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Have a Heart 2

Page 5

by Rachel Burns

  Scott looked at Brianna. “I’ll sleep on the floor.”

  She smirked at him. She thought that was funny, but she hid it well.

  “We’ll take it.” He pulled out his wallet and paid for everything again. Scott took the key and Brianna to their room, and they got settled in. Brianna took her evening tablets as Scott flipped through the channels.

  “Do you want to watch ‘It’s a Wonderful Life?’ It’s just starting.”

  “Sure.” She cuddled up in bed under the blankets still fully clothed minus her shoes. Scott sat at the foot of the bed and watched. He wanted to get the moon for Brianna too just like the man in the movie.

  “Scott, I really don’t want you to sleep on the floor. I think we are both grown up enough to share the bed without worrying what someone might think. We would know that we didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “Are you sure?” Scott asked.

  “Of course, I am.”

  He shrugged his shoulders. This was an emergency, and she was basically saying that she trusted him. He moved back on his side of the bed. He took off his shoes and climbed in under the blankets too.

  They both sat there watching the movie with their hands on their own sides.

  When the movie was over, and the bell had rung, Scott looked over at Brianna. She had fallen asleep.

  He used the remote to turn off the TV. He snuggled in next to her. She was right. They were adults who were tired. He fell asleep quickly.

  Brianna was slowly waking up and yawning. She was about to roll over when she noticed that Scott had cuddled up to her in the night. She could hear him deeply breathing behind her. He had somehow managed to find a comfortable position. His hand was cupping her breast, and she could feel him behind her.

  She wasn’t sure how to react. She knew that men’s penises were often – erect in the morning, and that his hand was probably there, and he most likely had no idea. He would be embarrassed if he knew. His thing seemed to be getting even harder.

  He must like her body, or he was having a very nice dream, she thought. Now was the time to act. She tried to move a little, but his arm was really heavy. She solved the problem by rolling on her stomach.

  Her movement woke him.

  He woke up and looked around. Brianna rolled around the other way and looked at him. She had a cat that ate the canary look to her.

  “I trust you slept well.”

  He gave her an odd look. “I slept just fine.”

  “I know. What were you dreaming about?”

  “Did I snore or something?”

  “Not really. Never mind anyway. Merry Christmas, Scott.”

  He looked over at her on her pillow, facing him. “Merry Christmas, Brianna.”

  This was all he wanted for Christmas, pillow talk with Brianna. He thought of this and that to say until he couldn’t avoid getting up.

  When he looked back, later in life, he would remember how beautiful she looked first thing in the morning. He was glad for the time alone with her.

  Besides, he hadn’t wanted her to see his morning erection. That would have been embarrassing. Staying in bed talking gave him a moment to cool down.

  Scott showered and got ready. He went to get his car while she showered. Everything had been very innocent. He was proud of himself.

  Scott got them back on the road. He was in an especially good mood. Brianna kept asking herself how she felt about the whole situation. Did he know, or didn’t he? His mood was just too good, but it was Christmastime. That was probably the reason for his good mood. It wasn’t what Jessica had said. Scott wasn’t a pervert. It had been an accident.

  It was just that she had never been touched by a man before, and she wanted her husband to be the only one to ever touch her there.

  Oh, forget it, she thought to herself; no one was going to marry her anyway. Plus she had heard that he was sleeping. He would have never done that if he was awake. At least, she wouldn’t die completely untouched. She laughed to herself.

  “What’s so funny?” Scott had been watching her out of the corner of his eye. She had looked so sad and concentrated, but then she smiled.

  “Nothing.” Her nothing came too fast.

  “Come on, tell me.”

  “Trust me, you don’t want to know.” She smirked and then looked away again. She looked sad again after a while.

  Scott wracked his brain. She wasn’t like this yesterday. Had something happened in the night that he didn’t know about? He just remembered sleeping especially well. He had dreamed about her too but nothing that bad. He dreamed that he was kissing her. Did he kiss her in his sleep and wake her up?

  He worried about a whole list of things on the way home. They remained quiet for the most part. Talking only when the silence became too loud, the lack of noise unbearable.

  He dropped her off at her house. He had wanted to carry her bag in for, but she sent him home to his family.

  Her parents were in bed when she came in. Her father was very sick, and her mother, having once again to care for someone sick and not being properly healed up herself, was just plain exhausted.

  She crawled into bed with her parents who wrapped their arms around her. They both fell asleep again.

  Brianna stared at the ceiling. She was still scolding herself for making such a big deal out of nothing. He had even touched her breasts before, when he was saving her life. She let herself fall asleep again.

  Scott pulled Cathy to the side. “I want you to call Brianna and ask her how the trip was. Something must have happened last night because she hardly talked to me this morning.”

  “Okay, but you owe me.” Cathy went to the phone and dialed her number.

  Brianna heard the phone. She crawled carefully over her sleeping mother and grabbed the phone and went out into the hall, clearing her throat before she spoke. “Hello.”

  “Brianna, hi. It’s Cathy. I’m just calling to ask you how things went. Your finals and the trip home.”

  “He told you to call, didn’t he?”

  “Sure did.” Cathy was laughing but still able to hide it from Brianna.

  “And he is standing right there?”

  “Got that right.” Cathy let a giggle go and then laid her hand over her mouth it kept the rest of them in.

  “Cathy, I can’t tell you it would only embarrass him. Please the best thing would be just to drop it.” Brianna felt like crying.

  “Tell me what he did.” Cathy was mad. Her eyes flashed fire at Scott, who was going pale as he listened.

  “Cathy, my parents are both sick. I have to take care of them.”

  “Did you sleep at all last night? You sound so tired.”

  “Don’t worry about me. I just woke up a little too early this morning. It’s no big deal. Just forget it. It would only embarrass me. Please just drop it. Goodbye.”

  “Goodbye, Brianna.” Cathy turned to Scott and socked him as hard as he could.

  Scott ignored the blow. “What did she say? Tell me exactly what she said.”

  Their father came in and shook his head. He mumbled something about Junior High and left again.

  “She said it would embarrass you, and then she said it would embarrass her. Think Scott what could you have done?”

  “I don’t know!” He stormed out and got in his car. He was pretty sure he had done something slightly embarrassing like farting in the night, or he had done something very indecent, like kissing and touching. She even asked him what he had dreamed about. She had laughed and smiled at him.

  Scott parked outside of her house. He looked up at her bedroom window as he got out and straightened himself out.

  Brianna opened the door before he could ring the bell. “My parents are sleeping.”

  She was still wearing her clothes from yesterday. She looked tired.

  “Tell me.”

  “I don’t know what you are talking about.” She was red in the face from the beginning, but now she turned beet red.

  “Look me in the
eye and say that.”

  That was something she would probably never be able to do again.

  “Look, Scott, you are truly making a mountain out of a mole hill. My parents are sleeping, and I wanted to use this chance to cook them something to eat.”

  “Fine, I’ll help you.” He charged past her and wiped his feet on the rug and went into the kitchen. He had his hands folded over his chest, and he was scowling.

  She followed him in and washed her hands. He copied her, and she started in making a broth for her parents. She gave him a carrot to chop up, but otherwise, she ignored him.

  When he couldn’t take the silence anymore, he turned to her. “Did I kiss you or something?”

  The correct answer to that question would be ‘or something.’ “No you didn’t kiss me.” But he had before. It was Christmas Day why wasn’t he at home with his family? He didn’t like her, did he?

  “Did I fart or something like that?”

  “No, you didn’t.” Her eyes widened. “Did I?”

  He laughed, “No. I just remember you fell asleep, and I turned the TV off, and then we woke up. Right now I’m envisioning all kinds of rude things that I may have done.”

  Brianna covered her mouth and sat down on the floor. She just couldn’t stop laughing. Her side started to hurt. He really had no idea. She tried to laugh as quietly as she could so her father wouldn’t come down. She guessed that much strength he did have.

  Scott sat down on the floor and stared at her. “Please, tell me.”

  He still looked so worried, making her laugh all the more. If he didn’t know, then it was okay.

  “Brianna, tell me, or I will take you over my knees.”

  At first, her eyes widened. She had stopped laughing right away. “But you can’t. I’m at home. I should be safe from you here.” A tear trickled down her face.

  “You’re right. I’m sorry.” He stood up and moved away from her. “I obviously did something very ungentlemanly. Whatever it was I’m sorry. Please accept my apologies.”

  “Of course.” She slowly stood careful to keep her backside away from him.

  “I’m really sorry. I won’t bother you again.” He looked so sad and disappointed.

  “No, Scott, wait. I’ll tell you. Just don’t be mad at me.”

  “I did something wrong, and you are worried that I will be mad at you?” He turned only his head to look back at her.

  “I wasn’t sure if you were awake or not, but the show here was pretty convincing. You – cuddled up on me while you slept. It was really nothing. I shouldn’t have – Never mind, but then you were in such a good mood this morning that my mind began to wonder.”

  Scott let that sink in. He closed his eyes and pictured himself cuddling up on Brianna. If she had been facing towards him it would have been a hug and not something that she would have mentioned, but if she had been facing away from him then – “Brianna, where were my hands?” He turned to look at her blushed three shades of red.

  “Umm well, one seemed to be over your head, and the other arm was wrapped around me.”

  “Good now we know where my arms were, where was my hand?”

  She turned away from him.

  “I didn’t,” he said in shocked disbelief. “I did, didn’t I? I’m really sorry. It wasn’t on purpose. I feel like such a heel. Please forgive me. I knew I should have slept on the floor.”

  “You know what they say, no blood, no foul. Forget it. I know you weren’t trying to make a pass at me, and it was honestly nothing. I even thought it was kind of funny this morning, but then I started to wonder if you were really asleep. This is all my fault. An overactive imagination on my part. I was being ridiculous. I really am sorry.”

  “No, it is me who should be sorry not you. I’m truly sorry.” He hurried out and left.

  Chapter 6 – Not A Good Friend

  Brianna hadn’t seen Scott since Christmas Day. She was hiding in her room. Her parents had stopped by his room to thank him for driving her home when they brought her back to college.

  She even laughed at herself because she listened by the door to hear if he was in the hall before she quickly ran to the bathroom. Of course, she was being an idiot, but she wasn’t looking forward to her Friday night visits either.

  Then she heard the dreaded knock. She had already decided to beg him for forgiveness. She had been the one making a mountain out of a molehill. But when she opened the door, Cathy was standing there.

  “Hi, I haven’t seen you in a while,” Cathy chirped.

  “Hello, Cathy.” Brianna looked around to make sure that he wasn’t around before her eyes focused back on Cathy.

  “May I come in,” she whispered.

  “Sure.” Brianna stepped aside to let her friend in.

  “Here is your schedule. He said, no stress with expectations. You two aren’t talking, I take it?”

  “I said I was sorry, and I really meant it. But I don’t know what to do. I was being so childish. It isn’t like he was even the first. Truthfully, lots of men have touch me there. It is honestly no big deal, but he is embarrassed.”

  “Where did he touch you?” she continued to whisper.

  “He was asleep, and he didn’t even know it.”

  “Where?” Cathy asked wide-eyed.

  “When I woke up he had – He was sleeping, mind you. He had his arm around me and his hand was –” She pointed to her breasts.

  Cathy burst out laughing.

  “Don’t laugh. I laughed too, and now he won’t even talk to me.” Brianna shrugged her shoulders, frowning. She wasn’t about to admit to her friend that she had hoped that maybe he liked her. “He feels very ungentlemanly now.”

  “He even told me that as long as you don’t screw up, he will stay away on Fridays too. He also said that if you want to move to another floor, or if you want to move in with the Dean, then you can. He will do the explaining if need be.”

  “Like they wouldn’t ask me too.” Brianna rolled her eyes. “I’m fine here. I’m so sorry. I should have just kept my mouth shut. You are between a rock and a hard place, Cathy. I’m genuinely sorry about this.”

  “That’s all right.” Cathy got up and moved to the door. She thought about telling Brianna that her brother was in love with her. Cathy wondered if that would make things better or worse. She left saying nothing.

  Of course he didn’t want her, men’s bodies just reacted differently. He was probably even dreaming about some movie star while he held her breast. That was why his body had swelled down there.

  There were so many girls at school, it wouldn’t be probable for him to want the scarred up one.

  He was the only guy she knew. She just didn’t have the experience. Just because she didn’t know anyone else didn’t mean that she couldn’t find someone at college.

  A nice guy from back home. That’s what she needed.

  Cathy knocked on Scott’s door. He pulled her in. “What did she say?”

  “Mostly that she is sorry. She doesn’t want to move out, and that she had been very childish. She blames herself.”

  Scott rolled his eyes, dismissing the thought.

  Cathy smiled then, “She also said that you weren’t even the first to touch her there. Lots of guys had touched her there already. It was no big deal.”

  “Did she say where?” His fists were clenched just thinking about lots of other guys touching her.

  Cathy pointed at her own breasts.

  “Thank God. I was so worried that my hand had wandered further south.”

  Cathy raised an eyebrow as she looked at him.

  “What other guys?”

  “I’m guessing doctors? Chill, Scott,” she said, staring at his clenched fists.

  “Yes, of course. The thought was just driving me nuts.”

  “Maybe it is time to tell her.”

  “No, then she will end up on someone else’s floor, and she will do something and get into trouble and then – I want her under my protection.”

  They avoided each other very successfully. The only time they saw each other was in the cafeteria. Scott would stare over at their table and watch Brianna, but she was able to resist the urge to look at him. Her grades were perfect, and she always showed up on time. She didn’t cause him any problems. Her health was great. They had no need to talk to each other.

  Brianna felt guilty that she had said anything at all. She wished with all of her heart that she could go back in time and take it back. She felt like such an outsider. Like her presence disgusted him. She was so ashamed of herself.

  Scott still couldn’t believe that he had done that to her. How would she ever be able to see him as a mature partner when he did things like that?

  Before Brianna knew it, it was the end of the trimester. She had managed not to talk to Scott at all this year. Or had he managed not to talk to her, she wondered.

  Brianna was sitting in the lounge with the others waiting for their results. She wasn’t that nervous. She figured a ‘B’ would be the lowest she would get. In face, she had enjoyed her classes.

  Scott came in and smiled at them. That meant that no one was in trouble. They all sighed relieved. Brianna had looked away before he could meet her eye. “You all met your expectations. Enjoy your long weekend. I’ll speak with each of you in your rooms.”

  Brianna went to her room and brushed her teeth and washed her face. She changed into her pajamas. Because she was a bit chilly, she decided to lay down before Cathy arrived with her report card. She heard the knock and called out ‘come in.’

  Brianna was writing her parents an e-mail as she laid in her bed on top of her electric blanket, balancing her laptop on her knees. She didn’t look up to say ‘hi’ to Cathy. Her first notion that it wasn’t Cathy was when she heard the desk chair moving. She gasped and looked up. It was Scott.

  “Hello, Brianna, how have you been?” He was fighting against his own embarrassment. He had thought that it would get better with time, but it had only gotten worse.


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