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Change of Heart 2

Page 15

by Scarlett Edwards

  “Rich, no! It’s a trap!” I cry out. Victor snarls and hits my face. The blow is hard and knocks me off my feet. I collapse on the floor and start to tremble.

  “Get up!” Victor barks. He pulls me by my hair again. Tears are streaming down my face. “If you want to avoid that, next time, you will listen to instruction, yes?”

  “…and if I see so much as a hint of a cop, Richard, Penny will not survive the night.” Amanda ends the call.

  “Amanda, please,” I whimper. “Leave Rich out of this! What do you want from him?”

  Amanda cocks a perfect eyebrow at me. “I don’t want anything from Rich, Penelope. But Victor here is still upset with him for the way he left him that night. I think the two of them have some unfinished business, man-to-man.” Victor chuckles in agreement.

  Tam glances at his watch. “It is time to go.” He takes my elbow. “I will escort the lady out,” he tells Victor. Victor frowns at him. After some hesitation, he gives me up.

  Amanda walks over and takes Victor’s hand. “Come, my darling. Tonight promises to be full of adventure. I can feel it.”

  We exit the room. I’m all too aware of the gun Tam has pressed up against my back as we walk. He hides it in his blazer pocket.

  Amanda and Victor lead the way to a staff elevator. Tam hands Amanda a special key card. She swipes it through and the doors open. “So we don’t have any incidents,” she informs me.

  The elevator goes all the way to the underground parking lot. There’s a black sedan waiting for us. Amanda unlocks it and gets into the driver’s seat. Victor sits beside her. I’m stuffed in the back by Tam. I shuffle into the seat behind Amanda’s.

  “I’ll be back,” Tam says. “I need to check the room one last time.” He disappears before anyone can say a word.

  “How long is he going to take?” Amanda complains.

  “He will take the time he needs, no more,” Victor rumbles. He places his hand on Amanda’s thigh. “For now, we have time to ourselves, yes?”

  “Victor, not now,” Amanda says. He raises his hand behind her neck and pulls her toward him. “Oh, all right,” she complies. I look away as they start kissing over the console.

  Tam returns not a second too soon. Victor’s been groping Amanda’s breasts for the past few minutes.

  Tam opens the door and slides next to me. Our eyes meet for a second. He gives an imperceptible wink. Immediately, I look away.

  “Took you long enough,” Amanda grumbles, adjusting her bra. Victor snickers beside her.

  Tam’s voice remains calm. “Everything is ready.”

  “Good,” Amanda says, starting the engine.

  “Where are you taking me?” I ask.

  “Don’t ask stupid questions,” Amanda says. “Tam, keep her quiet.”

  The blood-curdling smile returns to his lips. He shows me the gun.

  I risk it anyway. “It’s not going to work, Amanda! Rich is never going to come!”

  “Oh yeah?” She laughs. “I’ve known him longer than you, sweetie. I say he will.” She looks through the mirror at Tam. “Didn’t I ask you to keep her quiet?”

  Victor hands Tam a roll of duct tape. Without a word, he motions for me to hold out my hands. I do. There’s nothing to gain by fighting now. When he’s done with my wrists, he breaks off a piece for my mouth.

  “No, please!” I beg. “I’ll be quiet—” I start to say. The words end when he tapes over my mouth.

  Amanda exits the lot and enters the main traffic. I stare out the window. I desperately hope Rich won’t rise to the bait.

  I watch the buildings go by and wonder how I got myself into this situation. I’ve gone through so much in such a short period of time. I’m a far cry from the girl who set out on her own from California less than six months ago.

  We drive along narrow back roads, getting farther and farther away from the city. Anxiety builds inside me with every passing minute. Rich must be so worried. He’ll be leaving soon, if he hasn’t already.

  Suddenly, flashing lights appear behind us. Somebody else is getting pulled over.

  “Shit,” Amanda curses. “This is just my luck. Tam, keep Penny down so they don’t see her as they pass.”

  Tam puts his cold hand on my neck and forces me forward. I inhale sharply at the stab of pain that shoots from my ribs. All I can see are my feet. But, those lights are still flashing. Are they following us?

  When the signals turn on, I have no doubt left in my mind. I hear Amanda’s panicked voice, “Victor, you idiot! Did you forget to change the plate?”

  “No,” he growls. “Maybe you forget the speed limit.”

  “No,” Amanda says. “I’m driving right at—Jesus, he wants us to pull over!”

  “Do it,” Tam advises. “We don’t want to draw extra attention.”

  “What about Penny?”

  Tap rips the tape off my mouth in one quick jerk. My skin feels like it’s on fire. “As long as she does not speak, everything will be fine.” He cuts my wrists loose. “She is just a passenger, remember?” Tam looks at me as he says it, touching the gun at his hip in warning.

  I swallow and nod. “I won’t say a thing.”

  Amanda grunts, then quickly veers onto the shoulder. I can tell she’s unhappy about this.

  She turns back to glare at me. “If you say anything,” she threatens.

  “I promise,” I tell her.

  She doesn’t have time to get a more reassuring answer out of me. I see a shadow move by my door. The policeman knocks on Amanda’s window.

  She rolls it down. I can hear the smile in her voice. “What’s the problem, officer?”

  “License and registration, please,” he says. “Your rear taillight is out.”

  I watch as the tension oozes out of Amanda’s shoulders. “Honey,” she asks Victor, “would you please tell me why you didn’t fix it yet?”

  He plays along. “I be taking the car to the shop tomorrow.”

  “See, officer? You just caught us at the wrong time. We’re in a hurry. If you let us go, I promise the light will be fixed tomorrow.”

  “It is a misdemeanor to drive with a dead taillight,” the officer informs her. “I will not ask again. License and registration, please.”

  This is my chance. Do I dare risk it? All it will take is one cry for help…

  I look at Tam. He’s watching me with his dark eyes, his hand on his hip.

  I exhale, defeated. No. Now is not the right time.

  “This vehicle belong to you?” the officer asks.

  “Yes,” Amanda relies. “Now, can we go? Ticket me if you want, but just get it over with already.”

  “Ma’am, is there anything in this car that does not belong to you?” the officer asks.


  “Did you allow anybody else access to this vehicle while it was in your possession?” he asks.

  “No! What is up with all these questions?” Amanda’s getting agitated. “Am I under arrest? I don’t have to tell you anything if I’m not.”

  “Ma’am, are you hiding something?” the officer persists.

  “What? No!”

  “Please step out of the vehicle.”

  “What? Officer, this is my car. I don’t have to—”

  She cuts off as the policeman points his gun at her. “Get out of the car! Now!”

  The next few seconds go by almost like a dream.

  Victor growls and starts to reach for something in his vest. He never gets the chance. Tam’s pistol is in his hand in a flash. Instead of pointing it at me, or the officer, however, he buries it deep in Victor’s neck. “Not a move, now,” he warns.

  I open my door and duck out of the car. When I look up, Amanda’s hands are in cuffs. Victor is still frozen in his seat.

  I watch three other officers in civilian clothes race to the car. One of them opens Victor’s door and tackles him to the ground. The other points a Taser at him as his partner cuffs his wrists.

  Both Victor and Amanda are
brought to the hood of the car. Victor is cursing loudly.

  “…Two charges of drug trafficking and possession,” I hear one officer announce. “…Ten kilos of cocaine found in your rooms. Another fifteen in the trunk of your car…”

  “I don’t have any drugs!” Amanda screams.

  One officer pops the trunk and peers in. He retrieves a large suitcase that he throws to the ground in front of her. Amanda’s eyes widen. “That’s not mine! I’ve never seen it in my life!”

  The officer opens it to expose dozens of small plastic bags filled with white powder.

  Amanda looks like she’s about to faint. Her eyes meet mine. She notices the small smile on my lips.

  Her face twists with rage. “You did this!” she yells. “You set me up! You fucking bitch, you…”

  I don’t hear the rest. Tam comes up to me and offers his hand. I take it and shake.

  “You did well,” he says.

  “I never doubted us,” I reply.

  “I apologize for the…” he motions to my cheek, “…incident.”

  “Oh, I don’t think it’s that bad,” I say. “Victor was the one who did the most damage. I’ll wear it as a badge of honor.”

  I feel a hand clasp my shoulder. I turn around to find Calloway beaming proudly at me. He offers his hand as well. “Penelope, my girl, you’ve impressed me beyond words today. I’m so glad I could help. Know that we could not have done it without you.”

  “Thank you, sir,” I smile.

  Calloway laughs. “Always so formal. You know, I think you might have a future in this type of trade.” He looks at Tam. “I know someone who would be happy to train you.”

  “That’s very generous, but I think once is enough for me. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have somebody I desperately need to call.”

  Calloway nods. “You can use my phone.”

  I dial Rich and turn away. My heart beats faster with every ring that goes by. Keeping Rich in the dark was the part I hated most about the plan. But it had to be that way. His response to Amanda’s call had to be genuine. Now, I just pray and hope that he’ll forgive me.

  “Hello?” he barks. “Amanda, if you’re calling from a blocked number…” his voice sounds rough and full of worry.

  “Hi, baby,” I say meekly.

  “Penny? Oh my God! Where are you? I’m driving to the docks right now. I’ll be there in minutes—”

  “There’s no need,” I tell him. “I’m good. I’m fine. I’m safe. I’m with Mr. Calloway.” I start to choke up. “Oh, Rich, I’m so sorry. But I had no choice…”

  I tell him everything, from start to end. How Calloway and I planned to use Tam to deceive Amanda and Victor. How I couldn’t tell him about any of it. How I know he has every reason to hate me, and how badly I hope he’ll forgive me.

  When I finally finish, there are tears on my cheeks. I poured my soul out to Rich.

  What happens next is up to him.

  The line goes quiet for a long, scary moment. I can hear his labored breathing. At least he hasn’t hung up. My heart fills with fear for our future together.

  “Rich?” My voice shakes. “Are you still there?”

  “Penny,” Rich says very softly, “turn around.”

  Confused, I twist my neck back. Rich is looking at me from inside his car. In all the commotion, I haven’t even noticed him pull up.

  I drop the phone and run to him. He throws the door open and scrambles to me. We meet halfway.

  I fly into him, my head on his chest, where it belongs. I start to cry. He holds me tight. It’s a grip of possession, a grip that speaks of the horror he felt when he thought he’d lost me. It’s a grip of his promise never to be apart.

  “Rich, I… I’m so sorry,” I mumble. His strong hands cup my face. He tilts me up so he can look into my eyes. His are sparkling like silver prisms.

  He sees the swelling on my cheek, the cut across my lip. Sadness fills his eyes. His thumbs brush over my skin. “Shh,” he whispers. “Don’t apologize. When Amanda called, and I heard your voice…” he swallows. “I don’t know what I would have done if I’d lost you. But never again, Penny. Never will I ever let you out of my sight again. I love you with all my heart. You are the brightest star in my sky. Only when I’m with you do I feel complete.” He smiles. “I know our relationship isn’t perfect. But hell, we’ve got the rest of our lives to fix things.

  And then he kisses me, and the rest of the world fades away.


  18 months later…

  I wake up and stretch. Bright morning sunshine fills the room. The air outside is warm with the first hint of spring.

  I pick up the red silk robe hanging on the wall and put it on. Tying the fabric belt, I wander to the kitchen.

  I open the fridge, smiling at all the egg whites and chunks of meat in there. So this is what it’s like to live with a man who eats healthy and takes care of his body.

  I grab the carton of milk—skim, of course—and pour it into a cup. Careful not to wake him, I ease the microwave open and set the timer. I still haven’t gotten used to the taste of warm milk, but the doctor says it’s good for me.

  I hit “stop” with just one second left so the microwave doesn’t beep. I take the steaming cup out, careful to touch only the handle so I don’t scald myself. I lean against the counter, sip my drink, and look at the man still asleep on the mattress.

  Rich is shirtless, as usual. The covers only go up to his hips. His entire upper body is free for my hungry eyes to devour.

  I giggle, remembering the way he did that to me last night. I know that this morning, he’s not wearing anything under the covers, either.

  He looks so peaceful when he’s asleep. The light shines onto his body, accentuating his lean physique. Light stubble covers his cheeks, just the way I like it.

  He rolls over and his hand searches for me. I smile as he opens his eyes and looks around in confusion. When he finds me, he mumbles, “Mmm, baby, come back to bed,” still half asleep.

  “I need to go for a run. You know the doctor said to keep up my exercise.”

  Rich looks me up and down. “I think you’re perfect the way you are,” he rumbles, his voice thick and full. “Now get back here before I carry you myself.” His eyes have a mischievous glint to them. “You know I’ll do it, even with your ‘condition.’”

  He makes forgetting the run hard to resist. “But no kissing,” I warn him. “I have morning breath.”

  “I don’t care,” Rich says, pulling me into his arms and kissing me wildly. I gasp for air when he lets me go. “How was that?”

  I slap his arm. “You’re an animal!”

  He grins. “You know you love it.”

  “I do,” I sigh, putting my head against his chest. He strokes my hair as I lie there.

  “You know,” I say after a few moments, “I’ve been thinking. Maybe we can stay in New York after we go to Min’s wedding.”

  Rich sits up in an instant. His eyes are intense. “You’re serious?”

  “I told you I’d think about it, right? Now that the semester’s over, there’s nothing keeping me in Oregon. Except you, of course, but you’re… portable.”

  “Portable?” Rich laughs. “I’ve never heard that one before.”

  “It’s true, though, right?” I grin up at him as my fingers make light circles over his chest. “You’d follow me wherever I go.”

  “Baby, you know it’s true.” He sits up and reaches for the phone. “You should call Min and tell her the good news. She will be thrilled to find she gets to keep her bridesmaid after the wedding.”

  “And her brother?”

  Rich laughs. “Maybe a little less happy about that.”

  I take the phone from him. “I—oh! Rich, quick, quick, look!” I grab his hand and place it on my stomach. “I just felt them move!”

  Rich concentrates as I hold his hand to my swollen tummy. I feel a little kick inside. Rich’s eyes widen. He looks at me with love and adorati

  “I felt it too,” he whispers.

  I squeal. “Oh my God, isn’t it amazing? Oh, oh! One more!”

  Rich lowers his face to my belly and kisses me there. He turns his head to look at me. “Do you think they’re fighting?”

  I smile at him. “You better straighten it out.”

  Rich nods, all serious now. “Hey there, little guy,” he says. “You haven’t seen me yet, but it’s your daddy here.” He glances at me. I smile, encouraging him on.

  “I haven’t seen you yet, either. Well, that’s not exactly true. I’ve seen ultrasounds. But it’s not the same thing.” He clears his throat. “Anyway, I just wanted to warn you, you’d better not be picking on your sister. If you are, you can bet your little bum she’ll be born first and will always be the oldest.” He moves his head to the other side of my stomach. “And you. If you’re the one picking on your brother… atta girl! You show him that you’re your daddy’s daughter.”

  “Rich!” I admonish, smacking his head. “You’re not supposed to pick favorites!”

  He grins sheepishly at me.

  “Just wait ‘til she’s a teenager,” I warn him. “Then she’ll have you tearing your hair out.”

  Rich frowns. “I’m quite fond of my hair.” He leans his head back to my stomach and whispers, “Mommy thinks you’re going to be a little rascal. I know you won’t. You’re going to be daddy’s angel.” He smiles at me. “And you’re going to be just as beautiful, just as smart, and just as strong as your mother.”

  “Rich, stop it,” I say, turning away. “You’re making me blush.”

  He kisses his way up my body. When he reaches my ear, he rustles, “You know how sexy I think you are when you blush.”

  That comment makes me break out in a dozen shades of red.

  “Wait here,” Rich says, pressing a finger to my lips. “I have something for you.”

  He hops out of bed. My eyes zero in on his glorious backside, and I feel a flare of disappointment when he covers it with his blue sweats.


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