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A Billionaire Finessed My Heart 3

Page 7

by K. Renee

  I hear you man but be easy on her she is Ari’s best friend, and you know she is going to stick with her friend. If you don’t won’t any parts of it, just leave her alone,” I told Meek, and he nodded and continued texting on his phone. About thirty minutes later we were landing, and I was happy as hell to be back.

  “Please tell me we have a car waiting for us?” Juelz asked.

  “Yeah, I called ahead to make sure we got you to the hospital quick,” I said, as we headed off the plane.

  We were in the truck, and the driver wasted no time getting us to the hospital. Juelz wasted no time jumping out of the car, and I was right behind him.

  Meek decided to head home to get some rest and wanted me to call with an update. Ari had already sent us the information on what floor they were on. We skipped right by the check in desk. Fuck that we were in a hurry. As soon as the elevator door opened we took off running and pushed the door to the room open.

  “Oh, thank you god, I’m so happy to see my boys,” our mother stated.

  “Beautiful, I’m here tell me what’s going on?” Juelz said to Ciera.

  “Juelz, I’m so glad you made it here baby, I love you. I was so scared that you were hurt, and I would never see you again,” Ciera cried out.

  “Shhhhhh don’t cry beautiful, I’m here and we are all safe,” Juelz whispered to Ci. We all walked out of the room to give them some privacy.

  “Babe, you don’t know how glad I am to see you,” Ari said kissing my lips.

  “Shit I needed to see you, I love you lil lady,” I told Ari, bringing her end for a hug.

  “Son, I’m glad y’all made it because I was ready to come fuck some shit up in Cuba. How y’all fine ass Granddaddy doing, I’m telling you now I’m popping it for a real nigga when I see his ass,” Ma Lai said, dropping it low and shit. Somebody need to get this damn lady, because her ass is crazy.

  Chapter Twenty- Two


  The doctor’s told me that the babies were around five pounds in weight, and that they felt a little better about them being delivered early. They did have a team for premature deliveries awaiting their arrival. I was so fucking nervous, but so relieved that Juelz was here and wouldn’t miss their birth. I felt a little discomfort bit for the most part, there was no real pain. Thank god for epidurals, because I don’t know if I could ever have a baby natural. That fucking pain is no joke, and I was ready to pull my damn hair out my head.

  “Juelz, I feel a lot of pressure and it so uncomfortable,” I told him.

  “Ok babe let me get someone in here to make sure you are alright,” Juelz stated, and left the room. I asked him about his face, and he said he didn’t want to talk about anything bad that has happened. He wanted us to concentrate on the good that was taking place right now.

  “Ms. Voss, I’m Doctor Davis, how are you feeling hunny?” the doctor said coming in the room.

  “I’m glad to see you that’s for sure, but I feel a lot of pressure. When is Dr. Stevens coming in?” I asked her.

  “She is here and will be in shortly, let’s check you out to see where we are,” Dr. Davis responded.

  “Ok,” I said.

  “Alright, Ciera, you feel that pressure because your babies are in position to be born. You are ten centimeters, and it is time to push sweetheart. I will be right back,” Dr. Davis spoke, and ran out of the room.

  “You ready beautiful? Pretty soon you are going to give me, the most precious gift I will ever receive,” Juelz said, kissing me on the lips. I just smiled at him, I was just so nervous and praying that my children were born with no complications. Ms. Simone, Ari, and Grams came in the room. Juelz told Ari to tell Zelan to come stand by the door so that he could hear the babies being born. I understand why he wouldn’t come in the room, and I appreciate him for that. The doctors and nurses entered the room, and it was time for me to push.

  “Ok, Ciera I need you to slide down a little for me, I’m going to move my hand around and check baby A’s position. The head is crowning, and we will watch the monitor when you are having a contraction you will push alright? Dr. Stevens said, I was glad to see her. I could feel the contractions, but it was nothing like before, and I began to push as the doctors coached me along.

  “Good Job baby, I love you,” Juelz said as he continuously Kissed my forehead, and rubbed my hair.

  “Ok, Ciera, let’s go push!” Dr, Stevens yelled, and I pushed and continued to push for ten minutes or so before I pushed my first baby out.

  “You did good baby, I’m proud of you beautiful,” Juelz said.

  “Great job Ciera, your daughter is beautiful. Dad would you like to cut the cord?” Dr. Stevens asked Juelz, and he cut the cord. The special team took her to check her out, and they continued to work on me. Hearing my daughters cries, had me and Juelz in tears. I’m glad Toya had Kari in the waiting room she would have been horrified.

  “Ok, Ciera, it’s time to do it again, and then you can rest sweetheart,” Dr. Stevens said, because I was indeed tired. I pushed one time and my baby boy was born, a few minutes after my daughter. Both babies were screaming their little hearts out. Juelz was over with the babies, watching everything the doctors were doing while they finished up with me.

  “Ohhhhh, Ci, they are so damn beautiful. Congratulations, they are small but so darn cute,” Ari screamed, as tears flowed down her face.

  “Baby, I’m so proud of you! Those babies are adorable, that son of yours is going to be fine like his daddy. Girl, you did that shit, having fine babies is a blessing,” Grams said laughing.

  “Ms. Voss, I’m Dr. Michaels, I’m the babies pediatrician. I’m going to let you spend a few moments with them. The nurse will bring them to the nursery, so that I can run a few tests just to make sure they are ok. Once we get a clear sign that they are alright, they can come back to see you. Your daughter is 5 pounds and 19 inches long, and your son is 5.6 pounds and 21inches long. A little underweight but enough to be healthy babies,” Dr. Michaels said, and I nodded.

  Juelz, and Zelan were now looking at the babies as the nurse picked one of them up and handed it over to Julez. Then she picked the other baby up and walked over to hand to me. When she placed my son in my arms, and he opened his eyes, I was in-love. He had the prettiest Gray eyes I have ever seen, and he looked just like his father.

  “Would you like to meet your daughter beautiful?” Juelz asked smiling down at me. I nodded because I was just so full of joy, and the tears were falling. When Julez placed my daughter in my arms, I was astonished this baby was so beautiful, and she had eyes like her father. but the most astonishing part was she looked like a mini version of Kari. I looked at Juelz, and he was staring at me so intense, the stare was something I have never seen before.

  “Baby, are you alright?” I asked.

  “I’m fine beautiful, you just made me the happiest man in the world. Nothing in my life compares to this feeling you have given me, and I just want to thank you for not giving up on me. I know it was hard, and I love you more than you could ever imagine beautiful,” Juelz stated, and I was in a ball of tears.

  “I love you to baby, Juelz doesn’t she look just like Kari?” I asked him.

  “Yeah, she looks exactly like Kari, that is what me and Zelan was discussing a few minutes ago,” he said.

  “Ci, congratulations baby girl, you gave me a beautiful Niece and Nephew to spoil,” Zelan said with a big smile.

  “Thanks bro, please don’t spoil them too much,” I told him.

  “Beautiful, that’s like talking to a brick wall. You see what he does with Kari. I wouldn’t be surprised if the babies didn’t already have cell phones waiting on them,” Juelz stated, and everyone burst out laughing.

  “All I know is, it is amazing how one child was born with Ciera’s eye color, and One was born with Juelz eye color,” Grams said, and Simone agreed.

  “That my lady is called a beautiful mix of love,” Juelz said and kissed his daughter.

  “The babies
are hereeee Ci Ci,” Kari yelled running into the room with Toya behind her.

  “Yes munchkin, the babies are here,” I responded laughing, at how excited Kari was.

  “Daddy, can I see them?” Kari asked her dad. Juelz placed Kari on the bed, so she could see her brother, and sister. The babies both stared at her as she started speaking.

  “Hello, my name is Kari and I’m your big sister. I will tell you what to do, and you have to do it, ok? Kari said, and she got no response and had the cutest little scrunched up face.

  “Baby, they can’t talk yet, all they will be able to do is look at you and smile if they feel like smiling,” Juelz explained to Kari.

  “Ok, daddy but they need to hurry up and talk,” Kari yelled, as she leaned over and kissed her brother and sister.

  “These little boogers need some names. Have you both decided what you will name them,” Ms. Simone asked.

  “Yes, actually we did come up with names,” Juelz responded, looking over at me as he nodded and smiled.

  “Our daughter’s name is Ms. Laila Simone Kassom, and our son name is, Juelz Tristen Kassom Jr.,” I said. Grams, and Ms. Simone were in tears.

  “Y’all named her after us? Ohhhh, she gone be a bad woman when she grows up Simone!” Grams yelled out, and they gave each a high five. All we could do was laugh, because they were so serious.

  “Thank you both for giving this beautiful girl my name, I truly am touched,” Ms. Simone said.

  “Beautiful name choices guys,” Ari stated.

  “Ci, you and Julez did really good. They are so beautiful, and will be spoiled as ever,” Toya stated. The door to my room came opened, and Meek walked in with flowers and gifts for the babies.

  “Congrats to the both of you,” Meek said looking down at the now sleeping babies.

  “Thank you bruh, we appreciate that,” Juelz responded, and I smiled up at Meek. The nurse came in to get Laila, and LJ to get all the testing done and I was going to get some rest with my man. All that he has been through I know he was exhausted. Everyone stayed for a few more minutes and decided to go back to Zelan’s house for some rest. They promised to come back later today.

  Chapter Twenty- Three


  I was sitting here holding my son and prayed over his life. I wanted nothing but the best for my children and prayed to god that they didn’t have to deal with the evils of this world. Laila and LJ checked out to be very healthy babies, and they were going to be released with their mother today. I was a little concerned that they let us go so quickly, but my mother said that if the birthing process was normal with no complications they would let you go home. I was still a little unsure, and so was Ciera about going home and the babies being born early. I with the doctor, and he arranged for a nurse to come and do in home visits daily for a couple of weeks until we were comfortable. It was a cost, but I didn’t really give a shit about that, just as long as Ciera was at ease about her children being cared for. Ciera is getting comfortable with the idea of being a mother, and I was so proud of her.

  “Beautiful, you ready to go home and get in your own bed?”

  “Hell yes, this bed sucks,” Ci said laughing as she breast fed Laila, before we left. LJ had already gotten his feeding and was asleep. We decided to call him LJ instead of little Juelz, I told Ci I would get tired of saying that shit. So, we decided on LJ and Ciera thought it was so adorbs as she would say. I felt good that the Javier, Kenya, and Xavier shit was behind us and we could now move on with our life.

  I had connections with the authorities, and so did my grandfather his reach was so much longer than mine when it comes to the authorities, so I was good. He called this morning saying he was coming to NY, so he could meet his great grandchildren, and to celebrate Zelan’s birthday with us. Today was my brothers birthday, and we all planned to celebrate later at our home. Only because Ci, wasn’t able to go anywhere and she wanted to be a part of it.

  This is the first time that either of us would see the new home, now that it was all finished. Even the babies nursery is complete. I decided to have the nannies that take care of Kari, take care of the twins Ci said she didn’t want anyone new to come in. She trusted the ladies we already have, and I agreed.

  “Ms. Voss, you are all set to leave, here is your discharge paperwork, and the nurse that is assigned to you for home visits will come out later today. You two enjoy those beautiful babies, someone will be up to assist you both downstairs,” the nurse said, and left the room.

  Everyone was dressed, and ready to go I sent Jeff a text to pull up front to wait for us. The nurse came in with a wheel chair, I had both babies in the double stroller along with the bags and we were on our way out. Once we got everyone situated in the car, we were in route to our new home, my mother and Ma Lai was already there getting things setup for our arrival.

  I felt like my life was complete for once, I haven’t felt like this in years and I was happy to just sit back and breathe a little. About forty-five minutes later we were pulling up to our gates, I got out and scanned my eyes just as the gates up my guards were at the booth and we drove up the driveway to our home.

  “Juelz, this is so beautiful I swear I just can’t believe it’s our home. It was beautiful when I first saw it but now, this place is beyond gorgeous,” Ciera said.

  “Yeah, they did a great job getting it together for us. I can’t wait to see the inside of the place,” I told Ci. They had the landscape of the property on point, so many flowers, and the waterfall set everything off just right. When we got out the car, Ma Lai was standing at the door ready for us to come in.

  “Ciera, when you get some rest, I need you to show me your secrets because obviously I didn’t do something right! Damn this house is bad as hell granddaughter,” Ma Lai yelled, and I smiled because my beautiful lady did everything right, I was just a dumb ass. “Grams, what are you talking about, I didn’t do anything but fall in-love with my children’s father,” Ciera said, and I stopped to look at her. We going to have to change the status of this relationship, and quick. I didn’t want her to be just my baby momma, the mother of my kids or whatever.

  I wanted her to be my wife, and Kari’s mother. When we stepped in the house I couldn’t believe how this place looked. It was set in neutral warm colors of cream, brown, and gold. There was a big foyer with a huge crystal chandelier hanging, black art adorned the cathedral ceilings.

  As we moved further into the house a long square shaped Chandelier graced the ceiling of the hall that led to the library, family room, laundry facility, Ciera’s office, and my office. The house had eight bedrooms, and five bathrooms, two movie theaters, gym, game room, an indoor and outdoor swimming pools. I can’t wait until Ciera sees the surprise I have for her downstairs.

  “Juelz, this place is amazing I can’t thank you enough,” Ci said smiling hard as hell.

  “Beautiful, I will give anything to see that smile daily, no thanks needed. I should be thanking you over, and over again,” I told her.

  “Son, this house is gorgeous and huge, your brother already calls the old house a museum what has he decided to call this one?” My mother asked.

  “Mom, I don’t know, and I don’t think I want to know. Ci, come go with me I have a surprise for you,” I told her laughing, when we made it to the basement and Ciera saw her surprise because she couldn’t miss it.

  “Juelz, you didn’t!” Ciera yelled, and hugged me tight. I had a cheesecake factory display setup, and it would be setup for her daily. Whatever cheesecake you saw in the restaurant was also in this display. Ciera, lovvvvved the cheesecake factory, so now anytime that she wanted a slice all she had to do is come downstairs.

  “I’m glad you love it,” I told her.

  “I do, and I will be back down real soon, let’s get the babies squared away upstairs,” Ciera said, and we took the elevator to the second floor to get the babies. When we got to the nursery, we couldn’t believe how beautiful the room turned out. Half of the room was pink prin
cess themed, and the other half was blue with a prince theme going on. Everything that a baby needed was in this room.

  “Juelz, everything about this room is just breathtaking,” Ciera stated, and I couldn’t agree more. The decorators outdid themselves with this entire house. We had so much to see but we were extremely exhausted and planned to rest until later. My mother, an Ma Lai were planning to stay with us for a while, to help out with the babies. My mom has decided to take some time off from work, until things settled down.

  I need to talk to her and let her know she could go back to work when she is ready to do so. I wish she would just retire, and have some fun maybe meet a nice man, she deserves happiness. Zelan, wouldn’t agree with that statement, but his ass is happy and in- love. Once we got Laila, and LJ situated we went to our bedroom and this room was definitely made for a King and a Queen. Ciera, had a walk-in closet that you could fit three king size bed’s in. Her closet had a button on the wall that rotated her clothes, all of her clothing was color coordinated. It looked as if you were in a boutique, I did have the buyer add more clothing, shoes, and bags in here. She had a bathroom, chairs, television, surround sound, and a wine refrigerator all in her closet. Hell, she didn’t have to come out if she didn’t want to.

  “I’m not going to even scream but I damn sure want to, this is it right here baby. I love this closet, and the clothes oh my god! Thank you, so much Juelz,” Ciera stated

  “I told you to stop thanking me, everything you have you deserve, and this place is absolutely beautiful just like you my lady,” I told her.

  “So, what time is Ari and Zelan coming over?” Ci asked.

  “Around seven I believe, we are just going to have dinner. Zelan, said he just wanted to chill this year and be around family, so that is what we are doing,” I responded.

  “Ok, that is fine with me since I can’t go nowhere,” Ci stated. I was at peace; my lady was at peace and I was pleased with that.


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