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Awakening (Telindell Book 1)

Page 34

by Darren Lee

  Elinar looked only to hear his horse grunt and squeal. He was thrown from its back as it crashed to the ground. An Enforcer had pierced the noble steed’s chest, killing it. Elinar rolled along the ground and quickly recovered. He looked back only to see many of his Riders suffering a similar fate. Elinar glanced around. He was surrounded by Enforcers. He snarled and gritted his teeth, raising his sword. “If I die, you die as well!” Enforcers crowded around him, advancing on their prey. Suddenly, green lightning struck an Enforcer and radiated to all those around Elinar. The elf’s eyes widened as those Enforcers burst into clouds of dust.

  Green lightning struck the ground in front of Elinar. In a bright flash, a fierce Elintae appeared. She gripped her wooden staff, poised and ready for battle. Elinar stared at the goddess. Elintae returned his stare briefly before an Enforcer attacked her from behind. In a smooth, swift manner, she spun around, twirling her staff in her hand. Elintae delivered an elegant blow to the Enforcer’s mid-section. It roared loudly and burst into dust. She turned to face Elinar once again, raising her hand towards him. A beam of green magical energy erupted from her hand. Elinar’s eyes widened as the beam shot past his face. It struck an Enforcer that had been about to deliver a deadly blow to Elinar. The Enforcer stumbled backwards and dropped its weapon. Its body seemed to be ripped inside out as it crumbled to the ground in a bloody mess.

  Elintae smirked at Elinar, her skin wrapped in a green glow. She held out her staff in a horizontal fashion, her hand at the center. It glowed green while the wood turned into a black metal. On each end curved and jagged blades cut from jade extended. Her staff had transformed into a doubled ended scythe, ready to reap her foes. The green glow upon her skin faded to reveal her battle attire. She wore a layer of skin-tight black clothing that left her upper chest and abdomen exposed. Along her forearms were thick metal plates that gave off a light green glow. She wore a form-fitting breast plate that covered only her breasts and more glowing plate covered her groin, thighs, and shins. A green sash wrapped around her waist and tied at the side, the slack blowing in the wind. A metal band wrapped her head and emitted the same green glow as the rest of her armor.

  Elintae’s hair fluttered in the frigid wind. “Come now, pay attention!” She turned to face the horde that was engaged by the weakening Elves. “Teelia, nor Lian would forgive me if I let you perish.” Elintae dashed forward into the horde of monstrosities, leaving nothing but death and destruction in her wake.

  Elinar quickly followed suit and made his way toward the Elven front while dispatching wounded Enforcers along his path. He saw Oryn fighting alongside Elintae, foe after foe falling to their might. Elinar quickly joined them to form a triangle of fury.

  Elinar glanced to Oryn. “We can win this!”

  Oryn brought his blade across the neck of an Enforcer. “With the Lady’s assistance, our victory is assured!”

  Elintae’s scythe reaped foe after foe, destroying them. She glanced to Oryn. “Victory is not assured until Lian defeats Roxees.”

  Elinar lunged, thrusting his blade into the chest of an Enforcer. He quickly kicked the monster’s corpse to detach his blade and looked at Elintae. “What of Lian? I saw the dragons fall.”

  Elintae dispatched another Enforcer to the cold grips of death as she glanced at Elinar. “I have felt a large draw of energy from the world. I fear for his life. If he falls, we all fall.”

  Elinar grunted at Elintae’s words. He looked toward the area where Shinaugra had crashed to the ground. “We must go to his aid!”

  Elintae gracefully jumped into the air with her scythe gripped tightly in both hands. She let out a scream as lightning struck her staff and began to emit a bright green aura. Elintae descended to the ground with great speed and slammed her scythe into the icy tundra. The battlefield shook as the ground cracked. Elintae unleashed a massive burst of magical energy toward the Enforcers. The first group of Enforcers struck by the wave were reduced to dust, while those behind them were knocked from their feet. Elintae turned to face Elinar. “No, we must win here before we can help him. We must fight as one!”

  Elinar glared and shook his head, tightening his grip on his weapon. “He’s my friend! I won’t lose him!”

  Oryn quickly turned to Elinar during the brief pause of combat Elintae’s attack had produced. “Lady Dusk is right! If we splinter our fighters, we splinter ourselves!”

  Elinar closed his eyes tightly and let out a scream. “You’re… you’re right, father,” he admitted reluctantly

  Elintae jumped to Oryn and Elinar’s side. “We must have faith in Lian. There is always a path to victory.” Elintae clutched her scythe, watching the Enforcers charge once more, bringing an end to the pause in combat. “We will prevail.”

  Chapter 34: The Fire Within

  Lian felt every ounce of his body being torn. The weight of his unrestrained power was a heavy burden. He watched Roxees fling Sarath into the rubble. Once again, her screams of pain pierced his ears. He stared at Roxees and let out a scream. Lian clenched his fists and took flight across the ground with incredible speed as he drew his right fist back, ready to deliver a blow to Roxees. Roxees snarled and took one step back, holding her hands out towards Lian. She let out a scream and formed a large red ball of energy. Lian watched her intently as he charged. Roxees flung the ball of energy toward Lian. The young warrior held out his left hand at the approaching ball of death. A loud pop echoed through the area as Lian caught the energy. He screamed loudly and flung it back at Roxees. Her eyes widened at the reversal of her attack. Roxees jumped to the side, allowing the energy to fly past her. She turned her head watching it pass.

  Roxees quickly turned back towards Lian, only to see his fist inches away from her. Lian screamed while his fist made contact with her cold face. Roxees’ eyes widened as blood erupted from her mouth. Lian grabbed her neck and continued his charge through the air. The two combatants flew through the air and quickly approached the ruined town of Allendale. Stone shattered as they burst through the wall of a building. They bounced along the floor while stones crashed down around them. Roxees quickly rebounded and launched a counterattack. Lian stumbled to his feet to meet it. Her amulet glowed red, her right hand shifting into razor sharp talons. She screamed as she sliced toward Lian. He jumped back, feeling his shirt and the skin along his abdomen being sliced.

  Roxees smirked, feeling his warm blood along the tips of her talons. “I will kill you, boy!”

  Roxees quickly slashed at Lian once again. Lian snarled and reached forth his hand. He caught her arm, stopping her attack. Roxees looked on at the young warrior in shock. Lian screamed and grabbed her arm with his other hand. With great force, Lian threw Roxees, sending her flying. Roxees let out a gasp as she collided with the stone wall of the building once again. She burst through the wall and landed on one of the stone streets of Allendale. Roxees rolled along the icy ground, crying out in pain. She came to a stop and stood, gazing at the hole she had left in the stone.

  Lian slowly emerged from the building. The glow of his eyes was increasing. Roxees smirked toward the warrior, then burst into laughter.

  Lian stared at Roxees and, with an echoing voice, he said, “You are going to die.”

  Roxees continued to laugh before taking a deep breath. “That may be, but tell me, how long can you keep this up?” Roxees narrowed her eyes and grinned. “I can see the strain. Surely you must feel it. The power within you. Swelling, almost ready to burst.”

  Lian glared. He could feel it. His body was filled with a burning sensation. He could feel every fiber of his muscles stretching, trying to contain the power. “Long enough to kill you.”

  Roxees smirked once again. “Kill me? Oh my, what did I ever do to you?” She burst into laughter again.

  Lian stared at her. “This isn’t about saving the world.”

  Roxees raised an eyebrow. “Oh no? Then tell me, what is it about?”

  Lian snarled and clinched his fist. “You ordered the attack that
attack cost my mother her life. Now you endanger my friends and the woman I love.”

  Roxees smirked, then smiled, showing her vicious fangs. “It killed your mother? Well, good. She was going to die anyway.” Roxees chuckled. “The woman you love? Oh, you mean that whore? Just between the two of us, you could do better. Then again, I bet your mother wasn’t any better. Poor examples breed poor choices.”

  Lian’s eye twitched. He let out a scream that shook the ground and lunged towards Roxees, drawing his fist back once again. “You die now!”

  A sinister grin came across Roxees face. She brought her arms up, bracing herself for Lian’s imminent attack. “So young and foolish,” she said to herself. “Go ahead, become a martyr.”

  Lian soared across the stone street toward Roxees with snow flying into the air in his wake. Allendale’s ruined castle was directly behind her. Lian brought his fist towards Roxees’ face. She raised her arms, guarding her face. Lian’s fist made contact with her arms, a crack of thunder resulting from the impact. Lian brought his knee toward the vile sorceress’s side to deliver a blow to her ribs. Roxees gasped and took a step back. Lian spun around, swinging the backside of his fist towards Roxees. The blow sent Roxees flying to the ground. Lian felt his body pulse. He let out an agonizing scream of pain.

  Roxees tumbled along the ground, then caught herself and bounced to her feet. She stood hunched over while she panted. “Hurts, doesn’t it?” Roxees began to laugh while blood streamed down her face.

  Lian groaned and dropped to his knees for a moment. Then, he quickly stood, the glow from his eyes becoming brighter. “It’s nothing in comparison to what you are about to feel!”

  Roxees held out her hand. Red lightning circulated around it. She summoned the skeletal staff she had claimed from the murdered Ansheth. Roxees gripped her staff tightly. She spread the talons on her other hand wide. “Is that so? Let’s see what you’re made of, Telindell.”

  Lian lunged toward Roxees. He felt immense pain throughout his body, but he did his best to drive the pain from his mind. Roxees gracefully sidestepped Lian’s attack. She swung her staff around, making contact with Lian’s face. He let out a grunt as he went tumbling to the ground. He quickly stood, taking a step towards his foe once more. Lian let out another cry of pain and dropped to his knee.

  Roxees laughed hysterically. “You are almost finished boy!” Roxees pointed her staff toward Lian. “If I don’t finish you, you will finish yourself!”

  Lian listened to her words. He knew there was truth in them. His body ached. He was quickly losing control of his power. Lian knew he could not contain it much longer. He dropped his head momentarily, then glanced up and said, “If I go, you’re going with me.”

  Roxees smirked. “Well, maybe this truly is about petty revenge.” She began walking toward Lian slowly. “Go ahead. Let it destroy you. Kill me. Your Elves and desert filth may win this battle…” Roxees shook her head, looking at Lian. “But without you, do you really think they can stand against Lord Commander Dreathous? Gods fall before him.”

  Lian’s eyes widened. “She… She is right… Even if I kill her, right now… Everyone else will die,” he thought. Lian let go of his power and returned to his normal state, his body feeling a temporary sensation of relief.

  Roxees swung her staff toward Lian with violent force. Lian felt the pain of the blow along his face as he was knocked to the ground. Roxees laughed. “You know, I would say you did the smart thing…” Roxees paused, smiling in a sinister fashion. “Then again, there really isn’t a smart thing to do in this situation. You’re going to die. Your friends are going to die. Everyone in this pathetic world is going to die, and it is all your fault.” She burst into laughter at Lian’s failure.

  Lian struggled to his feet and stared at his enemy. “I haven’t… I haven’t been beaten yet!” Blood dripped from Lian’s face. He panted, trying to catch his breath, ready to continue the fight.

  Roxees lunged toward Lian, grasping his shirt with her talons. She lifted him into the air. “Foolish boy.” Roxees raised her staff, ready to end his life.

  Before she could deliver a fatal blow, she heard a voice cry out, “No!”

  Chapter 35: The Will of Kane

  The sound of war echoed across the land as thunder bellowed through the skies. Kane tucked his ears, his paws dug into the snow and ice as he made haste across the battlefield. Determination burned within the wolf’s eyes. Kane looked into the distance, focused on the area where Shinaugra had fallen to the ground. Kane glanced around the area, searching for a clear path to Lian. The wolf growled as he came to a stop, crouching down against the snow. Kane looked to his left, seeing only a horde of Enforcers relentlessly advancing. He glanced to his right, seeing Shinrok’s army moving to engage the Enforcers’ rear. The ground shook under the impact of magic and catapult fire. Kane had no clear path.

  Kane snorted, looking at the horde’s rear element. He stood and charged forward. Kane had decided he would cross the horde’s rear, a gamble by all accounts. Kane ran in that direction, ready to face any foe that would stand between him and Lian. He quickly shifted to the left, his paws flinging ice into the air. Kane was submerged into a black sea of evil. The Enforcers took note of his presence almost immediately. They roared and began to lunge at the black wolf. Kane agilely skirted his attackers while their blades crashed to the ground around him with deadly force.

  Finally, Kane could see the rear of their ranks. Just beyond was a quick dash to Lian. Kane set his sights on his goal and strengthened his resolve. Then, he felt a sudden blow to his side. He let out a yelp and flopped onto the ground. Kane quickly recovered, setting his gaze upon his attacker. Another Enforcer began charging him. Kane had no time to think. He had only one option; he must go through the Enforcer. Kane snarled and snapped toward the charging foe. His paws dug into the trampled ice-covered ground and started a charge of his own. Kane watched the Enforcer, looking for any path through. Monstrous roars escaped the Enforcer as the vile creature lunged toward Kane. Kane’s ears flicked and tucked. This was his chance. His paws scraped through the snow and ice, bringing him to a halt. The Enforcer slammed against the ground, Kane barely escaping its grasp. Kane quickly leapt over the toppled Enforcer, escaping the evil horde.

  Snow and ice blew against the wolf. He ran as if the wind carried him, drawing ever closer to his goal. But then, he came to a sudden halt. His nose twitched with the sensation of a familiar scent. He could smell Lian. The wolf darted in the direction of the scent. As he ran, the scent grew stronger. Kane turned his head to the left and saw a snow-covered pile of rubble. Kane’s eyes widened. The scent was coming from there. He quickly approached the rubble and began digging away at the ice and stone. With great relief, Kane unearthed Lian’s sword and not him. Kane let out a whimper at the realization that Lian was unarmed. He quickly grasped the sword’s sheath with his mouth.

  Kane ran toward the ruined Allendale castle. He now saw the dead Shinaugra out of the corner of his eye. Kane stopped, seeing no sign of Lian. Kane’s nose twitched once again with a familiar scent. It was Sarath. Kane trotted toward the nearby scent, finding the unconscious, snow-covered Sarath who lay against ice and rock. Kane dropped the sword and began sniffing the battered beauty. She was alive. Kane growled and snapped at Sarath in an attempt to wake her. She groaned but did not open her eyes. Kane licked her face, then began tugging at her hair.

  Finally, Sarath slowly opened her eyes, blinking to clear her vision. She attempted to rise and flinched from the pain. “Kane…” Sarath slowly shook her head. “Someone dropped me off a cliff.” Kane growled loudly and looked toward the sword lying upon the ground. Sarath’s eyes widened “Shit! We have to find Lian!” Sarath quickly struggled to her feet, blocking out the pain coursing through her body. She reached down and grabbed Lian’s sword, letting out a small cry of pain and quickly grabbing her left side. Her ribs were broken. She looked down to Kane, an expression of determination on her face. “Where is he? Ca
n you smell him?” Kane stuck his nose into the air. A loud crash was heard from the nearby town of Allendale. Sarath’s eyes widened, staring at the cloud of dust and snow rising in the distance. “There!” She pointed towards Allendale. “We must hurry!”

  Sarath ran as fast as she could, limping and grasping her ribs. Kane trotted alongside her. In the distance, they waw Roxees and Lian in a face off. Lian lunged at Roxees and fell to his knees.

  Sarath’s eyes widened. “How… How can he be fighting without the sword?” Sarath glanced to Kane. Kane’s ears flicked as he growled and snapped.

  Sarath breathed heavily as they drew closer. “I’m guessing that’s bad!” Kane looked up and nodded.

  They watched events unfold as they approached, seeing Roxees lift Lian into the air. She gritted her teeth and continued on. Sarath looked to Kane. “I can’t attack her. It would be suicide.” Kane looked up to Sarath, waiting. Sarath thought for a moment before coming to a stop. “I’ll distract her while you sneak up and try to free Lian.” Kane nodded in agreement. “Then I’ll get Lian the sword.”

  Kane quickly ran toward Lian’s right. Sarath made her approach, watching Kane from the corner of her eye. Roxees was deeply focused on Lian, failing to notice Sarath and Kane’s approach. Sarath stumbled onto the street while Roxees held her staff tightly, ready to deliver a final deadly blow to Lian.

  Sarath’s eyes widened at what was about to happen. “No!”


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