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Tides of Mars (Omnibus Version)

Page 30

by Ben Winston

  “He did tell me you needed an event to trigger your 'rebellion'. Something the people could get behind. I suggested you should get upset about the extradition of the slaver crew to the Cluster,” Alustria finished.

  “Actually, I've already created a situation that I believe will create quite a stir. I was worried about your reaction to it, so I'm very glad for the opportunity to speak with you,” Ariel said. “You see, we captured one of the slavers medium freighters, intact. The reason we could was because we had help on the inside. The Captain and his wife, gave us their location and shield frequencies in exchange for asylum.

  “Additionally, he gave us the locations of all the rest of the big slaver ships on planet, including the one that was loading up ninety kilo-tons of marijuana for the black market. After speaking to him, I believe him to be a good man that simply got caught in a bad situation, and couldn't get out of it with his life.

  “I granted his request for asylum, and I will defend that decision. Honestly, I think he and his wife might be really good additions to our team. His knowledge has already proven to be invaluable,” Ariel finished.

  “How so?” Alustria asked, curious.

  “Did you know there was a slave market on LaPas as well as Reflan IV? He also gave us the information on the other big ships that were involved on the last raid. Most of them self-destructed as soon as it was obvious we knew exactly where they were. But we managed to capture three others and in turn caught all the raider ships that had been servicing them,” Ariel said. “This last raid will spell doom for a good portion of the slavers. One of the ships we captured had been on the South American continent, where Marijuana is grown.”

  Alustria nodded. “I can understand that. I agree with you, I would have pardoned him as well. Does that change your plans for the setup of the event that will begin the rebellion?”

  “Well, I didn't want to throw a fit over the extradition without talking to at least Hanya first. I don't, after all, want to actually break any agreements with you,” Ariel explained. “However, I thought I would simply ship all the slavers off to Aldus Forward for trial, and see where it goes from there. I do appreciate your suggestion; it gives me more options to know you understand the real situation.”

  Alustria smiled. “With your permission, I will instruct the Ophuchians serving in the fleet to follow your lead. They will act upset with their Queen taking a human as a mate. In this way, it will give all of us a secure, instantaneous method of communication.”

  “Guard detail rotation is next week, if they come up on the rotation, I can bring them down here,” Bri’tell suggested. “At least the few in the Marines.”

  “That could work, but really all we need is one here all the time. It should reduce suspicion in the fleet. As it is, there is bound to be some grumbling about Cr’ale taking Alustria as his wife.” Ariel spread her hands. “Technically, she would be in a position to challenge me for the throne if Grandpa ever passes.”

  “Technically, yes I would. However, I will be signing a prenuptial agreement that states neither I nor any offspring produced from this pairing will have any claim to any title or position, other than those bestowed on us, within the Empire of Stars,” Alustria said. “I have no wish to rule the Empire, but I do believe in it. I will do what I can to help cure it of the virus that is killing it. When all this is over, and the Alliance is no more, neither will the Ophuchian Cluster be a kingdom. It will be a district of the Empire, ruled by the House of Frie and the House of Grou. I will resign my crown, and my 'sister' will become the Duchess for our house.”

  “Do you and Cr’ale plan on having any children? I think it would be awesome for him to father children at his age,” Alex asked.

  “How old is he?” Karen asked. “He can't be all that old.”

  “Lady Karen, His Majesty is three hundred and twenty-nine of your years old. He was named Heir when he was twelve and assumed the throne on his seventeenth birthday, by your calander,” Cole replied. “He has been a great Emperor, and the people know he fights the Council on a daily basis for their rights and welfare. But they also know he's losing.”

  Alustria smiled sadly at Alex. “I regret that offspring will not be in the works, we are not genetically compatible. This will be a marriage of state, even though I do admire Cr’ale a great deal. This action will bring the Cluster and the Empire closer.”

  “If I may your Highness; if you all use the differing bodies as vehicles, how come we can tell you apart from Duchess Hanya?” Luke asked.

  “Although we have basically a hive mentality, as Hanya described, we still have a need for individuality. Each of us has an 'image of self' that is, or should be uniquely ours. We do have the ability to make the drone appear as anyone we wish, but such a ruse would not work on another Ophuchian. It has some rather stiff social penalties if one of us is caught doing it.”

  “Such as?” Luke asked.

  “Expulsion from the 'hive' for one. The individual in question has the link to the rest of us forever severed. In most cases the individual will chose to pass on. The profound silence eventually drives them insane. The few that do not kill themselves are sequestered in a special facility on a barren world.” Alustria replied. “It's the most horrible punishment we have. Since we do not pass on until we chose, it is literally hell for us.”

  Very softly, mKail spoke into the silence that followed Alustria’s description. “If Baron Altrov and the majority believe they have the upper hand, won't they either pardon, or dismiss the charges against the slavers to keep their own necks from stretching?”

  “Yeah, at least the ones they don't kill outright! That makes sense!” Hs'ean agreed. “I don't think we'll need to get upset over the extradition to the Cluster. The Council will pardon them long before it ever comes to that.”

  “That may very well be the way it happens, and if it is, then I can begin to speak out publicly against the corruption in the Council,” Ariel said. “We can't actually begin to act yet since we are still building our training and ship building facilities. But we can sure as hell set the stage for it.”

  Alustria smiled beautifully. “Don't worry about any of the agreements with the Cluster. We know what you're doing and support you fully. Remember, if you have need, you will always have a safe port in the cluster. We still have a few tricks no one knows about. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to be getting back. I think Hanya is looking forward to spending some time here.”

  Ariel smiled, “Of course, your Highness. Feel free to drop in on us any time.”

  Alustria’s smile was carried over to Hanya as she returned to this 'drone'.

  “So, Hanya, do I still only trust Cr’ale and Hs'ean?” Ariel asked grinning.

  Chapter Four

  Moran-Parker Estate

  Near Henderson, NV. United States of America.

  North American Continent, Earth, (Sol III) Horon-A Sector

  0900hrs, local

  Hanya chuckled at the reference to their first meeting. “My Lady, I'm sure you are quite capable of deciding for yourself who you can trust. It is my wish that I will be one of the few to be honored by your friendship.”

  Ariel smiled and hugged the taller woman. “You don't need to hope for something that is already yours, Hanya. You are more than welcome to 'swap' for a visit anytime you wish.”

  “Thank you, Ariel, I would love that. From what my cousin is feeling, I think her only regret is that she can't bring Cr'ale with her. Even though our species is incompatible biologically, she has cared for him for years. Ever since they were first introduced he has held a place in her heart. So from the stand point of my Queen, they are marrying for that reason, not just politics,” Hanya explained.

  “So then, if I understand correctly, and carry that to the logical conclusion, then your whole race feels the same way about him?” Karen asked, finally getting the nerve to speak.

  Hanya nodded. “Yes, although there are others we care deeply about too. Since we developed the usage o
f drones for species interaction, we have begun to drift apart more. We are becoming individuals. For example, we can and usually do, have thoughts and feelings exclusive of the rest. Although there has been no total disagreements yet, we are headed that way.

  “Our social scientists believe that it is our destiny to live apart while struggling to maintain our unity of thought. They tell us that in the far distant past, we were but a single being. We developed what humans would call multiple personalities. That is what began our social diaspora. Although it is a slow process.”

  Luke cocked his head to one side. “You said 'they tell us'. Don't you remember since they should be your memories too?”

  “I'm afraid that is more proof that the scientists are correct. Not all of us have the same memories as the rest of the race. Some of us can't remember being one individual; which is probably a blessing considering how lonely that must have been. There is also the fact that there are some of us that have a very difficult time leaving one of the drone bodies after they use it. Although I'm not one of them, at least not yet,” Hanya explained.

  “Okay folks, Hanya has got to be getting tired of answering all these questions. Just remember, the knowledge learned here today is a secret that we have been entrusted to keep,” Ariel said. “It feels like we have her locked in here and we're interrogating her.”

  Everyone laughed and the atmosphere in the room became more friendly and relaxed. Ariel took the opportunity to invite everyone to accompany her on a tour of the facilities being built in the system.

  While the rest were talking, she pulled Bri'tell aside. “I'm sorry for dropping those bombshells on you today. I never asked if you were even interested in me. I hope you can forgive me?”

  He smiled at the girl and leaned forward to kiss her. “I think you've made a horrible choice, since I'm basically a grumpy old Master Chief that's used to yelling at people.”

  “You yell at them because you don't want to see them killed for stupidity when the time comes,” Ariel replied. “Next to my father, you're the only man I know that I can trust and rely on completely. I fell in love with you when you were training me, and I'm pretty sure you felt it too.”

  He nodded. “I did. But I knew who you really were and so I fought it. I'm also a decade or so older than you. I’m surprised your father seems so accepting of us.”

  “He probably doesn't have a clue how old you really are, besides, it wouldn't matter to him anymore than it would matter to me,” Ariel replied giving him a pretty smile. “Speaking of the Major; since I promoted you to Prince, what do you think of him taking over my Marines? Do you think you could train him to do that?”

  “Prince or not, can I keep my old rank and duties? I know it may not sound like it, but I really like my position in the Corp. Yes, I think I can get him used to the Imperial Marines. He already knows the important stuff,” Bri'tell said. “When are you going to break it to him?”

  “Well, I thought I would offer it to him. Since he's going to be living longer, and very soon start feeling younger, I think he would want something familiar to do. Of course I'll have to do something for Uncle Grant as well, but that shouldn't be too hard,” Ariel said.

  Bri'tell nodded. “He's a good man, your father. He'll be invaluable to you and the Corp. Uh, what rank are you going to give him?”

  “Good, that's what I wanted to know. I was thinking Major at first, then slowly move him up to General as the force size grows.” When he nodded agreement, she continued. “I also know him well enough that he would refuse this because of his commitment to Uncle Grant. So, we need to take care of that situation first!” Ariel replied grinning. “Feel like a side trip?”

  He raised an eyebrow, but was returning her smile. “To where?” mKail just grinned.

  Ariel winked at Bri’tell, stepped away, and pulled Alex aside to talk to her about her father's employer.

  After listening to Ariel, Alex looked thoughtful. “I'd have to call the business team, but I think you can pretty much do what you need to there.”

  “Could you call them please? I would like to have everything set up and have Uncle Grant able to say yes when we ask him to join us. I want to surprise Daddy with his new uniform when we go on the tour. I'll have to have everything with Uncle Grant taken care of, or at least lined up to be taken care of, so both Daddy and Uncle Grant can say yes if it's something they want to do,” Ariel said.

  “What are you going to do if he doesn't want to do it?” Alex asked, nervously. “He could say no.”

  Ariel looked thoughtful for a moment. “You've only recently met him, so you wouldn't notice the change in him since he's gotten here. He's walking prouder, and with more of a purpose. Just ask Mom what he was like before; ask her what he was like when he first came home from the Marines. Besides, every Marine here defers to him, and will follow his orders as if he were already wearing the uniform. All I'm going to do is make it official.”

  “So you're going to make him the commander of your personal guard then?” Alex asked.

  “No, I would like him to be the one that helps me plan and execute the military strikes that we will be making against the slavers,” Ariel said to her. “I can trust him to tell me when I'm asking the impossible. I can also trust him to stop me from going too far.”

  “But will he be in the fight with the troops? Will he be at risk too?” Karen asked, overhearing the conversation.

  “That will depend entirely on his command style. Mom, I won't lie to you, he'll be going into harm's way; but I'll be either right beside him, or ahead of him,” Ariel assured her.

  Karen gave her a frustrated look. “That doesn't exactly make me feel any better, Ariel. I got nervous as hell when you'd jumped in Cole and ran off to fight the slavers. I think I'd go insane if I lost you!”

  Ariel took Karen’s hand. “I can't promise that nothing will happen to either one of us. But I do promise that the job we will be doing is vitally important, and that we are needed. I think it's safe to say we will do everything in our power to stay alive and free.”

  Karen nodded her understanding. As Karen and Ariel hugged, Alex excused herself to go make some phone calls, and Ariel and Karen returned to Ariel’s guest.

  Moran-Parker Estate / Grand Junction International Airport.

  Near Henderson, NV. / Grand Junction, CO. United States of America.

  North American Continent, Earth, (Sol III) Horon-A Sector

  1100hrs, local

  Just before lunch, Alex told Ariel that Grant Meyers said they could come by anytime, and was looking forward to seeing her again.

  She asked if anyone would like to accompany her on a short trip, and everyone said they would. So they took the tunnel back to the hanger and climbed aboard Cole.

  Once they discovered their destination, Luke and Karen were a little nervous about being seen. Ariel tried to reassure them, but they were still nervous.

  Given his size, he disguised himself as a large private jet that had flown from Las Vegas McCarran International, and the local computers reflected that. Of course, once Cole left, all information about the flight would mysteriously disappear from the computers.

  The plan had been for them to meet 'Uncle' Grant at his office then go out for lunch, at least, that's what they told him. Once they landed though, Luke asked him to take a long lunch, and meet them at the airport.

  Grant was curious but knew Luke well enough to know whatever reasons he had for the change had to be important ones. So, he told his assistant that he'd be taking a long lunch, and left for the meeting.

  Grant was a floored when he heard Ariel outline what she had in mind for him. Actually, he hadn't believed her until Luke introduced him to Hanya, and he got a good look at her. “Well, I'll be. It's a true pleasure to meet you Ambassador.”

  “Please call me Hanya, Mr. Meyers. While I still represent my Queen, I'm currently off-duty if you will,” Hanya replied.

  “Certainly Hanya, but please call me Grant. Mr. Meyers passed a
way a few years back.”

  “So, Grant,” Luke began. “Ariel will need cargo pilots, and a transfer company here on the planet. Does that sound like something we might be interested in?”

  Grant nodded, but before he could reply, Ariel spoke up. “Uncle Grant, could you also spare Daddy? I'm really gonna need his help with another matter.”

  Luke looked like he was going to ask her what it was, but Alex nudged him, and shook her head.

  Grant still looked a little shell-shocked, but he did answer her. “If we do this for you, I'm going to need him more than ever. Logistics is going to be a major issue. Besides, I once told Luke that where he goes, I go. I have six drivers that feel the same way. We were all in his old unit.”

  “If I may, I think I might know someone that would appreciate this sort of challenge,” Bri'tell suggested. “She's a logistical wonder, but has been disheartened with the politics she has to deal with in the Corps. Would you like me to contact her, and see if she might be interested?”

  Ariel looked the question at Uncle Grant, and he nodded. “Yes please. If she takes the job, and is that good, then maybe I can hand the company off to my daughter and her. Gillian has been slow taking over from me anyway, so if we give her a competent logistics person, she could hit the ground running.”

  “But what would Aunt Helen say about moving? Possibly off-world?” Ariel asked.

  “Off-world? Where might that be?” Grant asked.

  Using her link, Ariel asked Cole to display a holographic image of the Divine Light. “This is the Divine Light. ICV twenty-four. She's an Imperial Command super-dreadnaught. She's the flagship for my fleet, and home to my chief of naval operations.”

  Grants eyes widened. “Where is she?”

  Ariel nodded. “She’s close by, hiding from the telescopes of Earth along with what remains of her fleet. The Admiral had to split it up so they could complete their patrol of the Indig Sector.”

  Luke spoke next, pointing to Bri'tell. “This is my future son-in-law, Master Chief Bri'tell of the Imperial Marine Corps. I think the three of us need to sit down with the rest of the Marines back at Ariel's, and fill you in on everything that's happening here. The final decision is yours, but I would recommend putting the company on hold for a week, getting Helen and the kids, and coming with us for a tour of system installations. Like I said, the decision is yours, but we could sure use your help Captain.”


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