The War of Wars
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Battle of Ligny 882–3
Battle of Valmy 33–4
Battle of Waterloo 891–903
emergence of 3
and First Coalition 120
joins League of Neutral Nations 352, 363
and the Low Countries 126, 127, 129
and Napoleon’s defeat 926
nationalism in 917
and Poland 171
relations with Britain 109, 111, 115, 120, 132, 133, 170
relations with France 140, 402, 403, 502, 504, 514, 527, 528, 657
aims from invasion of France 848
declares war on (1806) 511
goes to war with (1792) 31–4
reaction to French Revolution 31
and restoration of French monarchy 866–7
relations with Russia 111, 113, 120, 817, 823
resurgence of 823–5
and Seventh Coalition 871
and Third Coalition 432, 462, 485, 490
Treaty of Basle 140
Treaty of Kalisch 817, 823
Treaty of Tilsit reduces 529
war-hungry 33
Waterloo campaign 876–88, 891–4, 895–7, 900–1, 902
Prussian campaign (1806–7) 511–25
Battle of Eylau 519–22, 902
Battle of Friedland 524–5, 767, 902
Battle of Jena-Auerstadt 513–15, 824, 835, 902, 923
Treaty of Tilsit 526
Prussian campaign (1813)
Armistice of Pleischwitz 830
Battle of Bautzen 829
Battle of Grossgorchen 829
Battle of Lutzen 829
Battle of Weissenfeld 829
Puerto Rico 145, 171, 496
Pueyrredón, Juan Martin de 498
Puisaye, Joseph, Comte de 138
Pulling, Captain 554
punishment, on ships 200–1
Pyramids, Battle of the 282, 283–4, 477
Quatre Bras, Battle of 877–9, 880–5, 900, 902
Quatremère de Quincy, Antoine-Chrysostome 44
Quebec 140, 141, 262, 589
Querelle, Dr 392
Raab, Battle of 669
Raffin, Josephine 685
Ragusa, Duke of 822
Rainier, Admiral 219
Ramolinos family 57–8
Ratisbon 663, 664, 683
Raza, Roustam 326
Récamier, Juliette 151
Red Sea 308
Redouté, Pierre-Joseph 251
Rémusat, Madame de 187, 253, 378
Rémusat, Monsieur de 482
republicanism 10, 19, 24
English 9–10
French 858–63, 867
Revel 368
Revolutinary Wars 30–375
character of xi-xii, 4–5
see also individual battles and campaigns
Reynier, General Ebenezer 283, 312, 323, 531, 709, 714, 765
Rheims 853
Rhine, River 138, 140, 334, 347, 351, 515, 832, 841, 847
Rhineland 87, 129, 146, 159, 160, 168, 171, 172, 178, 179, 485, 822
Richelieu, Duc de 907, 913
Richmond, Duchess of 878
Richmond, Duke of 126–7, 129, 878
Riga 817
Rigaud, Commander 403
Rimini 177
Riou, Captain 365
Rivoli, Battle of 176–7, 180
Robespierre, Augustin 53, 77, 80, 81
Robespierre, Maximilien 24, 28, 37, 40, 43, 44, 49–54, 80–1, 139, 153, 156, 190, 336, 337, 338, 914, 918
Rochambeau, General 482
Roche de la Coste, Auna 685
Rochefort 426, 428, 434, 438, 564, 904
Rockingham, Marquess of 98
Rodney, Admiral 97
Rolandeau, Louise 685
Romagna 177
Romania 623
Rome 296, 333
Rome, King of see Napoleon II
Romilly 417
Romney, George 268
Rosally, Admiral 446
Rosebery, Lord 85–6, 90, 93, 110, 381–2, 463
Rosetta 281, 298, 299, 328, 532
Rosetta Stone 301, 329
Rossier, Heinrich 815
Rostopchin, Count Feodor 789, 791
Rouco 174
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 59, 68, 104
Roverata 169
royalists, French 335, 388, 389, 391, 574
Ruffo, Cardinal Fabrizio 355
Battle of Austerlitz 486–9
Battle of Eylau 519–22
Battle of Friedland 524–5
Battle of Leipzig 838–41
expansionism 110–14
and First Coalition 120
invasion of 763–825
and League of Neutral Nations 352, 363
and Napoleon’s defeat 926
Napoleon’s impact on 917
position in Europe 1788 3, 4
relations with Austria 333, 334
relations with Britain 109, 111–14, 120, 145, 170, 171, 346, 363, 368, 422, 430, 502, 527, 529, 765
relations with France 294, 333, 402, 403, 409, 430–1, 503, 516, 537–8, 622–3, 657, 818, 823
aims from invasion of France 848
declares war on (1799) 333, 346
reaction to French Revolution 113
and restoration of French monarchy 862–3, 866–7
relations with Prussia 111, 113, 120
relations with Turks 300, 352, 516, 765, 867
and Second Coalition 333, 346
and Seventh Coalition 871
and Third Coalition 432
Treaty of Kalisch 817, 823
Treaty of Tilsit 526–30
withdraws from Second Coalition 351
see also Russian campaign
Russian campaign
atrocities 803–4, 815–16
Battle of the Berezina 808–9
Battle of Borodino 781–6
Battle of Maloyaroslavets 797–9
Battle of Smolensk 778–9
burning of Moscow 788–95
casualties in 818
and conquest of Moscow 775, 776–7
French at Vitebsk 773–7
French cross Niemen 767–8
guerrilla warfare 792–3
Napoleon enters Moscow 787–8
Napoleon’s flight to Paris 814, 819–20
retreat from Moscow 796–804
significance of 759, 818–19
Tsar rejects Napoleon’s peace initiative 794–5
weather as a factor in 764, 768–9, 797, 801–2, 804, 814, 814–15
Sahagun 627
St Cyr, General 765, 912
St Domingue 143, 144, 145, 401
St Helena 908–11, 922–3, 924
St Helens, Lord 352–3
St Lucia 143, 144, 432
St Marc, Monsieur de 570, 571
St Petersburg 775, 791, 797
St Vincent, Earl 143, 144, 209, 210, 228–9, 230–5, 242, 269, 270, 272, 273, 360–1, 369, 371, 373, 379, 425, 429, 430, 452, 550, 551, 558–9, 560, 583, 635, 636, 926
Saint-Just, Louis de 43, 50, 53, 177
Salamanca 620, 621, 624, 626, 716, 725, 746, 749
Battle of 737–41, 786
Saldana, Battle of 626
Saliceti, Christophe 74, 77, 79, 80–1, 175
San Domingo 144
San Sebastian, siege of 752–3, 754
Sanchez, Julian 707, 721
Santa Cruz (Tenerife) 271–2
Santander 749
Santo Domingo 496, 497
Sardinia 34, 73, 145, 146, 405, 434, 542, 543
Saumarez, Sir James 209, 210, 218–19, 294, 556, 558
Savoy 34, 87, 120
Savoy, King of (1993) 120
Saxe-Weimar, Bernhard, Prince of 878
Saxony 512, 515, 529, 838, 839, 867, 871
Scheldt, River 115, 116, 117, 118, 603, 672–5
Schérer, General 333
Schönbrunn, Treaty of 675–6
rg, Prince Karl
German campaign (1813) 833, 834, 836, 837, 838, 839, 841, 912
invasion of France 847, 849, 850, 853
Waterloo campaign 872
scorched-earth policy 764, 774, 793, 799–800
Scott, Walter 420
Sebag-Montefiore, Simon 110–11, 112
Sebastiani, Colonel 408
Sebastopol 113
Sechelles, Herault de 50
Second Coalition 333, 346
Ségur, General Philippe-Paul de 766, 769, 773–4, 775–7, 784–5, 788, 789–90, 793–4, 796, 798–9, 800, 801–2, 806–7, 811–12, 815, 816–17
Semmering 178
Seringapatam 312, 606
Sérurier, Marshal Jean-Mathieu-Philibert 161, 162, 168
Servan, General 121
Seven Years War 2, 17, 109, 589
Seventh Coalition 871
Seville 587, 719, 740
Seymour, Captain George 564
Shelburne, Earl of 91
Shelley, Lady 865, 907
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley 101, 376, 405
British 202–10
fireships 640, 641, 643–6
French 208, 413–15
frigates 202
landing craft 413–14, 415
Spanish 231
Shore, Sir John 604
Sicily 120, 274, 275, 286, 296, 350, 354, 490, 502, 531, 582
Sieyès, Abbé Emmanuel 13, 14, 16, 334, 336–7, 339, 340, 342, 343–4, 387, 861
Silesia 825
slave trade, abolition of 502
Sluys 139
Smith, Joseph 107
Smith, Sir Sidney 78, 131, 210, 311, 312, 317–18, 319, 321, 322, 324, 327, 391, 531, 569, 577–9, 580, 583
Smolensk 774, 777, 778–9, 792, 802, 804, 805
Battle of 778–9
smuggling 536–7, 538
Snape Douglas, Sir Andrew 218
Sobremonte, Rafael, Marques de 497, 498, 499
Soult, Marshal Nicolas 401, 486, 487, 488, 513, 519, 520, 624, 626, 627, 628, 864
Peninsular War 696, 697, 698–9, 702, 707, 711, 716, 717–19, 721, 723, 731, 740, 745, 752–3, 755, 756, 757, 758
Waterloo campaign 874, 879, 884, 902
Southey, Robert 101, 365
Souvorov, Marshal Alexander 346, 781
Spain 3, 109, 130
Battle of Cape St Vincent 228–35
Battle of Talavera 700–3
empire 36, 142, 493–501, 584, 588
liberation of 757
relations with Britain 36, 109, 111–12, 120, 131, 145, 169–70, 171, 430, 696–7, 699
declares war on (1804) 430
relations with France 36, 46, 121, 353, 430, 495–7, 515, 582
resistance to 586–8, 633, 760
seized by 582–8, 613, 657–8
see also Peninsular War
Spencer, General Sir Brent 614, 719
Spencer, Lady Lavinia 272–3, 294
Spencer, Lord 138, 209, 237, 238, 272, 357
spies 568
Stadion, Philippe 530
Staël, Madame de 151, 190, 387
Stanhope, Lady Hester 420, 464, 625
Stanhope, James 464–5
Stanislaus, Xavier 32
Staps, Frederick 683–4
Stein, Baron vom and zum 633
Stendhal 179
Stengel, General 38
Stevenson, Colonel James 609, 610
Stewart, Colonel 364, 365–6, 367
Stewart, Dugald 559
Stewart, Lord 876
Stewart, General William 592, 717
Stirling, Charles 210
Stopford, Rear-Admiral 650, 652
Strachan, Admiral Richard 456, 673, 675
Strangford, Lord 583
Strasbourg 844
Stuart, General James 606, 609, 626, 747
Stuart, Sir John 531, 591
submarines 422–3
Suchet, Marshal Louis-Gabriel 79, 401, 707–8, 724
Suckling, Captain Maurice 257, 258, 259, 260
Suez Canal 309, 329
sugar trade 142
Sullivan, Mr (British spy) 413–14
Sutton, Manvers 210
Sutton, Samuel 210
Sweden 109, 121, 352, 363, 368, 432, 490, 503, 527, 533, 588, 825
Switzerland 250, 346, 347, 375, 406, 408
Syria see Egyptian and Syrian campaigns
Tagliamento, Battle of 178
Tagus, River 614, 617, 698, 702, 704, 711, 713
Talavera, Battle of 699, 700–3
Talleyrand-Perigord, Charles Maurice 657, 686–7, 820, 922
character and background 188–90, 389
conspires against Napoleon 530, 654–6, 921
death of 911
during Revolutionary Wars 186, 249, 250, 300, 304
leads provisional government (1814) 853–4, 862
loses job as foreign minister 530
as Napoleon’s foreign minister 353, 376–7, 393, 401, 408, 442, 491–2, 502, 503, 515, 523, 527, 529
and Napoleon’s rise to power 336, 340, 343
and restoration 860, 862, 865–7, 871, 906–7
view of Napoleon 191, 586, 622, 623
Tallien, Jean-Lambert 53–4, 151
Tallien, Thérésia 151, 153
Tandy, Napper 226
Tate, Colonel 224
Tchaplitz, General 810, 811
Teil, Jean de Beaumond du 68
Teil, Jean-Pierre du 68, 69
Temple, Lord 94
Tenerife 271–2, 295
the Terror 26, 27, 38, 40, 42, 43, 47–55, 80, 119, 125
Texel 244, 426, 436
Theodore-Allemand, Zacharie-Jacques 219
Thermidoreans 335
Thionville 33
Third Coalition 430–2
Third Estate 12–15, 16, 18
Thirion, Auguste 815
Thornburgh, Admiral 563, 564, 636, 639
Thugut, Baron Johann 120, 146, 346, 350, 480
Thurman, Lieutenant 277
Tilsit, Treaty of 526–30, 532, 533, 577, 622, 763, 767, 824, 922, 923
Tippoo Sultan 250, 274, 311–12, 605–6, 607, 608
Tirlemont, Battle of 39
Tobago 143, 432
Battle of 872
Treaty of 177
Tolstoy, Count 537
Tone, Theobald Wolfe 172, 221, 222–3, 225, 226, 242, 244
Torres, Francisco de 547–8
Torres Vedras, Lines of 616, 617, 704–8, 709, 710, 730
Toulon 74, 76, 77–8, 124, 130–1, 132, 140, 150, 267, 268, 269, 273, 317, 426, 428, 434, 569, 576, 577–8, 588
Toulouse, Battle of 758
Tournai 137, 876
Toussaint L’Ouverture 144, 403–4
Trachenburg Plan 834
Trafalgar, Battle of 447–59, 484, 497
Trant, Colonel 709, 710
Trent 169, 172
Trèves 31
Trevor, John 169
Tribunals, revolutionary 48, 51–2
Trinidad 145, 171, 375, 436, 496
Triple Alliance 115–16
Tripoli 311
Tripoli, Bey of 300
Trotter, John 378
Troubridge, Thomas 232, 271, 275, 291, 296, 354, 358, 372–4
Troyes 849, 850, 851
Truguet, Admiral 73
Tudela, Battle of 625
Tuileries 23, 26, 118
Tunis 546
Turcoine 137
Turin 162, 184, 333, 406
Turkey see Ottoman empire
Tuscany 145, 165, 168, 296, 349, 350
Tyrol 166, 479, 490, 633, 663
Ulm 461, 483
Ulster 224–5, 462
uniforms, British 420
United States 142, 353, 404, 535
Uxbridge, Lord 884, 890, 895, 896
Valance, General 39
Valencia 587, 724, 740
Valenciennes 127, 129, 138
aljouan, Battle of 850
Valladolid 613, 624, 626, 627, 628, 739, 750
Valmy, Battle of 33–4, 37, 165, 476
Vandamme, General 765, 771
Vansittart, Nicholas 497
Vauchamps, Battle of 850
Vendée uprising 121–4, 127, 132, 140, 149, 576, 588
Venegas, General 699, 700, 701, 702
Venezuela 588
Venice 172, 177, 179, 184, 441, 490
Verdun 33
Verona 173, 179, 822
Versailles 19–20, 863
Vertray, Lieutenant 281, 283–4
Vial, General 298
Viasma 780
Vicenza 173
Vicogne 135
Victor Amadeus III, Duke of Savoy, King of Sardinia 34, 120, 162
Victor, Marshal Claude-Perrin 524, 624, 838, 844, 860
Peninsular War 696, 699, 700, 701, 702
Russian campaign 809, 811, 814, 824
Vienna 178, 183, 346, 347, 350, 360, 483, 663, 664, 665, 669
Congress of 865–7, 868, 871, 873
march on 484
Napoleon in possession of (1809) 666, 672
Villaret-Joyeuse, Admiral 213, 214, 215, 218
Villeneuve, Comte Pierre de 293, 417, 428, 434–5, 436–8, 439, 440, 441–2, 446, 447, 448, 450, 453, 457–8, 484–5, 538, 912
Vilna 819
Vilnius 766, 769, 771, 772, 815–16
Vimeiro, Battle of 616–18
Visconti, Madame 304
Vistula, River 517, 519, 840
Vitebsk 772, 773–7, 803
Vitoria, Battle of 750–1, 832
Voltaire 14, 914
Wagram, Battle of 660, 670–2, 674, 677, 684, 903
Walcheren expedition 672–5
Wales, Prince of see George IV
Walewska, Countess Marie 157, 518, 523–4, 682, 684, 685, 687, 857, 868, 874, 904, 912
Walpole, Horace 257
Walpole, Sir Robert 98, 257
Warren, Sir John 210, 218, 219, 225
Warsaw 134, 516, 517, 529, 622, 663, 665, 764, 830
Washington, George 16, 17, 45, 482, 695, 696, 873
water supplies 255, 277, 281, 300, 610–11, 780
Battle of 569, 662, 880, 889–903, 926
village of 878, 883, 886, 888
Waters, Colonel 736, 747
Wavre 886–7
military 472, 477
naval 204–6
torpedoes 422–3, 579
Wedderburn-Webster, Lady Frances 877, 907
Weimar, Marguerite Josephine 864
Weissenburg 121
Weissenfeld, Battle of 829
Wellesley, Anne 600, 601
Wellesley, Henry 604
Wellesley, Richard, 2nd Earl of Mornington 433, 600, 601–2, 604–8, 611, 612, 618, 726, 873, 925
Wellesley-Pole, William 600, 613, 618
Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of 92, 105, 137, 139, 443, 462, 463, 464, 498–9, 588, 599–618, 660, 926
appearance 602, 742, 746, 748, 908
at Congress of Vienna 873
at Copenhagen 534, 612
background 599–600
in Belgium 874, 876–9
Battle of Waterloo 889–903