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Tides of Mars (Omnibus Version)

Page 29

by Ben Winston

“On your guard detail, there are four other Guardsmen posing as Imperial Guard. Two of them are always close by whenever she is near you. They reported her aberrant behavior as soon as they noticed it. Regulan Command has withheld the order to terminate her; however, they suspended her Guard status. Officially, she is only your companion now, nothing more than a civilian bodyguard would be.”

  “She has done nothing to threaten me, nor has she shaken my faith in her in the slightest. If anything, I trust her more now than I did before. Jesus Christ! Cole think about this; what were the Regulan Guard created to protect?” Ariel asked.

  “They were created over a thousand years ago to ensure the survival of the Emperor, and the Empire,” Cole replied.

  “Okay, what very important task are we planning on undertaking in a very short time?” Ariel asked, prompting him further.

  “We are going to be starting a rebell ...” He paused as his processors thought that line of logic out to the end. “Only a Guard that had broken conditioning would be able to keep you safe in the coming war! How did Cr'ale know?”

  “I don't know, and it only just occurred to me as well, but we really need to stop Bri'tell before he does something he doesn't really want to do,” Ariel said.

  “I'm using your Imperial override to get a message to him. Unfortunately, the four guardsmen are in the room with them,” Cole replied. “He is waiting, but the Guardsmen all have their weapons pointed at mKail's head, he told them to wait, but we need to hurry.”

  As she ran through Marine country, she called out to the grunts to grab a weapon and follow her. When she stopped in front of the office door, there were six armed Marines, in various states of dress from nude to Bermuda shorts, behind her.

  “When I get this door open, arrest everyone but Bri'tell and mKail. Ready?” Ariel asked.

  “Yes Ma'am,” a nude woman beside her said.

  As Ariel entered her code into the touch pad, she muttered, “Love the uniform.”

  The Marine, trying not to grin in a serious moment, replied. “Thank you, Ma'am, I designed it myself.”

  When the door opened, the Marines surged ahead yelling “Don't move” and “Lower your weapons”.

  Once the weapons were secure, and the four Guards in binders, Ariel asked the rest of the Marines to give them a moment. When the nude Marine looked at her funny, Ariel nodded to her.

  “I know it's hard to believe, but these men haven't actually done anything wrong. However, I will be sending them back to Aldus Forward for other, classified reasons,” Ariel explained.

  The Marine nodded. “I was wondering why they were still here. We'll be right outside, Ma'am.”

  As Ariel watched the door close, she briefly wondered if security was really that bad, or if that trooper was actually that smart.

  When she turned around, the four guards were still at attention, but Bri'tell and mKail were just waiting. She addressed the Guards first.

  “Guards, I understand your actions here today, and I want you to know you have done nothing wrong. However, your actions are counter to a situation you have no knowledge of. I am going to reassign you back to Aldus Forward under the discretion of your command. I will make certain that they understand that this is not a disciplinary action. The Marines outside will escort you to the brig temporarily, until I can arrange transportation for you.”

  “Highness, if this is not a disciplinary action, why are we being held in the brig?” one of the men asked.

  “Because of the dictates of your duty, I'm afraid. I do not have the authority to overrule the broken conditioning order you have, so I must restrain you until you are no longer a threat to mKail. I do understand the reason for the order, and I even understand the special circumstances in this case. However, that is a risk I am willing to take. This woman, as she is now, is the perfect person to guard me,” Ariel asked. “Have a safe trip back, and thank you for your service.”

  Ariel opened the door and had the men taken to the brig with orders to treat them as 'dangerous friends.'

  When the door closed again, Ariel told her two friends to grab a chair. Then she explained what she and Cole had figured out on the way here.

  “That makes perfect sense! Damn, I feel like an idiot!” Bri'tell said shaking his head.

  “May I ask what makes you feel like an idiot, Master Chief?” Luke Janus asked from the door.

  Bri'tell stood and saluted. “Good Morning, Major!”

  “Master Chief, I'm not actually in the Marines anymore. You don't need to salute me.”

  “I understand that, Sir.” Bri'tell replied, holding the salute.

  Luke grinned and returned the salute so Bri'tell would relax again.

  Ariel quickly filled her father in on the most recent discoveries. “Makes sense to me. The more I hear about him, the more I think the Emperor is a very smart man; at least, for a politician. Your mother sent me to find you three. Breakfast is getting cold.”

  Chapter Three

  Moran-Parker Estate

  Near Henderson, NV. United States of America.

  North American Continent, Earth, (Sol III) Horon-A Sector

  0500hrs, local

  “Is this a typical morning here?” Karen Janus asked her now close friend, Alex.

  Alex shrugged. “It seems that whenever Ariel is here there's never a dull moment. However, when she's not here, the place feels ... I don't know, empty?”

  Karen nodded. “I've noticed something like that too, I think. I mean, I've always felt that Ariel was a special young woman, now she has much more of a ... presence. There's an aura about her that others can feel and respond too. I don't think she had that before.”

  Alex shook her head. “Oh, I think she had it, it just wasn't focused like it is now. She's the driving force behind everything happening in this system, and a few things beyond.”

  “Speaking of which, she better get her imperial ass back in here if she wants to get something to eat before that ship arrives,” Karen said a little nervously. “You're sure it's an alien ship?”

  “I still don't get why you're nervous about meeting the crew from that ship. You had no problem with the Marines and all of them are aliens,” Alex said, teasing her friend.

  Karen looked at her in a mock scowl. “You know damn good and well why I'm nervous, smart ass!”

  Their playful banter was interrupted by the return of Luke with Ariel, mKail, and Bri'tell.

  Karen and Alex both got up, and began fixing plates so they could join the late-comers.

  Once everyone was back at the table, conversation returned.

  “Any idea what the courier is bringing you Ariel?” Luke asked.

  “Not a clue, Dad. I did contract out with the Ophuchian to ferry diplomatic packets and messages to and from the Palace on Aldus Forward. Perhaps Cr’ale has something he needs either my opinion on, or signature on,” Ariel replied. “They could also simply be bringing me the mail.”

  “It could be a diplomatic mission from Ophuchia as well,” Cole added, via the speakers in the house. “The Empire has not used 'Paper' mail in over three thousand years. You have been getting what you would call mail, so far all of it would classify as spam. There is one; a marriage proposal from a very famous holovid actor that arrived last night, I was going to give it to you this morning, but honestly, I think that should be classified as spam too.”

  “I agree; I've never even heard of any holovid actors. I don't even watch Imperial holovids although I probably should, so I get a better feel for the culture of the Empire,” Ariel mused while she ate.

  “I believe the only reason the message was created and sent was for the benefit of the media. I'm certain it was fake. Shortly, he will appear all heartbroken and downcast since you 'rejected' him,” Cole replied.

  The conversation around the table was light and teasing, just like they were all one big family. Ariel could feel the stress falling away.

  Finally, since all good things must come to an end, Cole announced that
the ATC (Atmospheric Traffic Control) had issued a final clearance to the Ophuchian Spring Rain.

  Ariel looked at Bri’tell. “Go change, you and mKail will be my personal guard for this. I think you should move into the house so you can respond faster.”

  “Right away, Highness,” Bri’tell answered and was gone. Grinning, mKail just shook her head at Ariel as she ran for the stairs.

  “You're going to short-circuit that poor grunt, Ariel. You do know that he's in love with you, right?” Luke asked.

  Ariel nodded as she too rose from the table. “I know, Daddy. The room I want him to move into is mine. I never have gotten to ask any of you, do you mind my choice in a mate?”

  Luke looked at the two women sitting next to him to see what they thought before turning back to his daughter. “No honey, you've always known your own heart, and so far you've picked well.”

  Ariel smiled at her father. “You guys are perfect for each other.” Smiling mischievously, “Will I be getting any new brothers or sisters?”

  Karen, blushing brightly, replied. “Go change, Brat! Unless you want to meet that ship dressed like a common soldier?”

  Looking down at herself, Ariel realized her mother was right. “Damn! Excuse me!” With that she ran upstairs as fast as she could to change clothes.

  The Ophuchian didn't drop ramp until it was inside the hanger. This was for two reasons; the ATC ordered it, and the occupants of the ship would have been harmed by the bright Nevada sunlight.

  Ariel was surprised to see Hanya Frie descending the ramp from the ship. She would have thought the Duchess would have had more pressing business on Aldus Forward.

  Beside her, Bri'tell and her father came to attention. On her other side, mKail too, stiffened into attention as the VIP approached. Ariel noted that her mother looked very nervous even though Alex was holding her hand. “It's okay Mom. I know her, and she's really sweet. She's been here before,” Ariel whispered to her.

  Karen smiled at her daughter, and nodded, but still looked very nervous. Ariel turned back to the approaching Hanya.

  Hanya bowed when she got close enough. “Highness, it is wonderful to see you again!”

  “It is an honor to have you with us once again, Duchess. However, I must admit to some trepidation; if the news is so important that you had to deliver it ...” Ariel replied.

  Hanya played it down. “The Congress is in recess, and I really wanted the opportunity to get to know you better, so I volunteered to come.”

  “I would like that too. We have just risen from our morning table, however, if you or your crew would like breakfast, I'm sure the kitchen wouldn't mind ...” Ariel began, but Hanya interrupted her.

  “Thank you, Highness, we are fine.” Hanya leaned close. “We do need to speak in private as soon as possible, it's important.”

  Ariel gave a slight nod of understanding. “Where are my manners? Please let me introduce my trusted advisers, and parents. I believe you've already met Princess Alexis Moran-Janis-Parker. To her right is Karen Janis-Parker, and the Marine to her right is Major Luke Janis-Parker.”

  Hanya bowed to all three, before touching their hands in greeting. She paused only long enough to help Alex calm Karen, who now seemed to be more in awe than ready to vomit.

  Once finished, Ariel introduced Bri’tell as her mate, and mKail as her bodyguard. Since it was the first he'd ever heard of this, Bri’tell looked like he was going to faint. Luke tilted his head back and roared with laughter, while Ariel told Hanya that Bri’tell hadn't known anything about her choice.

  Luke slipped over to the floundering Master Chief, and whispered in his ear. “Relax, Master Chief, her mother does the same thing to me on a daily basis. The only advice I can offer, is learn to roll with it; however, if it's something you really don't want, put your foot down, and she'll respect that. Got it?”

  “Roll with the flow unless it's onto a pulse mine, Aye Sir!” Bri’tell replied, and nodding once, fell back on his training.

  The Master Chief saluted the Duchess, before offering his hand for the requisite touch.

  “Master Chief, you are a credit to your calling. ‘An Imperial Marine can respond to any situation with the precision of a professional soldier.’ I doubt I could have recovered from such a shock as quickly; even with assistance,” Hanya replied, glancing at Luke.

  “Aye Ma’am, thank you Ma’am,” Bri’tell replied. “I'm sure I could think of worse fates.”

  “You might want to reconsider that Master Chief, I haven't had a boyfriend in about two years,” Ariel said.

  Hanya chuckled and shook her head.

  “Let's take the tunnel back to the house. We can go to my den and we can catch up on the happenings on Aldus Forward,” Ariel suggested.

  Once everyone was in her den, Ariel locked the door. “Hanya, I trust everyone here with my life. They are some of my closest advisers. Admiral Hs'ean and Cole are also present here. Is this private enough?”

  Hanya nodded. “If Ariel says you have her trust that counts for a lot. However, on behalf of my Queen, and through her all of our people, I need each of you to swear that what I tell you will not leave this room.”

  After everyone had sworn that they would keep the secret, and Cole reported that it had been recorded, she began her tale.

  “I do apologize for the drama, my friends, but I do hope you will understand why when the explanation is over.

  “Hundreds of years ago, when my queen decided to agree to the armistice with the Empire, she did so with the agreement that none of our ships or technology be transferred to the Empire. She did not give a reason for it at the time, but she did it, because she didn't want outsiders to know the details of our existence.

  “You see, the body you see before you is nothing more than a biological vehicle created for the sole purpose of interaction with your people. We, the people of the cluster do not actually have bodies. We are purely metaphysical-energy beings. In our natural forms, we would appear to you as little more than half-formed apparitions or specters. This is how your mind interprets what it detects. You actually can't see us with the naked eye.

  “Our Beloved Queen is our social figurehead, but as a race, we can consider issues as a whole and make decisions. I believe you would call it a hive structure. We are individuals, but since we are all made up of the same energy, we can link to communicate, or make decisions, or even switch places with each other.”

  When she finished, she closed her eyes, and bowed her head. It only took a moment, and when she lifted her head again, before them was the Queen of the Ophuchi Cluster.

  Ariel bowed as protocol demanded she do, but no one else was fast enough to catch it. “Welcome to my home your Majesty.”

  “Thank you, Princess. But this is an informal visit, so I would have done with all the formal protocols, and you can just call me, Alustria,” the Queen said.

  Ariel smiled and nodded. “Then you must call me Ariel.” Ariel would have reintroduced everyone, but Alustria stopped her.

  “This is part of what Hanya was trying to tell you; you have already introduced them to me. Currently, everyone but Cr’ale believes Hanya to be on Aldus Forward, and I myself still in the Citadel. However, a situation has arisen that required we speak. So a ship was sent with one of our, uh, vessels in it.”

  “What situation? Is Grandfather okay?” Ariel asked concerned.

  Alustria smiled. “My Fiancé is doing wonderfully.”

  Ariel was shocked, and was staring at the Queen with her mouth open.

  Bri’tell leaned over to Luke and asked, “Is that what I looked like when she dropped that gaffer on me?”

  “Pretty much,” Luke replied grinning. “Though I think she's much cuter than you were.”

  Bri’tell nodded. “I agree, I don't do 'cute' well.”

  Ariel looked at the two men like she was about to order them executed. They just smiled in return.

  As she turned back to the grinning woman, she asked. “I'm kind of co
nfused I think. Could you explain all of this to us?”

  “Certainly, Ariel, but could I get a glass of juice or something? This body is a little dehydrated.”

  mKail got her the requested drink, getting a refill for Ariel and herself as well. Reseated, Alustria began.

  “A couple of weeks ago, everyone's favorite Baron was trying to get the congress worked into a frenzy over allowing those satellites in protectorates as well as in those households that requested them. He almost had them talked into repealing the decree of sovereignty when Cr'ale reminded them that not only had they created the decree, repealing it would affect them as well.

  “About that time, Hanya asked to be recognized and relayed our request for the very same satellites around the entire cluster. As we predicted, Altrov blew a gasket, and objected. In every treaty and agreement we have signed, there is a clause in them that prohibits the Alliance from changing them. Also all the agreements are with the Empire, not the Alliance.

  “Baron Altrov challenged those agreements, and managed to convince the rest of the majority the cluster wouldn't go to war over old, out-dated, agreements. I regret to inform you that currently a state of war exists between the cluster and the worlds of the Alliance that are not member-states of the Empire.

  “That's a mighty fine hair to be splitting, your Highness. What was Cr'ale's response to this?” Hs'ean asked.

  “So far, he has managed to keep the Empire, and the fleets, out of it. However, since we agreed to destroy our warships during the armistice, the Empire is duty and honor bound to protect us,” Alustria replied.

  “So does that mean that the fleet is fighting itself?” Hs’ean asked.

  “So far, no one is fighting anyone, but when the Baron began challenging those treaties and agreements, I made an appointment to see Cr’ale. I was going to demand that he finally do something about the idiots in the congress.

  “He surprised me when he took me in his arms and whispered that something was in the wind. We both knew that his socializing area was bugged, so he took me into his bedchamber, which is clean, and told me of your plan to destroy the Alliance.


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