The War of Wars
Page 107
Battles of Quatre Bras and Ligny 878–9, 880–5, 899–900
British ambassador to France 863–5
character 600, 607, 695–6, 732–3, 735–7, 742, 873–4
death 911
early life 600–2
in Flanders 603
in France 755–6, 841, 842, 847
Battle of the Nivelle 756–7
Battle of Orthez 757
Battle of Toulouse 758
march on Paris 906
in India 604–11
and Lines of Torres Vedras 704–8, 709, 710
made Duke of Wellington 704
Portuguese expedition 599, 612–18
Battle of Vimeiro 616–18, 631
proconsul of France 907–8, 913
relations with wife 602, 604, 612, 696, 864
returns to Portugal 632–3, 654, 696–9
Battle of Oporto 696–9
in Spain 699, 715–20, 723–7, 730–3, 734–41, 742–8, 749–53
Battle of Fuentes Onoro 715–17
Battle of Salamanca 737–41
Battle of Talavera 700–3
Battle of Vitoria 750–1, 832
fall of Badajoz 731–3
siege of Burgos 743–4
storms Ciudada Rodrigo 724–5
takes and loses Madrid 740–1, 744–6
Wesley, Garret, 1st Earl of Mornington 599–600
Wesley, Richard, 1st Baron Mornington 599
West Indies 142–5, 170, 197, 262, 263, 265, 375, 409, 425, 428, 433, 434–5, 436, 436–8, 439, 536, 538–9, 634, 925
Westphalia 508–9, 529, 633
Whitelocke, Lieutenant-General John 499, 502
Whitworth, Lord Charles 170, 379–80, 408, 580
Wickham, William 139
Wilberforce, William 105, 106, 139, 419, 502
Wilkes, John 94, 99
William, Prince (later King William IV) 262, 265, 295
Williams Wynn, Charles 378
Williams Wynn, Frances 92
Williams Wynn, Henry 511, 528
Williams Wynn, Sir Watkin 101
Williamstadt 34
Wilson, Harriet 864
Wilson, Robert 134–7
Wilson, Sir Robert 803–4
Windham, William 376, 383, 407, 493, 498, 570, 925
Windward Islands 143, 144
Wittgenstein, Field Marshal Ludwig 793, 809, 810, 816, 825, 830
Wolfe, Captain 651
Wolfe, Charles 631
Wolfe, General James 140, 591
women, in France 385–6
Wordsworth, William 378, 397
Wright, Commander John 210, 391, 394–5, 484, 577, 580, 581
Wroxall 93
Wurmser, General Dagobert 121, 168, 169, 176, 177
Württemberg 482, 490, 839
Wurzburg, Battle of 171
Wyatt, James 101
Yarmouth, Lord 502
Yorck, General Johann David von 283, 817, 821, 852
York, Frederick, Duke of 126, 128–9, 130, 133, 137, 139, 265, 333, 334, 421, 592, 603, 614
Yorke, Charles 209, 727
Yorktown, Battle of 141, 482
Young, Admiral William 366, 565
Zamoyski, Adam xii
Zaragoza 587, 613, 619, 627, 631, 751
Ziethen, General Hans von 891, 893, 894, 896
Zoublow, Prince 352–3
Zurich, Battle of 333, 346
Louis XVI is seized by the mob, 1792
The Royal Palace in Paris under siege, 1792
Young man about to change the world: Napoleon at 16
Conqueror of northern Italy: Napoleon’s most glorious campaign, 1797
The Battle of Cape St Vincent: Britain’s first decisive naval victory, 1797
French Pharaoh and the Sphinx: Napoleon in Egypt, 1798
Battle of the Nile: Nelson strands the French in Egypt, 1798
Brumaire: Napoleon seizes power, 1799
Battle of Copenhagen: Nelson dares, and wins, 1801
France prepares to invade Britain: boats, balloons and tunnels, in an imaginative contemporary engraving, 1804
William Pitt the Younger
Nelson dies as he learns of triumph at Trafalgar, 1805
Austerlitz: Napoleon’s greates victory
Napoleon and Alexander of Russia: imaginative depiction of the raft at Tilsit, 1807
Archduke Charles at Aspern: Austria’s greatest general, 1809
The French take Oporto, start of the Peninsula War, 1809
Death of Sir John Moore at La Coruña, 1809: a magnificent career nipped in the bud
Salamanca: Wellington’s finest battle, 1812
The horrors of the Peninsula Wars as depicted by Goya
Moscow burning: awesome Russian self-immolation, 1812
Suffering beyond endurance: the retreat from Moscow, 1812
Caged beast: caricature of Napoleon in Elba, 1814
Blucher: bluff but great Prussian general
Iron Duke: Wellington on horseback
The Battle of Waterloo, 1815