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Awakening (Telindell Book 1)

Page 33

by Darren Lee

  Chapter 32: Titans of the Sky

  Shinaugra took to the sky. Lian glanced back to the Elves who prepared for the imminent battle. He felt Sarath’s tight embrace and her head buried into his back. “You alright?”

  Sarath heard Lian’s question. She remained silent for a moment while she weathered the cold. “I’m fine, just trying to use you as a shield.” Sarath laughed. “Not working.”

  Thunder cracked loudly while Shinaugra soared over the Enforcers. Lian and Sarath looked on in astonishment at their numbers. They blanketed the land between Allendale castle and the Elves like a black sea.

  Sarath shook her head with widened eyes. “How… How are they going to fight that?” She squeezed Lian tightly. “It just doesn’t seem possible!”

  Lian smacked Shinaugra’s back. “I suppose we had best give them a hand.” Shinaugra roared loudly and began to dive toward the enemy force.

  Sarath clung to Lian tightly and buried her head into his back once again. “About time!”

  Shinaugra tucked his wings tightly as he dove toward the ground. He spread his wings fully and leveled out just above the horde. He roared viciously, then unleashed a wave of fire. Hundreds of Enforcers were engulfed by the flames and fell to their deaths.

  Sarath let out a victorious shout. “Take that, you bastards!” She raised her arm victoriously as more of the horde fell victim to Shinaugra’s deadly blaze.

  Lian looked on as the fiery onslaught destroyed their enemies. “They should be stronger!” Lian gritted his teeth. “They shouldn’t fall this easily!”

  Sarath wrapped her arms around Lian. “Stop complaining! We might win this!”

  Before Lian could reply to Sarath’s optimism, a blinding red light engulfed Allendale castle. An explosion erupted from the castle, destroying much of it. Stone debris rained down around Shinaugra while he flapped his wings and gained altitude. Roxees’ shriek echoed through the air. The devilish black dragon took flight from the ruins of the castle. Roxees was heading straight for them.

  Lian snarled and pointed at the black dragon. “You were saying?”

  Sarath watched as the winged monstrosity eagerly approached them. “Shit!”

  Shinaugra let out a mighty roar and increased his velocity toward Roxees. “Fiend! You are no Dragonkin. I will destroy you!” Shinaugra roared once again as the dragons drew closer to one another.

  Lian looked at Roxees’ glowing demonic eyes, glaring. “You will pay for my mother’s life!” An aerial collision was imminent. Lian looked back to Sarath. “Hang on!”

  Sarath squeezed him and lowered her head. “I wouldn’t dream of doing anything else!”

  Roxees closed in on Shinaugra. Shinaugra focused on her while he opened his large mouth. Roxees let out a shriek as she came into contact with Shinaugra. Shinaugra roared as the two collided. They began twirling downward through the air while Shinaugra snapped at her dark wings. Roxees let out a shriek of pain and snapped her mouth onto Shinaugra’s rear leg. Shinaugra roared while the two left each other’s grasp and once again took flight just before impacting the ground.

  Shinaugra climbed through the air and banked around, searching for his winged enemy. Roxees let out another shriek, and Shinaugra focused in on her. Roxees opened her mouth and fired an inferno toward the opposing dragon. Shinaugra roared and unleashed his own hellfire. The two beams of fiery death collided with one another. A massive ball of fire formed and exploded with massive force.

  Lightning flashed and thunder cracked. Shinaugra and Roxees stared one another down in midair. He growled loudly. “She is far more powerful than any Dragonkin!” Shinaugra flapped his wings and took flight towards her. “No matter, she will perish all the same!”

  Roxees answered his charge with one of her own. She collided with Shinaugra and clamped her claws into his legs. Shinaugra let out a roar and snapped at her head repeatedly. Their wings flapped thunderously to keep them in the air during their battle.

  Sarath clung tightly to Lian. “This is insane! I don’t know how much longer I can hold on!”

  Lian held tightly to Shinaugra’s neck with one arm while gripped Sarath with the other. “I got you!”

  Roxees heard Lian’s voice and craned her neck around Shinaugra’s deadly mouth to see him.

  Lian watched Roxees thrust her mouth toward him. Sarath let out a scream. Lian quickly drew his sword just as Roxees’ mouth clamped onto his armor. He screamed stabbed his sword into Roxees’ left eye with all his might. Roxees let out a shriek of pain and released him. He pulled the sword from her eye and looked down at his badly damaged armor. It had saved his life. Shinaugra quickly took advantage of Roxees’ lowered defenses. He latched his mouth onto her neck and blood sprayed into the air. Shinaugra bit harder, pulling her downward. They spiraled with great speed toward the ground. Roxees finally released her grip on Shinaugra’s legs.

  Shinaugra took his now free claws and sunk them into Roxees’ body. He released his jaws from her neck. “Be crushed against the stones!” Shinaugra let go of her body close to the ground. He spread his wings and took flight into the air just as Roxees’ body impacted. Shinaugra quickly turned to face the dust cloud rising where Roxees had smashed into the ground. He opened his mouth wide and released a blast of hellfire, covering the entire area.

  Sarath let out a sigh of relief. “Good going. Poke that bitch’s eye out then roast her! Win win!” She squeezed Lian tightly.

  Lian sheathed his sword. He stared at the flaming area where Roxees had been engulfed. “She may be injured… but I don’t think this is over.”

  Shinaugra glared at the burning rubble. “It is over. No creature could have survived that.” He let out a roar of victory.

  Smoke and flames covered the ground below. A loud shriek echoed through the area. The gusting snow flurries in the air turned to a brutal blizzard of snow and ice. The flames that engulfed Roxees flash froze and shattered. Roxees took flight. Plates of ice froze around her body while ice extended from her horns and claws. Roxees would not be defeated so easily.

  Shinaugra quickly turned and flew away from her. “It is impossible!” He growled loudly and he banked around to charge Roxees once again.

  Roxees stared at her enemies, eager to rip them apart. She flew with great speed towards Shinaugra. Roxees opened her mouth and emitted a blue glow. Flames of icy death swelled within her. Shinaugra watched her closely, knowing this might be his last charge. Roxees prepared to release her attack. Blue flames and deadly frost started to spew from her mouth. A boulder suddenly crashed into her head, interrupting the attack. She glanced to the side just as another struck her.

  Lian looked on in disbelief. He turned to see the Elves still locked in a desperate fight. The aid had not come from them. Sarath grabbed his shoulders and pointed to the west. A large army was approaching the battleground. Elephants carrying soldiers stampeded toward the battlefield along with thousands of charging infantry. Shinrok had arrived. Their catapults volleyed boulders toward Roxees.

  Sarath let out a laugh, followed by a shout. “It’s Ceriene!” She hugged Lian tightly. “It’s time to finish this!”

  Lian smiled as lightning flashed in the sky. The clouds began to emit a dim green glow. He pointed to the clouds. “Elintae has arrived as well!”

  Sarath shook her head. “About time! Just because she’s a woman doesn’t mean she always has to be late!”

  Shinaugra looked upon Roxees while she struggled to stay in flight. The barrage of boulders had left her heavily disoriented. He squinted is shimmering green eyes at his target and roared, “It has been my honor, master Lian.” He spread his wings and charged Roxees.

  Sarath gripped Lian tightly. “What? What’s he doing?”

  Lian let go of Shinaugra and grabbed Sarath’s arms. “Get ready! I think this is it!”

  Shinaugra roared, once again colliding with Roxees. He turned down and dragged her along with him. The two dragons barreled toward the ground. They were less than one hundred feet
away. Lian quickly turned and wrapped his arms around Sarath. He held her tightly and leapt from Shinaugra’s back. Sarath screamed as they fell through the air. Shinaugra crashed Roxees against the ground with devastating force. The mighty dragon tumbled along the ground and rolled to a stop. He lay motionless, killed by the impact. Lian held Sarath tightly while they crashed to the ground. He let go of her as he bounced on the ground and screamed in pain. Sarath rolled along the ground and crashed into a pile of stone rubble.

  Sarath whimpered in pain and gasped for air. She collected herself and struggled to stand. Sarath looked around the area and saw the lifeless Shinaugra. “No…” she said to herself. She then looked to the area where Roxees had crashed to the ground. There was no dragon, just the white-haired, grey-skinned monster who was struggling to stand. Sarath then looked to see Lian lying upon the ground breathing heavily. “No!” She ran to him, clenching her side. Sarath dropped to her knees next to Lian. “Don’t be dead! Don’t be dead!”

  Lian opened his eyes and gasped for air. He looked at Sarath hovering over him and mumbled, “I’m not dead. I’m breathing.” Lian struggled to sit up.

  Sarath took a deep breath. “Right… I knew that.” She then looked to Roxees who still struggling to stand. “Guess who else is breathing?”

  Lian quickly stumbled to his feet. He reached for his sword but found nothing. It had fallen from his back during the descent. He gritted his teeth and pulled the broken armor from his body. “Dammit…”

  Sarath stood and looked to Roxees. She was now on her feet and staring at the two. Blood dripped from Roxees’ face and neck. Snow blew heavily all around them while wind tugged at her white hair. The vile sorceress snarled at Lian and Sarath. Sarath stared in horror at Roxees’ true form. She glared at Sarath with her blood red eyes as if she were peering into her very soul.

  Sarath looked to Lian, who was returning Roxees’ glare with one of his own. A smirk crept across Sarath’s face. “Find your sword. She’s all beaten and bloody. She can’t be that tough now.” Sarath turned and charged towards Roxees.

  Lian’s eyes widened, shocked at Sarath’s actions. He reached out his hand. “Sarath! No!”

  Roxees watched her charge, her grinning face shadowed by evil and malice. Roxees held out her hand towards Sarath. Dust flew from the ground around Roxees, followed by a shockwave of magical Energy. Sarath floated into the air, suspended and unable to move.

  Roxees laughed as she looked at Sarath. “This is the thanks I get for helping you?”

  Sarath grunted and struggled against the sorceress’s grip. “You bitch! Lian, I can’t move!”

  Lian watched in horror. He was certain Sarath was about to lose her life. Lian’s eyes narrowed and his lips quivered. “Don’t you…” He clenched his fist tightly and closed his eyes. “Don’t you dare!”

  Roxees once again burst into laughter while a red aura surrounded the sorceress. The blood vanished from her skin and her wounds closed and disappeared. She looked past Sarath to Lian. “I am not so easily persuaded, unlike this whore.”

  Sarath gritted her teeth, looking upon Roxees with hate and anger. “You used me! I would never have killed him! That was your doing!”

  Roxees glanced to Sarath. “I didn’t cut out his heart or slit the throat of his innocent bride.” Roxees returned her sinister gaze to Lian. “Now, surrender your life or she dies, slowly.”

  Sarath gasped at Roxees’ demand. “Lian don’t you dare! If you die, we all die regardless!” Sarath smirked. “Now, I suggest you come do your hero thing and kick her ass!” Roxees glared at her. Sarath stared at Roxees while her smirk became a mischievous grin. “She was an eyesore before. Now, she is just hideous! I’m getting tired of looking at her. Now, hurry!”

  Roxees snarled at Sarath’s remarks. “Now, you die.” Roxees clenched her outstretched hand into a tight fist. Sarath’s body tensed as excruciating pain shot through her every nerve.

  Sarath’s cries of pain pierced Lian’s ears. He gritted his teeth as his eyes widened. Lian’s mind raced back to Elintae’s words. Without his sword, he could be consumed and destroyed by his power. Lian shook his head and tightly closed his eyes while he screamed, “I don’t care!” His muscles tightened while the very world shook beneath him. The blonde streaks within his hair began to glow red. Red lightning circulated around his body and radiated from him violently. Lian opened his eyes, and now the entirety of them were glowing a bright red.

  Roxees’ grinned at Lian. “Try if you dare.”

  Roxees quickly tossed Sarath to the side. She flew through the air, crashing into a pile of rubble. She closed her eyes and let out a shriek of pain before settling in the rubble. Sarath slowly opened her eyes and looked toward Lian and Roxees with blurred vision. She let out a gasp and muttered, “Kill that bitch…” Sarath slowly closed her eyes as her head fell back.

  Chapter 33: Turning Tides

  The war waged on between the Elves and the vile Dalronians. Elinar sat upon his horse, anxious for his father’s call. Kane stared at the sky, watching the battle between Shinaugra and Roxees closely fearing for the safety of his friends. Elinar looked down to Kane, seeing the concern within the wolf. “Don’t worry, Kane. Lian will be fine.” Elinar’s smiled slightly. Kane looked up at Elinar, and his ears twitched briefly before he quickly looked back to the sky.

  Elinar sighed. “I understand your concern. I feel the same.” He looked to the ongoing battle while arrows and fire rained down with great fury. “It appears that their numbers are beginning to thin.” Kane growled up at Elinar. Elinar looked to Kane with an expression of worry. “You’re right. So are ours. I don’t know how much longer we can last. These creatures are relentless.”

  A large crack of thunder echoed through the sky. The depth of its sound shook Elinar’s body. He looked up to the dark, clouded sky to see an eerie green glow. Kane looked up at the sky as well, stomping his front paws in anticipation. The wolf yapped and looked toward Elinar.

  Elinar looked to Kane with hopeful eyes. “It’s Lady Dusk!” She has arrived!” Elinar watched the sky, seeing the two colossal dragons pause in the air. “What’s going on? Why has combat paused?” Elinar squinted and took note of the flying boulders barraging the fierce black dragon. Elinar quickly turned to peer upon the Elves’ catapults. “Those aren’t coming from our catapults. We don’t have that sort of range.” Elinar’s eyes widened. “It must be Shinrok…”

  Kane watched the black dragon begin to fall under Shinaugra’s charge. Kane growled and lunged forward. The black wolf looked back to Elinar, whining towards the elf he was charged to protect.

  Elinar watched the two dragons strike the ground. He looked to Kane. “It’s alright. Go. Be swift.” Elinar smiled toward the noble wolf.

  Kane quickly nodded and took off toward the battlefield. Beyond the battlefield, Elinar could see Shinrok’s army approaching. Elinar’s gaze shifted to the Elven front. They were beginning to wear down. Enforcers were pushing them back, slowly but surely.

  Elinar grunted impatiently as he stared at the bloody battle. “Sound the call Father!” Elinar clenched his fists tightly. “If you wait much longer, there will be no one left!”

  Oryn fought valiantly. He found only brief moments of pause between enemies. Fatigue was beginning the grip the General. He quickly glanced around the battlefield at the thousands of bodies that littered it. Blood and ice covered Oryn’s armor, blood from friend and foe alike. His hair was matted from a mixture of sweat, blood, and ice. Oryn panted heavily. “We will not last much longer…”

  Oryn dashed forward at a foe with his blade at his side. Their swords clashed with great force that sent echoes of clanging metal throughout the battlefield. Oryn grunted as he retracted his blade for another attack. The Enforcer’s roars filled the General’s ears. With relentless fury, the Enforcer swung his blade once again. Oryn quickly raised his sword to deflect the attack. Oryn trembled at the collision of steel and felt his sword snap under the force. His eyes
widened at the blade approaching his body. Oryn dived to the monstrous creature’s side a moment too late and felt the steel pierce his side. He let out a grunt of pain as he crashed to the ground and rolled through the bloody snow that covered it.

  “Dammit!” Oryn said to himself. He blinked his eyes rapidly, trying to clear his blurred vision. Oryn watched the Enforcer charge toward him. He quickly glanced around and saw the blade of a fallen Elven soldier. He grabbed it and stumbled to his feet as the Enforcer drew close. Oryn let out a scream of rage as he lunged forward at his attacker. Steel pierced the Enforcer’s chest and a monstrous roar escaped its body as it fell upon Oryn. They both crashed to the ground, Oryn pinned by the Enforcer’s lifeless body.

  A deep crack of thunder vibrated through Oryn’s body. He quickly struggled to free himself from the weight of the lifeless Enforcer. Oryn stood to see the green glowing sky. “Lady Dusk!” Oryn’s eyes widened as he saw boulders being hurled toward the battlefield. “Shinrok as well!” Oryn looked to the flank, seeing Elinar and his Riders ready. Oryn pulled a bugle from his waist and with all the might his lungs could muster, he blew. The flat melody echoed through the air, signaling the riders. Oryn turned back to face the few bits of his army not engaged. “Forward!” Oryn’s commands echoed loudly through the army, followed by the heroic battle cries of the Elves.

  Elinar heard his father’s signal. He drew his sword and held it high in the air. “For Alinshahar!” The Riders followed suit, drawing their swords and echoing his words thunderously. He kicked his horse and was off with two hundred Riders at his rear.

  Elinar rode alongside the battle, leading his riders up the flank. He studied the horde of Enforcers closely. “We must enter the horde and separate them!” Elinar could see his desired point of entry. He turned and led his riders into the black horde of death. Their swords pierced the Enforcers with deadly precision while a sea of horses divided the monstrous ranks of Dalronians. Elinar swung his sword at each unsuspecting foe. He saw Shinrok’s infantry engage out of the corner of his eye. Elinar turned his head to watch the desert people attack with ferocity. Dressed in robes, their faces covered by cloth, they were making sure the Enforcers felt the sharp edges of their curved swords. Elinar smiled at what seemed to be a coming victory.


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