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A Billionaire Finessed My Heart 3

Page 6

by K. Renee

  “She is holding up baby, I will be heading back tonight,” My mother replied. I wanted to have a dinner and invite my mom over, it was time that she met Juelz and talk to Zelan. I believe she just didn’t know how the guys would treat her, but she was going to have to let that shit go and sit down with them.

  “Ok, call me when you get in tonight mom,” I stated.

  “It will be late baby, so I will call you and Ari tomorrow,” she said and ended the call. I got up and went to check on Kari she has been asking for her daddy, and we all thought it was best that we said nothing around her.

  “Hey munchkin, what you doing?” I asked Kari.

  “Nothing, just playing with my dolls, Ci Ci do you know when daddy is coming home? I miss him, and I want to see him,” Kari whined.

  “Soon sweetheart,” I said, as a sharp pain shot straight through me. “Urrrrrrrghhhhhhhhhh!” I screamed.

  “Ci Ci, what’s wrong?” Kari ran up rubbing my back, I was almost eight months pregnant it wasn’t time for the babies to come yet.

  “Ahhhhhhhhhhh,” I screamed again tears rolling down my face. Another pain had shot through me, just as Ari came running in the room with Grams on her tail.

  “Ohhhhhhh Ari, I need help!” I yelled, and Kari was back at my side with a face full of tears as well. “Oh god, Ciera we have to get you to the hospital you are in labor,” Ari yelled.

  “No, no, noooo I’m not having these babies without Julez, and it’s too early Shiiiiiiitttttttt!” I screamed out, the pain was getting more intense and coming quick.

  “Girl, you can’t tell these children when to come. They gone come with or without your permission, you acting slow as hell again Ciera!” Grams said. Ari ran out the room, and I was in so much pain. I just cried because I know that Juelz wouldn’t make it to witness his babies being born, the card’s we were dealt was just fucked up.

  “Ciera, we are going to the hospital, can you stand up?” Ari asked as she came in the room with Kile, one of our guards.

  “Hey Ciera, Can I lift you and carry you to the car?” Jason asked, and I just nodded my head the pain was just too much for me to handle. “Ari grab something to keep Kari occupied I yelled out as we were leaving the room. Jason had put me in the truck, and the rest of the family got in and we headed to the hospital. It took us about fifteen minutes to get the hospital, and Ari ran in to get someone to help me. A nurse came out with a wheelchair and took me in to labor and delivery.

  “Ma’am we are going to get you in a room, and get you hooked up to the monitors. We want to check on the babies, and to see how far your contractions are apart.

  “Ok,” I spoke, the contractions seemed to be coming quick and I couldn’t do anything but cry. Ari, Grams, and Kari was in the room with me.

  “I tried to call Zelan, but his phone went to voicemail,” Ari stated.

  “Let’s find out what’s going on before we call back,” Grams told us.

  “Ci Ci, are we having our babies?” Kari asked still looking a little sad.

  “We may be having them soon, we just have to wait and see what the doctor says baby,” I responded.

  “Ok,” Kari said and leaned on Grams.

  “Ms. Voss how you holding up?” the doctor asked walking in the room.

  “I’m in pain,” I told her.

  “Well, we are going to check you to see how far you have dilated. Why don’t you lean back, and let us check you out,” She stated, as I let out another gut-wrenching howl. The doctor waited until the contraction was gone, and she proceeded to check me.

  “I’m a little nervous, I’m only seven and a half months pregnant,” I spoke.

  “Sometimes when having twins, the babies may not go the full nine months, we will check them out to make sure they are ok to be born prematurely. You are in good hands, and your doctor has been called and is on the way,” Dr. Shannon stated.

  Alright,” I said, and I felt a little better knowing that my doctor was on her way.

  “Ok, Ms. Voss, we are going to go ahead, and call to get anesthesia down to get you an epidural started. You are four centimeters dilated you need to be at ten, it will be up to the babies for us to know how long it will take before it’s time to push. The epidural will help with the pain, so I will get them here as soon as possible. I will be back to check you again in about an hour,” Dr. Shannon said, and walked out.

  “Awwww hell, we getting ready to have us some babies,” Grams yelled.

  “I’m scared Grams, and I need Juelz here. This shit is not fair to us, we both deserve to be happy during this time, and this Kenya bitch is still giving us hell from the dirt,” I yelled, I had to calm down because Kari was in the room, but lord knows my heart was fucking broken, I pray they find Juelz and get him here to his children come in the world. I’m truly praying that my children can be born and will be alright. I hope Zelan can get him, out and make it back in time to see our babies be born. I really don’t want to have them without Juelz being here.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I was sitting here racking my brain on who the lady was with Javier. She looks so familiar, I’m not sure where I know her from, but I have seen her somewhere.

  “Sir, here is something for you to drink and eat. I did as you asked and called your brother earlier today, he said to tell you he is on his way,” The housekeeper said.

  “Thank you, I appreciate what you have done. If he said he is coming I believe him, you may want to get out of here. If I know my brother, he is coming with gunplay and I would hate to see you get caught up,” I told her.

  “I’m leaving I just wanted to make sure you had something, and tell you what your brother said,” She replied.

  “What is your name?” I asked.

  “Melani,” she responded. Can you tell me who the women with Javier is?” I asked.

  “I know she arrived a couple of days ago, and she is from the states. She left an hour ago, Sir I must go now before they get suspicious,” Melani spoke.

  “Ok, thanks for your help, what time is it?” I asked.

  “It is a little after midnight,” Melani said, and walked away. Knowing Zelan, he has contacted our grandfather and bringing some of our men with him. I hope he comes soon, I need to get out of here and make sure Ciera is alright. I’m sure all of this scared her to death, and she is worried about me. When we handle all of our loose ends I’m going to take my family on a much-needed vacation.

  I need to get back to my businesses, I have people running them, but I need to be involved. It’s just too much shit happening all at the same damn time. I’m not worried about Javier, if it’s my time to die then it’s just my time, but he won’t get my fuckin daughter. It has been a few hours, and I was sitting up on this hard as floor. They had me chained to this pole, and I was down here alone. I had plenty of time to think about my life, and all that I have achieved to make the best life for my daughter.

  Now Ciera, has come into my life and really made me open up. I want to give her the world, she is my queen and I love her. A booming sound jolted me from my thoughts, there was gunfire and a lot of it. I can only believe that my brother was saying hello to everyone in the house. It had to be Zelan, and I was ready to see my brother. I heard someone open the door and run down the stairs. It was one of the guard’s that work for Javier, just as he lifted his gun to shoot me. A series of shots rang out, and his body hit the floor.

  “What’s up my G?” Meek said, as he came over to try and get me out of the chains. He went to check the dead guard’s pockets and found a key, to unlock the chains.

  “Bruh, I’m so glad to see you, how did you know I was down here?” I asked.

  “Shit, I didn’t I saw this big goofy running down here, so I followed. I’m glad I did, because he was trying to end your ass,” Meek responded.

  “Where is Zelan?” I asked.

  “My nigga, he is up there fighting a war, these niggas ain’t playing. You look fucked up, how bad did they do you?”
Meek stated.

  “I’m good bruh, give me a gun so we can go up,” I stated, and just as we were about to head up footsteps were coming our way, and Meek was already passing me a gun. Zelan and some of our crew was behind him, damn this nigga went and got our street crew. I’m so happy he did that, we had some real niggas on our team.

  “Yooo my dude, I’m happy as fuck to see you man!” Zelan yelled, walking up on me giving me a brotherly hug.

  “The feeling is mutual bruh, let’s get the fuck from down here,” I spoke. We left the basement, and it was dead bodies everywhere I mean down to the damn butler, he had a gun still in his hand. We saw movement under a table, and Zelan kicked it over. Just as he raised his gun, I stopped him it was Melani, the gunfire must have been going on while she was down in the basement with me. “This the girl, that called you. She is good, we need to let her go,” I told him, and she nodded and ran off. I looked back at the butler, and kicked the gun far away from his ass and let off a couple of shots in his chest.

  “What the hell you do that for, his ass is dead,” Zelan laughed, and sent another shot to his chest.

  “Well, I guess he really dead now,” Meek said, laughing and shaking his head at Zelan.

  “Come on we have a present for you,” Zelan spoke. We walked to another part of the house and walked into a room where they were holding Javier.

  “Juelz, I’m so happy to see you son, you had to know we were coming for you. I’m glad to see you are safe,” my Grandfather stated.

  “I’m fine, thank you for your help,” I told him.

  “You will never get away with killing me, they will find you and kill you,” Javier said to me. I lifted my gun and shot this mutherfuckers until the clip was empty.

  “Well damn, you mad or nawl?” Zelan’s stupid ass asked.

  “Is Ciera alright Zelan?” I asked looking over at him.

  “Yeah man, she passed out after the incident, but she is fine,” Zelan responded.

  “You said she passed out, let’s go, I need to get home to my family,” I turned and walked out. I needed to get home to Ci.

  “You have clothes on the plane you can shower, eat, and get some rest. I know you are exhausted from all of this shit, let’s roll bruh,” Zelan stated.

  “Santiago, thank you we appreciate everything you have done for us,” I told him.

  “No worries, you two are my grandsons and I will never let anything happen to you. Once everything settles down I will come back to the states, so we can spend some time together,” Our grandfather responded. I nodded and turned to leave, there was no reason we needed to stay in this house any longer.

  “Zelan, did anyone grab the recordings?” I asked.

  “Yeah, we got everything up in here that we need,” Zelan yelled out as we were leaving the house. It took us about thirty minutes to get to my plane, and I was so fucking happy to be on it. We were now taking off, and once it was clear for me to move I was going to my bedroom to rest.

  “Dammmmmnnnn, why I got all these fucking calls from Ari, and Ma Lai,” Zelan yelled. He dialed the number and put the call on speaker.

  “Zelan, where are you baby, thank god you are safe. Did you get Juelz, y’all need to come home right now!” Ari yelled through the phone, sounding frantic.

  “Ari, what’s wrong baby, you need to calm down,” Zelan said with a concerned expression, and I had that same look on my face.

  “Zelan, we are at the hospital the babies are coming. Ciera is in labor, where is Juelz maybe if she talks to him she will calm down,” Ari yelled.

  “Ari, I’m right here please put her on the phone, it’s too early for her to have the babies!” I screamed nervously, praying that my children and woman would be alright.

  “Juelz, I know but this shit is happening bruh, and I’m glad you are safe,” Ari said, I heard her talking to Ciera.

  “Hello,” Ci’s raspy voice came on the line. Hey beautiful, how you going to have our children without me?” I said to Ciera, trying to cheer her up.

  “Juelzzz, oh baby I’m so glad you are alright. I don’t know what I would have done without you?” Ciera cried out.

  “Ciera, I promised you that It was always going to be about you, so I would never leave you out here alone beautiful. What are they saying, how much time do I have?” I asked her.

  “I’m not sure just get here Juelz, I will see you soon I’m five centimeters right now. Ari will keep you posted, they gave me an epidural, so they believe that may have slowed my labor down,” Ciera whispered.

  “I love you beautiful. and I will be there soon,” I said to Ci, and gave Zelan the phone back. I can’t believe my girl is in labor, my damn babies need to hold the hell up and let daddy get there.

  Chapter Twenty


  I’m so damn nervous, about my sister having her babies. I’m so glad everyone is safe and on the way home.

  “Friend, are you alright, how is Ci?” Toya asked as she came running in the waiting room.

  “I’m fine boo, you got here fast as hell,” I told her.

  “Girl, I was knocked the hell out, but I got my ass up for my best bitches,” Toya said. I haven’t told anyone I was pregnant not even Toya. I wanted to share this with Zelan, before I shared it with anyone else. I hope they hurry the hell up and get here we were all relieved to know that Juelz was safe. Grams, Ms. Simone, and Kari were in the room with Ciera. We were at Cedar Sani, and Ms. Simone asked them to move Ciera to a private suite that would accommodate the family.

  She said, she knew Juelz was not going to have Ci, in that small ass room. I was glad she did that for Ci, because Grams needed rest, and so did Kari. They were comfortable, and I was so happy about that. The doctor said Ci’s contractions slowed down, I’m glad they gave her that medicine because she was able to get some rest. Seeing all this shit unfold, had me nervous as hell about being pregnant. I hope when it was my time, my babies did me right.

  “Toy, how are things going at home?” I asked Toya.

  “Ari, he hasn’t been home in a couple of days. I’m not worried I’m used to the shit, he can do whatever he want to do. When I got with him, you know I was crazy about Shad’s ass, but he been moving different for years,” Toya spoke.

  “But Toya, you allow this nigga to move different, shit if he want out, give him what the fuck he wants. You don’t deserve that shit, and you know it Toya,” I told her.

  “I know friend, but I still love him, sometimes I think I be fooling myself thinking he gone change. Then there is Meek, I don’t want to go there with him, and he has a damn truck full of women. I don’t want to deal with the same shit, I’m dealing with now” Toya said with a sigh.

  “Girl, I don’t think Meek is that way at all. But if he does have women by the boat load, he can because he is single Toy. But if he had a real one on his side, I don’t think he will do her wrong,” I said.

  “We will see,” Toya spoke.

  “Let’s go see what’s going on with Ciera,” I said, and we got up to head back to Ciera’s room. Everybody was sleep, but Grams and she was on her phone texting back and forth.

  “Grams has she dilated anymore?” I asked.

  “Yeah, she’s six centimeters, we got four more to go. Hey Toya, how you doing baby?” Grams said.

  “Hey Grams, I’m good,” Toya replied.

  “That’s good baby, Ari have you heard from the guys anymore?” Grams asked.

  “No ma’am not yet, hopefully they will be here soon. I’m glad her contractions slowed down. I hope they make it,” I responded, and as soon as I said that the nurse walked in the room.

  “Ms. Voss I just came to check you out, to see where we are. You have been having some very close contractions,” the nurse said to Ciera. She checked Ciera, and said she was Eight Centimeters and that she was going to go call the doctor. Because it would be much longer, before Ciera begins to push. It has been a couple of hours since I talked to Zelan and I just pray they make it, because Ciera is going
to have these babies real soon.

  Chapter Twenty- One


  Juelz was even more pissed than he was when we got on this plane. All I want for my brother is for him to live a happy life, with his family. We have been going through so much shit these past few months, and it just seems that the hits keep coming. But Let me tell you one thing we gone always come out on top.

  “Bruh, we gone get there don’t worry. Ci not gone have those babies without you, we got another hour on this plane and we good,” I said to Juelz.

  “I’m just nervous, all this shit that’s going on is the reason she is in early labor and I’m so pissed about it. I need to get to her bro, I can’t miss the birth of my children,” Juelz stated, with a concerned look.

  “We getting there you want miss their birth bro,” I responded. The pilot was aware of what was going on and assured us that he would do everything he could to get us back to New York, as soon as he could. With all this shit going on, I need to see my girl and love on her. Ari was my baby and could get whatever she wanted out of me. I joke around with her a lot, but my baby got me gone. The love I have floating around for her ass will get a nigga killed fucking with that one.

  “Yo, what’s up with you and Toya my G? Y’all been spending some time together, and you been showing your ass with her. So, what’s up?” I asked Meek.

  “Man, lil mama is just on some other shit. She need to figure out what she want to do before fucking with me. You know I’m not with no bullshit, and she got a man that she say she love but he do her ass dirty. I’m not going to go into detail, because I don’t want to put her business in the streets. But you know me, I will kill this nigga if he come at me over his girl. I got to many women in my damn lineup to be worried about a chick that has a man,” Meek said with his face all balled up. He can say what he wants to say, but I know his ass is feeling Toya big time.


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