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Awakening (Telindell Book 1)

Page 32

by Darren Lee

  Horses stampeded through the fields as Elinar and his riders quickly approached the glowing fire. Elinar noticed the splattering sounds with every hoof that struck the ground. The horses slowed their pace on the soft terrain. Elinar stopped a short distance from the raging inferno. He saw that it was the burning remains of a village. A few walls of small huts and houses were still standing, but little more than that. Elinar looked around the area while he studied the blaze. “How could a fire have grown this large?” he said to himself. “There is far too much water in the ground. The rain should have doused the fire.” He looked down at the ground, and his eyes widened at what he saw. The ground was littered with body parts and entrails. Elinar looked around the area lit by the fire to see mangled limbs, heads, and the remains of torsos. His voice trembled in horror while he said, “It’s… It’s blood.”

  Riders came to a halt behind Elinar. He reared his horse and turned to face them. “Spread out and sweep the area for survivors! I fear we may be too late, but we must retain hope that some escaped!” Elinar turned to the blaze and gripped his reigns tightly. He looked back to his riders. “Once your sweep is complete, return to formation! I must report this to General Durothill! Now go!”

  Riders quickly dispersed to carry out their orders. Elinar kicked his horse and swiftly approached his father.

  Oryn watched Elinar come to a halt in front of him. “Report.”

  Elinar shook his head slowly. “A massacre. So much blood… It turned the ground to mud.”

  Oryn glared and sighed. “Body parts? Mutilation?”

  Elinar slowly nodded. “Yes.”

  Oryn turned to face the Elven army. His voice erupted like thunder. “We make camp here! For tomorrow, we taste victory or Lady Dusk’s embrace! We march at dawn! ”

  Elves erupted in cheers, shouts and battle cries that echoed through the area. Oryn looked to his commanders and Lian, then back to Elinar. “Elinar, what of your riders?”

  Elinar looked upon Oryn hopeful eyes. “I had them sweep the area for survivors.”

  Oryn shook his head. “I admire your hope, but I fear their efforts will be futile.” Oryn’s horse carried him forward slowly. He turned to see his army disburse and begin to make camp, a moment’s rest before a defining moment in each soldier’s life. Oryn looked to his commanders and Lian once again. “Come, follow me.”

  Oryn kicked his horse and set off toward the burning village. Elinar looked to Lian and the rest. He nodded and motioned for them to follow. They all set off behind Oryn. Once again, the horses’ hooves sunk deep into the blood-soaked ground. Oryn tugged the reigns of his horse and came to a stop close to the burning village. Elinar and the others arrived shortly after.

  Sarath squeezed Lian tightly at the sight of the mutilation. She closed her eyes tightly and shook her head. “That is… That is…”

  “Horrible,” said Lian.

  Stala looked on in horror. “What… What did this?”

  Oryn turned to face them. “Enforcers. Sometimes I wonder if there is a semblance of sanity left within their minds.”

  Alisia turned her head while she covered her mouth. “This is an example of what we face?”

  Oryn closed his eyes for a moment. “Yes. These Enforcers were not restrained.”

  Elinar looked to his father curiously. “Restrained? What do you mean?”

  “Enforcers are blood thirsty,” he said. “Killing brutally, often eating those they slay. When the Dalronians invaded before, Enforcers were unleashed upon our cities in this manner. With no commander to control any of these sorts of tactics. They were exterminating us.”

  Stala took a deep breath. “Extermination? I never witnessed this!”

  “Of course not,” he said. “Alinshahar never fell to the Dalronians. In all of their brutality, it was not enough to defeat us entirely. That is when Dreathous dispatched his Generals to take control of the horde.”

  Lian gritted his teeth while he stared upon the death and destruction. “Roxees.”

  Sarath squinted. “I hate that bitch.”

  Oryn shook his head. “Not Roxees. Another took command of the Enforcers. An Enforcer himself, but different than those he commanded.”

  Elinar looked to Lian, then back to his father. “Different?”

  “Yes,” said Oryn. “He did not lose his mind when he became one. Dilintor is far more powerful than any Enforcer we faced. He would not have allowed this. He would have secured these humans for ‘ascendance’ as they refer to the vile transformation they undergo.”

  Alisia looked to Oryn with confusion. “I thought you said this was an extermination?”

  “In the case of the Elves, it was,” he said. “For reasons unknown, they do not try to capture or change Elves. Only murder.”

  Elinar glanced to the rest of the group, then his eyes rested on Oryn. “Does this mean Dilintor is not present with Roxees?”

  Oryn nodded. “I believe he is not. That improves our chances of victory. Especially if Shinrok arrives as promised.”

  Sarath leaned to Lian’s side and smirked at Oryn. “Ceriene seemed pretty devoted to the cause.”

  Oryn smiled slightly. “Let’s hope that devotion is accompanied by haste.” He looked to the Riders as they returned from their search for survivors. Their efforts had indeed been in vain. Oryn sighed. “No survivors.” He watched them gallop towards the Elven army in the distance. “Now, tend to your armor and weapons. Eat, sleep, and collect your thoughts. This may be our last chance to do so.”

  The group nodded and disbursed towards the army’s camp. Sarath held Lian tightly while Kane trotted alongside them. Lian looked to the sky and watched Shinaugra circle the area. He pulled the reigns of his horse and stopped. Kane stopped in front of Lian and looked up to him.

  Sarath released her grip from Lian slowly. “What are you doing?”

  Lian looked back to Sarath with worry in his eyes. “I want you to return to Alinshahar. I will have Shinaugra take you.”

  Sarath’s mouth dropped open for a moment. She glared and shouted, “I will not!” She gritted her teeth while Lian looked away. “I refuse!”

  Lian took a soft breath, looking down to Kane, then toward the army encampment. “I don’t want you to become one of those faces.”

  Sarath growled a bit as she dismounted the horse. “I’m not leaving you now. I’m not leaving you tomorrow. And I’m sure as hell not going to die.”

  Lian dismounted the horse and looked at her sternly. “I may not be able to protect you.”

  Sarath shoved Lian. “We’ve already had this conversation!”

  Lian held his hand to the sky. Moments later, Shinaugra landed behind them. Lian turned to the dragon. “Take her to Alinshahar.”

  Shinaugra slowly nodded his head. “Yes, master.”

  Sarath grabbed Lian and jerked him around. “I’m not going. I refuse.” She turned away from him. “You can either take me with you…” Sarath glanced back with a smirk. “Or, I’m going to march right over there and get a sword and some armor.”

  Lian shook his head and turned to Shinaugra. “Dammit,” he said to himself. He looked at the dragon. “Keep an eye on the area.” Shinaugra nodded and took to the skies once again.

  Sarath turned towards Lian. “I knew you’d see reason.”

  Lian glared at Sarath. “You don’t give me much choice.”

  Sarath smiled. “I’m not leaving you. We’re in this together.” She looked down to Kane. “Right?” Kane snorted and nodded in agreement.

  Lian placed his hands on Sarath’s shoulders. “Just stay close to me.”

  Sarath looked into his eyes. “I don’t want to be anywhere else.” A sultry grin crossed her face. “Besides, you’re going to look great in that armor. I can’t miss that.”

  Chapter 31: Black Clouds of War

  Low, dark clouds blackened the afternoon sky. Echoes of thunder could be heard across Allendale as the Elven army marched across the land toward the castle that lay in the distanc
e. Oryn stared toward the castle, listening to the sky’s cries of unrest. Flashes of lightning illuminated the field before Allendale and its castle. Oryn looked to Lian, who was now wearing armor over his normal clothes. The collar wrapped around Lian’s neck loosely. Black plate clad his upper body, with silver studs arranged neatly in rows along the armor. The plate skirt hung halfway down his thighs. More plate reached halfway down Lian’s biceps over thickly knitted sleeves that extended to his wrists.

  Oryn took a breath and noticed the chill in the air. A snowflake touched down on his outstretched hand. Taking another deep breath, he looked to Lian. “Do you feel the chill in the air? She prepares her attack.”

  Lian looked around and saw more snow beginning to fall amidst the thunder and lightning. “Yes. It is time.”

  Sarath shivered while she leaned over and looked into the distance. “Where’s her army? I thought we’d see them by now.”

  Oryn turned his head back to the castle and fields that lay ahead. “Not to worry. They are coming.”

  Elinar looked into the distance and saw nothing. He glanced to his father. “I don’t see anything.”

  Lian pointed at the crest of a hill in the distance. “There.”

  They all turned to face in that direction. Oryn held up his hand and brought the army to a halt. A cloud of dust rose in the distance as the massive horde of black figures quickly approached. Roxees’ Enforcers had come. They let out spine-tingling roars one after another and drowned out the cracks of thunder that shook the land.

  Oryn looked to Lian sternly and shouted, “Now, go! Advance on the castle! You must keep Roxees out of our fight here! That is the only way we will have a chance!” Oryn clenched his fist and looked at the monstrous enemy force.

  Lian nodded, raising his hand to signal Shinaugra. Lian glanced down to Kane. “I fear our dragon may need all four of his claws. Stay behind and protect Elinar. If he dies, Teelia will kill us.” Kane looked up at him and nodded.

  Elinar looked over to Lian. “I appreciate the sentiment, friend. I’ll do my best to look out for Kane as well.”

  Sarath looked to Kane as he turned toward to Elinar. “Fearless leader!” He turned his head and looked upon Sarath. She smiled towards him. “Don’t you get yourself killed! We’re nothing without our furry leader!”

  Kane flicked his ears and nodded toward her. Wind from Shinaugra’s approach gusted through the area. His claws dug deep into the ground as the winged beast came to a stop in front of Lian. Shinaugra let out a mighty roar at the sight of the approaching Enforcers. Lian and Sarath quickly dismounted their horse. Lian climbed upon the mighty dragon and pulled Sarath up with him.

  He felt her grasp him tightly from behind and glanced back. “Hold on, alright?”

  Sarath squeezed him tighter and giggled. “I’m not going to hold on at all. That seems the smart thing to do.” She looked Lian’s armor over. “You know, I preferred you without this hunk of metal.”

  Lian chuckled, then let out a sigh as he shook his head. He looked to the approaching Enforcers, now only a few hundred yards away. “Shinaugra, let’s go. Burn a few of them along our way.”

  Shinaugra roared fiercely. “It would be my pleasure, master.” The mighty dragon spread his wings and took flight.

  Oryn watched the dragon soar into the sky. He looked to Elinar sternly. “Take the Riders to our right flank! Hold position until I give the command!” Oryn looked to Alisia. “Command Sorceress, have your magic wielders assemble in the middle of our formation. Once they are in range, hit them with everything you have!” Oryn then looked to Stala. “Have the archers and catapults fire alongside the magic wielders!” Facing forward, he said, “I will lead our infantry forward once they draw close to our line. Do not stop firing upon them, even if it appears you will strike us.”

  Oryn drew his large, long sword from its sheath. He raised it high into the air while his horse took a few steps forward. Then, he turned to face his army and shouted, “Today some will live! Today some will die! Today we will claim victory! Victory for Alinshahar and for the world! I ask you all, for whom do we fight?”

  The sound of swords being drawn echoed through the ranks. Thousands of blades rose into the air. Soldiers cried out in thunderous unison and shouted, “Alinshahar!” followed by many shouts and battle cries.

  Oryn looked to his commanders. “Now go, to your positions. They are closing in fast!” Oryn dismounted his horse and handed the reigns to Elinar. Oryn gripped his sword tightly and looked at the Enforcers, who were now no more than five hundred yards away. He turned back to his commanders and shouted, “Hurry!”

  Elinar took his father’s horse as well as the reigns of Lian’s horse. “Come!” he called to Kane. Elinar kicked his horse and broke into a sprint while Kane followed closely behind. Elinar looked to the riders that were streaming along the army’s front line. “To the flank!” The riders shouted and echoed the command while they broke their formation to follow Elinar.

  Alisia and Stala rode side by side with haste. The formation of Elven soldiers made a path for them while they rode toward the center of the formation. Alisia looked to all the magic wielders and shouted, “Magic wielders on me!” Echoes of the command were shouted all through the formation as ranks broke and magic wielders formed at the center.

  Stala gripped the reigns of her horse tightly while she screamed, “Archers ready! Catapults ready!” In perfect unison, the archers drew arrows from their quivers and pulled them back tightly. Clanks of the catapults locking into positon were heard. Large chunks of oil-soaked rock were loaded into the arms and lit ablaze.

  The Elven infantry formed a line of ready and willing warriors. They gripped their swords tightly and raised their small, nimble shields. The Enforcers were now clearly visible. The horde darkened the battlefield with their numbers. They were legion.

  “We must not be overwhelmed,” Oryn said to himself as he estimated their numbers. Oryn looked back to his forces while thunder cracked loudly. The snow flurries had turned into a gusting snow storm. Oryn looked toward the approaching enemy. “Almost in range,” he said to himself. He glared and gritted his teeth, ready for battle. Oryn watched while Shinaugra swooped down on the horde and showered them with hellfire in the distance. At that moment, a burst of red energy exploded from Allendale castle. The sound of the explosion echoed for miles. It was followed by the horrid shriek of the black dragon that had terrorized Allendale for years. Roxees emerged from the castle rubble in all her dreadful splendor. Oryn watched Shinaugra withdraw from the Enforcers and move to engage Roxees. “Roxees…” he said.

  Alisia watched the Enforcers from horseback. “They are in range!” She turned to her magic wielders and screamed, “Now!” A sea of fire erupted into the sky from the magic wielders and hurled towards the enforcers.

  Stala looked to the fire-filled sky. She took a deep breath and screamed, “Catapults, fire!” Snaps of the releases from the catapults were heard one after another. Flaming boulders launched into the sky with great velocity. She looked to her archers and once again screamed, “Archers!” A legion of arrows soared through the sky.

  Oryn watched overhead while fiery attacks and arrows soared over the front lines. He shifted his gaze to the Enforcers, now only two hundred yards away. Fiery eruptions littered the enemy horde while magical attacks rained down on them. Oryn could hear roars of anger from the horde. Shortly after, the catapult fire began slamming into them. Dirt flew into the air under the impact of the flaming stones. Oryn watched intently, their numbers beginning to thin slightly. “They should not fall this easily…” He gripped his sword tightly. “They must be weaker than the Dalron Enforcers…” The enemy closed in, now less than one hundred yards away. Oryn turned to his infantry while he raised his sword high into the air and took a deep breath. “Cha’leth!” He turned and ran toward the enemy with his sword gripped tightly in both hands at his side.

  Elven soldiers echoed his command in thunderous splendor. They broke ra
nks and charged behind their General. Oryn drew closer to the Enforcers and took in their dreadful size. They towered over any man or elf. The soldiers strengthened their resolve and charged forward. Enforcers let out angry roars. They still wore the tattered and stretched remains of Kynlynn armor and bore their swords. The Enforcers raised their free hands toward the charging Elves and unleashed small blasts of fire at them. The Elves quickly raised their shields to stop the approaching onslaught. Some were able to deflect the fire, others were burned to death almost instantly. Oryn gracefully sidestepped blast after blast.

  The two forces were upon each other and just moments away from clashing. Battle cries from both sides echoed through the land. Arrows and hellfire rained from the sky. Oryn let out a yell, raising his sword and swinging it with all his might as the opposing lines collided. The Enforcers cut through the Elves with ease. Oryn could hear the screams of the fallen clearly. His sword smashed against the arm of an Enforcer. Oryn’s enemy roared and swung his arm to deflect the sword. Oryn grunted as he clung tightly to his sword. The Enforcer swung his own sword toward Oryn. He quickly pulled his blade into the path of the enemy weapon. The force of the vile creature’s strike knocked Oryn to the ground. He gasped at the impact and looked up to see the enemy’s weapon quickly approaching once again. Oryn rolled out of the way just in time as his enemy’s blade pierced the ground. Oryn saw his opportunity. He yelled loudly, rushing to his feet. Oryn swung the sword toward the Enforcer’s neck with all his might. Blood sprayed into the air while the monster’s head fell to the ground.

  Arrows, stone, and fire continued to rain down onto the battlefield. Oryn heard the whoosh from a magical attack overhead. It impacted nearby with a great explosion that destroyed many enemies. He raised his sword and quickly glanced around the battlefield. The dead littered the ground, elf and Dalronian alike. His people were fighting valiantly. “We are holding… for now…” he said. Oryn heard thunderous roars in the distance. He looked to the sky to see Shinaugra and Roxees waging a fierce battle of their own.


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