened the door to his room and walked in putting the greasy fast food bag on the dresser. He turned around, sat on the bed and started unbuttoning his pants as Emily entered the room, saw Albert sitting at the edge of the bed and looked down at his pants and boxers in a pile on the floor. She heaved an audible sigh, closed the door and locked it behind her.


  “Emily, there’s one more pallet in the back. Can you bring it in? Then you can go home for the day.”

  Emily looked at her supervisor. “Sure. And if your offer still stands, I’d love a ride home.”

  “No problem.”

  She solemnly walked through the store toward the back to get the other pallet of berries and mumbled to herself.

  “I fucking hate the rain.”


  It was difficult for Harper to believe that a guy like Seth would have a lot of friends. He often came across as pompous, conceited and–for lack of a better word–douchey. Maybe it was his overconfidence that made him so appealing to others, yet so unappealing to Harper. She seemed to lack it while he had it in droves. Judging by the nearly one hundred people crammed in Seth’s new apartment, it was clear that he was pretty well-liked.

  Arriving in style and donning their new dresses, Harper and Kiley had to surrender their “three feet of personal space” rule for the evening as they slid by complete strangers to try and find their way to the kitchen for some drinks. After preparing their vodka tonics with a splash of cranberry juice, they managed to find an open spot on the couch in the living room. With Jay-Z blasting from the speakers and the crowd loudly verbalizing their excitement for whatever subject was being discussed, Harper glanced around to see if she recognized anyone. The car ride over was a little awkward. Neither girl had said much to the other. Harper didn’t know if the incident at Macy’s had something to do with it, but it was probably a safe bet seeing as how it was all she could think about since it happened. Without even realizing it, she had downed the last of her drink.

  “Whoa. You might want to pace yourself,” warned Kiley.

  “I guess I’m thirsty,” replied Harper.

  I’ll get you another one. Just go a little easy on it.”

  “Amaretto sour if they have it.”

  When Kiley got up, Harper breathed her first sigh of relief of the night. Why was this so difficult? Even sitting next to her, Harper couldn’t relax. What if she was too close? Not close enough? She adjusted her dress and fixed the chain of the necklace that Kiley had lent her. She crossed her legs and tried to calm herself down by doing a little people-watching. It didn’t take long for her to notice the guy sitting on the arm of a chair across from her staring at her chest. Harper wanted to scoff, but she sort of had it coming by wearing a dress like this. It was supposed to garner attention and whether it was wanted or not, she was getting it.

  Kiley returned with two fresh drinks and took her place next to Harper. Upon noticing the polo shirt-clad young man who was blatantly staring at Harper’s chest, she handed Harper the Amaretto sour and snapped her fingers to get the guy’s attention.

  “Are you expecting them to do tricks?”

  Huh?” The young man was perplexed after being so visibly entranced.

  Take a picture. It’ll last longer.”

  That last comment did the trick as he retreated back to his friends and did his best not to look back over in their direction.

  “Thanks,” said Harper.

  “Of course. I really regret the ‘picture’ comment. How trite was that?”

  You could have done better. But it was a valiant effort.”

  I do my best.” She clinked her glass against Harper’s. “Cheers.”

  “Slainte.” Harper took a sip of her drink. “I don’t see Finn anywhere.”

  “I’m sure he’ll be here if he isn’t already.”

  Three drinks in, the girls migrated from the couch to the hallway only to be greeted by Seth.

  Ladies! Wow, you look gorgeous. Both of you.” He looked both of them up and down. “Harper, I didn’t think you’d be here.”

  “I invited her,” informed Kiley.

  “That’s cool. It’s good to see you.” He gave Harper a one-armed hug. “I know I should treat you like a she-devil for what you did to my best friend, but I’ll go easy on you.”


  “So I’m just gonna move past the informalities and go straight into the inappropriate. Kiley, you just made my pants a little tighter. And Harper, did you always dress this hot for Finn? Because damn! No wonder he was so depressed.”

  “Seth! That’s not cool.” Finn appeared from around the corner. “Can’t you ever be a gentleman?”

  “What? I thought chicks like honesty.”

  “We do,” replied Harper. “Just maybe in more subtle doses.” She could feel her stomach turning over repeatedly at the sight of Finn in front of her. He appeared surprisingly calm, his eyes lined with kindness instead of bitterness.

  “How have you been, Harper?” Finn greeted her with a hug.

  “I’m okay.”

  “Yeah? You look really good.”


  “Finn? Oh there you are, I thought I lost you.”

  Harper’s focus was pulled from Finn and fell on an older, slender brunette woman who pulled up to Finn’s side and took his hand.

  “Oh, sorry. Susan, this is Harper and this is her friend, Kiley.”

  Susan was slightly caught off guard but refused to show it. She extended her hand out with a timid uncertainty. She tried to ignore the fact that Finn had divulged to her a significant amount of information that Harper would probably not want anyone to know, especially her. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  Harper took her hand, trying to piece everything together. Was this Finn’s date? How old was she? Mid-thirties? Late thirties? “Nice to meet you, too.”

  “Finn, do you want to see if there’s any more food?” asked Susan, who couldn’t quite explain this tinge of jealousy she felt toward Harper.

  “Sure. We’ll talk later, guys.”

  As they walked away, Seth turned to the girls and answered the question that was on both their minds. “She’s forty-three.”

  “Wow. Seriously?” asked Kiley.

  “Yeah. She looks good, right? She has a kid, too.”

p; “She has a kid?” asked an appalled Harper.

  Seth nodded. “All right. Now that the awkwardness is out of the way, let me give you the tour. You saw the kitchen and living room with my fancy balcony. Down here we’ve got my roommate’s bedroom. Tonight it’s known as the ‘pot room’ if you guys are craving any…you know.”

  “I think we’re good,” assured Kiley. She leaned over and whispered to Harper, “You okay?”

  “I don’t know. I mean, who was that?”

  Seth continued the tour. “Bathroom’s here. And this is my room.”

  “Hey Seth, so what’s the deal with Finn? Is he dating that girl?” Kiley wasn’t a fan of beating around the bush.

  “I don’t know. I think there’s a little something going on, but how serious can it be, right?” He peered back out into the living room and spotted Finn and Susan. “Oh.”

  “What?” Harper turned around to see her ex-fiancé kissing another woman right in front of her. She didn’t know why she suddenly felt agitated and somewhat stupefied. She knew this day would eventually come and it had been over six months since they broke up, but it still felt like it was too soon.

  “I need another drink,” declared Harper.

  Kiley whizzed past her before she even finished the sentence. “I’m on it.”

  Seth stepped up to Harper and smirked. “So…what’s Kiley’s story?”

  He was met with a blank stare, then Harper turned and walked away.


  The fresh air felt good on her skin and the noise from the party guests were significantly drowned out once the sliding glass door leading to the balcony was closed. Harper rested her elbows on the cold brick and looked out into the darkness in front of her.

  The noise from the crowd grew louder, then faded out again as Kiley stepped out on to the balcony and closed the door. “There you are.” She handed Harper another drink.

  “I needed some air.”

  Kiley stood next to Harper and rested her drink on the ledge. “It’s a nice night.”

  “I shouldn’t have come tonight.”

  “Don’t say that.”

  “I really shouldn’t have. I don’t feel welcomed. Seth hates me.”

  “No he doesn’t.”

  “Finn hates me.”

  “Finn does not hate you,” argued Kiley. “He seemed fine.”

  Feeling a lump build up in her throat, Harper took a drink. “This is good.”

  “Made it myself.”

  Harper took some time to calm down and breathe in this moment. This was not a time for her to break down. At this moment, she was thriving on the heat Kiley was giving off next to her. Suddenly, she became very aware of her surroundings and aware of everything her body was feeling. Their arms were lightly touching and it was all Harper could feel. Was Kiley aware that their arms were touching? Was she intentionally keeping it there? Was that the only thing Kiley was thinking about at this moment, too? Did she feel the charge in the air, like Harper?

  Harper shook her thoughts away and brought herself back to the here and now. “I should go.”

  “Don’t go. Aren’t we having a good time? Despite the whole Finn thing?”

  “I don’t belong here. I’m beginning to think I don’t belong anywhere.”

  Kiley sighed and looked up at the sky above her. “Now you know that’s not true.” She then locked eyes with Harper, her thumb slowly caressing the top Harper’s hand.

  “What about me?”

  “What about you?”

  Kiley finished the rest of her drink and turned to fully face Harper. Harper couldn’t help but feel like something was about to happen. Something incredible. Her heart began beating out of her chest. She had to remind herself to breathe. She knew what was about to happen. She recognized that look in Kiley’s eyes. It was the same look Harper herself had every time Kiley was near her. A look of longing and uncertainty. A look of fear and passion. A look of confusion and desire. Kiley leaned in and brushed her lips softly against Harper’s lips, slightly hesitating to make sure Harper was okay with it. Harper graciously welcomed the kiss as their lips moved together in one fluid motion. She couldn’t feel her legs. She never thought a kiss could turn her legs to jelly, but it happened. Her once fervently beating heart had now grown silent and still. Harper was overwhelmed. The inexplicable sensation shooting through her body was almost too much for her. As she gently pulled away, she kept her eyes locked on Kiley. She couldn’t say a word. All she could do was stare.

  After what felt like an eternity of mind-numbing silence, Kiley broke away from their staring match and backed away. “Um…I’m gonna go get another drink.”

  Harper didn’t even have a chance to respond. Kiley was gone in a flash. After drinking the remainder of the alcohol in her glass, Harper gripped the ledge with her shaking hands and exhaled deeply.

  Finn and Susan were next in line to challenge each other in Guitar Hero. Initially, he was a little nervous about bringing Susan to a twenty-something laden convivial gathering, but after just a few moments, Susan easily fit in.

  “Do you even know how to play this?” asked Finn.

  “Who me? Oh no. I’m afraid I’m not familiar with these newfangled video gaming thingies,” retorted Susan.

  “Are you being facetious?”

  “I have an eight-year-old at home. What do you think? This is all he plays.”

  Finn placed his hand on the small of her back and leaned in. “We’ll just set it on ‘expert’ then.” He tightened his grip just barely enough for her to notice.

  “By the way,” she whispered. “I’m having a really great time.”

  “Good. I knew you would. So am I.”

  Amongst a sea of partiers, Finn was about to throw caution to the wind as he leaned down to kiss her. Before he could make contact, Susan’s cell phone went off.

  “Oh, sorry.” She fumbled for the phone and looked to see who would dare call her at such an inopportune time. “It’s my sitter. Sorry, I have to take this. Hello?…Uh huh… Oh, really?…Did you try giving him some Benadryl?…And nothing?…How bad is it?…Okay… No, that’s fine. I’m glad you called me. I’ll be there in twenty minutes.”

  She hung up the phone and gave Finn an apologetic look.

  “You have to go?”

  Susan nodded. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Don’t worry about it,” said Finn, trying to hide the disappointment in his voice.

  “I hate to make you leave right now.”

  “You should go straight home to your son. I can get a ride home from someone else. Or I can just crash here tonight. It won’t be a problem.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah. It’s a good thing you insisted on driving.”

  “What can I say? I’m a modern woman.”

  Finn walked Susan out to her car. “I hope everything’s okay with Andrew.”

  “I’m sure it’ll be fine. He gets allergies from time to time, but it usually turns out to be okay.” She opened her car door, lingering for a moment.

  Finn smiled. “I’m just gonna bypass the awkwardness and kiss you.”

  He tilted her chin up and kissed her gently. “Drive safe.”

  “You too…I mean…have a good night.” Susan was letting her giddiness get in the way of her sanity.

  “I’ll call you tomorrow,” said Finn.


  After a half hour of agonizing over what had just transpired between them, Harper went back inside. Consuming all that alcohol probably wasn’t the best idea seeing as how she was feeling nauseated and wanted to go home. Maybe at home, the room wouldn’t spin as much as it did here. She was Kiley’s ride, but wasn’t in any shape to drive home. She had lost track of Kiley since the kiss, but maybe she was in much better shape to drive. She stumbled through the living room passing by people doing shots of every kind: body shots, Jell-o shots, blow job shots. It was a scene directly taken from a college f
rat party. The music seemed to be on an endless loop of Rihanna and Katy Perry, which really made Harper question Seth’s taste in music. She turned the corner down the hall, but not before catching Finn’s eye as he walked back in the front door. She made her way down the hall, hoping to find Kiley. After failing to find her in the line for the bathroom, she clamored for the door leading to Seth’s room. She opened the door while simultaneously knocking, which probably wasn’t the smartest idea. Harper felt like she had been punched in the gut and had the wind knocked out of her when she found two people under the covers caught in the midst of a very private moment in the bed. After hearing the noticeable moaning, Harper froze in place.

  “Get the hell out!” yelled Seth.

  “Sorry,” was all Harper managed to choke out. Then a voice she would recognize even if she were deaf called out her name from the bed.

  “Harper?” Kiley called from underneath Seth.

  Instead of answering, Harper backed away growing even dizzier than she was before. She closed the door and in a daze found her way back to the living room. The party was slowly dying down, so there was room on the couch for her to sit and try to make her head stop spinning. All the while trying to drown out the image that was now permanently burned on her brain.

  Finn watched Harper’s every move from the moment she distraughtly sank into the couch. He realized something was definitely off. Carrying his beer, he sat down next to her. “Too much to drink?”

  Harper massaged her temples, her body shuddering as little hiccups escaped her. It had nothing to do with the alcohol, but everything to do with the tears that were now flowing freely down her cheeks.

  “Maybe,” she answered. “Where’s your date?”

  “She had a mini-emergency and had to leave early.”

  Harper wiped a few tears away, tasting the saltiness left in their wake. “She seems nice.”

  “She is. Very nice.” He could no longer pretend not to notice her crying. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m an idiot.”

  Harper left herself wide open for a barrage of comments Finn could have made. Though her tears were leading him once again to be the nice guy and take the high road.


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