Sol river: Jews seek to escape to, 1
Sol (Soly): deportation of Jews from, 1
Solgau: liberated Jews enter, 1
Solomon, Yeshieh: killed by Poles (1944), 1
Sompolno: sewing machines of Jews deported from 1
Sonderkommando (‘Special Commando’): set up from among Jewish deportees, at Belzec, 1, 2, 3, 4; at Sobibor (where it was known as the ‘Corpse Commando’), 5, 6; at Auschwitz-Birkenau, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24; at Treblinka, 25, 26, 27; revolt of, at Birkenau (1944), 28; fate of the remant of, at Birkenau, 29; at Chelmno, 7170; discovery of the hidden manuscripts of, 30, 31 n. 32; ‘I will tell the world’, 33
Soneson, Icchak: survives, 1; his mother and brother killed after liberation, 2
Soneson, Moshe: an eye-witness to mass murder, 1
Sonia (in Vilna): an eye-witness to mass murder at Ponary (1941), 1
Sonnenshein, Moshe: ‘There is no God’, 1
Sonneberg: Jews near, learn of Hitler’s death, 1
Sonnonfeld, Dr Kurt: commits suicide (1938), 1
Sorbonne, the: murder of former students of, 1, 2
Sosnkowski, Aleksander: killed, with his family, for hiding Jews (1944), 1
Sosnowiec: a public execution in (1941), 1; Jews resettled in, 2; and Moses Merin, 3; Jews from, gassed at Auschwitz (1942), 4, 5; a Jewess from, deported to Auschwitz from Paris, 6 n. 7; a Jew hanged in, 8; renewed deportation to Auschwitz from, 9; fate of the Jewish Council chairman in, 10; labour camps at, 11; Jews deported to Auschwitz from, 12; a Jew from, in the revolt at Auschwitz, 13; anti-Jewish riots in, after liberation, 14
Sousse: homes plundered in, 1
South Africa: 1, 2, 3
South America: Jews emigrate to, 1; and a deception, 2, 3
South Russia: killings in (1942), 1
Soviet prisoners-of-war (in German captivity): 1, 2, 3, 4; killed in poison gas experiments (1941), 5; murdered near Minsk (1941), 6, 7 n. 8; perish near Dvinsk (1942), 9; their corpses uncovered near Vilna (1943), 10; an act of resistance by, at Birkenau, 11; their corpses uncovered near Chelm, 12; saved, 13; and the revolt at Auschwitz-Birkenau, 14; corpses of, found by United States forces, 15; murdered at Mauthausen, 16; the death toll of, 17
Soviet Union: German invasion of (June 1941), 1; non-aggression pact of, with Nazi Germany (August 1939), 2; Jews fled for refuge to (1940), 3; still neutral (May 1941), 4; invaded by Germany (June 1941), 5, 6; Jews of, return to the mass-murder sites of the war years, 7
Spain: 1; Jews reach safety of (1940), 2, 3; Luxembourg Jews seek safety in (1940), 4; possible fate of Jews in, 5; citizens of, interned (1940), 6; saves Jews (1943), 7; French Jews smuggled to (1943), 8; former Republican soldiers from, murdered at Mauthausen, 9
Spatz, Peter: dies in Dachau (1940), 1
Spatz, Sussel: deported to her death (1942), 1
‘Special Commando 1005’: see index entry for ‘Blobel Commando’
Speigel, Elsa: deported from Vienna to Minsk (1942), 1
Speigel, Jona Jakob: deported from Vienna, but survives, 1; his visit to Jerusalem, and his search, 2
Speiser, Salomon: recalls fate of Jews in Gliniany (1941), 1, 2
Sperber, Henryk: saved, with his family, 1
Speyer, Professor Jakob Edmund: dies (1941), 1
Spiegel, Ernest: a twin at Birkenau, 1; helps to save the other twins, 2; leads the twins after liberation, 3
Spiegel, Magda: a twin at Birkenau, 1
Spitz, Nic: killed (1944), 1
Spivack family: eight members murdered (1942), 1
Spivack, Yankel: killed in action, 1 n. 2
Springer, Isi: killed (1944), 1
Srebnik, Shimon: an eye-witness at Chelmno (1944), 1; and the last day at Chelmno (1945), 2
Stalin: Jews made to praise (1939), 1; replaces Molotov (1941), 2; ‘God, not so fast’, 3
Stalingrad: threatened (1942), 1; saved (1943), 2; relief of, celebrated in the sewers of Lvov, 3; a Jewish soldier killed in action at, 4 n. 5
Standarowicz, Mordecai: executed (1943), 1
Stangl, Franz: recalls Belzec, 1
Stanislawow: mass murder at (1941), 1, 2; Jews deported to Belzec from (1942), 3
Stankewicz: murder of Jews at, 1
Star of David: a Jewish symbol, and the Swastika, 1; and the Berlin boycott (1933), 2, 3; not to be worn in Warsaw (1939), 4; and the Jewish Police (in Warsaw), 5; not to be worn in Belgium (1940), 6; on the roof, at Belzec death camp (1942), 7; Italians allow Jews not to wear (in occupied France), 8; Eichmann’s assurance concerning (in Hungary), 9; an incident concerning (in Rhodes), 10
Stara Gradiska: Jews murdered at, 1
Stari Becej: Jews and Serbs murdered at (1942), 1
Starodub: Jews shot at (1941), 1
Starosielce: a deportation train passes, 1
Stary Ciepielow: Poles killed on suspicion of helping Jews, 1
Statistics: dull the mind, 1
Stawiski: Jews shot near (1941), 1
Steier (from Izbica): at Chelmno, 1; killed (1942), 2
Stein, Simon: killed, with his mother (1943), 1
Stein, Z.: killed with his patients (1942), 1
Sterdyner, Josef: escapes, and testifies (1962), 1
Sternberg, Judith: arrives in Auschwitz-Birkenau, 1
Sternberg, Dr Moritz: commits suicide (1938), 1
Stettin: Jews deported from (1939), 1; a further deportation from (1940), 2
Steuer (‘a high-ranking Nazi’): in Jaworow, 1
‘Stock Exchange of Hell’, the: diamonds and potatoes at, 1
Stock, SS Quartermaster-Sergeant: and the Palmnicken massacre (1945), 1
Stojka, Stanislaw: killed for hiding Jews (1943), 1
Stoliar, David: survives, 1, 2 n. 3
Stolpce: the ‘action’ at (1942), 1
Stormtroops: see index entry for S.A.
Strasbourg: Jewish ‘exhibits’ in, 1; a Jew from, murdered in Oradour, 2
Straus, Simon: his courage, and his death (1934), 1
Strauss, Dr Alfred: murdered (1933), 1
Strebel (an Ethnic German): on a farm at Treblinka, 1
Streicher, Julius: 1; orders Jews to eat grass (1933), 2; his bodyguard, 3; his newspaper campaign against Jews, 4; his ‘signal victory’ (1935), 5
Strogin, Mira: helps resistance, 1
Stroop, SS Brigadier-General Jurgen: and the Warsaw ghetto revolt, 1, 2, 3, 4
Struma: death of refugees on (1942), 1
Sturm, Franz: shot (1940), 1
Sturmer, Der: 1, 2, 3; and ‘the extermination of the Jews’ (March 1943), 4
Stuttgart: Jews deported to Riga from (1941), 1
Stutthof Concentration Camp: established (1940), 1; deportations to (1944), 2, 3, 4, 5; a Jew deported to, sent on to Dachau (1944), 6; Jews evacuated to, 7; and a deception, 8; and liberation during an evacuation from (1945), 9; death of some of the remaining prisoners in, 10; escape of evacuees from, 11; Jews from, at Buchenwald, 12; final evacuation from (25 April 1945), 13; an inmate of, liberated near Dachau, 14
Succoth, Festival of: Jews deported during (1939), 1; mass murder during (1941), 2
Sucharczuk, Jacob: commits suicide (1941), 1
Sudetenland: 1, 2
Sudowicz, Israel: plans revolt, 1
Sugihara, Sempo: helps Jews (1940), 1, 2
Suhr, SS Lieutenant-Colonel Friedrich: 1
Suicide: 1; of Stefan Lux (1936), 2; alleged, 3; in Vienna (1938), 4, 5; in Worms (1938), 6; on boat from Finland (1938), 7; in Nuremberg (1938), 8; in Slovakia (1938), 9; in Paris (1940), 10; in Spain (1940), 11; in Warsaw (1940), 12; in Lodz (1941), 13; in Miedzyrzec (1941), 14; in Rowne (1941), 15; in Germany (1941), 16; at Chelmno (1942), 17, 18; in Britain (1942), 19; in Berlin (on 3 April 1942), 20; to die at one’s chosen moment, 21; a ruling against, 22; at Szczebrzeszyn, 23; in Lodz, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28; during the deportations from Warsaw (1942), 29, 30; at Wlodzimierz Wolynski, 31; attempted, at Les Milles, 32; of Jews bei
ng turned back from Switzerland to France (1942), 33; in Siemiatycze, 34; in Warsaw (1943), 35, 36 n. 5; in Bialystok (1943), 37; in a deportation train, 38, 39, 40; at Birkenau, 41, 42, 43; during the Warsaw uprising, 44; at Poniatowa, 45; in the sewers of Lvov, 46; in Vilna, 47; after an escape from Kovno, 48; after capture, 49; in Kovno, 50; at Dachau, 51; by Hitler, in Berlin, 52; by a survivor, after liberation, 53
Sulejow: Jews killed in (1939), 1
Suprasl: Jews flee from, 1
Suresnes: executions at, 1
Sutzkever, Avraham: recalls events in the Vilna ghetto, 1, 2
Suwalki: and a deception, 1
Svirsky, Lea (Leila): recalls death of her sister (1944), 1; recalls the moment of liberation (1944), 2
Swabia: a courageous act in (1938), 1
Swastika: becomes the Nazi symbol (1921), 1; cut into a Jew’s chest (1933), 2; burnt in Chicago (1938), 3
Sweden: Jews reach safety of (1940), 1; possible fate of Jews in, 2; Norwegian Jews find refuge in (1942), 3; Danish Jews escape to (1943), 4; Hungarian Jews protected by (1944), 5; Danish Jews at Theresienstadt released by a negotiator from (1945), 6; Jewish women to be sent to, 7, 8
Sweden, King of: his protest, 1
Swieciany: escape from (1941), 1; a further escape from (1943), 2; massacre of Jews from (1943), 3; grave of a Jew from, 4
Swierzen Nowy: mass murder at (1941), 1, 2 n. 3
Swietojerska Street (Warsaw): an incident on, 1; poison gas on, 2
Swietoplawski, Gershon: dies (1942), 1
Swiss Red Cross: an official of, tries to help Jews, 1
Switala, Stanislaw: shelters Jews, 1
Switzerland: assassination of a Nazi in (1936), 1; Jews find refuge in, 2, 3, 4; Jews from Luxembourg seek safety in, 5; possible fate of Jews in, 6; restrictions on entry of refugees imposed by (1942), 7, 8; news of mass murder of Jews reaches, 9; fate of a non-Jew who helped Jews escape to, 10; and a German deception, 11, 12; Italian Jews escape to, 13; Berlin Jews sent to, 14; French Jews smuggled to, 15, 16; a few Hungarian Jews allowed to leave for, 17; news of murder of Hungarian Jews at Auschwitz reaches, 18; and the protection of Jews in Budapest, 19, 20; death of a Jewish girl who helped smuggle children to, 21
Symcha (a partisan): and the death of a Jew in hiding (1943), 1
Synagogues: desecrated (1931), 1; used to humiliate Jews (1938), 2; burned down (1938), 3; Mein Kampf read in (1938), 4; and the Kristallnacht (1938), 5; Jews killed in (1939), 6; indignities against Jews in (1939), 7; set on fire (1939), 8; desecrated (1941), 9; Jews locked in (1941), 10; plundered (1941), 11; set on fire (1941), 12; Jews assaulted in (1941), 13; six hundred Jews burnt to death in (1941), 14; Jews held in, on way to a death camp (1942), 15, 16; a revolt planned in, 17; Jews held in, before being sent to their deaths (1942), 18; and an assurance (1944), 19
Syria: 1
Szajman, Herszek: executed (1939), 1, 2 n. 3
Szajman, Lejbus: executed (1939), 1, 2 n. 3
Szalet, Leon: recalls torments at Birkenau, 1; recalls the Day of Atonement at Birkenau, 2
Szapira, Dana: recalls the time of deportation, and after, 1
Szarkowszczyzna: escape of Jews from (1942), 1
Szarmans, the: in hiding, 1
Szczebrzeyszyn: Jews taken to labour camps from (1940), 1; ‘a happy day’ at (1940), 2; news of the mass murder of Jews known at (1942), 3; a dying child at, 4; an act of courage at, 5; deportations from (1942), 6, 7, 8; and the fate of a Pole who sheltered Jews (1943), 9
Szebnie camp: mass murder at, 1; a deportation from, 2
Szebulski, Lieutenant Jan: commands a fighting unit (August 1944), 1
Szenes, Hanna: ‘someone was coming’, 1; executed (1944), 2
Szerynski, Jozef: shot, but survives, 1; his successor shot, and killed, 2; his own suicide (1943), 3 n. 5
Szklar, Yerechmiel: supports resistance, 1; killed, 2
Szmulemicz family (of Lodz): their fate, 1
Szmulewicz, Abram: dies (1941), 1
Sznajder, Iccok: attacked by Polish thugs, after liberation, 1
Sznajder, Mejer: disappears, after liberation, 1
Sznajderman, Tamar: brings ‘new hope’, 1; killed (1943), 2
Szombathely: experiments on twin sisters from (1944), 1
Szosznik (a Hebrew teacher): his act of defiance, 1
Szpiro, Rabbi Klonimus-Kelmisz: his prayer, 1
Szrensk: fate of Jews from (1942), 1
Sztajnberg, Alter: killed (1941), 1
Sztokhammer, Rabbi Szymszon: his prayer, 1
Szubilski, Hans Eduard: deported to Auschwitz from Finland, and later shot, 1
Szulman, Rabbi Jakub: learns of the mass murder of Jews at Chelmno (1942), 1
Szumacher, Fania: murdered, after liberation, 1
Szumsk: a police chief attacked in, 1
Szweryn, Edward: shot (1939), 1
Szydlowiec: a mass execution at, 1
Szykier, Dr L.: witnesses a hospital ‘action’, 1
Szyldkraut, Irena: rescued, and killed (1944), 1
Tabakman, Meir: gassed (1944), 1
Tabakman, Raizl: deported, 1
Tabau, Jerzy: at Birkenau, 1
Taglicht, Dr: humiliated (1938), 1
Talmon, Hadassa: recalls the Warsaw ghetto revolt, 1
Tandowski, Abram: executed (1943), 1
Tarlo, Gitele: murdered (1941), 1
Tarnobrzeg: Jews driven from (1939), 1
Tarnopol: a writer killed on his way to (1941), 1
Tarnow: deportation to Auschwitz from (1940), 1; deportation to Belzec from (1942), 2; final deportations from, and resistance (1943), 3
Tartakovskaya, Sara: ‘I was standing weeping’ (1944), 1; ‘Jewish blood is taking revenge’ at Babi Yar (1961), 2
Tartkakower, Jochanan: killed in action (1944), 1 n. 2
Tasmajdan camp: Jews brought to (1941), 1
Tatarsk: Jews resist at (1941), 1
Tatra mountains: survivors in, 1
Tcherekas, Pavilas: witness to a massacre (1944), 1
Teitelbaum, Naftali: murdered, after liberation, 1
Tel Aviv: and the Warsaw ghetto, 1
Tenenbaum, Joseph: witnesses anti-Jewish ‘guffaws’ after liberation, 1
Tenenbaum, Judah: killed during an act of resistance (1942), 1
Tenenbaum, Mordecai: and the development of resistance in Bialystok, 1; his girl friend killed (1943), 2; and the Bialystok ghetto revolt, 3
Teofipol: mass murder of Jews at (1942), 1
Teumann, Gisela: recalls a death march, 1
Thadden, von: and ‘anti-Jewish feelings’, 1
Thälmann, Ernst: 1
The Times: quoted (1919), 1; (1933), 2; (1935), 3; reports on deportations from France (1942), 4, 5
Theresienstadt: ghetto established at (24 November 1941), 1; Jews deported to Riga from (1942), 2, 3; Jews from, deported to Belzec (1942), 4, 5, 6; deported to Sobibor (1942), 7, 8; deported to Treblinka (1942), 9; name of, used in a deception, 10; Jews from, forced to bury the dead of Lidice, 11; further deportations from (1942), 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21; postcards from, 22; death of Herzl’s daughter at (1943), 23; children from Bialystok sent to, 24; some Danish Jews deported to, 25; children from Bialystok sent to Auschwitz from, 26; and a scheme to avert deportation from, 27; and the fate of the ‘Czech Family Camp’ from, at Birkenau, 28; and the fate of the Elder of the Ghetto (at Auschwitz), 29; fate of Jews from, at Maly Trostenets (1944), 30; and a deception, 31; and another ‘selection’ of Jews from, at Auschwitz, 32; fate of survivors from, near Vienna (1945), 33; Jews evacuated to, 34; Eichmann visits, 35; the last deportation to, 36; negotiated release of Danish Jews from, 37; a death march to, 38; SS men flee from, 39; a Jew liberated from, tries to return to his home town, 40; a young Jew liberated from, searches for memories, 41; a survivor of, and ‘the lot of the Jews’, 42
Thielbeck: fate of Jews on (1945), 1
Thilo, Heinz: and the ‘anus of the world’, 1
Thomanek (camp comma
ndant): and the final ‘action’ at Czortkow, 1
Thrace: deportation from, 1, 2
Thumann, SS Lieutenant Anton: at Majdanek, 1
Tiefstack: fate of Jewish women at (1945), 1
Timisoara: Jews attacked (1936), 1
Timkowicze: a Jewess escapes from, with her son, 1
Titel: murder of Jews at (1942), 1
Tlomackie street synagogue, Warsaw: (on 1 September 1939), 1
Tlumacz: Jews deported to Belzec from (1941), 1
Toebbens, Walter: evacuates his employees, 1; fails to protect his employees, 2
Tokele (a four-year-old orphan): murdered after liberation (1945), 1
Tokyo: 1, 2 n. 2
Tomaszow Mazowiecki: underground links with, 1; Jews deported to Treblinka from, 2
Topaz, Pinkus: shot (1940), 1
Topczewo: a Jew betrayed in, 1
Topocostok, Shmuel: shot (1939), 1
Topolcany: fate of the Jews of (1944), 1
Topolya: Jews deported from (1944), 1
Torgau: Allied forces meet at (1945), 1
Torun: Jewish women murdered at (1945), 1
Toszka (at Auschwitz): helps a revolt, 1; arrested, 2; hanged (1944), 3
Toulouse: a Jew shot in (1943), 1; Jewish resistance in region of, 2
Toulouse, Archbishop of: his protest, 1
Transnistria: deportation to death camps from (1942), 1; the survivors in, to be saved (1943), 2
Transylvania: annexed by Hungary, 1; punishment of a boy from, at Auschwitz, 2
Trawniki: labour camp at, 1, 2, 3, 4; Emanuel Ringelblum smuggled out of, 5; the ‘Harvest Festival’ massacre at, 6; a history of, prepared in hiding, 7
Trczinski (a Pole): gives a grenade to a Jew, 1
Trebacz, Maurycy: dies (1941), 1
Treblinka: 1; a labour camp at, 2; a death camp being prepared at (1942), 3, 4, 5, 6; and ‘Operation Reinhard’, 7; the Jews of Warsaw deported to, and gassed (1942), 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14; Jews from Radom deported to, 15; an act of defiance at, 16, 17; continuing mass murder at (1942), 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31; plans for trains to, 32; deception at, 33, 34; escape from trains on way to, 35; death toll in, 36; an escapee from, caught, 37; renewed deportation from Warsaw to (January 1943), 38; the ‘passive heroism’ of a Jew deported to, 39; a deportation train goes past, 40; deportations to, from Thrace and Macedonia (1943), 41, 42; destruction of corpses at, 43; ‘too popular’, 44; an escapee from, killed in the Warsaw uprising, 45; Jews deported to, during and after the Warsaw uprising (April 1943), 46, 47; preparations for revolt at, 48; revolt at, 49; news of revolt at, known in Bialystok, 50; the final deportations to (August 1943), 51; a deportation train passes, 52; a poet’s sons, murdered at, 53; Soviet forces reach site of (1944), 54; Jews murdered near, after liberation (1945), 55
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