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Ladies of Deception 02 - Misleading Lord Martineau

Page 18

by Ginny Hartman

  “Stop laughing, it’s not funny.”

  “No,” she agreed, “It isn’t but it’s a part of life I’ll have to deal with forever.”

  Elliot grasped her upper arm and began leading her out of the ballroom, desperate to get away from the prying eyes of the ton. He was honestly surprised that Felicity seemed to follow with little resistance; he had been ready to toss her over his shoulder and carry her from the room if it had been necessary. Luckily for the both of them, it hadn’t been.

  Chapter 25

  Elliot assisted Felicity into his carriage and watched as she stumbled clumsily onto the seat, laughing all the while. He looked at her curiously with one eyebrow raised, “Did you consume a little too much champagne tonight?”

  “None,” she answered.

  He hoisted himself up into the carriage and sat across from her. “Then what’s so funny?”

  “This situation…you.” She quickly sobered and continued, “I find it maddeningly infuriating that you came here tonight to attempt to warn me away from Lord Wadsworth. You’re the most arrogant man alive to think that you have any right to dictate what I can or can’t do. You’re a selfish, pathetic, galling…”

  Elliot cut her off, “Though I’m hesitant to interrupt your glowing assessment of my character, love, I must insist that you stop. I know that I deserve every abominable thing you have to say, but I had really hoped that we could have a civil conversation.”

  “I thought you had decided that we were done having conversations, that there was nothing left between us.”

  “I was wrong,” he stated directly. “I have spent nearly a month being consumed with guilt at all the pain my actions have caused everyone, especially you. I honestly thought you’d be better off without me. I wasn’t sure if you could ever forgive me.”

  “I already forgave you, Elliot,” she scoffed. “Haven’t I already said as much?”

  “You said it but I couldn’t believe it. And you’re right, I am selfish—the reason I’m here tonight is because after you came to my house to tell me to stay out of Edith’s life I nearly lost it—I can’t imagine a life without the both of you, at least not a pleasant one. I’m here because I’m madly in love with you and always will be. I’m here because I’m sorry and I want to beg you to forgive me.” He inched his face closer to hers with every reason he gave her, “I’m here because I’ve realized that I’m nothing without you. I’m here because I don’t want anyone else to have you and I know that makes me completely selfish but that’s the truth. And lastly, I’m here because I want to convince you to become my wife.”

  Felicity held her breath, not sure if she dared breathe and interrupt his impassioned speech. When it became clear that he was waiting for her to respond she simply asked, “Really?”

  “Yes, I’m serious about every single thing I said, especially the part about being selfish.” His face was so close to hers at this point that the all consuming desire he had to lean forward and kiss her soft lips almost overtook him.

  She took a minute to let his words sink in before saying in a shaky voice, “You hurt me so badly, Elliot. I love you so much and to have you just push me away like that was heartbreaking.”

  Elliot pulled away from her just long enough to move over and sit on the seat next to her, reaching over and pulling her into his chest. “It broke my heart as well. But the thought of you being anyone else’s wife was more than just heartbreaking it was devastating, and the thought of somebody else being a father to Edith was completely unacceptable. I realized tonight that you were serious about going ahead with your plan to find a husband and that if I didn’t stop being so bullheaded I was going to lose you forever.”

  “I would be miserable with Lord Wadsworth,” Felicity admitted.

  Elliot grinned, “I know you would and you may very well be miserable with me, a pathetic excuse for a man, but one thing I can promise you is that I’ll always, always love you and I’ll always try to make you happy. I’m only a man and know that I don’t deserve you but I need you Felicity, I need you more than I need air. I don’t want to live in a world where you aren’t by my side; I want us to be a family.”

  “You can’t change your mind again Elliot,” she said, trying hard to think clearly while in his arms. “You can’t decide tomorrow that you’ve suddenly had a change of heart and don’t want me anymore.”

  Elliot shook his head violently, “I never stopped wanting you and I never will. I just had a momentarily lapse in sanity is all.”

  “But Elliot, don’t think that you can dictate how this relationship will be—I’m not going to be subject to your every whim, your ever-changing mood. I’ve already had my heart broken over you when I thought you had refused to wed me and take care of our child and having to relive all of that over again just recently was unbearable. How am I supposed to know that you won’t lose your mind again or that you won’t up and decide one day to push me away once more?”

  “I won’t,” he stated vehemently.

  “But how can I be sure?”

  “Are you asking if you can trust me?”Felicity looked at him, afraid to give him an honest answer for fear of hurting his feelings.

  Elliot stared into her wide, green eyes and saw the vulnerability contained in their depths. He felt foolish all over again for his actions, knowing that the last thing on earth he had ever wanted to do was cause her any pain. “I plan on marrying you tonight so you can rest assured that my mind is completely and irrevocably made up,” he said with conviction, hoping to assuage some of her doubts.

  Felicity struggled to pull out of his grasp so she could look into his face to see if he was being serious. Elliot’s arms wouldn’t loosen his hold on her, instead pulling her face close so that their noses were practically touching. “You can’t be serious!” Felicity breathed shakily, though her heart filled with hope.

  “I’ve never been more serious in my entire life. I’m not going to waste another day, another hour without you.”

  “But how? There’s no way that we can be married on such short notice and at this time of night.”

  “I sent Pierce to procure a special license earlier this evening. The only way we will not be getting married tonight is if by some chance he wasn’t successful in his mission.”

  Felicity knew it was outrageously costly to acquire a special license but wasn’t surprised by his anxiousness to have her become his wife, for she was equally eager for him to finally become her husband and to know that they would finally be a true family, that no power or force would ever keep them apart again.

  It wasn’t long before they were pulling up before Pierce’s townhouse, a footman scurrying to open up the door of the carriage for them. Elliot gave her hand a squeeze, “Let’s go see if tonight will be our lucky night. Are you nervous?”

  “Not at all, just ready.”

  Squeezing her hand gently to reassure her he muttered, “Me too, more than you’ll ever know.”

  They were led into the parlor where everyone was gathered taking tea as if it was the middle of the afternoon instead of late at night. Felicity wanted to laugh at the absurdity of the scene but was too distracted by the sight of the unfamiliar priest sitting next to the fireplace balancing a cup and saucer precariously on his knee. Her heart began to race at what this meant—her and Elliot would be getting married.

  Pierce rose to his feet and walked over to where they were standing. The priest quickly followed behind him. “Good evening, I’d like to introduce you both to Father Worsley,” Pierce said as the priest stepped forward. “Father Worsley, this is the happy couple.”

  Father Worsley was a middle-aged man with a soft, baby-face and thick spectacles. He appeared kind and gentle but spoke with authority. “Well shall we get started?” he asked as he clasped his hands together on top of his portly belly.

  Felicity looked around the room and noted that Hope and Aunt Agatha were present but Edith was not. She turned her attention back to Father Worsley, “Do you have a m
oment to spare? I’d like it if my daughter could be present.”

  “Of course I can wait,” Father Worsley responded kindly.

  Felicity turned to Elliot, “I know that Edith’s sleeping but it would break her heart if she learned that she wasn’t able to be at our wedding.”

  “Of course she needs to be here,” he said with complete understanding. “We’ll wait as long as necessary, would you like me to go get her?”

  Aunt Agatha rose from where she was sitting, “I’ll go get the dear child, you two just stay put.”

  While everyone waited for Aunt Agatha to return, Pierce turned to Father Worsley, “Just out of curiosity, do you know any nuns by the name of Sister Elenore?”

  Before Father Worsley could answer Elliot scoffed, “I told you that there was no way that chit ran off to become a nun, why won’t you believe me?”

  Father Worsley looked back at Pierce confused, “I knew a Sister Elenore years ago when I was residing in Kent,” he offered, hoping it would help.

  Pierce huffed, “Well that wouldn’t be her, the girl I’m looking for would have just recently joined a convent, she’s only eighteen.”

  Father Worsley rubbed his chin, “I’m not familiar with the girl you’re looking for, sorry.”

  “That’s okay,” Pierce sighed, “I knew it was a long shot but I was hopeful.”

  “Why are you looking for this girl, is she somebody important to you?”

  “Only his ward,” Elliot interjected.

  Father Worsley’s eyes widened, “Oh. I take it you weren’t aware that she was joining a convent?”

  “No,” Pierce answered, “And her brother who is her legal guardian is not going to be very pleased when he returns and finds his sister has gone missing.”

  Just then Aunt Agatha returned carrying a sleepy Edith in her arms dispelling the tense mood that speaking of Miss Ogglesby’s disappearance had caused. She was laying her head against Aunt Agatha’s shoulder and sucking on her thumb, her droopy eyes appearing as if they were about to close at any moment. Felicity felt a twinge of guilt at having awoken the child but she was too excited to tell her daughter what was about to take place.

  Both Felicity and Elliot went to her and the minute she registered that her papa was there she became fully alert, taking her thumb out of her mouth and reaching for him eagerly. Elliot laughed as he pulled her into his arms, “I’ve missed you poppet.”

  “Papa, I want to live with you,” she said in her sweetest voice, all warm and cozy still from sleep.

  Elliot smiled at her, “Well your wish is my command. Your mother and I are getting married tonight so you can both come and live with me now.”

  Her eyes widened in delight as she looked to Felicity for confirmation. Felicity placed a hand on her back, “We’re going to be a real family sweetheart, isn’t that exciting?”

  “Very,” Edith agreed before yawning a big open mouthed yawn then placing her thumb once more in her mouth and resting her head on Elliot’s shoulder.

  Elliot turned to Father Worsley, “We better get this ceremony over with so this poor child can get back to bed.”

  “Very well, it shouldn’t take long.”

  The ceremony was simple and short, with no pomp or circumstance just simple words spoken between two people who had waited a long time to become husband and wife. Elliot didn’t take his eyes off of Felicity the entire time, to him she had never looked more beautiful. She was radiant—her cheeks were flushed pink and her eyes twinkled with unshed tears as she stood before the priest and recited her vows.

  Felicity had imagined what it would be like to marry Elliot a hundred times over but never had she imagined it like this—standing in front of the fireplace in the Duke of Kerrington’s townhouse late at night with only a few people present, Edith snuggled soundly in Elliot’s arms. It was perfect and she wouldn’t change a thing.

  When Father Worsley pronounced them man and wife, Elliot stepped forward and bent to meet her face, crushing Edith between them as he placed a tender kiss to her lips. He was loathe to pull away and probably wouldn’t have so suddenly if it hadn’t been for Edith struggling to get out from between the two of them. Everybody laughed as she managed to separate her parents from enjoying their first kiss as husband and wife.

  Still holding Edith in his arms, Elliot reached into his pockets and extracted a ring. “This was my mother’s ring, my father gave it to her the day they were married. I know that they’d both be proud to have you wear it.”

  Felicity stretched forth her hand and let him slide the emerald cut sapphire ring onto her left ring finger. She looked up at him and said, “It’s perfect.”

  “You’re perfect,” he said as he leaned in for one more kiss.

  Aunt Agatha was the first to congratulate them, offering them both a crushing hug. Pierce was next, slapping Elliot on the back, “All I can say is that it’s about time.” Turning to Felicity he said, “I’m glad you’re finally back and finally taking this man off of my hands. He’s been unbearable to live with these past four years.”

  “You never lived with me,” Elliot reminded him.

  “No but that doesn’t mean you weren’t impossible to be around,” Pierce pointed out.

  “It’s not like you were always happy as a lark. Let me remind you that I’ve put up with my fair share of surliness from you.”

  Pierce snarled, “I’m never surly.”

  Hope came up and placed a hand on Pierce’s forearm, “Please do not get him snarling, I thought I had cured him of that appalling habit months ago.” Then turning to Felicity she hugged her as tightly as her belly would permit. “Congratulations. I’m so glad you’re finally getting your happily ever after. Nobody deserves it as much as you.”

  “Thank you, and thank you for all the kindness you’ve shown all of us, I’m not sure I can ever repay you.”

  “I’m sure you can make it up to me when the baby comes. I haven’t a clue how to be a mother and just between us,” she leaned in close and whispered in her ear so that Pierce would not hear her, “I’m dreadfully frightened of delivering this child.”

  “That I can understand, I was frightened myself,” Felicity admitted. “But you needn’t worry, everything will turn out well.”

  “I hope so,” Hope said quietly. After giving Elliot her congratulations she placed a hand on the small of Edith’s back and said, “Why don’t you return her to her bed then the two of you can go back to Elliot’s for your wedding night. We’ll make sure she’s taken care of and you can come sometime tomorrow to get her and pack up and move your stuff.”

  Edith’s ears perked up, “I wanna go wif you,” she proclaimed before failing to remove the thumb from her mouth, causing her speech to sound muffled.

  “Sweetheart, it’s time to go back to bed. Papa and I will be back in the morning to get you and move you into your new house.”

  Edith’s little hands grasped tightly onto Elliot’s shirtfront, “Papa not leaving,” she declared firmly.

  Felicity looked at Elliot apologetically and sighed. Elliot looked at both of them before saying, “I don’t want to leave her, let’s just spend the night here and we’ll all return to my house on the morrow.”

  Felicity turned to Hope, “Would you mind?”

  “Not at all,” she said.

  Chapter 26

  After everybody had a chance to offer their congratulations, the wedding license had been signed, and Father Worsley had left, Elliot and Felicity made their way upstairs to the nursery to put Edith down for bed. Felicity felt oddly anxious at the thought of spending the night with Elliot, though she wasn’t sure why. She was surprised that she felt any trepidation at all seeing as how she knew exactly what to expect to happen between the two of them, but still she felt nervous. All she had to do was look at his strong shoulders as she walked down the hall behind him and she instantly blushed.

  As they approached the nursery and went to lay Edith down, she began protesting in earnest. “Don’t le
ave, I wanna stay with you.”

  Elliot tried to shush her and soothe her as he laid her down but she wouldn’t stop protesting. Felicity felt for the poor child, knowing how much she missed her father in his absence and was sure that she was harboring a fear that if she let him go he would leave her for good. She went to the bed and relieved Elliot of his struggle, sitting down and pulling Edith into her arms. She brushed the wild curls back from her face and rocked her back and forth as she hummed quietly till she finally calmed down.

  “Sweetheart your papa is not going to go anywhere ever again. We are a family now so you needn’t worry about him leaving.” Edith just stared up at her, her blue eyes wide. Felicity continued to rock her for a time until she thought she had her calmed down enough to tuck her in. When she tried to lay her down in the bed she began kicking and protesting once more.

  A flustered Felicity looked up at Elliot, “I’m not sure what to do.”

  Elliot bent and scooped Edith into his arms, “Let’s let her sleep with us tonight.”

  Felicity looked at him in surprise, “Are you certain?”

  “Of course. I don’t want our new start as a family to cause her anymore stress, besides it’s just for one night.”

  “If you’re sure—” she said hesitantly.

  “I’m sure, now show me to your room.”

  Felicity silently led him to the room she had been occupying while staying with the duke and duchess. When she opened the door he walked to the bed and instead of laying Edith down by herself he pulled back the covers and crawled in right beside her, fully clothed.

  Felicity felt like her heart would burst with love as she watched Edith snuggle in close, her eyes drooping shut as she quickly fell asleep. She removed her gloves and set them on the side table next to the bed then reached down and loosened Elliot’s cravat for him. He smiled up at her appreciatively as she unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt to make him more comfortable. He couldn’t look away from her as she reached up and pulled the pins one by one from her hair, unloosening a thick mass of ebony curls that fell to the middle of her back. He reached his hand up and stroked its silky strands. She reached for his hand and grasped it, pulling it to her mouth to kiss his palm before walking over to the other side of the bed and sliding in next to Edith, still fully clothed in her dress.


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