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Page 14

by S Kline

  “Stop hitting me.” The words come out low and menacing. She isn’t hurting me, but feeling her constant assault is damn irritating. Looking at her this close I still can’t shake the feeling that I know this woman. The feeling only intensifies the longer I stare at her. Why does she look so familiar?

  Her red hair hangs around her shoulders, her pouty lips are glossed, and brown eyes are the same shade as dark chocolate. She has a thin, almost boyish frame. She doesn’t look like a girl who particularly sticks out, so why would I remember her? Shaking myself out of my thoughts I use the duct tape I am still holding to bind her wrists together, and while I’m at it I tape her mouth shut.

  Kaci chooses this moment to walk in, her blue gaze wide as she takes in the damage of our surroundings. I really didn’t want her here for this, and judging by the looks on Dylan and Sean’s faces, they don’t either. So it is no surprise when Dylan steps forward and leads her back outside.

  As soon as the door closes behind them I push all thoughts of Kaci from my mind, and focused on Kane. I can feel Sean’s presence behind me as he moves about securing the woman to a separate chair. I look into Kane’s calculating gaze as I weigh my options. I need answers, ones I know he won’t give me voluntarily.

  I move over to the duffle again, and this time I lift out the hunting blade that I keep there. I slide off the leather sheath and walk back to Kane, watching his eyes go wide, as the first flicker of fear works through them.

  “I’m going to ask you a few questions. If I’m satisfied with the answers I’ll walk out and this doesn’t have to go any further.” I step closer, letting the blade run lightly over his bare shoulder. “If I’m not, however,” I push a little harder letting the blade gently pierce his skin. His body tenses and his head goes back, a muffled groan emanating from under the tape.

  I step back before reaching forward and yanking the tape from his lips.

  “Ughh, fuck!” He shifts his gaze to the small amount of blood trickling down his shoulder. “You are so fucking dead.”

  “Save your threats.” I lean back against the wall directly across from him. My eyes glance over at Sean who is now sitting in a backwards chair watching us. I watch as the woman directs a hard looks at Kane. A warning? Interesting. I cross my arms and return my eyes to Kane. “Where’s dear old Dad, Kane?”

  “I don’t know.” His lips press together, but his indifference is lost with the sweat beading at his temples.

  I walk toward him again, lifting the blade to the opposite shoulder and dig the tip into his skin. His jaw clenches, but he keeps his cries of pain in check this time.

  “Don’t lie to me. All I want to know is where I can find Delvin. Tell me, and I will leave right now.”

  “I haven’t seen him.” Gray eyes flicker around the room, looking everywhere but at me.

  “That’s really too bad.” I let the blade run a path from one shoulder cut to the other across his chest. He can’t hold back his hiss of pain this time.

  “Fuck! Fuck! Fine, I’ll tell you what I know just fuckin’ stop, okay?”

  I nod and step back, crossing my arms across my chest as I wait for his response. This is it. The answers I’ve been waiting years for. Kane is such a sell-out, and a disgrace to his family. Ardon would have made sure he couldn’t talk. I guess Neason is slipping.

  “I really haven’t seen him Troy, but the last time I spoke with him…” He hesitates, looking unsure. “He was… fuck Troy he’s my Dad! You think I don’t know what’ll happen when you find him? You’re asking me to sentence him to death.”

  “He sentenced himself to death.”

  “He didn’t kill her Troy! He was set up! That’s why he’s in hiding. You think he’s dumb enough to cause a war with not one, but two crime families? For what? What was he supposed to get from killing your mother?” His chest is heaving and sweat is beginning to coat his skin by the time he finishes speaking, but my mind is now on a reel? He was set up?

  That actually made more sense than it should. I run a hand through my hair, flicking my gaze back to the woman. She is watching me with a look I’m all too familiar with. Instead of turning me on, it makes my stomach tighten. I don’t want her attention. I have Kace.

  “Set up by who?” I look back at Kane as a relieved breath rushes out of him. He knows I am listening, taking him seriously. “If you’re telling me the truth, then who? Why? Why would they set up Delvin Kennedy of all people?”

  “I know it seems crazy, but it’s the truth. I swear.” He shakes his head, rolls it around his shoulders. “I don’t know who. I haven’t been able to work that out yet.”

  “I need more than a theory here, Kane. If you want me to buy this little story of yours, I’m going to need more to go on.” I kneel down in front of him until we are eye level, but stay far enough back he can’t head butt me. “And I’m still going to need that meeting with your old man.”

  “I can’t let you do that. You’ll kill him.” His eyes flicker nervously between me and Sean.

  “Not if you’re telling the truth. I’m actually inclined to believe you. Delvin Kennedy never really added up in my theory either, but his going into hiding is awfully suspicious.”

  “What did you want him to do? He has Ronan, Ardon, and Neason all gunning for his blood.”

  “If he’s innocent than I need to talk to him. I need to know what happened.”

  “If I set up the meet,” He licks over his bottom lip, eyes still flickering around. No way is he lying. If he is than he is damn good at it. He looks scared shitless. “Can you promise he won’t be hurt?”

  I shake my head. “You know I can’t promise that. I can promise that as long as he cooperates, and gives me the answers I need he will live. That’s the only promise I can give you.”

  “What if he doesn’t know?”

  “Then I’ll kill him. So you better hope he knows something.”

  He studies me for a minute, and I’m sure he sees the truth in my cold gaze. “You’re eyes are freaky as hell when your acting psycho like this.” He says on a nervous lilt of his voice. I ignore him, and stay silent as I wait him out. “Okay, Okay, I’ll put in a call in the morning. That’s the best I can do.”

  “That’s not good enough.”

  “Shit, Troy I’ll be lucky if he answers then. It’s all I can do.”

  I think about it for a minute. No way am I leaving here and trusting them not to run off before that call is made. I allow myself to think about Kaci standing outside with Dylan. It is getting late, the air is probably starting to get a bit nippy, and she has to be hungry.

  “So you’ll call him tomorrow morning?” Kane nods his head vigorously. “I hope you’re comfy enough in that chair.” I look over at Sean with a wry grin on my face. “Looks like we’re camping tonight.”

  “You can’t be serious? You’re gonna keep us tied to chairs all night? She’s a lady, Troy. Even you can’t be that unsympathetic.”

  I laugh. “You clearly don’t know me that well, Kane.” I make myself look back toward the heated gaze coming from this woman. “Speaking of ladies?” I tilt my head back as I shift my gaze back and forth between her and Kane. “That is definitely not Morgan.”

  His eyes widen as if the implications of his affair have just occurred to him. “It’s not what you’re thinking. She’s just a family friend.”

  “A family friend you have all alone in your old man’s cabin?” I raise both brows and slant my head forward slightly. “I wouldn’t believe that even if I hadn’t already seen you two groping each other on the porch.”

  Sean’s deep chuckle startles Kane, and he jumps pulling tightly against his binds. I grin mischievously at him. “Don’t worry about it. I could care less about your bullshit. All I care about is getting answers.”

  I watch as he sucks in a deep, relieved breath before nodding at me. I walk to the door and open it slowly. Dylan is holding Kaci against his chest, rubbing his hands over her bare arms. The cold air blows across my skin, b
ut it doesn’t cool down the heat coursing through me at the sight of them.

  I step out, letting the door close hard behind me. Sean can handle both of them if he needs to.

  “You can let her go now.” The words come out tight through my clenched jaw.

  Dylan grins and winks at me as he steps away from her. Silently laughing at me for being so whipped already. Kaci runs into my arms, and I instinctively press her as close to me as I can. Yeah, I fucking love that.

  “I’ll give you two a minute.” Dylan makes to walk around us but I stop him.

  “I need you to go get the second duffle from my trunk, and the one I know Sean keeps in his Explorer. We’re having a sleepover.”

  When I look down I’m met with Kaci’s surprised expression, her lips are parted and her blue eyes are wide. I place a soft kiss against her bottom lip before nipping it between my teeth.

  “Let’s get you out of the cold.” I whisper the words against her lips, and when I pull back her eyes are clouded in desire that tugs at me on every primal level.

  I look quickly away and urge her to move inside. She may not know that Sean’s her half-brother but I do and there is no way I’m fucking her in this cabin with him in the next room. It isn’t until we are inside that I look back down at her and the way her eyes are flicking to everything but the two people taped to chairs makes me want to laugh.

  “Take her to one of the bedrooms back there.” I kiss Kaci softly before handing her over to Dylan just as he steps through the door behind us; three duffle’s are slung over his shoulders. “She needs to rest up.”

  Dylan nods his head but his gaze moves between Sean and me. He’s waiting for Sean to react to my public display of affections toward Kaci. When Sean stays silent Dylan shrugs nonchalantly and moves to the back bedrooms with Kaci. I don’t take my eyes away from them until the door closes behind them and cuts off my view. Only then do I face Sean.

  “I need to step out to call Ronan.” Unconcerned with being left to play bodyguard, and undoubtedly enjoying the thought of the hell I am about to walk through, he nods and fucking smirks at me.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Dylan closes the door behind us and unloads his arms with an exaggerated huff of air. I love the way Dylan is always so carefree, always making people smile, and relieving the tension in the room. I smile at his antics.

  It doesn't matter what the situation is or how tense it may be. Dylan has a way with making everything seem a little more bearable. I flop down at the foot of the twin-sized bunk bed, the fresh and relaxing scent of lavender wafts from the sheets. When Dylan turns to face me, his playful grin on his lips, I find myself smiling back easily.

  "So you and Troy, huh?" He wiggles his boyish eyebrows at me.

  Wow, he wastes no time getting to the point. I nod and sit up on my elbows to look at him. "It just feels right. You know?"

  Dylan shoves his hands deep into his pockets as he regards me. "Since we both know I don't have long before he comes bursting in here to see what I'm doing with you, I have something I need to say."

  I sit up fully, confused by his suddenly serious demeanor. It's not often that Dylan gets serious about anything. I keep quiet, but nod for him to continue, my fingers twisting the cross around my neck.

  "Troy is a hard guy to understand. He's been through a lot of shit, and it only seems like it's getting more complicated as he gets older." Dylan’s green eyes slant slightly as he studies me. "He's human Kaci. He's made mistakes, and I'm sure he will make many more, but if you really care about him. You'll wait. You'll give him a chance to explain. You'll give him the benefit of the doubt, and you’ll realize that you're different. You're special."

  I don't really know what to say to him. I'm rendered speechless by a side of Dylan I've never seen before. In this moment it's so easy to see why he and Troy are so close.

  I smile slightly, trying to mask the worry that's plaguing me at his thorough inspection of our relationship. I'm grateful when the door swings open. Troy stand's there in all of his deliciousness, blue eyes blazing into my relaxed position on the bed, and saves me from responding to Dylan's speech. He shifts his gaze briefly to Dylan.

  "You can go now." His words are gruff, and seem to vibrate the air around us.

  Dylan's grin grows to a megawatt level. "Sure thing, boss. Don't be too loud in here-“ He pauses briefly. “On second thought be loud. I could use a good handy."

  Troy throws his arm up to swing, but Dylan rushes out the door, a chuckle following him as he goes. I laugh. I can't help it. That's the Dylan I'm used to, not the serious man of moments before. Troy hangs his head, hands on his hips, and softly laughs before raising his eyes to meet mine. My breath catches as he stalks toward me predatorily. He stops when his knees brush mine, braces his arms on the upper bunk.

  I can't help but admire the shift of muscles in his thick arms. "I can be quiet." The words whisper softly from my lips.

  I don't know where they come from, but I know that I want his hands on me again. I want to feel his body move over mine. My thighs clench at the images in my mind as a low growl leaves him from somewhere deep in his throat. His head rolls along his shoulders, but his eyes never leave mine.

  "I want nothing more than to be buried inside you right now." He bends his knees so that he is only inches away from my face, his warm breath tickling over my lips as he speaks. "But right now, I need to focus on this. I can't get lost in you."

  My body tingles harshly at his words. I want to beg him. Make him fix this deeply rooted desire he's caused inside of me, but I know he's right. "You should probably get out of here then so I can get some sleep."

  A grin tugs at the corner of his lips. "I'll go." He leans in a little further to brush his lips softly against mine.

  I don't know exactly what happens next, but suddenly my hands are tangled in his hair, and my body is pressed against his, my tongue seeking entrance into his sinful mouth. He groans and devours me in a feral dual of lips. I can taste the mint of his toothpaste mixed with something a little darker, something purely Troy.

  His hands grip my waist as he pushes me further into him, one hand traces up my side to grip the nape of my neck. I run one hand down from his hair, across the length of his neck, down his side, over his hip, and finally grip his erection through his jeans. He hisses in a deep breath of air. I have no idea where my sudden braveness comes from but he groans in approval.

  Suddenly, a cool chill caresses my too warm skin and my lips are left swollen and bereft.

  "You have to stop or I'm going to fuck you, and trust me, you won't be quiet. I will fuck you so hard you’ll be begging me as loud as you can to get you off. You fucking possess me, Kace."

  The shiver under my skin intensifies at his words. I want that. I grab the hem of my shirt to yank it over my head, but one of his hands shoots out quickly to stop me. I raise a curious gaze to his face. He looks torn, and it lessens a tiny bit of the irritation his rejection has begun to stir up.

  "I can't fuck you here Kace. If one of those douche bags hears they'll say something. Then I'll kill them."

  I drop my hands, releasing my shirt, the irritation in me starting to build again. "You’ve fucked girls in front of them, Troy."

  His eyes turn cold, hard, as they narrow at me accusingly. I wilt a little under his intense stare. "Is that what you want Kace? 'Cause I can tell you right now that will never fucking happen!" His words are hard, but only loud enough that I can hear them.

  "You are not those girls. I didn't give a damn about any of them. Just the thought of any other man seeing the complete look of ecstasy on your face when you cum makes me feel murderous. That is for me, you are for me, and only me."

  My heart squeezes almost painfully at his words, so full of hope at his declaration. I want to be more to him. I want to be special. My irritation fizzles away instantly as Dylan's words from earlier come back to me. I lean forward to brush a soft kiss against his lips.

nbsp; His whole body relaxes as he gently prods at my lips. I pull back to look into his eyes, loving the way they seem somehow softer. It makes me feel special. This is a look I can say I've never seen on his face before. I can't quite figure out what it means, but I know I never want him to stop looking at me like this.

  "I need to get back out there." He tilts his head slightly to indicate the door behind him.

  I nod and lean in for one last, single kiss from his firm lips. He sighs and runs his fingers gently along my jaw before standing up and moving toward the door. I feel the loss of him immediately as he steps out, closing the door behind him gently.

  I flop back on the bed again, my body going lax and my eyes glue themselves to the wooden slats that hold up the upper bunk. How did I ever live without the feelings he's causing in me?

  I think of the one time I let Marcus kiss me, and I know I did the right thing when I stopped him. It never could have been like this. He never could have measured up to Troy. I know without a doubt Troy has already ruined me. He's opened me up to a world of feelings and sensations I've never known before.

  I know that if he leaves me now it will destroy me. I will never find what I feel for him with anyone else. Suddenly I wonder if he has. Has he ever felt this way about someone else? Does he feel like this about me?

  The muffled sound of "Drinking from the Bottle" pulls me out of the dark direction my thoughts are taking. I sigh, not ready for the Marcus inquisition I know I'm about to face. I roll over enough to pull my cell from my back pocket.

  "Hey boo!" My voice is overly cheerful as I try to avoid his scrutiny.

  "Don't Hey boo! me Kacie! You slept with him! You told me not to worry, and then you fuck him anyway!"

  I sit up, feeling my face scrunch up in anger, my fist tightening at my side. "You have no right to yell at, or judge me, Marcus. It's not what you think."

  He scoffs down the line. "What is it then Kacie? What makes you any better than all the other whores he uses and then throws back out?"


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